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Which Republican Party won the midterms?


Thomas E. Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are the co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism.”

All of those who have embraced the politics of extremism ought to read this link below. You are the people are parents warned us about, and my dad fought against in WWII.

Even if you're one of the many willfully ignorant, take a moment to read this article and think. It's written by adults for adults, so to those extremists who feel they know everything take the risk, cognitive dissonance isn't fatal and what doesn't kill you may make you smarter.

Which Republican Party won the midterms - The Washington Post
Lot of uninformed babbling going on.

The TPM was gutted in the primaries.

Republicans are running from "cruz leprosy", including Rand.

The far right and libertarian wings along with the Dems were damaged in this election.

Which is God's blessings on America. Rush does not like it and tries to spin it but fails.

Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party

Drive-Bys and GOP Establishment Team Up to Spin Election as Repudiation of Tea Party - The Rush Limbaugh Show
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The Dense-o-Crats Learned Nothing

Townhall.com ^

It’s one of life’s little ironies that the political party most often screaming about “democracy!” is also the party least likely to care what the majority of citizens actually vote for. Tuesday’s election sent a clear message: We don’t like what the Democrats have been doing. What did Democrats hear? Well, one senior Democratic aide told Politico, “As a party, we need to change. [Voters] like our policies. All this leftie [talk], the country likes, but somehow the message about us as individual members of the conference isn’t breaking through.” Yes, people love the policies of the past six years....

If you can eschew vulgarity and personal attacks for once, explain what the voters actually voted for.

Do voters really want abortions outlawed; voting made more difficult, tax cuts for the 1% and labor unions outlawed? Do they really believe women should be paid less for the same work as men, that children brought to the US by their parents are "illegal" and ought to be sent 'home' a place many have never been and many cannot speak the language?

Do most American's want every person to have a gun, carry said gun openly or concealed in the public domain? Do they really want one party rule and the elimination of the Code of Federal Regulations? Do they really want to defund efforts to create green and renewal sources of energy and allow state legislatures greater power than that held by the Congress and the POTUS?

Two words: We won

Elections have consequences

Yes elections do. Some are positive, some are negative.

Yikes, you won? So you admit you're either a far right wing radical or a RINO? You can't be both, so which side of the ideological fence do you reside?

Careful, which side you choose will forever be known as the idiot fringe.

Fuck off, Freddo

I'm Conservative

"We won" suggests you're a conservative Republican. But in what form. The idiots who believe not funding roof repair is fiscally conservative; or the fiscally responsible conservative who protects the house by patching the roof?

Patching the roof??? We spend $4 trillion annually. How many roofs can you fix with $4 Trillion?
The Tea Party wing is quietly fuming.

The Dems are bitter and frustrated clutching their "Dreams of my Father" and clinging to their old "Hope N Change" Posters

As usual you don't have a clue. How many times have you been dropped on your head?

Tell us, what is a Conservative (an anal retentive reactionary if one uses you as a model).

I'm a Conservative who knows for a fact that the Democrats wanted to destroy this country, take it down to European Style Socialist Failure. I'm tap dancing in the streets that we started to take our country back.

In 2016 elect a real Conservative President, someone like Coolidge or Reagan and give him a Congress run by Amash and Rand Paul and we'll be the World's Number 1 economy against within 2 years. No more fucking around with Juan McCain or Mitt Romney, we want clear, bright divisions between us and you and let the chips fall where they might
Those on the partisan right should read the article, as it is indeed correct:

'Welcome to the 114th Congress, in which the warfare within the GOP will only be amplified by the party’s new power. The pragmatic desire of mainstream Republicans to transcend their “party of no” label and show that they can actually govern will clash with the forces that continue to pull the GOP to the right and oppose anything the president does. This fight within the party will define the new Congress nearly as much as the battles with a Democratic president.

In the Senate, even candidates such as Iowa’s Joni Ernst and Arkansas’ Tom Cotton, who had the blessing of the GOP mainstream, embraced nearly every policy idea and conspiracy theory of the tea party wing. And you only need look at Sen. Marco Rubio’s repudiation of his own immigration reform bill to see where the party is headed.

McConnell’s hope for a return to the Senate of old will prove an illusion.'

oh brother. Republicans won now sit down and hush. We don't care to hear all your warped and twisted speculations, perspectives, and whining
You are the MINIORITY. We get to stomp all over you now

Thomas E. Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are the co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism.”

All of those who have embraced the politics of extremism ought to read this link below. You are the people are parents warned us about, and my dad fought against in WWII.

Even if you're one of the many willfully ignorant, take a moment to read this article and think. It's written by adults for adults, so to those extremists who feel they know everything take the risk, cognitive dissonance isn't fatal and what doesn't kill you may make you smarter.

Which Republican Party won the midterms - The Washington Post

So a far left poster uses a known far left blog site for their facts..
Thomas E. Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are the co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism.”

All of those who have embraced the politics of extremism ought to read this link below. You are the people are parents warned us about, and my dad fought against in WWII.

Even if you're one of the many willfully ignorant, take a moment to read this article and think. It's written by adults for adults, so to those extremists who feel they know everything take the risk, cognitive dissonance isn't fatal and what doesn't kill you may make you smarter.

Which Republican Party won the midterms - The Washington Post

So a far left poster uses a known far left blog site for their facts..
Another of the willfully ignorant.
Thomas E. Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are the co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism.”

All of those who have embraced the politics of extremism ought to read this link below. You are the people are parents warned us about, and my dad fought against in WWII.

Even if you're one of the many willfully ignorant, take a moment to read this article and think. It's written by adults for adults, so to those extremists who feel they know everything take the risk, cognitive dissonance isn't fatal and what doesn't kill you may make you smarter.

Which Republican Party won the midterms - The Washington Post

So a far left poster uses a known far left blog site for their facts..
Another of the willfully ignorant.

You must be looking in a mirror again
what matters most is the left lost and the liberal agenda has been haulted
The left lost and the TPM is without power.

America is so much better off.
The left lost and the TPM is without power.

America is so much better off.

In your dreams on the tea party. You really crack me up because you don't understand at all how this giant wave happened.

You prefer to be blind to reality. It took the whole spectrum of the Republican party to win this election to the degree that it did.

And instead of rejoicing in the fact that all sectors joined together to defeat the dems you are focused on your one hard on. The Tea Party.

Listen Jake. The truth is that not only did Rand Paul join forces with the moderates but millions of more right wingers did as well.

You couldn't win this big with just the establishment. Think 2012.

Now look. You had an amazing surge of force across the spectrum.

Hell's bells Levin and Savage were driving their audiences to the polls. Telling them in no uncertain terms not to dare to sit this one out.

It was unity that created the wave Jake. Get real.
Blab on, td. The GOP had the right, nothing new. The difference is that we got millions of women and minorities that we did not have before.

We are going to keep them, and that won't happen by giving into the far right.

Paul will smile and wink at the far right, but his days of giving them what they want is gone forever.
Blab on, td. The GOP had the right, nothing new. The difference is that we got millions of women and minorities that we did not have before.

We are going to keep them, and that won't happen by giving into the far right.

Paul will smile and wink at the far right, but his days of giving them what they want is gone forever.

Really? When both McConnell and Boehner stand together and say that they will repeal Obamacare?

When Boehner says straight out don't light that match Mr. President or you'll get burned on amnesty?

It's a big tent Jake. And everyone is learning to play nice in the sandbox.

Pity your fucking hatred for Tea Party voters makes you blind as a bat.
They will not repeal ACA and they know it.

BHO holds the veto, and you know it.

When the far right shows they can play nice, I can let up. Not before.
They will not repeal ACA and they know it.

BHO holds the veto, and you know it.

When the far right shows they can play nice, I can let up. Not before.

What part of they came out in droves and voted for even those they considered RINO don't you get?

Jake. I've been involved in politics since I was a young liberal teen campaigning for Pierre Elliot Trudeau ok? Yes I was a mega lib once. Then I grew up.

I know from whence I speak. When we overthrew the Progressive Conservative Party up here and fought our way back to be the Conservative Party with a mega strong hold there was not one true conservative segment of the voting population that we didn't embrace.

We all had to learn to play nice in the sandbox. But you don't cut off your nose to spite your face. That's the tactic you are dreaming for and that is flat out stupid.

You take the swingers who are more on the left and the right and you find common ground. And you find a leader like a Stephen Harper who can hold everybody together.

But you sure as hell don't come out trying to crush one over the other.

That's just fucked up.
Blab on, td. The GOP had the right, nothing new. The difference is that we got millions of women and minorities that we did not have before.

We are going to keep them, and that won't happen by giving into the far right.

Paul will smile and wink at the far right, but his days of giving them what they want is gone forever.

Paul is not a fool. He will not abandon the faithful. BUT I personally think he can replicate what Harper has done up here. And that is to find common ground for everyone.

Harper took many a year to take the time to build bridges between more liberal conservatives and more right wing conservatives. And it has paid off in win after win thank heavens.

Now to this point.

Do you understand that minorities do not win elections? It's just the truth.

Now I want to be as inclusive as I can be, but the bottom line is you have to have the white working class vote.

It's just a fact Jack. And those white working class voters sat at home in 2012.

Read this and learn.

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Thomas E. Mann is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution. Norman J. Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. They are the co-authors of “It’s Even Worse Than It Looks: How the American Constitutional System Collided With the New Politics of Extremism.”

All of those who have embraced the politics of extremism ought to read this link below. You are the people are parents warned us about, and my dad fought against in WWII.

Even if you're one of the many willfully ignorant, take a moment to read this article and think. It's written by adults for adults, so to those extremists who feel they know everything take the risk, cognitive dissonance isn't fatal and what doesn't kill you may make you smarter.

Which Republican Party won the midterms - The Washington Post

Fuck you. Stupid posts require no other response.
Blab on, td. The GOP had the right, nothing new. The difference is that we got millions of women and minorities that we did not have before.

We are going to keep them, and that won't happen by giving into the far right.

Paul will smile and wink at the far right, but his days of giving them what they want is gone forever.

Back to this post of yours again.

I agree one wants to keep the minority vote. Rand has done a bang up job by wading right into the race issues and dealing with them. I admire him on that.

His youth and how can I put it nicely his ability not to come off as an 80 year old white guy in the party really has worked in his favor.

And the conservative woman movement in this election just freaking rocked.

Think of that wonderful tea party darling Joni. She killed it man. Abbot took the woman's vote in Texas. Backed by Cruz by the way. Then you have the monumental failure of Senator Uterus.

:lol: Conservative men and women rocked.

There's room for everyone.

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