Whistleblower “fears for life”

Let's take a few steps backward.

A "whistleblower" law is intended to protect a good-faith complainant from termination or other disciplinary action for submitting a rightful complaint to top management.

A rightful, good-faith complaint must be truthful, factual, and correct.

The "whistleblower" complaint is, by its own terms, based on heresay. It is based on information provided ILLEGALLY to the whistleblower by those who were rightfully witness to the conversation. It must not be based on nefarious inferences about motivations, intentions, fears, or threats.

In this case, the actual principals in the conversation both say that there was no coercion, no threat of withholding of funds (The Ukrainians didn't learn of the possible withholding until a month later), and no quid pro quo.

This whistleblower is not a true whistleblower, and by all rights has waived any rights he might have had under the statute. His identity should immediately be made public, and he should be fired immediately.

Good lord. The whistle blower was detailed, provided named sources and according to both the IG and MacGuire, acted in good faith AND was credible. He is absolutely a whistleblower under the law and frankly it is because of people like you that we need such a law.

The GOP Is Now Saying the Whistleblower Is Totally 'Not a Whistleblower'

He's not a whistleblower,” Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said Thursday. “I mean, we have to stipulate that a whistleblower has firsthand knowledge and he did not have firsthand knowledge. It was hearsay.”

The message builds on one of the talking points the White House accidentally sent to House Democratic offices on Wednesday: “The real scandal here is that leaks about a second-hand account of the President’s confidential phone call with a foreign leader triggered a media frenzy of false accusations against the President and forced the President to release the transcript.”

In their complaint, the whistleblower, reportedly a CIA agent temporarily detailed to the White House, makes a point to acknowledge that they didn’t witness the events firsthand. Instead, the complaint relays information that was gathered from a handful of officials who did have firsthand knowledge.

The GOP is seizing on that, Democrats say, in an effort to cast doubt on the entire process and put distance between the whistleblower and the president’s alleged misconduct.

It doesn’t change what's in the rough transcript of the call, or the fact that the Intelligence Community Inspector General found credible the whistleblower’s concerns that the president’s team was hiding call transcripts to protect the president. But the messaging campaign could drag out and obfuscate the investigation, morphing what some Democrats see as an open-and-shut case into something longer and muddier.

.....Trump and his allies have also begun to raise questions about whether lawful whistleblower protections should apply to this person, should he or she choose to eventually come forward. Nowhere was that more evident that in a recording of a closed-door meeting in which Trump mused about potentially executing spies.

That certainly sends a chilling message to whistleblowers attempting to expose government misconduct.

I will never understand people that are just simply partisan hacks - and don't care.
The last President did more to destroy the protections provided under the whistleblower act and True Whistleblowers than this President could in a dozen Presidencies.
You have/had no concern for that.
People such as yourself are simply world class hypocrites and should be treated as such.

You ought to understand them, given you are one yourself.

People like you are eager to support breaking the law and covering it up it seems, when it's one of your own.
That's purely your extremely biased opinion.
But ironically it is very God Damned true with you, lady.
I am not the one covering potential crimes dude.

We all have extremely biased opinions here. You included.
I'll bet the "whistleblower" is either mad maxine or pencil neck schiff.

We should make an adam schiff pez dispenser :21:
Let's put the pieces of the puzzle together...

A month ago they change the "whistleblower" rules to allow hearsay (used to need to be FIRST HAND info).

They know AG Barr has been to australia & italy (only UK and ukraine left). Democrats are on a panic.

They manufacture a "whistleblower" but don't want to divulge the identity (think how christine blassy ford turned out). So he supposedly "fears" for his life.

The document also named bill barr so the dems are trying to get him to recuse himself (Barr was not on the phone call so I don't know what could have been said about him).

This whole thing stinks of utter panic by the dems...and I'm loving it :dance:
But Trump threw a wrench in the gears...he released the transcript!

Remember before he did that...all the news personalities were saying how that would be a bad idea...then presidents could never talk with other world leaders...but president Trump did it anyway.

Now they all need to lie & make up garbage about what Trump said to the prez of ukraine...but we all know they're lying because it doesn't match the released transcript. Just like little adam schitts opening statement (all rubbish) in the house meeting.
My question is where are the people who actually told the whistleblower what he or she reported??

How come they aren't front and center instead of someone who repeated hearsay??
The disgusting posts by the trump cultists in this thread show why the whistleblower should be fearing for his own safety.

Way to, as usual, make the point you were trying to undermine by acting like dumbasses.
This "whistle blower" is CIA connected and he's been called back out of the White House by the CIA now. Trump whistleblower is CIA officer - reports
If the White House doesn't know exactly who he is they have a very good idea he is one of a couple of candidates.

And he is a "spook" who has done his job for the CIA. In no way can he be considered a whistle blower.

A whistle blower reveals corruption and wrong doing. This CIA agent is continuing the attempted coup by the Deep State
burrowed deep into the government.
My question is where are the people who actually told the whistleblower what he or she reported??

How come they aren't front and center instead of someone who repeated hearsay??

Because that person "leaked" a conversation between world leaders...which is a crime & will get time in prison. He/she is a coward! (like there is any other kind of democrat?)
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier collusion witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
Oh I'm sorry... do you need your SAFE SPACE and a PETTING PUPPY since me speaking the truth scared you?
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
Oh I'm sorry... do you need your SAFE SPACE and a PETTING PUPPY since me speaking the truth scared you?
Haha, still going. Go ahead son, cry it out.
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier collusion witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.

Great point!

Democrats are in a panic...they are hysterical! Which makes me wonder...what did they do? How deep does this rabbit hole go?

Consider how anti-American they are publicly...combine that with the Iran nuke deal...selling russia 20% of all U.S. uranium... open borders...trying like hell to dis-arm us...

Have the dems completely utterly sold out the USA to foreign countries? Even sold out their own grandchildrens futures?
There is NO, "whistle blower." This entire fiasco is the LEFTIST DEEP STATE inside the CIA, obama holdovers, REPORTING to their DEMOCRAT OVERLORDS, that Trump, Barr and Durham are getting REAL CLOSE to EXPOSING the TRUE ORIGINS of the Russian Dossier witch hunt. People are NERVOUS and SHITTING THEIR PANTS, so the dems are in FULL PANIC MODE and pulling every CORRUPT tactic they can to STOP IT.

That is EXACTLY what is going on.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
Oh I'm sorry... do you need your SAFE SPACE and a PETTING PUPPY since me speaking the truth scared you?
Haha, still going. Go ahead son, cry it out.
You're the perfect example of a brain washed snowflake.

So, how's the weather inside your little snowflake bubble?
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
Oh I'm sorry... do you need your SAFE SPACE and a PETTING PUPPY since me speaking the truth scared you?
Haha, still going. Go ahead son, cry it out.
You're the perfect example of a brain washed snowflake.

So, how's the weather inside your little snowflake bubble?
Yes, let the hissy fit flow through you.
I see you haven't pulled your head out of your ass yet.
Poor guy...
Oh I'm sorry... do you need your SAFE SPACE and a PETTING PUPPY since me speaking the truth scared you?
Haha, still going. Go ahead son, cry it out.
You're the perfect example of a brain washed snowflake.

So, how's the weather inside your little snowflake bubble?
Yes, let the hissy fit flow through you.
What time does your mommy take your computer away?

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