Which system is better, North Korea or South Korea?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril | The Stream

So what is a better system, what we see in North Korea or South Korea?

Here is a picture of Korea at night.


So what is better for the world? Is North Korea the best ally of the environmentalist movement as they restrict carbon emissions in such a dramatic way?
So what is a better system, what we see in North Korea or South Korea?
"Better" system for what ?

Well in South Korea people have more freedom, but in North Korea we have essentially no carbon emissions and everyone is "equal".

Isn't North Korea what Dims want the world to be?

They are always railing against a "free market" and wanting to restrict freedom to wane carbon use. The only way to do it effectively is through a despotic government that we see in North Korea.
North Korea is now more lightened. China choked on all that smog caused by burning of coal being imported from North Korea and so now there's plenty for North Koreans to choke on themselves.
Oh, no...see. When we do it THIS time, we'll get it right, and will have Utopia. Forget the last 100 straight failures.


And, make no mistake, NK is the result of unchecked leftist power. That WILL be the result if America falls to the Bolshevists.
NOKO has a small carbon footprint and its people are malnourished and dont eat much.

If they melt Guam, they will fuck up their environmentalism gold star, though.
Isn't North Korea what Dims want the world to be?

IMHO It's not what they want, Many of the lemmings on the left seem to want all the wealth and prosperity that free market capitalism and individual liberty provide without any of the downsides of free market capitalism and individual liberty, In other words a cost & consequences free trip to Utopia.

However their pursuit of Utopia may land them in a new North Korea, after all North Korea represents the end result of Kim Il Sung's pursuit of Utopia.

"The change of the word does not alter the matter" -- Thomas Moore, Utopia
Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril | The Stream

So what is a better system, what we see in North Korea or South Korea?

Here is a picture of Korea at night.


So what is better for the world? Is North Korea the best ally of the environmentalist movement as they restrict carbon emissions in such a dramatic way?
How can you tell by a picture of the two at night which is better? You can intepret that a number of ways. I was in S. Korea and its a shit hole outside of the major population centers like Seoul.
Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril | The Stream

So what is a better system, what we see in North Korea or South Korea?

Here is a picture of Korea at night.


So what is better for the world? Is North Korea the best ally of the environmentalist movement as they restrict carbon emissions in such a dramatic way?

WHAT ignore?! WHAT, system?! WHAT peril?! Fuck the world! What about the people??? In ALL cases, socialism has never worked out. In all cases, capitalism always has. Ask any North Korean if he'd like to move to South Korea and have LIGHT and electricity, clean WATER, good FOOD, a nice HOME, money and JOB opportunity, EDUCATION, and high standard of LIVING, and guess how many would say yes?
Socialist North Korea and Capitalist South Korea: An Experiment We Ignore at Our Peril | The Stream

So what is a better system, what we see in North Korea or South Korea?

Here is a picture of Korea at night.


So what is better for the world? Is North Korea the best ally of the environmentalist movement as they restrict carbon emissions in such a dramatic way?

WHAT ignore?! WHAT, system?! WHAT peril?! Fuck the world! What about the people??? In ALL cases, socialism has never worked out. In all cases, capitalism always has. Ask any North Korean if he'd like to move to South Korea and have LIGHT and electricity, clean WATER, good FOOD, a nice HOME, money and JOB opportunity, EDUCATION, and high standard of LIVING, and guess how many would say yes?
I'm guessing you have never been to S. Korea?
I was in S. Korea and its a shit hole outside of the major population centers like Seoul.
Based on available information the entire country of N. Korea is a "shit hole" with the added bonus of concentration camps, massive material deprivation and complete government oppression of individual rights , other than that it's a pretty nice place.:cool:
Your guess is as good as mine where we are going to start a war. it does look like we will be in one. bummer.
I was in S. Korea and its a shit hole outside of the major population centers like Seoul.
Based on available information the entire country of N. Korea is a "shit hole" with the added bonus of concentration camps, massive material deprivation and complete government oppression of individual rights , other than that it's a pretty nice place.:cool:
"Based on available information"? That doesnt sound too bright of you.

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