Whistleblower’s Lawyers Release Statement Threatening Journalists If They Publish His Name

If they had real info and the courage of their own convictions then everything would not have to be anonymous and hidden.
Wait, what happened to freedom of the press? If they have the name, they should release the name. Inquiring minds want to know. And I don't care about his family and friends. I do think he should be required to testify as a significant witness for this whole impeachment circus.

I don't care about his family and friends.

We will keep that in mind in the future.
For fucks sakes even Mulvaney directly admited that he held up millitary aid at Trump's direction to pressure Ukraine.

Mick Mulvaney acknowledges Trump held up aid to pressure Ukraine

The denials are getting more and more insane by the day.
we just hand out military aid with nothing in return for the money? really, you think that's how we've always done business with foreign countries? we just give them money for nothing in return? hmmmmm you ain't too bright is ya

I don't remember a case where military aid was contingent on the other country helping a President with his personal election campaign.

Yep- your orange Messiah- put the safety of the Ukraine at risk to further his own political re-election campaign.

Must make you really proud.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
If they had real info and the courage of their own convictions then everything would not have to be anonymous and hidden.

If Trump had the courage of his own convictions, he would not be fighting to keep virtually everything hidden- his taxes, his properties, what his staff did in the Ukraine debacle, the written communications around the Ukraine debacle- hell if he had the courage of his own convictions- Trump would have testified before Mueller.

But no surprise that our draft dodging President doesn't have any courage or convictions.
Screw this secret whistle blower. If you going to accuse someone of a crime you should have to do it in the open and the accuse should be able to confront his accuser.
I don't believe there is a whistleblower. without a name there is no information.

Yet Trump signed a whistleblower law to give VA whistleblowers protections.

Odd how Trump would sign a law into effect- and then proceed to try to fuckover the very same law that applies to his administration.
we just hand out military aid with nothing in return for the money? really, you think that's how we've always done business with foreign countries? we just give them money for nothing in return? hmmmmm you ain't too bright is ya

I don't remember a case where military aid was contingent on the other country helping a President with his personal election campaign.

Yep- your orange Messiah- put the safety of the Ukraine at risk to further his own political re-election campaign.

Must make you really proud.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
Who's the other government?

Your characterization is horseshit, of course. It doesn't matter how many times you idiots repeat it.
I don't remember a case where military aid was contingent on the other country helping a President with his personal election campaign.

Yep- your orange Messiah- put the safety of the Ukraine at risk to further his own political re-election campaign.

Must make you really proud.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
Who's the other government?

Your characterization is horseshit, of course. It doesn't matter how many times you idiots repeat it.

I love watching you Trumpettes getting all pissy.

Trump has asked two governments to investigate Joe Biden- Ukraine and China.

That we know of.

Who knows what other governments he pressured that the whistleblower never knew about.
we just hand out military aid with nothing in return for the money? really, you think that's how we've always done business with foreign countries? we just give them money for nothing in return? hmmmmm you ain't too bright is ya

I don't remember a case where military aid was contingent on the other country helping a President with his personal election campaign.

Yep- your orange Messiah- put the safety of the Ukraine at risk to further his own political re-election campaign.

Must make you really proud.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.

Syriusly, wrong.
As long as the quid pro quo benefits the US, then it does not at all matter if it also were to benefit Trump's campaign accidentally, as well.
And of course there is strong suspicion there is everything wrong with Biden's actions where he threatened to withhold ait to Ukraine unless Shokin was fired. The point of firing Shoken was to prevent Burisma Holdings being investigated, and that is totally illegal.
And it is foolish to claim that the fact no one has yet been prosecuted means there was no wrong doing, because it is impossible to file charges until it first is completely investigated, which is exactly what Trump was trying to do.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
Who's the other government?

Your characterization is horseshit, of course. It doesn't matter how many times you idiots repeat it.

I love watching you Trumpettes getting all pissy.

Trump has asked two governments to investigate Joe Biden- Ukraine and China.

That we know of.

Who knows what other governments he pressured that the whistleblower never knew about.

Syriusly, It is NEVER, EVER illegal to investigate anyone,
What IS illegal, is preventing investigations.
I don't remember a case where military aid was contingent on the other country helping a President with his personal election campaign.

Yep- your orange Messiah- put the safety of the Ukraine at risk to further his own political re-election campaign.

Must make you really proud.
Military aid is always contingent on a lot of things. For instance, Military aid to Egypt is contingent on Egypt maintaining peaceful relations with Israel. Carter got the Nobel prize for that. If you believe that didn't benefit him politically, then you're a moron.

There isn't the slightest bit of evidence that Trump's motive was to benefit his campaign.

You got nothing.

You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.

Syriusly, wrong.
As long as the quid pro quo benefits the US, then it does not at all matter if it also were to benefit Trump's campaign accidentally, as well.
And of course there is strong suspicion there is everything wrong with Biden's actions where he threatened to withhold ait to Ukraine unless Shokin was fired. The point of firing Shoken was to prevent Burisma Holdings being investigated, and that is totally illegal.
And it is foolish to claim that the fact no one has yet been prosecuted means there was no wrong doing, because it is impossible to file charges until it first is completely investigated, which is exactly what Trump was trying to do.
How does this 'benefit the United States?
An investigation into 2 Americans who do not live in Ukraine- for something that happened 3 years ago- under a previous government?

As far as 'the strong suspicion' we have a strong suspicion that Trump violated the law by withholding Congressionally authorized funds in order to secretly press Ukraine to publicly announce an investigation into Trump's political rival.
If they had real info and the courage of their own convictions then everything would not have to be anonymous and hidden.
An fascinating comment, from a trump cultist!

Have you thought about applying this standard to the orange turd, and not just to the people that just voted to hold open hearings?

Hmm, thought not.
You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
Who's the other government?

Your characterization is horseshit, of course. It doesn't matter how many times you idiots repeat it.

I love watching you Trumpettes getting all pissy.

Trump has asked two governments to investigate Joe Biden- Ukraine and China.

That we know of.

Who knows what other governments he pressured that the whistleblower never knew about.

Syriusly, It is NEVER, EVER illegal to investigate anyone,
What IS illegal, is preventing investigations.
For 3 years Trump has proclaimed that he was being illegally investigated by the FBI and then by Mueller. So are you saying that Trump's attempts to prevent those investigations were illegal?

I would agree with you on that.
You need to learn the difference between personal and national interests.

It is discusting and illegal to leverage American foreign policy for personal political gain.
Putting corrupt American criminal politicians is in the national interest. You can claim virtually anything a president does is for personal gain, and you frequently do. Proving it is another thing. A prosecutor would never get a conviction based on the available evidence. He wouldn't even file charges.

Asking two foreign governments to investigate your political rival- yeah that is for Trump's personal gain. Showing a quid pro quo- yes a prosecutor would file charges.

Speaking of 'available evidence'- there is nothing against the Biden's- and no one has filed any charges.
Who's the other government?

Your characterization is horseshit, of course. It doesn't matter how many times you idiots repeat it.

I love watching you Trumpettes getting all pissy.

Trump has asked two governments to investigate Joe Biden- Ukraine and China.

That we know of.

Who knows what other governments he pressured that the whistleblower never knew about.

Syriusly, It is NEVER, EVER illegal to investigate anyone,
What IS illegal, is preventing investigations.
It's illegal for the CIA to investigate American citizens, and for the FBI to investigate Americans without a Grand Jury.
It's illegal for the CIA to investigate American citizens
But it can be perfectly legal for them to collect intelligence on American citizens.

and for the FBI to investigate Americans without a Grand Jury.
Where DO you get this nonsense?
Only with a legal FISA warrant, not that perjured piece of shit Brennan and Comey used.
Sorry my man, that was a FISA warrant.

And you're wrong anyway. No, the CIA does not need a FISA warrant to collect intelligence on american citizens. FISA warrants are for wiretaps and their variants.

You're just kind of making shit up as you go, aren't ya?
It's illegal for the CIA to investigate American citizens
But it can be perfectly legal for them to collect intelligence on American citizens.

and for the FBI to investigate Americans without a Grand Jury.
Where DO you get this nonsense?
Only with a legal FISA warrant, not that perjured piece of shit Brennan and Comey used.
Sorry my man, that was a FISA warrant.

And you're wrong anyway. No, the CIA does not need a FISA warrant to collect intelligence on american citizens. FISA warrants are for wiretaps and their variants.

You're just kind of making shit up as you go, aren't ya?
It was an illegal FISA warrant obtained through perjury. Do you leftwing assholes ever question anything the deep state does?
It's illegal for the CIA to investigate American citizens
But it can be perfectly legal for them to collect intelligence on American citizens.

and for the FBI to investigate Americans without a Grand Jury.
Where DO you get this nonsense?
Only with a legal FISA warrant, not that perjured piece of shit Brennan and Comey used.
Sorry my man, that was a FISA warrant.

And you're wrong anyway. No, the CIA does not need a FISA warrant to collect intelligence on american citizens. FISA warrants are for wiretaps and their variants.

You're just kind of making shit up as you go, aren't ya?
It was an illegal FISA warrant obtained through perjury. Do you leftwing assholes ever question anything the deep state does?
Wrong again, asshole. The CIA cannot collect intelligence on American citizens without a legal FISA warrant.

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