Which is more important: "presumption of innocence" or "an unsubstantiated allegation of a crime"?

Which is more important: "presumption of innocence" or "an unsubstantiated allegation of a crime"?

  • Presumption Of Innocence

  • An unsubstantiated allegation of a crime

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Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Which is more important: "presumption of innocence" or "an unsubstantiated allegation of a crime"?

I say the "presumption of innocence" is more important!
Innocent until proven guilty is a liberal ideal hard wired into our way of life

What a shame that regressives do not believe in it.
I just had to post this here. Its from a guy named "Mike" commenting on article about Lindsey Graham's response in this whole thing. I thought it was perfect for this thread.

"you dont choose to believe one person over another~~ you weigh the supporting evidence~~ and if none are presented then opposing testimonies should wash each other out~ Her word does not carry more weight then his based on her being the accuser, nor does his carry more then hers for being the defendant~ with both statement opposing each other it leaves the scales in balance and as is the foundation of this country's justice system the burden of the evidence is upon the accuser to provide not the defender, he or she is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty~ "

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