White America Has Lost Its Mind

I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.

She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?

Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.

Are you still over here entertaining yourself by poking the morons with a sharp stick until they return to SF....:lol::lol::lol:

Damn I wish I had more time to join you this week.:eusa_drool:
See, I wasn't the only one to know what you are.

Yea, the borg operate as one. You're a fucking little moron, so is tailspin. Please do stick together - nice for you to have some company. You guys can wipe each other's drool.

FYI: Tailspin calls our military 'baby killers'. Yep, you two should get on great.

Why can't you just shut up for one time in your life and admit you're wrong instead of making it your obsession to keep coming after me? I tried making with your stupid retarded ass but you had to keep it going and I can do this all day with you, you will not win.

:lol::lol::lol: Resorting to the 'shut up' whine AGAIN? It's not my concern if you choose to side with the moron who thinks you're a baby killer. That was your choice.

And, just so you know, it's the internet, honey.... there are no 'winners'. :lol::lol: You are one dumbass boy.
I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.

She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?

Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.

This is all California Girl has, she likes to bitch and complain about the person but not the topic, if I post a link talking about Tea Bastards she'll attack me and not say shit about the link, she's this board's Michelle Malkin.
Yea, the borg operate as one. You're a fucking little moron, so is tailspin. Please do stick together - nice for you to have some company. You guys can wipe each other's drool.

FYI: Tailspin calls our military 'baby killers'. Yep, you two should get on great.

Why can't you just shut up for one time in your life and admit you're wrong instead of making it your obsession to keep coming after me? I tried making with your stupid retarded ass but you had to keep it going and I can do this all day with you, you will not win.

:lol::lol::lol: Resorting to the 'shut up' whine AGAIN? It's not my concern if you choose to side with the moron who thinks you're a baby killer. That was your choice.

And, just so you know, it's the internet, honey.... there are no 'winners'. :lol::lol: You are one dumbass boy.


Oh shit......she called someone "Honey....."

Race still matters

• The median household of color has $0.15 for every
dollar of White wealth (Oliver, 1995).
• Poverty disproportionately affects children of color:
61% of Latino children, 60% of Black children, and
30% of Asian children live in low‐income families.
The figure for Whites is 26% (NCCP, 2009).
• 35.6% of children of color are raised in single‐parent
households, compared to 19.6% of White children (US
Census, 2008).
• Blacks and Latinos were 2 to 3 times more likely to
receive a subprime loan, and are more likely to be in
foreclosure (NCRC, 2007).
• While 75% of Whites own their own homes, only
59.5% of Asians, 49.1% of Latinos, and 47.4% of Blacks
do (US Census, 2008).
• Even among borrowers with the highest FICO scores
(720 or higher), 13.5% of Latino and 12.8% of Blacks
received high‐cost loans, compared to 2.6% of Whites.
(Federal Reserve Bank of SF, 2009).​
She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?

Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.

This is all California Girl has, she likes to bitch and complain about the person but not the topic, if I post a link talking about Tea Bastards she'll attack me and not say shit about the link, she's this board's Michelle Malkin.

Actually, Fail-low, she nailed your ass.

The Tea Party is a topic WELL above your severely limited ability to comprehend.

And if an asshole such as you refers to them as "Tea Bastards" or "Tea Baggers," then you have no justification for worrying about HOW you get responded to, you stupid dipshit.

So, go pound salt up your ass. You are a lightweight. You are an ineffectual spokesturd for the liberal cause. People laugh AT you for a reason.
I don't this shit with Foxfyre, she thinks black people are keeping racism alive by talking about it and that the battle has already been won, she must not be a black person. She doesn't understand black people not a bit.

She believes in a world that will not ever exist. Ppl will always be catorgorized as long as we have eyes. Catagorizing ethnicity is racist in her eyes. Funny because that would mean saying one is fat and another is skinny isn't sizeist...or is it? Or tall from short isn't being a heightist...or is it?

She dreams of an impossible world and until all humans don't see skin color the world is wrong. It's an impossible goal but hey, we all can dream can't we?

Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.

Well she said she is ready to move to a color blind society. That will never happen as long as ppl have eyes.

And the reason you're confused about my last paragraph is because it's not a paragraph its a sentence.
Just so you know, it is absolutely fucking moronic to talk about what another individual 'believes' or 'dreams'.

And, your last paragraph makes absolutely no fucking sense. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Just sayin'.

This is all California Girl has, she likes to bitch and complain about the person but not the topic, if I post a link talking about Tea Bastards she'll attack me and not say shit about the link, she's this board's Michelle Malkin.

Actually, Fail-low, she nailed your ass.

The Tea Party is a topic WELL above your severely limited ability to comprehend.

And if an asshole such as you refers to them as "Tea Bastards" or "Tea Baggers," then you have no justification for worrying about HOW you get responded to, you stupid dipshit.

So, go pound salt up your ass. You are a lightweight. You are an ineffectual spokesturd for the liberal cause. People laugh AT you for a reason.

If she nailed me as you claim, what the fuck are you talking for you cocksmoking dodo chaser? I kick her dumbass all around this forum because I feel like it and your Tea Bastard ass can be the next one if you want. California Girl talks a big game with her mouth as hasn't learned that she shouldn't write a check her dumbass can't cash. All of you Tea Bastard worshipping get your asses whipped daily, whether its by me or some other poster here not blinded by your bullshit.
Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

So under your definition the following aren't racist

Believing all blacks like fried chicken, watermelon and basketball
Believing all Asians know karate
Those are stereotypes. Same as those which disparage white southerners as incestuous or poeple of Italian descent all belonging to the mob....It goes on and on.
The bottom line is the liberal elites and others who enrich themselves on groupism and victimology, keep these things in front of the public to maintan their own self importance.
After all, if there were no poltical correctness and no one to shout "racism" everytime somebody farts, how would the Jacksons and Sharptons of the world make a living?
This is all California Girl has, she likes to bitch and complain about the person but not the topic, if I post a link talking about Tea Bastards she'll attack me and not say shit about the link, she's this board's Michelle Malkin.

Actually, Fail-low, she nailed your ass.

The Tea Party is a topic WELL above your severely limited ability to comprehend.

And if an asshole such as you refers to them as "Tea Bastards" or "Tea Baggers," then you have no justification for worrying about HOW you get responded to, you stupid dipshit.

So, go pound salt up your ass. You are a lightweight. You are an ineffectual spokesturd for the liberal cause. People laugh AT you for a reason.

If she nailed me as you claim, what the fuck are you talking for you cocksmoking dodo chaser? I kick her dumbass all around this forum because I feel like it and your Tea Bastard ass can be the next one if you want. California Girl talks a big game with her mouth as hasn't learned that she shouldn't write a check her dumbass can't cash. All of you Tea Bastard worshipping get your asses whipped daily, whether its by me or some other poster here not blinded by your bullshit.

LOL did you need kleenex or kotex? You are certainly in the top ten of drama queens. Congrats!!!!!
Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

So under your definition the following aren't racist

Believing all blacks like fried chicken, watermelon and basketball
Believing all Asians know karate
Those are stereotypes. Same as those which disparage white southerners as incestuous or poeple of Italian descent all belonging to the mob....It goes on and on.
The bottom line is the liberal elites and others who enrich themselves on groupism and victimology, keep these things in front of the public to maintan their own self importance.
After all, if there were no poltical correctness and no one to shout "racism" everytime somebody farts, how would the Jacksons and Sharptons of the world make a living?

That argument would only make sense if there weren't so many examples of so much disparity in law, economics, jobs, etc. that can only be explained by skin color or ethnicity.
If she nailed me as you claim, what the fuck are you talking for you cocksmoking dodo chaser? I kick her dumbass all around this forum because I feel like it and your Tea Bastard ass can be the next one if you want. California Girl talks a big game with her mouth as hasn't learned that she shouldn't write a check her dumbass can't cash. All of you Tea Bastard worshipping get your asses whipped daily, whether its by me or some other poster here not blinded by your bullshit.

What kind of drugs is THIS mother fucking jerk off on? ...
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Funny, but I don't mind it. It brings to light the new Orwellian right wing meme that anti-racism is racism, in order to live with their own racism.
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Funny, but I don't mind it. It brings to light the new Orwellian right wing meme that anti-racism is racism, in order to live with their own racism.

Anyone who was anti racism wouldn't think in terms of race.

Why does it matter to you people what color someone's skin is or their ethnicity? They are human beings.
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Actually, nor do I. Bass isn't racist. He rocks the racial boat - that is not racism. That is about making people confront race. That's not a bad thing and we should not be afraid of it. In my opinion, Charlie has seen the ugly face of racism up front and personal and that impact on how he views the world. I haven't, and that impacts on my view. Unless you have walked in the shoes of a minority, I doubt that any of us can truly understand it. However, we can work to understand it, and ensure that we - and the generations that come after us - are better people.

That is why I dislike the Democrats attitude to race - because they constantly use race as a weapon against opponents. That is disgraceful, in my opinion. Treating minorities as a 'pet project' is disgraceful. We should work to get past this whole concept of 'minorities' and 'black communities' or any other dividing ideology and see people as Americans.
Flaylo doesn't seem to like people calling Bass out on his racist commentary.

Funny, but I don't mind it. It brings to light the new Orwellian right wing meme that anti-racism is racism, in order to live with their own racism.

Anyone who was anti racism wouldn't think in terms of race.

That makes no sense. It's like saying that those who are anti-crime shouldn't think in terms of exposing crime.

Why does it matter to you people what color someone's skin is or their ethnicity? They are human beings.

It shouldn't. But it does, in very real and measurable terms. I've listed several earlier. Racism still exists in our country to the extent that there's measurable discord with how people are treated. Let me repeat just one set of metrics, that I posted:

Race still matters

• The median household of color has $0.15 for every
dollar of White wealth (Oliver, 1995).
• Poverty disproportionately affects children of color:
61% of Latino children, 60% of Black children, and
30% of Asian children live in low‐income families.
The figure for Whites is 26% (NCCP, 2009).
• 35.6% of children of color are raised in single‐parent
households, compared to 19.6% of White children (US
Census, 2008).
• Blacks and Latinos were 2 to 3 times more likely to
receive a subprime loan, and are more likely to be in
foreclosure (NCRC, 2007).
• While 75% of Whites own their own homes, only
59.5% of Asians, 49.1% of Latinos, and 47.4% of Blacks
do (US Census, 2008).
• Even among borrowers with the highest FICO scores
(720 or higher), 13.5% of Latino and 12.8% of Blacks
received high‐cost loans, compared to 2.6% of Whites.
(Federal Reserve Bank of SF, 2009).
I still want an answer: How am I racist for suggesting that Southerners get riled and oversensitive when someone makes fun of their Southernness? For suggesting that racism still exists in a place where it has historically existed, and that the South is in denial?

All this talk of Black people being oversensitive, but when I use an example that involves a group of White people, I get attacked post after post and accused of being a racist for even suggesting it. Why are Black people the focal point of this notion of oversensitivity to criticism? Isn't just as bad that when push comes to shove a lot of White people will cry "racism?"
Again, judging by the reaction to me even questioning the sensitivities of Whites, I get accused of being racist. Yet it's okay to spew out that Blacks are oversensitive, and that's not "racist."

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