Which Party is the most Constitutional?

Which party adheres better to the Constitution?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Neither/Other (Explain in post)

    Votes: 27 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
Seriously, sit down and think about that for a second. The answer would seem obvious to you, I'd gauge. If you're a Republican, your party. If you're a Democrat, you'd probably say yours. Both of you would readily say that the other party doesn't care about the Constitution. What if I told you, that neither party cares? That neither of them respects the Constitution as it is written?

For nearly a century, the Constitutional rights of others have been stripped and restored, then stripped again, so on and so forth. Laws, laws and more laws have been passed, blurring the meaning and spirit of the Constitution. And these laws have been passed by both parties at one point in time or another. Here, I'll give you some examples, transgressions against the Constitution committed by both parties (drawn from memory):

1) Republican Abraham Lincoln, suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus for captured Confederate Soldiers during the Civil War.

2) Democrats enacted Jim Crow Laws in the South, until the enactment of the Civil Rights act of 1964.

3) Republicans were responsible for the Patriot Act.

4) Democrats were responsible for the Patriot Act's precursor, Project Echelon.

5) Republicans are responsible for the McCain-Feingold Act.

6) Democrat FDR censored the media and threw Japanese Americans into internment camps during WWII. He also used the IRS to attack Huey Long.

7) Admittedly, Republicans passing laws banning gay marriage would be unconstitutional. The 14th Amendment is quite clear about it. Every citizen deserves equal treatment under the law. America is a land of equality and opportunity not of exclusion and limitation. No matter how I as a Christian try to ignore it, it's there. Like it or not.

8) Democrats have perpetrated over some of the more egregious violations of the Constitution in the past 6 years, however. By forcing religious institutions to fund abortions or provide for them against their beliefs via the ACA's abortion mandate, passing the ACA itself, repeatedly changing and delaying a law passed by Congress, raiding the offices of the news media, using the IRS to attack Tea Party groups, using the NSA to spy on literally all of America and World Leaders, and killing American terrorist sympathizers without due process.

I'm sure there are many others to list, but seriously, neither party can say they respect the Constitution. It is easy enough to say that neither party is Constitutional in their behavior. I may catch hell for this, but hey, I didn't make this thread to please anyone. Simply, it was made to point out a painful reality.

In the poll, I want people to vote on who you believe follows the letter of the Constitution more closely, Democrats, Republicans, or neither.
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Good luck. Neither party gives anything more than lip service to the constitution, it gets in the way of the payoffs, kickbacks, and slush funds.
Neither adheres to the Constitution at all, they both use it as a sledge hammer when it serves their purpose and toilet paper when it doesn't.

The War on Drugs is a great example for anyone who thinks the Republicans are better that they are not. Federal drug laws violate the 10th amendment, the war gives the government massive power which they use to invade our privacy and track and control our financial transactions, confiscate property with no due process or warrants.

Then there's the war on terror and the endless military excursions into other people's business which is not for defense of the United States.

Then there's that in reality both parties don't fight the other's Constitutional transgressions to any significant degree.

They are both losers in this one, which makes the people losers.
The Constitution is what the courts say not what internet posters believe
The Constitution is what the courts say not what internet posters believe

NO, actually, the document is pretty clear. That you believe judges are the ones who determine what the constitution is, goes to show that people have abandoned the rule of law in faovr of the rule of men. Again. Welcome to hundreds of years ago.
Oh, and neither, obviously. The constitution has been molested into being unrecognizeable at this point.
Seriously, sit down and think about that for a second. The answer would seem obvious to you, I'd gauge. If you're a Republican, your party. If you're a Democrat, you'd probably say yours. Both of you would readily say that the other party doesn't care about the Constitution. What if I told you, that neither party cares? That neither of them respects the Constitution as it is written?

For nearly a century, the Constitutional rights of others have been stripped and restored, then stripped again, so on and so forth. Laws, laws and more laws have been passed, blurring the meaning and spirit of the Constitution. And these laws have been passed by both parties at one point in time or another. Here, I'll give you some examples, transgressions against the Constitution committed by both parties (drawn from memory):

1) Republican Abraham Lincoln, suspended the writ of Habeas Corpus for captured Confederate Soldiers during the Civil War.

2) Democrats enacted Jim Crow Laws in the South, until the enactment of the Civil Rights act of 1964.

3) Republicans were responsible for the Patriot Act.

4) Democrats were responsible for the Patriot Act's precursor, Project Echelon.

5) Republicans are responsible for the McCain-Feingold Act.

6) Democrat FDR censored the media and threw Japanese Americans into internment camps during WWII. He also used the IRS to attack Huey Long.

7) Admittedly, Republicans passing laws banning gay marriage would be unconstitutional. The 14th Amendment is quite clear about it. Every citizen deserves equal treatment under the law. America is a land of equality and opportunity not of exclusion and limitation. No matter how I as a Christian try to ignore it, it's there. Like it or not.

8) Democrats have perpetrated over some of the more egregious violations of the Constitution in the past 6 years, however. By forcing religious institutions to fund abortions or provide for them against their beliefs via the ACA's abortion mandate, passing the ACA itself, repeatedly changing and delaying a law passed by Congress, raiding the offices of the news media, using the IRS to attack Tea Party groups, using the NSA to spy on literally all of America and World Leaders, and killing American terrorist sympathizers without due process.

I'm sure there are many others to list, but seriously, neither party can say they respect the Constitution. It is easy enough to say that neither party is Constitutional in their behavior. I may catch hell for this, but hey, I didn't make this thread to please anyone. Simply, it was made to point out a painful reality.

In the poll, I want people to vote on who you believe follows the letter of the Constitution more closely, Democrats, Republicans, or neither.

Sounds like something that could be determined objectively googling for a site with such comparisons. Subjectively though thinking of the Patriot Act after 9/11, both parties are equally guilty of abandoning the Constitution passing it. I therefore can't say which is more Constitutional.

As ever, I believe in non-partisanship being the best solution - shouldn't be political parties since too often officials vote solely along party-lines instead of deciding what's actually best for their constiuents. Plus, the more you define yourself polticially, the mroebiased youa re when bias is in fact bad. Judges for example are best when uninvolved in politics (even if they're required to be so in that becomming a Judge is itself an elected office.) But ideally, a fair and judicious person whether a judge or not should be as unbiased as possible. 'Fair and balanced' is an oxymoron. Not every issue has balance, so if you're about being fair, you should be doing whatever's right in a given situation, but being 'balanced' would mean you're equating both sides as equally in merit when not every issue is equal in merit. Sometimes the right side is the right side, and the other side is the wrong side. Civil rights are often this way, there may be opposition but it's not as right as the right side.
Where is the both option? Poll fail.

Lol, can you not read? Does the word "neither" mean anything? Reading comprehension fail, Seawytch. The mud pit is thattaway.

You asked "Which party is the most "Constitutional"?"

Both is not the same as neither. Apparently yours is an English comprehension problem.

Yanno, I didn't ask you to debate grammar with me, just vote Democrat and go, Seawytch.

Neither means both. That's the bottom line.
The CONSTITUTION failed, citizens.

It allows graft.

If you think I am incorrect about this FATAL FLAW, then please direct me to the place in the COTUS that prevents campaign finance from becoming GRAFT by another name.

So I truly do not give a flying fuck which Party ya'll think is more constitutional.

The COTUS is a joke if it cannot prevent the wholesale purchasing of our government.
Neither adheres to the Constitution at all, they both use it as a sledge hammer when it serves their purpose and toilet paper when it doesn't.


You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.
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The Constitution is what the courts say not what internet posters believe

NO, actually, the document is pretty clear. That you believe judges are the ones who determine what the constitution is, goes to show that people have abandoned the rule of law in faovr of the rule of men. Again. Welcome to hundreds of years ago.

If the document were that clear, we would not have thousands of legal cases asking for interpretation
The Constitution is what the courts say not what internet posters believe

NO, actually, the document is pretty clear. That you believe judges are the ones who determine what the constitution is, goes to show that people have abandoned the rule of law in faovr of the rule of men. Again. Welcome to hundreds of years ago.

If the document were that clear, we would not have thousands of legal cases asking for interpretation

We? You mean lawyers, politicians and the courts? who have used every morsel and syllable in the document to forward the State agenda of more state authority? Yeah, I get that. it's what i said before. The document is clear.
The CONSTITUTION failed, citizens.

It allows graft.

If you think I am incorrect about this FATAL FLAW, then please direct me to the place in the COTUS that prevents campaign finance from becoming GRAFT by another name.

So I truly do not give a flying fuck which Party ya'll think is more constitutional.

The COTUS is a joke if it cannot prevent the wholesale purchasing of our government.

You must be joking. Just imagine what this country would be like, should it ever follow the rule and letter of the Constitution. The Constitution is a failure when you ignore it, ed.
The CONSTITUTION failed, citizens.

It allows graft.

If you think I am incorrect about this FATAL FLAW, then please direct me to the place in the COTUS that prevents campaign finance from becoming GRAFT by another name.

So I truly do not give a flying fuck which Party ya'll think is more constitutional.

The COTUS is a joke if it cannot prevent the wholesale purchasing of our government.

You must be joking. Just imagine what this country would be like, should it ever follow the rule and letter of the Constitution. The Constitution is a failure when you ignore it, ed.

And in that, his point is made. ENtrusting power seeking humans to uphold the rights establsihed in the constitution was a fatal flaw. The document is a failure because no one pays it any respect. Therefore, teh only true answer to securing rights, is that each individual secure them for themselves. And never again "elect" a ruler into a position of authority. in other words, anarchy is the only ethical and morally sound position whenit comes to societal governance. That should be completely decentralized to the individual. Any other system is doomed to inevitable failure.
Where is the both option? Poll fail.
If you need that then you need a "water is dry" option as well: your democrat and republican leaders killed that option when they consistently prove that the other side does not adhere to constitution. And they DO all sound very convincing when they expose the other side

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