While Distracted by the race Between the 'Lesser of 2 Evils' America Draws Closer to MAJOR WAR

And you're just a clown off the street who thinks he knows what's going on by watching the news........ :lmao:
I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships

Oh and you never answered my question as to whether you're ELINT (SIGNANT) or FIO (GIGNANT) and what level you're at
And you are ignorant to believe anyone intelligent would answer that, or tell exactly what experience they have/who they are, on a message board.

And you're just a clown off the street who thinks he knows what's going on by watching the news........ :lmao:
I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships

View attachment 93349
Where did I say they "couldn't"? I said said we're ready for them now if they try something similar and that they do not have the capability to close the straights. I know it's particularly difficult for you but try to keep up.
Oh and you never answered my question as to whether you're ELINT (SIGNANT) or FIO (GIGNANT) and what level you're at
And you are ignorant to believe anyone intelligent would answer that, or tell exactly what experience they have/who they are, on a message board.

No it's to show that you're simply another clown off the street who thinks they have it figured out just by watching the evening news........... :thup:
I said said we're ready for them now
You SAID SAID that after I proved you wrong by posting a picture of the USS Cole, proving you had no idea what you were talking about, dumbass...'nice try'.
No it's to show that you're simply another clown off the street who thinks they have it figured out just by watching the evening news........... :thup:
Again, I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships


Sorry, but I have more important things to do with my time than keep facilitating your babble, while you keep trying to get your credibility back and 'prove your manhood'.... :p Have a good day.
I said said we're ready for them now
You SAID SAID that after I proved you wrong by posting a picture of the USS Cole, proving you had no idea what you were talking about, dumbass...'nice try'.
The only thing you're proving is your lack of knowledge in this area. As for the accidental said said...... is that all you have as a rebuke, I mean other than to call me an idiot because I know you're clueless? :dunno:
No it's to show that you're simply another clown off the street who thinks they have it figured out just by watching the evening news........... :thup:
Again, I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships

View attachment 93350
Again I didn't say that, you keep claiming I did simply to bolster your non-existent position.

POST #22:

Ringel05: "You honestly think Iran's fast attack boats could shut down the straights with us patrolling it???!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:"

And YES, I DO think they could:

No it's to show that you're simply another clown off the street who thinks they have it figured out just by watching the evening news........... :thup:
Again, I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships

View attachment 93350
Again I didn't say that, you keep claiming I did simply to bolster your non-existent position.

POST #22:

Ringel05: "You honestly think Iran's fast attack boats could shut down the straights with us patrolling it???!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:"

And YES, I DO think they could:

View attachment 93354
No I didn't lie and obviously you flunked basic English Composition. Let's work on that, dissect my above (quoted) sentence using the basic English Comp tools taught in elementary school. Where is the emphasis?

Prove where they did shut down the straights.........
No it's to show that you're simply another clown off the street who thinks they have it figured out just by watching the evening news........... :thup:
Again, I'm not the ignorant dumbass who said small boats can't harm US Navy Warships

View attachment 93350
Again I didn't say that, you keep claiming I did simply to bolster your non-existent position.

POST #22:

Ringel05: "You honestly think Iran's fast attack boats could shut down the straights with us patrolling it???!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:"

And YES, I DO think they could:

View attachment 93354

Oh and since you keep harping on the Cole let's take a look at that as in how were they able to strike the Cole........ Ya might want to look at the Rules of Engagement that were in place at the time...... Do you honestly think those rules are still in place concerning our warships?
Try to keep up, dumbass...I was talking about 'Freedom of navigation' AND ' Passage through the Straight. The US is interested in ships' safe passage through international waters all over the world, not just through the straight. Hostiles firing missiles at US ships in International waters anywhere in the world is a threat.
Where is anything about 'Freedom of navigation' AND ' Passage through the Straight in your post, asshole? I responded to this post you fucking deflecting liar!
The small boats often harass naval shipping, but Yemen firing missiles at ships passing through the Straight - THAT is an ESCALATION.
And to that bullshit, I responded with this, shit for brains;
Damn but you are stupid! How the FUCK can missiles using radar targeting in Yemen target ships in the Strait of Hormuz over 600 miles from the Strait at its nearest point, IDIOT! The USS Mason was fired on in the Red Sea about 1200 miles from the Strait, dummy!
Hung by your own fucking lies you JERK! Now just how does terrestrial radar receive a return from a ship over 600 miles away asshole? It can't is the ONLY answer. You lied and you got caught in your lie and bask in the glorification of your ignorance!
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Prove where they did shut down the straights.........


POST #22:

Ringel05" "Ringel05: "You honestly think Iran's fast attack boats could shut down the straights with us patrolling it???!!!!! "

'COULD', not 'DID'. I never said anyone had straight had been closed due to a small boat attack - that was NEVER the argument / discussion...until you were PROVEN to be IGNORANT and a LIAR! NOW you try to falsely change the narrative to save your ass and your credibility.


You can keep spinning and lying if you want, but as for me...

'Nuff Said.
Hung by your own fucking lies you JERK! Now just how does terrestrial radar receive a return from a ship over 600 miles away asshole? It can't is the ONLY answer. You lied and you got caught in you lie and glorification of your ignorance!

Now you guys are mixing your narratives.

The RADAR story was about what just happened. The discussion that spawned off of that was about if a small boat could close the straight, if it could damage a US ship, which it obviously can. Now you're trying to mix the two.

Bottom Line: Why did we strike a YEMEN RADAR when the missiles never came anywhere near the ship?
- A YEMEN Missile battery took hostile action against a US vessel...twice. Why do we care? Because anyone taking hostile missile shots at US ships - warships or commercial ships - in international waters anywhere in the world is our concern, and we will - as demonstrated - take retaliatory action to ensure such actions do not happen again, to protect US ships 'freedom of navigation' anywhere in the world in international waters in the future.

THE SIDEBAR: Iran most certainly does have the capability to close the straights. In fact hostile action in the gulf has resulted in international shipping completely STOPPING in the past, as LLOYD's Of London will not cover ships going through war zones. Iran has the small boats, anti-shipping batteries on the coast, and mines that will more than stop traffic through the straight.

NO, Yemen can NOT reach or effect ships passing through the straight, and I never said they could. Again, you're deliberately mixing two different conversations...or you've confused yourselves.
I said said we're ready for them now
You SAID SAID that after I proved you wrong by posting a picture of the USS Cole, proving you had no idea what you were talking about, dumbass...'nice try'.
The only thing you're proving is your lack of knowledge in this area. As for the accidental said said...... is that all you have as a rebuke, I mean other than to call me an idiot because I know you're clueless? :dunno:
No, he's correct...you're an idiot.....

Those small boats are impressive...no?
I said said we're ready for them now
You SAID SAID that after I proved you wrong by posting a picture of the USS Cole, proving you had no idea what you were talking about, dumbass...'nice try'.
The only thing you're proving is your lack of knowledge in this area. As for the accidental said said...... is that all you have as a rebuke, I mean other than to call me an idiot because I know you're clueless? :dunno:
No, he's correct...you're an idiot.....

Those small boats are impressive...no?
Again, it happened once and we know that little trick now and we're ready for it. Do you think we didn't learn that lesson? :dunno:
Prove where they did shut down the straights.........


POST #22:

Ringel05" "Ringel05: "You honestly think Iran's fast attack boats could shut down the straights with us patrolling it???!!!!! "

'COULD', not 'DID'. I never said anyone had straight had been closed due to a small boat attack - that was NEVER the argument / discussion...until you were PROVEN to be IGNORANT and a LIAR! NOW you try to falsely change the narrative to save your ass and your credibility.


You can keep spinning and lying if you want, but as for me...

'Nuff Said.
Uummmmmmm......... A missing post...... Uuummmmmm.........
I said said we're ready for them now
You SAID SAID that after I proved you wrong by posting a picture of the USS Cole, proving you had no idea what you were talking about, dumbass...'nice try'.
The only thing you're proving is your lack of knowledge in this area. As for the accidental said said...... is that all you have as a rebuke, I mean other than to call me an idiot because I know you're clueless? :dunno:
No, he's correct...you're an idiot.....

Those small boats are impressive...no?
Again, it happened once and we know that little trick now and we're ready for it. Do you think we didn't learn that lesson? :dunno:


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