While Trump can go over board at times going after the media

Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

All Presidents have problems with the media, only two have declared the free press to be their enemy: Nixon/Agnew (and look what happened to that duo), and now Trump/Pence. May history repeat it self, sooner rather than later.

Trump will go the way of Agnew, and Pence for his unabashed defense of trump while under oath.
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

A blog, The American Thinker? Wow, please post other sources; credible ones.

the used other news sources about Risen and Attkinson and what BO's admin tried to do to them. Try again
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

All Presidents have problems with the media, only two have declared the free press to be their enemy: Nixon/Agnew (and look what happened to that duo), and now Trump/Pence. May history repeat it self, sooner rather than later.

Trump will go the way of Agnew, and Pence for his unabashed defense of trump while under oath.

Obama put reporters in prison. Not Trump, Obama.
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.
Sorry chump, Obamas Justice Department never prosecuted reporters for publishing a story

They tried to.

If the DOJ/FBI tried to, they would have taken the case to the US Attorney's Office with an affidavit filed under oath! What evidence do you have that they did so!

If by "tried to" you mean they opened an investigation, you are either very ignorant of the process, or lied intentionally by omission.
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

A blog, The American Thinker? Wow, please post other sources; credible ones.

American Thinker is one of the most credible sources there is.

Get a grip.

LOL, suuuuuuuure it is. But even if you were telling the truth, and it is factual and not editorial, what other evidence do you have as to the veracity of their facts and conclusions?
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Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

A blog, The American Thinker? Wow, please post other sources; credible ones.

American Thinker is one of the most credible sources there is.

Get a grip.

LOL, suuuuuuuure it is. But even if you were telling the truth, and it is factual and not editorial, what other evidence do you have as to their facts and conclusions?

Of course it's and editorial. That does not diminish the question as to where is the criticism from old Open Borders when Obama attacked the press? Obama virtually locked Fox out, where did Open Borders take him to task?

Look, Obama was not required to deal with Fox, and Trump isn't requited to deal with the Soros press. The issue is the Open Borders McCain is a scumbag for attacking the president in a foreign land, bad form and something the leftist old fuck would have NEVER done to Obama.
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.

A blog, The American Thinker? Wow, please post other sources; credible ones.

American Thinker is one of the most credible sources there is.

Get a grip.

LOL, suuuuuuuure it is. But even if you were telling the truth, and it is factual and not editorial, what other evidence do you have as to their facts and conclusions?

Of course it's and editorial. That does not diminish the question as to where is the criticism from old Open Borders when Obama attacked the press? Obama virtually locked Fox out, where did Open Borders take him to task?

Look, Obama was not required to deal with Fox, and Trump isn't requited to deal with the Soros press. The issue is the Open Borders McCain is a scumbag for attacking the president in a foreign land, bad form and something the leftist old fuck would have NEVER done to Obama.

Wow, nice rant, do you have some examples to support this emotional outburst?
Blog: Where was McCain when Obama attacked the free press?
Where was John McCain and the two face hypocritical left wingers when BO was going after reporters???

You heard crickets.

Let us know when Trump's Justice Dept. starts to prosecute reporters like Obama did.
You might recall that McCain has not been all that cozy with Obama over the years. The examples of Obama's allegedly clamping down on the press given in this article are nothing like what Trump is doing. They are all about specific incidents where Obama may have tried to shut down a story for national security reason, or, admittedly, for political reasons. He never attempted top de-legitimize and vilify the press across the board. He never said that the press was his enemy, or the enemy of the people. McCain understands the difference. So do many other Republicans who are aghast at Trumps behavior towards the media.

Trump is a liar and a hypocrite. He is a shameless manipulator of the media. The whole thing about "fake news" is based on his feigned disdain for anonymous and unnamed sources. The problem is, he is not above doing the same thing when it suits him. Case in point:

6 Times Donald Trump Relied On Unnamed "Sources"
1. When an “extremely credible source” told him that President Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.
2. When an “extremely credible source” told him that Obama had bought his house with the help of businessman Tony Rezko.
3. When an “extremely credible source” told him that Obama applied to Occidental as a foreign student
4. When a “confidential source” told him Obama had added over $6 trillion to the national debt.
5. When he said “sources” inside New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman’s office were “very concerned with the allegations against their lightweight boss.”
6. When he first heard the news from “sources” that no charges would be brought against Hillary Clinton
Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday with Rience Priebus

"You don't get to tell us what to do, Reince. You don't get to tell us what to do any more than Barack Obama did. Barack Obama whined about Fox News all the time, but I've got to say, he never said we were an enemy of the people," Wallace replied.

After Priebus said he was "surprised" Wallace would forget "all the shots" that Obama took at Fox News, the anchor interjected.

"He took the shots, and we didn't like them, and frankly, we don't like this either. But he never went as far as President Trump has. And that's what's concerning. Because it seems like he crosses a line when he says that we're the enemy of the people," Wallace said.

'You don't get to tell us what to do': Fox News anchor confronts Reince Priebus over Trump's media criticism

Der Fuhrer Soros?

Sorry, I question your boss and owner all the time.

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