Which Republican made you laugh the most this year?


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
So hard to choose.


I have to say, I've NEVER seen such a lame panel of Republicans in my life. Mitten looks almost presidential in comparison. Even the doofus governor of LA was a laugh a minute during the oil spill.
Palin sets a standard that is hard to beat

Her Paul Revere explanation was priceless
Wow, what a pathetic loser the OP is.

I feel bad for him/her.
Tough one. Bachmann has done a good job of making me laugh in disbelief; but I think Palin wins. She squeaked in at the end with her criticism of Obama's Xmas card. Priceless.
Wow, what a pathetic loser the OP is.

I feel bad for him/her.

Though, I suppose if we're going with the Rep who made me laught the most times, I'd go with Bachmann.
Too tough to pick one.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Bu_dL4_rkA]THE 2012 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES COMEDY HOUR! CAIN-BACHMAN-PERRY-ROMNEY and NEWT - YouTube[/ame]
Problably boyfriend, but whatcha gonna do- nothing because i take pleasure in the same meanless phrase every post. It makes people think i'm cool, and that i have a sense of humor, but i'm too much of a moron to realize i'm redundant and unfunny.
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Tough one. Bachmann has done a good job of making me laugh in disbelief; but I think Palin wins. She squeaked in at the end with her criticism of Obama's Xmas card. Priceless.

When all this started, I would have said "Bachmann". But I have to admit, she is a talented speaker and very nimble and quick witted.

Now I may disagree with what she says, but watching the Republican debates, she has appeared the most confident and seems to me to be the best speaker by far.

I may not be a "believer" in the swill she's spewing, but I am a believer as far as her abilities go. You have to give credit where credit is due.

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