Which is it?...Is it MORE media scrutiny OR, MORE evidence of corruption?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
With this very latest bombshell that will oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and further bring shame to the Trump administration's now moronic and false claim that Trump was elected to "drain the swamp"............is it that the media is anti-Trump OR that Trump has surrounded himself with the VERY worst of corrupted bastards???

Surely NO Trump supporter can further claim that there are NO ties between this administration and our most powerful foe on the planet......Russia......

Well, after all, there is reality and then there is cult mentality....so, we'll see.

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and ...

Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out ...

Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - The New York ...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia ...
With this very latest bombshell that will oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and further bring shame to the Trump administration's now moronic and false claim that Trump was elected to "drain the swamp"............is it that the media is anti-Trump OR that Trump has surrounded himself with the VERY worst of corrupted bastards???

Surely NO Trump supporter can further claim that there are NO ties between this administration and our most powerful foe on the planet......Russia......

Well, after all, there is reality and then there is cult mentality....so, we'll see.

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and ...

Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out ...

Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - The New York ...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia ...

So having an offshore bank account makes you guilty of colluding with the Russians? I gaurantee you there isn't a person in this country worth more than $10 million who doesn't have an offshore account. Probably 2/3 of people worth over $1 million have them.

This is just more bullshit and spin.
With this very latest bombshell that will oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and further bring shame to the Trump administration's now moronic and false claim that Trump was elected to "drain the swamp"............is it that the media is anti-Trump OR that Trump has surrounded himself with the VERY worst of corrupted bastards???

Surely NO Trump supporter can further claim that there are NO ties between this administration and our most powerful foe on the planet......Russia......

Well, after all, there is reality and then there is cult mentality....so, we'll see.

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and ...

Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out ...

Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - The New York ...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia ...

So having an offshore bank account makes you guilty of colluding with the Russians? I gaurantee you there isn't a person in this country worth more than $10 million who doesn't have an offshore account. Probably 2/3 of people worth over $1 million have them.

This is just more bullshit and spin.

.....and here chimes in one of the most moronic Trump CULT members......

Keep that bent over stance........you've grown to like it...........LOL
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With this very latest bombshell that will oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and further bring shame to the Trump administration's now moronic and false claim that Trump was elected to "drain the swamp"............is it that the media is anti-Trump OR that Trump has surrounded himself with the VERY worst of corrupted bastards???

Surely NO Trump supporter can further claim that there are NO ties between this administration and our most powerful foe on the planet......Russia......

Well, after all, there is reality and then there is cult mentality....so, we'll see.

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and ...

Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out ...

Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - The New York ...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia ...

So having an offshore bank account makes you guilty of colluding with the Russians? I gaurantee you there isn't a person in this country worth more than $10 million who doesn't have an offshore account. Probably 2/3 of people worth over $1 million have them.

This is just more bullshit and spin.

.....and here chimes in one of the most moronic Trump CULT members......

Keep that bent over stance........you've grown to like it...........LOL
As bad as Trump is, you lefties are even worse. You are easily duped by the DNC media into believing all sorts of absurd shit about Trump. If only you guys were logical in your criticisms, you would not be laughed at.

I for one much prefer a media constantly monitoring and criticizing the POTUS. Rather than constantly showering the POTUS with love songs, as they did for the long terrible years of Big Ears.
As bad as Trump is, you lefties are even worse. You are easily duped by the DNC media into believing all sorts of absurd shit about Trump. If only you guys were logical in your criticisms, you would not be laughed at.

Atta boy, Gip......the very "best" way to avoid criticizing the fucking failure that you helped infest the oval office with, is to accuse the "other side," correct??

Wouldn't THIS occasion regarding Ross be a good one to simply state that Trump has surrounded himself with unethical crooks??
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Everything Trump stands accused of, no matter how frivolous or laughable, pales in comparison to that which we know about what the Clintons did...
Is there really a substantive difference in what befalls every new potus. Obama promised hope and change, yet it turned out his house was partially gifted by Rezko and he wanted Jarrett to get his senate seat, but Blago tried to auction it off. Welcome to Chicago.

How could anyone have voted for Putin ... I mean Trump ... without at least suspecting the Oranguton was owned by the Kremlin? And he's bailing out Coal by increasing people's energy bills. Are we surprised?

I think the only difference between the usual hyporcrisy of the outsider - drain the swamp my ass, Trump IS the swamp - is that he may have committed an election felony. Not that the gop will impeach the guy who gets to nominate Justices or will sing a tax bill giving the top 1% millions to hundreds of thousancs per year in tax giveaways for debt - but it is a new level in corruption.
Everything Trump stands accused of, no matter how frivolous or laughable, pales in comparison to that which we know about what the Clintons did...

have some more orange kool-aid..........

Want to compare how Trump's administration will be compared to Clinton's???

Clinton - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. Nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.
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drain the swamp my ass, Trump IS the swamp

AMEN....with all the stench that emanates from a filthy swamp....
Yeah, the Trumpskyies are as even funnier than the Hope and Change folks because Trump actually is owned by our enemies.

Obama was crooked like all pols ... the level of corruption is not suggesting they are actually bought and paid for in terms of quid pro quos. Obama gave to alternative energy, but failed to realize the Chinese cornered the solar market by selling below cost ... and we give US maftrs enough money to be competitive. LOL Trump subisidizes coal with ratepayers' money. I laugh at the Trumpbots "drain the swamp bs"

However, both Trump and Hillary stink of quid pro quo. We have sunk to a new level, imo.
With this very latest bombshell that will oust commerce secretary Wilbur Ross and further bring shame to the Trump administration's now moronic and false claim that Trump was elected to "drain the swamp"............is it that the media is anti-Trump OR that Trump has surrounded himself with the VERY worst of corrupted bastards???

Surely NO Trump supporter can further claim that there are NO ties between this administration and our most powerful foe on the planet......Russia......

Well, after all, there is reality and then there is cult mentality....so, we'll see.

Massive Leak Reveals New Ties Between Trump Administration and ...

Trump commerce secretary's business links with Putin family laid out ...

Commerce Secretary's Offshore Ties to Putin 'Cronies' - The New York ...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia ...

I'm sorry, but do you know Penny Pritzker?
No, this was brought to us by obama and the clintons. The rest is just lib frothing, hate, division, etc.
Everything Trump stands accused of, no matter how frivolous or laughable, pales in comparison to that which we know about what the Clintons did...

have some more orange kool-aid..........

Want to compare how Trump's administration will be compared to Clinton's???

Clinton - 8yrs in office. 2 criminal indictments. one conviction. one prison sentence. Nearly 8yrs of investigations. tens of millions spent and 30yrs of claiming them the most corrupt ever and there was exactly one person convicted of a crime.

Any Trump cult member want to guess how the Trump's administration indictments will be compared to Clinton's........LOL
As bad as Trump is, you lefties are even worse. You are easily duped by the DNC media into believing all sorts of absurd shit about Trump. If only you guys were logical in your criticisms, you would not be laughed at.

Atta boy, Gip......the very "best" way to avoid criticizing the fucking failure that you helped infest the oval office with, is to accuse the "other side," correct??

Wouldn't THIS occasion regarding Ross be a good one to simply state that Trump has surrounded himself with unethical crooks??

The tactic of accusing the other side of exactly what you are doing, is something the Left has perfected.

Obama surrounded himself with unethical crooks, yet you loved it. What is different?
The tactic of accusing the other side of exactly what you are doing, is something the Left has perfected.

Obama surrounded himself with unethical crooks, yet you loved it. What is different?

How many indictments were issued in Obama's 8 years?

How many indictments have been issued in Trump's 9 months in office?
The tactic of accusing the other side of exactly what you are doing, is something the Left has perfected.

Obama surrounded himself with unethical crooks, yet you loved it. What is different?

How many indictments were issued in Obama's 8 years?

How many indictments have been issued in Trump's 9 months in office?
Means nothing. Obama was untouchable. The MSM adored him and so did the Ds and many of the Rs. He could and did whatever he wanted. There were no checks and balances on his power. We can be thankful he didn't do much worse. If you don't know that he committed numerous unconstitutional actions, you don't know much.

Why you lefties love him is behind me. He clearly was a warmongering corporatist elitist owned by the .01%.

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