Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

I get slammed by both sides of the argument because I believe if you can put your ear to a woman's stomach and hear two heartbeats, one of them is hers and the other is a baby. An abortion would be killing a baby. If only one heartbeat, go for it.
I do have a question about Planned Parenthood harvesting "baby" parts and selling them. Were they selling fertilized eggs or fetus parts?
The thread poll still says that 75% believe the woman has first priority.

I wonder what the percentage is of that 75% is made up of people (hypocrites) who claim to be for equal rights and for children's rights.
All of them except the hypocrites and there are not any of those, only you.

Congrats, you finally earned your own spot on my ignore list.

You have been a good foil for me to use to educate others but now you are nothing more than static noise.

Just like the others on my list.
The innocent life created by no fault of itself.

Why strip all the welfare services that provide care to infants born to poor meth addicts living on the streets - especially in regions where Churches and the private sector are not fixing the problem?

At what point do you side with the compassion of Christ over his corrupt Republican interlocutors?
So do you want our laws written to reflect Christianity or not? cant have it both ways you know.
and if you do want it to reflect Christianity, you might want to consider what Christ would have to say about abortions in the first place.
Dont be a hypocrite
There simply is almost no excuse for having an unwanted pregnancy in the United States of America any more. Contraception is widely available and extremely cheap.

One must take responsibility for one's actions. It's popular to talk about the "moral hazard" of bailing out a bank, but the Left steadfastly refuses to accept the moral hazards of irresponsible sexual behaviors.

Half of all abortions are the result of NO birth control of any kind being used during the sex act which led to the unwanted pregnancy. Another fifth are the result of the inconsistent or improper use of birth control.

There is no excuse for that. In fact, the Left is thoroughly complicit in that kind of reckless behavior, and expect everyone else to pay for the consequences!

It's extortion. "Pay for my baby, or I'll kill it."

The result of this refusal to address the moral hazards of irresponsible behaviors has led directly to the fact that 80 percent of all black children are now being born out of wedlock, creating a whole class of people dependent on the government for their existence.

Good job!
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Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

If you are waiting until AFTER a woman is pregnant "which should have first priority", then your priorities are already seriously fucked up.
The thread poll still says that 75% believe the woman has first priority.

I wonder what the percentage is of that 75% is made up of people (hypocrites) who claim to be for equal rights and for children's rights.
All of them except the hypocrites and there are not any of those, only you.
Congrats, you finally earned your own spot on my ignore list. You have been a good foil for me to use to educate others but now you are nothing more than static noise. Just like the others on my list.

Trolls like Chuz simply cannot handle the facts, and one of those facts are that his opinions are not factual evidence.

The strength of Chuz's posts reveal the gaping weaknesses in the the pro-fetus movement.

Whoever engages in conduct that violates any of the provisions of law listed in subsection (b) and thereby causes the death of, or bodily injury (as defined in section 1365) to, a child, who is in utero at the time the conduct takes place, is guilty of a separate offense under this section.


As used in this section, the term “unborn child” means a child in utero, and the term “child in utero” or “child, who is in utero” means a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.
If you kill a pregnant woman you are charged with two counts or murder. That says it all.
Murder of a woman and murder of a fetus (not a child). That says it all.
certainly does say it all, I agree with you.
cant kill something thats not alive. so if you get charged with murder of a fetus, that means its alive. Now you have agreed on a starting point to outlaw abortions.
Its good to see those like you come around
If you kill a pregnant woman you are charged with two counts or murder. That says it all.
Murder of a woman and murder of a fetus (not a child). That says it all.
certainly does say it all, I agree with you.
cant kill something thats not alive. so if you get charged with murder of a fetus, that means its alive. Now you have agreed on a starting point to outlaw abortions.
Its good to see those like you come around
Don't make your living by logic, you will die of hunger.
If you kill a pregnant woman you are charged with two counts or murder. That says it all.
Murder of a woman and murder of a fetus (not a child). That says it all.
certainly does say it all, I agree with you.
cant kill something thats not alive. so if you get charged with murder of a fetus, that means its alive. Now you have agreed on a starting point to outlaw abortions.
Its good to see those like you come around
Don't make your living by logic, you will die of hunger.

if that was true, you would already be dead.
The woman rules.

what would you say if your momma was pro choice 6 months before you were born? oh, that's right, you wouldn't exist so you couldn't say anything.

but if abortion is ok up to the moment of birth, why is killing a 1 year old illegal? If the kid becomes a burden why not just eliminate him or her?

Where is my ego and my rights over the woman!

Surely she is not an independent free thinking human being---and to teach women that is dangerous!!!

Women are our pretty little helpmates. They are too make us meals and sit quietly until we talk to them! Not make decision, but to do as we say!!

Women rights? Bah! That's lesbian madness! Only rights women have are the ones we men gave them!

And Lesbos are ugly cows that stab each other with plastic dildos--no one listen to them.
Priorities are different

In the case of an illegal act causing the pregnancy, as horrible as it is, the woman has priority.

This is really no different than anyone robbing a bank because their child is being held hostage, and the takers demand a bank be robbed as ransom.

It's duress

In the case of the woman's life being threatened, then that also creates a situation of ultimate duress, and those are nearly always excused in the law.

In all other cases, it's the fetus that should be priority.
chikenwing's simply twists evidence to his philosophy.

Thus his comments are immaterial.

He wants to control female bits and pieces.

Nope but nice fall back on the same old talking points,that pop up when you have nothing.

The only person that matters is the one that looses his or hers life.

Its about saving the most innocent,but your love of self,blinds you,you can't address the question,I understand that,your head might blow up.

stfu. When you get to be host to something you don't want growing in you, then you might have a say since you ARE the host. Until then...fuck off.

Then use birth control, or don't have sex, it's really quite simple! You act like women are victims of pregnancy when they have total control over that, 100% complete and total control! Quit trying to portray women as stupid, helpless victims! Women are powerful, strong, intelligent, independant.... UNTIL they get pregnant, then all of a sudden they're a poor, helpless, victim and have the role of 'host' forced on them. So why don't you STFU and control your own damn body and quit whining like a helpless victim when you're anything but! If a woman gets pregnant, it's exactly because she didn't exert control over her own body, don't you dumbasses ever get it???

Both my kids were conceived while my wife was on her Birth control. I broke right through them. condoms break, Pills don't always work, and sometimes its just none of your damn business what a couple or woman decides to do.

No birth control is 100% effective, so no, women don't have 100% control by using birth control.

The majority of women who have abortions are married or in committed relationships. Do you think married women should deny their husbands sex to avoid pregnancy?

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