White America Has Lost Its Mind

Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

When did Foxfyre becoem a he? Shows just what you DON'T know. ;)
Yes, you ARE making that assumption. See above!! All I did was stick to the topic. We were talking about whites. You could have asked me. I don't think that at alll!!! Again, why not ask me???

Lastly, that is not true!!! He's been very open about his religion and place of birth. My feeling is that some people don't want to believe him. How many times does he have to say he was born in Hawaii and he is a Christian?? And please don't say that if it were George Bush that people would question him, too. That man was never criticized by the right for anything. Let's keep it real. What you're really saying is that President Obama is lying.

I think I'll stop right here. I'm starting to feel as though I'm spitting in the wind.

The bolded is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have read in a long time. I know for a FACT the right criticized Bush. I am on the right...and know hundreds online alone which are, and we ALL criticized him. Sheesh Rin.

Sheesh, Kat!!! :lol: I really have to say that I firmly believe what I said. I think Bush got away with a lot. For some reason, the right does not take their own to task. It's like every single thing Obama does is criticized. Bush could have stolen every piece of Halloween candy from the trick or treaters in Crawford, and some excuse would have been made. That is really what I have observed.

With all due respect Rin, you happen to be wrong. There are people on this very forum that I have talked with even privately, that have taken Bush to task MANY times.
The right as a general rule are conservative. We ALL know Bush was/is not. I promise you I have absolutely no reason to lie, and I am telling you ''we'' had plenty to say about Bush.
I don't know any person on the right that I have read or spoken to about Bush, that was not very disappointed in him.
He was criticized by the right for his spending.
He was criticized by the right over his doing nothing about our borders.
I could go on..
See Soggy....Why defend or deflect things this overtly distasteful? Maybe it wasnt racist (I think he knew the implications of a black person and a chicken dinner or maybe he's that ignorant he doesnt know) but it was distasteful?

Would you at least agree with that?

I don't find it any more or less distasteful than when I turn on Comedy Central and see Katt Williams or Dave Chapelle or Chris Rock referring to me as a goofy cracker who can't dance and speaks with an overt lack of dialect or inflection. And yes, I know that is only comedy. Still... it is a generalization that we all accept.

I think this hyper-sensitivity shit is ridiculous. Maybe he meant that Obama should just go have a chicken dinner. End of story. What, Black People don't eat chicken?

This isnt about being more distasteful than a comedian. And a politician and a comedian should not be compared when talking about what is and is not tasteful.

It's not that I'm hyper sensitive. It's that every instance of racism is dismissed as blacks being hyper sensitive. Nothing in some peoples eyes is racist. I'm a little more sensitive to racism since I lived and experienced it myself. To a white person (I;m assuming you are white) blacks should drop it...even when there is actual racism it's still dismissed as "blacks being too sensitive" and followed by the phrase "I'm not defending them but..."

Its' condescending to say the least. You know what is implied by the chicken dinner comment...And stop pretending to be ignorant by asking "What, blacks dont eat chicken?" It's that condescending thing I was referring too.

The problem here is not racsim in and of itself. The issue is how some on the black side of the debate have been profiting, even making a living off perceived racism.
Victim status for blacks is a cottage industry.
How many companies and groups have been shaken down by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Not to mention the self hating white liberal intelligencia that has helped implement the rules of PC Speech.
The term "racism" has been used and overused to the point where it has lost all meaning.
Screaming "racsim" has gone down the road of the Boy( even that word in the minds of some is racist) Who Cried Wolf.
PC Speech codes have gotten so bad that last year, my friend and I are sitting in a sports bar watching the Giants. Giants runningback Ahmad Bradshaw rips off a big run after being nearly stopped at the line. I yell, "atta boy Bradshaw" and there was a couple of black guys that give me a dirty look.. My reaction is "what the fuck is your problem?".....
It didn't go anywhere.
The point is there is hypersensitivity among some black people.
There are blacks that believe everything is about race and they also think that there is a racist lurking under every bed.
At the end of the day, I don't give a shit what these people think.
Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

Yep. And it is manifested every time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

And a black person is too wounded and fragile to be talked to like any other person, so we have to be REAL careful about the words and symbols and be VERY indignant at politically incorrect language around a black person. After all he or she is totally unable to put anything into its proper perspective and is unable to understand that everything isn't about him or her. So yeah white people are obviously more superior than blacks because they aren't so 'fragile', right?

I could go on, but I don't think you're hearing the argument.

The argument that was made without using ad hominem insults as you just did.

And disclaimer to reassure those who aren't cognitively impaired: Since I DON'T consider black people or white people or brown people or yellow people or red skinned people or any combination of skin colors to be inferior to anybody else by virtue of their race, the argument I HAVE been making is that racism ceases when everybody treats everybody like everybody else.

Do have a great evening.
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Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

So under your definition the following aren't racist

Believing all blacks like fried chicken, watermelon and basketball
Believing all Asians know karate
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Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

And a black person is too wounded and fragile to be talked to like any other person, so we have to be REAL careful about the words and symbols and be VERY indignant at politically incorrect language around a black person. After all he or she is totally unable to put anything into its proper perspective and is unable to understand that everything isn't about him or her. So yeah white people are obviously more superior than blacks because they aren't so 'fragile', right?

I could go on, but I don't think you're hearing the argument.

The argument that was made without using ad hominem insults as you just did.

And disclaimer to reassure those who aren't cognitively impaired: Since I DON'T consider black people or white people or brown people or yellow people or red skinned people or any combination of skin colors to be inferior to anybody else by virtue of their race, the argument I HAVE been making is that racism ceases when everybody treats everybody like everybody else.

Do have a great evening.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.
Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

And a black person is too wounded and fragile to be talked to like any other person, so we have to be REAL careful about the words and symbols and be VERY indignant at politically incorrect language around a black person. After all he or she is totally unable to put anything into its proper perspective and is unable to understand that everything isn't about him or her. So yeah white people are obviously more superior than blacks because they aren't so 'fragile', right?

I could go on, but I don't think you're hearing the argument.

The argument that was made without using ad hominem insults as you just did.

And disclaimer to reassure those who aren't cognitively impaired: Since I DON'T consider black people or white people or brown people or yellow people or red skinned people or any combination of skin colors to be inferior to anybody else by virtue of their race, the argument I HAVE been making is that racism ceases when everybody treats everybody like everybody else.

Do have a great evening.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.

You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.
Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

And a black person is too wounded and fragile to be talked to like any other person, so we have to be REAL careful about the words and symbols and be VERY indignant at politically incorrect language around a black person. After all he or she is totally unable to put anything into its proper perspective and is unable to understand that everything isn't about him or her. So yeah white people are obviously more superior than blacks because they aren't so 'fragile', right?

I could go on, but I don't think you're hearing the argument.

The argument that was made without using ad hominem insults as you just did.

And disclaimer to reassure those who aren't cognitively impaired: Since I DON'T consider black people or white people or brown people or yellow people or red skinned people or any combination of skin colors to be inferior to anybody else by virtue of their race, the argument I HAVE been making is that racism ceases when everybody treats everybody like everybody else.

Do have a great evening.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.

You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

And the still more ODD action was those that also fought and shed their blood...even though they were thought of as lesser humans...and they fought for the same ideal...[LIBERTY], and that would have been the slaves...ODD how Human blood no matter the melatonin content in the skin...still is the same in regard to Human Liberty as to Tyrants?

Very good POST here. I only hope some will learn from history...and dare NOT repeat it.

Dr. Sowell, and Dr. Williams are wonderful, Americans. It's a shame that so many ignore their speech.

*I* am a huge fan.
Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

And a black person is too wounded and fragile to be talked to like any other person, so we have to be REAL careful about the words and symbols and be VERY indignant at politically incorrect language around a black person. After all he or she is totally unable to put anything into its proper perspective and is unable to understand that everything isn't about him or her. So yeah white people are obviously more superior than blacks because they aren't so 'fragile', right?

I could go on, but I don't think you're hearing the argument.

The argument that was made without using ad hominem insults as you just did.

And disclaimer to reassure those who aren't cognitively impaired: Since I DON'T consider black people or white people or brown people or yellow people or red skinned people or any combination of skin colors to be inferior to anybody else by virtue of their race, the argument I HAVE been making is that racism ceases when everybody treats everybody like everybody else.

Do have a great evening.

Yep. And it is manifested ewery time "Whitey" thinks it is necessary to provide for the "black man" who can't possibly succeed without 'Whitey's' help. Is that not considering oneself 'superior' to another?

They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.

You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.
They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.

You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

Say what? WTF Are you talking about?
You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

Say what? WTF Are you talking about?

I would state the obvious, that I articulated what I meant in plain English, but I imagine that is a tough concept for you to follow.:cuckoo:
Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

Say what? WTF Are you talking about?

I would state the obvious, that I articulated what I meant in plain English, but I imagine that is a tough concept for you to follow.:cuckoo:


I'm Afraid that YOU DON'T...and are stuck in some 1940's, 1950's, 1960's 70's timewarp...and SHOW your fucking idiocy.
Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon." I mean there is a difference between that and good natured teasing.

But, when it is said as good natured teasing to recognize the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or imagery to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.
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Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon."

But, when it is said as teasing to illustrate the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or nuance to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.

This Board tells me I am not allowed to REP you right now...Just as well...You have it anyway.

OZMAR is just being stupid and stereo typical...without a clue.

Good Post.
Say what? WTF Are you talking about?

I would state the obvious, that I articulated what I meant in plain English, but I imagine that is a tough concept for you to follow.:cuckoo:


I'm Afraid that YOU DON'T...and are stuck in some 1940's, 1950's, 1960's 70's timewarp...and SHOW your fucking idiocy.

Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon." I mean there is a difference between that and good natured teasing.

But, when it is said as good natured teasing to recognize the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or imagery to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.

Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon."

But, when it is said as teasing to illustrate the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or nuance to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.

This Board tells me I am not allowed to REP you right now...Just as well...You have it anyway.

OZMAR is just being stupid and stereo typical...without a clue.

Good Post.

The only ones that make stupid generalizations are you fools. :cuckoo:

Florida isn't really the south, so I don't see why you're bitching.

But judging by your reactions, I rest my case you thin-skinned nitwits.
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They tell this to everyone. They aren't SQUAT without BIG Government's help. It is the Statist Democrat's BIG LIE.

You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I am a southerner..and all you say there would definitely be a lie.
Oh. And I am married to a Yankee....one that lives in the south with me..and loves it here.
I would state the obvious, that I articulated what I meant in plain English, but I imagine that is a tough concept for you to follow.:cuckoo:


I'm Afraid that YOU DON'T...and are stuck in some 1940's, 1950's, 1960's 70's timewarp...and SHOW your fucking idiocy.

Ozmar uses what I call 'excessive generalization' :)

I have friends I spend as little time with as possible because they are soooooo thin skinned that you can't say much of anything in a colorful way or poke good natured fun at all without them taking offense. It is pretty joyless and wearying to be around them.

There is a HUGE difference, however, between malicious stereoyping such as "all rednecks are racist" when it is intended as it is stated. That is as offensive to me as saying that "all black people like watermelon."

But, when it is said as teasing to illustrate the stereotype: "Well all rednecks are racist, doncha know" or "all black people like watermelon doncha know", I think no normal person would take any kind of offense at that. My own family is so multi racial and so religiously ecumenical and so politically diverse that we couldn't tell any jokes at all if anybody was thin skinned.

And as long as there are those who look for any word, inflection, nuance, illustration, or nuance to use as an excuse to scream RACIST!!!!!!, racism will remain very much alive and well in this country because there are people who are very interested in making sure that it does.

I think the OP was the kind of thing that does exactly that.

This Board tells me I am not allowed to REP you right now...Just as well...You have it anyway.

OZMAR is just being stupid and stereo typical...without a clue.

Good Post.

The only ones that make stupid generalizations are you fools. :cuckoo:

Florida isn't really the south, so I don't see why you're bitching.

But judging by your reactions, I rest my case you thin-skinned nitwits.

uh huh. Florida is ''up north''. :rolleyes:
Thanks Ozmar. Since you seem to be out of ammunition other than personal insults and ad hominem, I'll happily take that as the evidence that my (and Mr T's) argument won the day. When you can't dispute the argument but attack the person making it, I figure I won. :)

Do have a great evening.
You can't read a lot of the excellent essays of Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams before you really start putting it all in perspective. There is nothing to condone slavery and I imagine you couldn't find a dozen idiots in all of America who believe it should ever be legalized by anybody again. There is nothing to condone segregation or marginalizing people because of the color of their skin.

But American soil once ran red with the blood of patriots willing to die to free the slaves, and many other brave men and women fell on their swords to fight through legislation that would end all discrimination. We had our necessary time with Affirmative Action to break down the last vestiges of resistance. That war has been fought at great price and has been won.

Now it is time to just accept people as people. Black people or Hispanic people or Muslim people or all people should learn to laugh and take no more offense at stereotypical images than do the British or Japanese or Chinese or Irish or Italians or Yankees or East Indians or Rednecks or Southerners take offense at some of the characatures used to tease or gently poke fun at them.

When we can get to that point, we will have finally achieved a non-racist society. As long as there are those determined to keep the grudges and hatemongering and sense of entitlement going though, it will remain alive and well.

Are you kidding? Rednecks and Southerners take some of the biggest offense at stereotypes. They like to stereotype and laugh amongst themselves, but God forbid an outsider make fun of them. And then in the South, if a black makes fun of a white, the white person gets really up in arms like "how dare that uppity n*gger say that to me!"

There is a double standard. Southerners also hate and take huge offense to being made fun of by Yankees. Rednecks take offense to being made fun of by outsiders. There's a lot more to this dynamic than you readily admit.

That's the stupidest thing I ever heard. I am a southerner..and all you say there would definitely be a lie.
Oh. And I am married to a Yankee....one that lives in the south with me..and loves it here.
Now I know you're not being truthful.:eusa_whistle:

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