Which Party is the most Constitutional?

Which party adheres better to the Constitution?

  • Democrats

    Votes: 2 5.6%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Neither/Other (Explain in post)

    Votes: 27 75.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The Constitution is what the courts say not what internet posters believe

What are the first three words of the Constitution?

We the people have chosen to delegate the authority to interpret the Constitution to the judicial branch.

That is stated where in the constitution???

We'll be waiting

(HINT... it is a power the judicial unconstitutionally granted itself... it is not originally granted nor was it granted thru the needed constitutional amendment)
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The Constitution is very clear and concise.

States - Domestic affairs
Federal - Foreign affairs.

The problem is that both parties thinks that the Federal should be in domestic affairs.

No that isnt quite true.
Is the PO domestic?
Is coining money domestic?
Are patents domestic?

Granted, the federal gov't has taken a grossly expansive view of its powers, esp over the last 75 years. But they can because of the gray areas.

No all three are used around the world.
Mail goes to everyone in the World.
Money is exchanged worldwide.
Patients are used worldwide.

Domestic is each State running their own affairs.
Progressives in both Parties have made that into all 50 States should have one rule by the Federal Government. The New Health Care Bill is one size fits all, when it doesn't fit all.
What works well in one State does not work well in another State.
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The Constitution is very clear and concise.

States - Domestic affairs
Federal - Foreign affairs.

The problem is that both parties thinks that the Federal should be in domestic affairs.

No that isnt quite true.
Is the PO domestic?
Is coining money domestic?
Are patents domestic?

Granted, the federal gov't has taken a grossly expansive view of its powers, esp over the last 75 years. But they can because of the gray areas.

No all three are used around the world.
Mail goes to everyone in the World.
Money is exchanged worldwide.
Patients are used worldwide.

Domestic is each State running their own affairs.
Progressives in both Parties have made that into all 50 States should have one rule by the Federal Government. The New Health Care Bill is one size fits all, when it doesn't fit all.
What works well in one State does not work well in another State.
US mail stays in the US. It goes to foreign mail services when it leaves US borders.
US dollar will not buy anything outside the US (except some countres like Panama that use the dollar)
Patents are good in the US only.
Neither adheres to the Constitution at all, they both use it as a sledge hammer when it serves their purpose and toilet paper when it doesn't.


You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.

I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.
The Constitution is very clear and concise.

States - Domestic affairs
Federal - Foreign affairs.

The problem is that both parties thinks that the Federal should be in domestic affairs.

Examples would be a good thing to provide to support your opinion.

Health care's a biggie lately. Drug policy. All kinds of things. You really can't think of any yourself?
It's easy to look up the Bill of Rights contained in the greatest document ever written. The problem is that many supreme court justices and most of the democrat party who are still able to reason are inclined to think of the Constitution as a guideline rather than the strict law of the land. That's the crux of the problem. Is the Constitution a law or just a guideline? I expect the political parties would line up with the GOP for strict law and the Dems for guideline.
Neither adheres to the Constitution at all, they both use it as a sledge hammer when it serves their purpose and toilet paper when it doesn't.


You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.

I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.

That last line utterly submarines any credibility your post might have claimed.
The CONSTITUTION failed, citizens.

It allows graft.

If you think I am incorrect about this FATAL FLAW, then please direct me to the place in the COTUS that prevents campaign finance from becoming GRAFT by another name.

So I truly do not give a flying fuck which Party ya'll think is more constitutional.

The COTUS is a joke if it cannot prevent the wholesale purchasing of our government.

You must be joking. Just imagine what this country would be like, should it ever follow the rule and letter of the Constitution. The Constitution is a failure when you ignore it, ed.

And in that, his point is made. ENtrusting power seeking humans to uphold the rights establsihed in the constitution was a fatal flaw. The document is a failure because no one pays it any respect. Therefore, teh only true answer to securing rights, is that each individual secure them for themselves. And never again "elect" a ruler into a position of authority. in other words, anarchy is the only ethical and morally sound position whenit comes to societal governance. That should be completely decentralized to the individual. Any other system is doomed to inevitable failure.

Who the hell else are you going to "entrust" power too?

Seriously are you daft?

Sure, lets get a bunch of codgers with no interest in running government, to run it.

That's a fucking swell idea.

We can draft them. You know, like soldiers.

Amazing shit you guys come up with..seriously.
You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.

I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.

That last line utterly submarines any credibility your post might have claimed.

Well no..it actually doesn't.

You folks have made this administration into some sort of outlier. Something that's never happened before.

Yet the President has, painstakingly, gone through every procedure almost every President before him, has gone through.

Has been much more careful with the processes he uses to govern than Reagan or George W. Bush..who were MUCH more radical.

And yet..you folks keep repeating this like anyone outside your little sowing circle is going to believe it.
No that isnt quite true.
Is the PO domestic?
Is coining money domestic?
Are patents domestic?

Granted, the federal gov't has taken a grossly expansive view of its powers, esp over the last 75 years. But they can because of the gray areas.

No all three are used around the world.
Mail goes to everyone in the World.
Money is exchanged worldwide.
Patients are used worldwide.

Domestic is each State running their own affairs.
Progressives in both Parties have made that into all 50 States should have one rule by the Federal Government. The New Health Care Bill is one size fits all, when it doesn't fit all.
What works well in one State does not work well in another State.
US mail stays in the US. It goes to foreign mail services when it leaves US borders.
US dollar will not buy anything outside the US (except some countres like Panama that use the dollar)
Patents are good in the US only.

US dollars are actually accepted directly pretty widely around the world. In Russia there was a panic when the US retired the old $100 bills without the security stripe thinking they would no longer be accepted (wasn't true). You may not get the best exchange rate if you buy with them at local shop, but the US dollar is the closest thing to a world currency by far, and the Euro has put a dent at the most in that.
I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.

That last line utterly submarines any credibility your post might have claimed.

Well no..it actually doesn't.

Sure it does. Not for those of us who know your postings - we already know you as a blind partisan cheerleader for the Democrats. For anyone else reading, however, the claim that this administration has done nothing unconstitutional is the 'tell'.

You folks have made this administration into some sort of outlier. Something that's never happened before.

I haven't. I've never said that Obama is anything other than more of the same shit.
That last line utterly submarines any credibility your post might have claimed.

Well no..it actually doesn't.

Sure it does. Not for those of us who know your postings - we already know you as a blind partisan cheerleader for the Democrats. For anyone else reading, however, the claim that this administration has done nothing unconstitutional is the 'tell'.

You folks have made this administration into some sort of outlier. Something that's never happened before.

I haven't. I've never said that Obama is anything other than more of the same shit.

You post this and I'm the one that "submarined" MY credibility?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well no..it actually doesn't.

Sure it does. Not for those of us who know your postings - we already know you as a blind partisan cheerleader for the Democrats. For anyone else reading, however, the claim that this administration has done nothing unconstitutional is the 'tell'.

You folks have made this administration into some sort of outlier. Something that's never happened before.

I haven't. I've never said that Obama is anything other than more of the same shit.

You post this and I'm the one that "submarined" MY credibility?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Find it and link it dumbass. You won't be able to.
Neither adheres to the Constitution at all, they both use it as a sledge hammer when it serves their purpose and toilet paper when it doesn't.


You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.

I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.

So the "conservatives" are the ones who want to be cowboys, but they aren't the ones who want to fight pirates?

John Adams was one of the most anti-slavery of the founders trying hard to ban it and being the most hesitant to go ahead with a country with it. Wouldn't that make him a liberal? But then when he wanted to pay tribute to the Barbary states instead of building a navy, he's a "conservative?"

You just make up the labels as you go, cracks me up.
No all three are used around the world.
Mail goes to everyone in the World.
Money is exchanged worldwide.
Patients are used worldwide.

Domestic is each State running their own affairs.
Progressives in both Parties have made that into all 50 States should have one rule by the Federal Government. The New Health Care Bill is one size fits all, when it doesn't fit all.
What works well in one State does not work well in another State.
US mail stays in the US. It goes to foreign mail services when it leaves US borders.
US dollar will not buy anything outside the US (except some countres like Panama that use the dollar)
Patents are good in the US only.

US dollars are actually accepted directly pretty widely around the world. In Russia there was a panic when the US retired the old $100 bills without the security stripe thinking they would no longer be accepted (wasn't true). You may not get the best exchange rate if you buy with them at local shop, but the US dollar is the closest thing to a world currency by far, and the Euro has put a dent at the most in that.

I've traveled extensively and have yet to visit a foreign country that accepts US currency.

I'd love it by the way. It's a real pain in the ass to get money exchanged.
Sure it does. Not for those of us who know your postings - we already know you as a blind partisan cheerleader for the Democrats. For anyone else reading, however, the claim that this administration has done nothing unconstitutional is the 'tell'.

I haven't. I've never said that Obama is anything other than more of the same shit.

You post this and I'm the one that "submarined" MY credibility?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Find it and link it dumbass. You won't be able to.

Find what?

The post is here.

You posted I "submarined" my credibility by posting that Obama is essentially basically like every other administration that proceeded him.

THEN you posted the same exact thing.

Seriously..are you drinking?
You post this and I'm the one that "submarined" MY credibility?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Find it and link it dumbass. You won't be able to.

Find what?

The post is here.

You posted I "submarined" my credibility by posting that Obama is essentially basically like every other administration that proceeded him.

THEN you posted the same exact thing.

Seriously..are you drinking?

I must be. Can't imagine why I'd be responding to your inanities otherwise. Don't worry. I'll pass out soon.
You should have stopped while you were ahead.

But I will point out that presidents and governments started violating the Constitution almost as soon as the ink was dry. Jefferson had no authority for the Louisiana Purchase. He defended it as simply too good a deal to pass up. Jackson refused to enforce a Supreme Court decision. etc.
But those isolated examples pale in the face of the onslaught from the present administration, which has no regard for rule of law at all.

I am so glad conservatives weren't really in power back then.

This country would have never gotten off the ground.

You know conservatives wanted to block Jefferson from buying warships, as well, to fight off pirates? They thought paying tribute was cheaper.

And this current administration has done absolutely nothing that isn't in keeping with the law, precedence or the Constitution.

So the "conservatives" are the ones who want to be cowboys, but they aren't the ones who want to fight pirates?

John Adams was one of the most anti-slavery of the founders trying hard to ban it and being the most hesitant to go ahead with a country with it. Wouldn't that make him a liberal? But then when he wanted to pay tribute to the Barbary states instead of building a navy, he's a "conservative?"

You just make up the labels as you go, cracks me up.

Liberals are defined by the ability to change, to accept new ideas, to be open minded and flexible. They are also defined by tolerance of differing viewpoints.

Conservatives are defined by inflexibility. By rote thinking. By an adherence to tradition and a complete intolerance of differing viewpoints.

Work with that.
US mail stays in the US. It goes to foreign mail services when it leaves US borders.
US dollar will not buy anything outside the US (except some countres like Panama that use the dollar)
Patents are good in the US only.

US dollars are actually accepted directly pretty widely around the world. In Russia there was a panic when the US retired the old $100 bills without the security stripe thinking they would no longer be accepted (wasn't true). You may not get the best exchange rate if you buy with them at local shop, but the US dollar is the closest thing to a world currency by far, and the Euro has put a dent at the most in that.

I've traveled extensively and have yet to visit a foreign country that accepts US currency.

I'd love it by the way. It's a real pain in the ass to get money exchanged.

I find that hard to believe unless you haven't asked and you're just assuming? It's better to change money anyway, you get a better rate. If you bring out dollars, you frequently get an immediate smile.

I wasn't just referring to that though. Oil prices and international exchange deals are overwhelmingly in dollars even when neither side is American.

And hundred dollar bills are frequently used as currency for business transactions even if they're not accepted on the street.
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