Which Trump Indictment (or potential indictment soon to come) is the most Serious?

yup lies...

You have gone down in flames, just like Trump did when he lost every single court case in the entire country, with judges seeing the evidence and rejecting it across the board.

The AZ audit was a big fail. Accept it and deal with it. They found nothing at all.

Nobody has provided credible evidence of fraud at all, and Trump appointed judges have said as much.
Trump appointed judges can be blackmailed just as easily as Obama appointed judges.
Trump appointed judges can be blackmailed just as easily as Obama appointed judges.
yea that is the pathetic little bitch low you need to stoop to.

trump appointed judges are "in on the steal" or "paid off" !!

That's how pathetic you and your bullshit voter fraud is. All you have left now is Trump appointed judges are "being blackmailed". What are you 6 years old !

You represent the weak of America.
yea that is the pathetic little bitch low you need to stoop to.

trump appointed judges are "in on the steal" or "paid off" !!

That's how pathetic you and your bullshit voter fraud is. All you have left now is Trump appointed judges are "being blackmailed". What are you 6 years old !

You represent the weak of America.
Trump hired people who stabbed him in the back all the time.

Mike Pence is a prime example.

Trump hired people on the recommendations of people who turned out to be NeverTrumpers. Chris Christie recommended Christoper Wray to be FBI Chief to Trump and he made the mistake of taking his advice.

It took him 3 years to find a Chief of Staff he could trust.

Just being a Republican doesn't mean he won't screw Trump over if properly motivated.
Trump hired people who stabbed him in the back all the time.

Mike Pence is a prime example.

Trump hired people on the recommendations of people who turned out to be NeverTrumpers. Chris Christie recommended Christoper Wray to be FBI Chief to Trump and he made the mistake of taking his advice.

It took him 3 years to find a Chief of Staff he could trust.

Just being a Republican doesn't mean he won't screw Trump over if properly motivated.
Its truly pathetic that you need to stoop this low.

Trump lost every single court case he had. No judge in America has said Trump has any valid evidence at all. Your big bad rebuttal of that is all the judges are "paid off" "in on the steal" "biased against Trump"
Not one single judge in the whole entire country has said there is any shred of validity to Trump's debunked claims of election fraud.

You have been reduced to claiming all the courts in America are "in on the steal" that's how pathetic you have become.
Do you even realize how pathetic and weak you look?
It seems you don't even realize this (until now maybe)
Its truly pathetic that you need to stoop this low.

Trump lost every single court case he had. No judge in America has said Trump has any valid evidence at all. Your big bad rebuttal of that is all the judges are "paid off" "in on the steal" "biased against Trump"
Not one single judge in the whole entire country has said there is any shred of validity to Trump's debunked claims of election fraud.

You have been reduced to claiming all the courts in America are "in on the steal" that's how pathetic you have become.
Do you even realize how pathetic and weak you look?
It seems you don't even realize this (until now maybe)
Not all courts....just courts that have jurisdiction in the districts they pulled the steal in.
They know judges where they've committed election fraud....and had them ready to reject any petitions.
In order to steal a state all you need is one county to pull your shenanigans in.

In AZ it's Maracopa County. All that's needed was to have the municipal court judge in that jurisdiction on the payroll.
They have receipts proving that judge was getting paid off by drug cartels.
They simply bought him an expensive home.
They had Sen John McCain in the payroll too.
Not all courts....just courts that have jurisdiction in the districts they pulled the steal in.
They know judges where they've committed election fraud....and had them ready to reject any petitions.
In order to steal a state all you need is one county to pull your shenanigans in.

In AZ it's Maracopa County. All that's needed was to have the municipal court judge in that jurisdiction on the payroll.
They have receipts proving that judge was getting paid off by drug cartels.
They simply bought him an expensive home.
They had Sen John McCain in the payroll too.

This is how desperate and pathetic the election deniers have become.

Every single court in America have rejected Trump's BS claims.
Trump Attorneys are being censured for lying and admitted they lied and admitted there was no fraud at all.

You are so desperate that you make up some grand lie about Trump appointed judges being "paid off"
All the courts in the world have seen Trump's fake "evidence" and ruled no fraud and no evidence of fraud, but you can't seem to accept that and need to convince yourself these judges are all "paid off", just because you are too weak and pathetic to admit Trump lost.
That is the extent of your pathetic weakness, like a little child.

Its truly pathetic how desperate and weak you are
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This is how desperate and pathetic the election deniers have become.

Every single court in America have rejected Trump's BS claims.
Trump Attorneys are being censured for lying and admitted they lied and admitted there was no fraud at all.

You are so desperate that you make up some grand lie about Trump appointed judges being "paid off"
All the courts in the world have seen Trump's fake "evidence" and ruled no fraud and no evidence of fraud, but you can't seem to accept that and need to convince yourself these judges are all "paid off", just because you are too weak and pathetic to admit Trump lost.
That is the extent of your pathetic weakness, like a little child.

Its truly pathetic how desperate and weak you are
It's also truly pathetic how easily misled you are.

FYI, only the courts that have jurisdiction have rejected the case.
They refuse to acknowledge the merits of any lawsuit because no state has completed an audit. Even the state of AZ never completed their audit because the judge started fining the audit company $50,000 per day.
Nobody feels they have to investigate this case because Democrats will bring an army of lawyers after them.

And the only reason this is the case is because Bush put his guy in the Supreme Court and is currently the Chief Justice.
That was what Trump was hoping for, but to no avail. That the Supremes wouldn't take this up, and they should have.
The Bush judge (Chief Justice Roberts) in charge of the Supreme Court won't allow them take up the issue.
You just cannot fathom that this is organized crime....and too many people are on the payroll.
The people doing this are getting rich.
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It's also truly pathetic how easily misled you are.

FYI, only the courts that have jurisdiction have rejected the case.
They refuse to acknowledge the merits of any lawsuit because no state has completed an audit. Even the state of AZ never completed their audit because the judge started fining the audit company $50,000 per day.
Nobody feels they have to investigate this case because Democrats will bring an army of lawyers after them.

And the only reason this is the case is because Bush put his guy in the Supreme Court and is currently the Chief Justice.
That was what Trump was hoping for, but to no avail. That the Supremes would take this up, and they should have.
The Bush judge (Chief Justice Roberts) in charge of the Supreme Court won't allow them take up the issue.
You just cannot fathom that this is organized crime....and too many people are on the payroll.
The people doing this are getting rich.
You are a total sheep who will believe any lie you are fed.

The problem is no judge in the entire US has said Trump's fake election fraud claims have any credibility or evidence at all.

You try to ignore that and claim the courts are "paid off" a laughable claim.

Its pretty cut and dry either you have real and credible evidence of election fraud, or you don't and you man up and accept the L, which you are too weak to do.

Your entire grand argument is that Trump has this magic evidence of election fraud that will make him president, but all the courts in the country are "paid off" and ignoring this evidence. You are trying to claim that the biggest crime in the history of our country is being ignored by every court in the entire country, because they are all "paid off"

What a laughable joke idea fabricated by a bunch of whiney little weaklings that are too weak to man up and accept the L.

The republicans are the party of excuses, you have lost all court cases and all audits, you have nobody credible that has said there was fraud. Your biggest backers are Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Gen Flynn, and the My pillow guy, a total joke show right there.

Meanwhile, Everybody credible in our country have all said no fraud, including the presidents own daughter.

All US courts on all levels, have said no fraud.
Dept of Justice said no fraud
Dept of Homeland Security, no fraud
GOP election officials said no fraud
Trump appointed judges said no fraud
AG Barr said no fraud
All the people at Fox news said no fraud (thank you Dominion lawsuit !!)
Tusker Carlson said Trump is lying.
Sean Hannity said Trump is lying
Jenna Ellis, Trumps Attorney got censured for lying and admitted there was no fraud.

Even Ivanka Trump said no fraud

You have absolutely nothing. All these people must all be "paid off" and "in on the steal" !!!! AHAHAHAH !!!
What a total joke
Talk about weakness, look at how pathetic you people are.
You are a total sheep who will believe any lie you are fed.

The problem is no judge in the entire US has said Trump's fake election fraud claims have any credibility or evidence at all.

You try to ignore that and claim the courts are "paid off" a laughable claim.

Its pretty cut and dry either you have real and credible evidence of election fraud, or you don't and you man up and accept the L, which you are too weak to do.

Your entire grand argument is that Trump has this magic evidence of election fraud that will make him president, but all the courts in the country are "paid off" and ignoring this evidence. You are trying to claim that the biggest crime in the history of our country is being ignored by every court in the entire country, because they are all "paid off"

What a laughable joke idea fabricated by a bunch of whiney little weaklings that are too weak to man up and accept the L.

The republicans are the party of excuses, you have lost all court cases and all audits, you have nobody credible that has said there was fraud. Your biggest backers are Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, Gen Flynn, and the My pillow guy, a total joke show right there.

Meanwhile, Everybody credible in our country have all said no fraud, including the presidents own daughter.

All US courts on all levels, have said no fraud.
Dept of Justice said no fraud
Dept of Homeland Security, no fraud
GOP election officials said no fraud
Trump appointed judges said no fraud
AG Barr said no fraud
All the people at Fox news said no fraud (thank you Dominion lawsuit !!)
Tusker Carlson said Trump is lying.
Sean Hannity said Trump is lying
Jenna Ellis, Trumps Attorney got censured for lying and admitted there was no fraud.

Even Ivanka Trump said no fraud

You have absolutely nothing. All these people must all be "paid off" and "in on the steal" !!!! AHAHAHAH !!!
What a total joke
Talk about weakness, look at how pathetic you people are.
Do you have links for this....or are you just repeating media talking points?

I think you're just repeating media headlines and not delving into the details.

Only a weak minded person is falling for the fraud and propaganda our media is spewing.

Do you actually believe that the trans female that shot to death 6 people in a Catholic school last week is the victim, not perp. But that is what the same media that claims there is no proof of election fraud is saying. They're saying the person with the gun was innocent and the gun was the perp.
Do you have links for this....or are you just repeating media talking points?

I think you're just repeating media headlines and not delving into the details.

Only a weak minded person is falling for the fraud and propaganda our media is spewing.

Do you actually believe that the trans female that shot to death 6 people in a Catholic school last week is the victim, not perp. But that is what the same media that claims there is no proof of election fraud is saying. They're saying the person with the gun was innocent and the gun was the perp.
I already posted the links and numerous other people have as well.
You are a pathetic little bitch who can't man up and take the L. You represent weakness and the classic fake wanna be tough guy that cries like a weakling all the time.

A group of conservatives that included former U.S. senators, Republican lawyers and retired federal judges, examined 64 casesbrought by Trump and his supporters and authored a report titled, "Lost, not stolen: The conservative case that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Of 64 cases, the group found:

  • 20 were dismissed before hearings on the merits,
  • 14 were voluntarily dismissed by Trump and his allies before hearings on the merits,
  • And 30 cases included hearings on the merits.

Russell also noted that it reached its ruling "having considered, without limitation, all evidence submitted to the court."

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Dismissing the lawsuit on Dec. 4, 2020, District Court James T. Russell wrote that the people behind it failed "to provide credible and relevant evidence" to contest the Nov. 3, 2020 election in accordance with Nevada laws.

Trump allies "did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud," Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.

Judges saw the evidence. Judges ruled the evidence a total joke, and Trump is lying about fraud because you little bitches are just too weak to admit Trump lost. Like little children.

statements like this show how truly deplorable and detached Trumpers are.

Thanks to the glorious Dominion lawsuit, that is now going to trial, it has been revealed that Fox news execs admit they must lie to their retard viewers because if they tell them the truth they stop watching.

You are that retard viewer, you should be real proud of that. Its like if you hear the truth, you change the channel.
Yeah, if Hannity had been honest in his interview with Trump instead of fondling Dear Leader's balls, it would have gone like this:

Q: Everyone from the top down here at Fox News knows you lost the 2020 election fair and square. Care to comment?

Q: My friend Tucker Carlson says you are a demonic force. How does that make you feel?

Q: Tucker also says he hates you passionately. Thoughts?

Q: Tucker also says your presidency was a total disaster and there is no upside to you. What do you say to that?

Q: My friend Laura Ingraham has testified that she has no basis to believe Dominion committed election fraud by rigging the 2020 Presidential Election. Do you have anything to say to that?

Q: I personally was disgusted by you, Mr. Trump, but I was too afraid to tell the truth for fear of losing viewers. Should I tell our viewers the honest truth from now on?

Q: One of our producers has called our viewers "inbred terrorists". Do you think that they are?
I already posted the links and numerous other people have as well.
You are a pathetic little bitch who can't man up and take the L. You represent weakness and the classic fake wanna be tough guy that cries like a weakling all the time.

A group of conservatives that included former U.S. senators, Republican lawyers and retired federal judges, examined 64 casesbrought by Trump and his supporters and authored a report titled, "Lost, not stolen: The conservative case that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Of 64 cases, the group found:

  • 20 were dismissed before hearings on the merits,
  • 14 were voluntarily dismissed by Trump and his allies before hearings on the merits,
  • And 30 cases included hearings on the merits.

Russell also noted that it reached its ruling "having considered, without limitation, all evidence submitted to the court."

"Charges of unfairness are serious," wrote Judge Stephanos Bibas, who was appointed by Trump. "But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here."

Dismissing the lawsuit on Dec. 4, 2020, District Court James T. Russell wrote that the people behind it failed "to provide credible and relevant evidence" to contest the Nov. 3, 2020 election in accordance with Nevada laws.

Trump allies "did not prove under any standard of proof that illegal votes were cast and counted or legal votes were not counted at all, due to voter fraud," Russell wrote. The contestants failed to prove that illegal votes by ineligible or deceased voters were cast and counted, he wrote.

Judges saw the evidence. Judges ruled the evidence a total joke, and Trump is lying about fraud because you little bitches are just too weak to admit Trump lost. Like little children.

You keep proving my case for me.
As I stated before....most of the cases were rejected on merit because no state has done a complete audit.
The only judge to actually see evidence on the 2022 election presented in court refused to allow them to do an audit or let them look at more than 150 ballots.
Even thought they found that Maracopa election officials had rigged the counting machines to improperly print ballots so they couldn't be counted on site, (according to AZ election laws) the corrupt judge claimed it was by accident, not on purpose.
And since they couldn't prove it was done on purpose the corrupt judge threw it out of court. And this is what they're having to deal with in MN, PA, GA, AZ, and everywhere else they've tried to use the courts to be heard. Nobody's listening. The Deep State controls everything.
Yeah, if Hannity had been honest in his interview with Trump instead of fondling Dear Leader's balls, it would have gone like this:

Q: Everyone from the top down here at Fox News knows you lost the 2020 election fair and square. Care to comment?

Q: My friend Tucker Carlson says you are a demonic force. How does that make you feel?

Q: Tucker also says he hates you passionately. Thoughts?

Q: Tucker also says your presidency was a total disaster and there is no upside to you. What do you say to that?

Q: My friend Laura Ingraham has testified that she has no basis to believe Dominion committed election fraud by rigging the 2020 Presidential Election. Do you have anything to say to that?

Q: I personally was disgusted by you, Mr. Trump, but I was too afraid to tell the truth for fear of losing viewers. Should I tell our viewers the honest truth from now on?

Q: One of our producers has called our viewers "inbred terrorists". Do you think that they are?
"Inbred Terrorist" !!!

Fox News entire business model is to pander to the stupidity and fear of their trash viewers, and it works great for them.

Tell them the lies they want to hear and they will watch every single night.
You keep proving my case for me.
As I stated before....most of the cases were rejected on merit because no state has done a complete audit.
The only judge to actually see evidence on the 2022 election presented in court refused to allow them to do an audit or let them look at more than 150 ballots.
Even thought they found that Maracopa election officials had rigged the counting machines to improperly print ballots so they couldn't be counted on site, (according to AZ election laws) the corrupt judge claimed it was by accident, not on purpose.
And since they couldn't prove it was done on purpose the corrupt judge threw it out of court. And this is what they're having to deal with in MN, PA, GA, AZ, and everywhere else they've tried to use the courts to be heard. Nobody's listening. The Deep State controls everything.
You are lying
not remotely true.

I just posted:

A group of conservatives that included former U.S. senators, Republican lawyers and retired federal judges, examined 64 casesbrought by Trump and his supporters and authored a report titled, "Lost, not stolen: The conservative case that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 presidential election."

Of 64 cases, the group found:

  • 20 were dismissed before hearings on the merits,
  • 14 were voluntarily dismissed by Trump and his allies before hearings on the merits,
  • And 30 cases included hearings on the merits.

AND the AZ audit was a total fail. It produced nothing but crybaby excuses.

When you lose 60 court cases and all audits, its time to man up and accept there was no fraud and the election is over.
That picture of him in a business suit sitting on a fully made bed with his daughter sitting next to him in business clothes is a for sure indictable pervert offense
Molehills to fake mountains is a TDS staple
"Inbred Terrorist" !!!

Fox News entire business model is to pander to the stupidity and fear of their trash viewers, and it works great for them.

Tell them the lies they want to hear and they will watch every single night.
That must be why CNN's ratings are tanking.....because the opinions they try to pass off as news aren't popular.
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