White America Has Lost Its Mind

I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.
I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...
I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...
If you are black and if you think you are being poppressed I have a newsflash for you. It is other black people that are doing the oppressing. It is people like the Jacksons and Sharptons who constantly remind black people that they are victims of white racism. These guys make a living off keeping blacks at odds with other racial groups. The other disgusting aspect of racial victimology is that black people who have achieved middle and upper class success and have enjoyed the beneifts of their hard work are somehow "not black enough" or "have forgotten where they came from". Their children, who use standard English dialect are accused by other blacks of "trying to sound white" or even so low as to be called "uppity *******". I hate that!!!!!......Unfortunately you need to get beyond your belief that the NAACP is there to be an advocate for you. The NAACP went from a legitimate organization dedicated to helping black people to a self promoting for- profit politcical organization that makes it's bones by spreading the message that all black people are victims.
Open your eyes. Don't let anyone else tell you what's what. Do your own homework. You are NOT a victim unless you allow yourself to be a victim.
I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...

Oh...About Israel...That has nothing to do with the discussion. Of course if you want to go there, you are forgetting the dozens of countries in Africa that are exclsively or almost exclusive black.
As for St Patrick's DAY , Columbus DAY, etc. No opne is expected to celebrate if they choose not to. These are traditional days that give people an opportunity on their own to celebrate their heritage.
That is NOT oppression. It's celebration.
Stop the anger. I can see it in the tenor of your post.
If you want to celebrate black history month, go right ahead. But you don't get to ram it down my throat. And I have the right to dismiss it just as you have the right to dimiss the celebrations mentioned above. Equality must apply to all or it means nothing.
I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...

Oh...About Israel...That has nothing to do with the discussion. Of course if you want to go there, you are forgetting the dozens of countries in Africa that are exclsively or almost exclusive black.
As for St Patrick's DAY , Columbus DAY, etc. No opne is expected to celebrate if they choose not to. These are traditional days that give people an opportunity on their own to celebrate their heritage.
That is NOT oppression. It's celebration.
Stop the anger. I can see it in the tenor of your post.
If you want to celebrate black history month, go right ahead. But you don't get to ram it down my throat. And I have the right to dismiss it just as you have the right to dimiss the celebrations mentioned above. Equality must apply to all or it means nothing.

None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...

Oh...About Israel...That has nothing to do with the discussion. Of course if you want to go there, you are forgetting the dozens of countries in Africa that are exclsively or almost exclusive black.
As for St Patrick's DAY , Columbus DAY, etc. No opne is expected to celebrate if they choose not to. These are traditional days that give people an opportunity on their own to celebrate their heritage.
That is NOT oppression. It's celebration.
Stop the anger. I can see it in the tenor of your post.
If you want to celebrate black history month, go right ahead. But you don't get to ram it down my throat. And I have the right to dismiss it just as you have the right to dimiss the celebrations mentioned above. Equality must apply to all or it means nothing.

None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.
Oh...About Israel...That has nothing to do with the discussion. Of course if you want to go there, you are forgetting the dozens of countries in Africa that are exclsively or almost exclusive black.
As for St Patrick's DAY , Columbus DAY, etc. No opne is expected to celebrate if they choose not to. These are traditional days that give people an opportunity on their own to celebrate their heritage.
That is NOT oppression. It's celebration.
Stop the anger. I can see it in the tenor of your post.
If you want to celebrate black history month, go right ahead. But you don't get to ram it down my throat. And I have the right to dismiss it just as you have the right to dimiss the celebrations mentioned above. Equality must apply to all or it means nothing.

None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.

Me being black and caring about issues that affect blacks mean I have a chip on my shoulder? I consider blacks perpetual victims? Then you say I should find ways to work together after you hurl insults...I havent insulted YOU, I never said anything about perpetual victims and you ignore REAL VICTIMS because you dont like....Something. I dunno.

Also, fuck you and your stereotyping. I didnt say anything about being "down with the cause, perpetual victims, chips on shoulders or none of that shit. But this is how its done...Put every stereotype around my neck and say "I'm against that" like I said it to begin with.

If talking about cases of actual INEQUALITY is being "divisive" then I'm a divisive motherfucker because at the end of the day the inequality and racism will happen to ME not to you. So of course you see it as no big deal because you will never be affected by it.
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The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.

This story isnt "the left" and you dam right SOMEONE divided these people but it wasnt me it was the BANKS

Reuters, Oct. 4, 2010

Predatory lending aimed at racially segregated minority neighborhoods led to mass foreclosures that fueled the U.S. housing crisis, according to a new study published in the American Sociological Review.

Predatory lending typically refers to loans that carry unreasonable fees, interest rates and payment requirements.

American Renaissance News: Racial Predatory Loans Fueled Housing Crisis: Study

This story is divisive its' banks against blacks...I didnt do that, the left didnt do that. The Bank did that!

Redlining is the practice of denying, or increasing the cost of, services such as banking, insurance, access to jobs,[2] access to health care,[3] or even supermarkets[4] to residents in certain, often racially determined,[5] areas.

I didnt create Redlining but it exists...But you pretend that because I know that it exists, I'm the one being divisive, not the people who are actually dividing and hurting blacks. Noooo, they get a pass, it's ME and the LEFT

I could go on and on but you choose to believe that if I know these things I'm WRONG for knowing it, or SAYING it happened. Gee wiz, you give a pass to the people causing harm and attack the person who says "ouch"
I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...
If you are black and if you think you are being poppressed I have a newsflash for you. It is other black people that are doing the oppressing. It is people like the Jacksons and Sharptons who constantly remind black people that they are victims of white racism. These guys make a living off keeping blacks at odds with other racial groups. The other disgusting aspect of racial victimology is that black people who have achieved middle and upper class success and have enjoyed the beneifts of their hard work are somehow "not black enough" or "have forgotten where they came from". Their children, who use standard English dialect are accused by other blacks of "trying to sound white" or even so low as to be called "uppity *******". I hate that!!!!!......Unfortunately you need to get beyond your belief that the NAACP is there to be an advocate for you. The NAACP went from a legitimate organization dedicated to helping black people to a self promoting for- profit politcical organization that makes it's bones by spreading the message that all black people are victims.
Open your eyes. Don't let anyone else tell you what's what. Do your own homework. You are NOT a victim unless you allow yourself to be a victim.

This has to be the dumbest thing I've read on this board yet.:cuckoo:
Oh...About Israel...That has nothing to do with the discussion. Of course if you want to go there, you are forgetting the dozens of countries in Africa that are exclsively or almost exclusive black.
As for St Patrick's DAY , Columbus DAY, etc. No opne is expected to celebrate if they choose not to. These are traditional days that give people an opportunity on their own to celebrate their heritage.
That is NOT oppression. It's celebration.
Stop the anger. I can see it in the tenor of your post.
If you want to celebrate black history month, go right ahead. But you don't get to ram it down my throat. And I have the right to dismiss it just as you have the right to dimiss the celebrations mentioned above. Equality must apply to all or it means nothing.

None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.

When you see The Cosby Show on tv, what would you describe that characters on that show as being? If you answered "black," you should be ashamed you divide people into groups and pit them against each other!:eusa_whistle:
None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.

Me being black and caring about issues that affect blacks mean I have a chip on my shoulder? I consider blacks perpetual victims? Then you say I should find ways to work together after you hurl insults...I havent insulted YOU, I never said anything about perpetual victims and you ignore REAL VICTIMS because you dont like....Something. I dunno.

Also, fuck you and your stereotyping. I didnt say anything about being "down with the cause, perpetual victims, chips on shoulders or none of that shit. But this is how its done...Put every stereotype around my neck and say "I'm against that" like I said it to begin with.

If talking about cases of actual INEQUALITY is being "divisive" then I'm a divisive motherfucker because at the end of the day the inequality and racism will happen to ME not to you. So of course you see it as no big deal because you will never be affected by it.

Umm where did I hurl an insult at you?
Ok back to live action...
If you are going to hold on to the false notion that you personally are a perpetual victim, then you doom yourself to a life of misery brought on by the paranoid feeling that someone is always out to get you. How sad.
I made a suggestion to help you think about an alternative to the status quo. You eschewed that. Perhaps it is that feeling as though you are a victim is a comfort zone for you. I do not know.
And now we get to the bottom of your post....Brilliant.
I will be willing to wager a good sum of money that you were looking for someone to agree with you And because I took an opposing viewpoint you decided it was then time to "fuck you" and all that stuff. Well, that's sad.
What I stated are facts and you know it. What I described earlier about the conditions that middle and uppper class blacks and their children have to endure are true and true some more. You know it. I know it. You also are angered by the fact that I had the nerve to discuss the likes of Jackson and Sharpton.
See, some black people. Some, not all. But some, are incensed over that. They cannot handle criticism. Ok, fine.
I tried to have a rational discussion with you based on you protestations and you hit the roof because I posted something you did not want to read.
In conclusion. I will go to bed and sleep very well, thank you.
According to your post, you will carry your anger, hate the entire white race for what....A preconceived notion that you are a victim and have to always look over your shoulder and under your bed for the next "racist" to come along? Please.
Should you decide to discuss this rationally and leave the rhetoric behind, I'll be here.
If you choose to carry you anger, well, it will eat you up from the inside. Sorry.
Oh...One more thing.. You say you are angry. Ok, At the end of the day, does your anger change anything? .
Anger expends a lot of energy. People around an angry person sense that. It's unpleasant to be around. So if anger doesn't change anything and makes you less pleasant to be around, why bother? It accomplishes nothing.
None of it is Oppression...so stop pretending like you're oppressed by black history month or the NAACP. Yeah, I'm angry. This is such bullshit. Fox was saying how ppl shouldnt be divided into groups then she claims division into groups is ok as long as it isnt divided into races. OF COURSE!! All other groups can have their own orgs and shit EXCEPT the blacks...THATS WRONG

When I hear ANY outrage at ANY OTHER GROUP BESIDES BLACKS I will take it seriously. But its a strange thing when the ONLY group you seek to change is black ones. All others are a-ok
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.

When you see The Cosby Show on tv, what would you describe that characters on that show as being? If you answered "black," you should be ashamed you divide people into groups and pit them against each other!:eusa_whistle:

Wait a minute.. You asked a question then threw out an example of an answer you deemed to be politically incorrect.
Look, you don't know me or anything about me other than the fact that I am Causcasian. You seem to have focused on that item only. And what does that say about you. Think about it. You asked a question with the intent to ellicit a pre-determined response.
Now, if I answer in manner that does not follow the pattern you wish( other than "Oh I see a black family") your response would be to say I was lying.
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I'll ask again, Why are blacks the only race expected to "just be american"? No one says that identifying yourself as Irish is divise or Jewish Organizations are racist. But for some strange reason blacks are wrong....

You got to remember Foyfyre's intent, by eliminating the ethnic categories and referring to all people as just Americans there will be no way of tracking racist incidents and therefore Foxfyre's trying to play the colorblind card to only mask racism, no because she truly believes that everyone is all one color. Its the perfect way deny and cover up racism. The history of this country is such that organizations like the NAACP are needed to fight against racism against blacks.
I personally expect all Americans to just be Americans and I don't expect any Americans to claim entitlement by virtue of his her race, ethnic origin, country of origin or any other criteria.

I am guessing that you would consider any organization for the advancement of white people to be racist. Would you not? You wouldn't have a problem with that?

Well if we want to eliminate racism in this country, we should see a problem with that for everybody.

"Irish" isn't a race. "Jewish" isn't a race. I have no problem with anybody of any skin color identifying himself/herself as descending from the Irish or the Italians or the Greek or the Kenyans or the Ethiopians or Egyptians or Australia or whatever. I have no problem with anybody celebrating their heritage or attributing certain characteristics to that. I DO have a problem with any American seeing himself/herself as Irish first or Jewish first and American second. And I have a HUGE problem with folks who think that entitles them to have other people accommodate them by virtue of such characteristics.

Advancement of Whites is not a problem as long as they dont seek to hold me down. There are Jewish orgs right now that no one mentions at all. Hell they have their own dam state. Blacks just have the NAACP and white ppl are shitting bricks like it's unfair because you're being oppressed.

How about this....You arent, havent and wont be oppressed. Whites still run everything BUT the NAACP. And you cry and moan about it like it effects you AT ALL. I'm tired of all the crying from whites who have never been treated like shit telling others why they should get over being treated like shit from their high horses.

Jews have their own dam State, Italians celebrate their heritage, The Irish celebrate theirs and everyone celebrates St Pattys day....But when February rolls around here comes the bullshit about "Why do we need a black history month, why cant it just be AMERICAN history"

Its' such bullshit...
If you are black and if you think you are being poppressed I have a newsflash for you. It is other black people that are doing the oppressing. It is people like the Jacksons and Sharptons who constantly remind black people that they are victims of white racism. These guys make a living off keeping blacks at odds with other racial groups. The other disgusting aspect of racial victimology is that black people who have achieved middle and upper class success and have enjoyed the beneifts of their hard work are somehow "not black enough" or "have forgotten where they came from". Their children, who use standard English dialect are accused by other blacks of "trying to sound white" or even so low as to be called "uppity *******". I hate that!!!!!......Unfortunately you need to get beyond your belief that the NAACP is there to be an advocate for you. The NAACP went from a legitimate organization dedicated to helping black people to a self promoting for- profit politcical organization that makes it's bones by spreading the message that all black people are victims.
Open your eyes. Don't let anyone else tell you what's what. Do your own homework. You are NOT a victim unless you allow yourself to be a victim.

The NAACP,Jesse and Sharpton are oppressing black people? Correct me if I'm wrong but is the NAACP, Jesse and Sharpton responsible for this:

Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis: study | Reuters

You're a retard if you think white racism died and only blacks are keeping it alive by point out rightly that it still exists and just because you and other likeminded whites don't like to hear about it because you stubbornly refuse to accept reality doesn't mean blacks who fight against it are keeping it alive.
I'm sick of insecure, guilt complex ridden, racism denying whites accuse blacks of keeping racism alive when we've been the ones trying to ignore it and pretending it doesn't exist the most. I personally am tired of having to smile and or do silly things around white people just to make them not feel threatened, scared or uncomfortable around me because of their irrational fear of black men. I don't do that anymore, the minute any white person does that I confront them on that and it is that fear of getting exposed as having racists thoughts about blacks that drives whites crazy.

Despite all the racism, bigotry and discrimination we've suffered in America black people have been the most forgiving to white people. I remember my father telling me stories of all black stores in the South going out of business because after the Civil Rights act blacks, ironically, started flocking to white stores that only recently rejected giving them service, which if you ask me makes no damn sense whatsoever. Yet when we as blacks start pointing out systematic racism and discrimination all of the "forgiving" things we've done and still do is naught because by pointing out that racism is still very real to a bunch of racially insecure whites who don't like to hear about it we're keeping "racism alive," no thats not what we're doing, we're making people face up to the reality that they're in denial about.
Bass, you give yourself way to much credit those people who are looking at you is because they don't see your color they see a ASS
Bass, you give yourself way to much credit those people who are looking at you is because they don't see your color they see a ASS

Which means they're homosexual just like you because thats all homosexuals see. I just spoke the truth and don't care if you're racially insecure jackass didn't like it.
You just proved my point...you're an ass aka Donkey, people look at you like they would some homeless guy talking to themselves. Oh and Grow up..really.
Oppressed? No. Just that I have to be reminded at least 15 times a day that Febrary is Black History Month. That serves no purpose as the celebration of Feb as BHM, is for black people to celebrate. I have no interest.
You should be angry at those who have told you that black people are perpetual victims.
The American Left divides people into groups and pits them against each other. You have bought into that and won't let it go.
Instead of thinking "my people", think "my family" Take care of yourself and your family first. Stop this nonsese of being "down with the cause"..There is no "cause".
BTW, I seek to change nothing. Black History Month, Quanza, BET, etc. Whatever.
I will tell you this. I will not cow tow to politcal correctness or hypersensitivity by people who go through their day looking for things to bother themselves with.
Stop the anger. Lose the chip on your shoulder and start looking for ways to work together instead of focusing on divisiveness. Nobody needs that. I don't have time for it. I refuse to participate.

When you see The Cosby Show on tv, what would you describe that characters on that show as being? If you answered "black," you should be ashamed you divide people into groups and pit them against each other!:eusa_whistle:

Wait a minute.. You asked a question then threw out an example of an answer you deemed to be politically incorrect.
Look, you don't know me or anything about me other than the fact that I am Causcasian. You seem to have focused on that item only. And what does that say about you.
Actually I didn't know that you were Caucasian, nor did I assume you were. You could have been Hispanic or Asian. Way to play the RACE CARD.
Think about it. You asked a question with the intent to ellicit a pre-determined response.
Did you see the part where I said "If?"
Now, if I answer in manner that does not follow the pattern you wish( other than "Oh I see a black family") your response would be to say I was lying.
Not at all. If you stated that you didn't see a black family, I would have been amazed. That would make you either really enlightened or really delusional. Considering how don't have time to focus on difference, you shouldn't have answered anything other than "I see a family."
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