White America Has Lost Its Mind

This damn thread was worthless from the start.

Just think if we started a thread, Black American HAS LOST it's mind.?

pfeeeeeesh..Screw that shit.
I suppose the premise of the thread was flawed in the eyes of many, but there has been some good discussion here and I would like for there to be a whole lot more of it. Perhaps not here but I get sooooooooo tired of the whole racism schtick. I want us all to be free to use the same language, the same symbols, the same metaphors, and hold the same expectations of people regardless of race, creed, or anything else.

I am convinced the war against legalized racism has been won. We won't eliminate the residual prejudices and bigotry by continuing to fight it.
So how is GM food bad?

You know that a racial thread has jumped the tracks when the debate turns to prejudices of fish species.

You act like this thread had any value in the first place. A discussion on fish or GM food would be an improvement.

So says the oversensitive moron who thinks that article was directed at all whites and ignores that it was addressing a specific group of whites.
You know that a racial thread has jumped the tracks when the debate turns to prejudices of fish species.

You act like this thread had any value in the first place. A discussion on fish or GM food would be an improvement.

So says the oversensitive moron who thinks that article was directed at all whites and ignores that it was addressing a specific group of whites.

Really? I must have missed the part that made any distinction re a specific group of whites. What I got from it is that it pretty much stereotyped all white people. The author certainly didn't provide any analogies or examples to show that there are some white people who don't fit the stereotype. And he sure strained at gnats to make a case for 'racist remarks' re subjects that a non racist society would not interpret as racist.

I vote to be a non racist society so we don't have to walk on eggs and watch and consider every word and phrase to avoid been stereotyped as the writer in the OP stereotyped white people. And I think I'm on pretty safe ground to believe that there are people of all colors, races, ethnic groups, and upbringings who would appreciate that also.
You act like this thread had any value in the first place. A discussion on fish or GM food would be an improvement.

So says the oversensitive moron who thinks that article was directed at all whites and ignores that it was addressing a specific group of whites.

Really? I must have missed the part that made any distinction re a specific group of whites. What I got from it is that it pretty much stereotyped all white people. The author certainly didn't provide any analogies or examples to show that there are some white people who don't fit the stereotype. And he sure strained at gnats to make a case for 'racist remarks' re subjects that a non racist society would not interpret as racist.

I vote to be a non racist society so we don't have to walk on eggs and watch and consider every word and phrase to avoid been stereotyped as the writer in the OP stereotyped white people. And I think I'm on pretty safe ground to believe that there are people of all colors, races, ethnic groups, and upbringings who would appreciate that also.

Clearly the article is criticized a select group of whites as the authors is giving examples and not indicting all whites, do you need to have the article dumbed down for you to understand that or are you making the strawman argument that it indicted all whites as a way to dismiss it entirely? There is a lot of truth to that article that expected would make some whites feel jilted but it was not directed at all whites., there is a such thing as context, unless you believe all whites are rightwing Republicans who follow Palin, O'Donnell, Limbaugh and Beck because it was those specific whites the author was addressing.
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.
So says the oversensitive moron who thinks that article was directed at all whites and ignores that it was addressing a specific group of whites.

Really? I must have missed the part that made any distinction re a specific group of whites. What I got from it is that it pretty much stereotyped all white people. The author certainly didn't provide any analogies or examples to show that there are some white people who don't fit the stereotype. And he sure strained at gnats to make a case for 'racist remarks' re subjects that a non racist society would not interpret as racist.

I vote to be a non racist society so we don't have to walk on eggs and watch and consider every word and phrase to avoid been stereotyped as the writer in the OP stereotyped white people. And I think I'm on pretty safe ground to believe that there are people of all colors, races, ethnic groups, and upbringings who would appreciate that also.

Clearly the article is criticized a select group of whites as the authors is giving examples and not indicting all whites, do you need to have the article dumbed down for you to understand that or are you making the strawman argument that it indicted all whites as a way to dismiss it entirely? There is a lot of truth to that article that expected would make some whites feel jilted but it was not directed at all whites., there is a such thing as context, unless you believe all whites are rightwing Republicans who follow Palin, O'Donnell, Limbaugh and Beck because it was those specific whites the author was addressing.

It's clear to you? Well it isn't clear to me. Here is the opening volley from the OP:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

Please show me where he made any distinction between groups of white people.


While you're working on that I'm gonna catch some Z's. I figure I'll have time for quite a few of them.
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.
Really? I must have missed the part that made any distinction re a specific group of whites. What I got from it is that it pretty much stereotyped all white people. The author certainly didn't provide any analogies or examples to show that there are some white people who don't fit the stereotype. And he sure strained at gnats to make a case for 'racist remarks' re subjects that a non racist society would not interpret as racist.

I vote to be a non racist society so we don't have to walk on eggs and watch and consider every word and phrase to avoid been stereotyped as the writer in the OP stereotyped white people. And I think I'm on pretty safe ground to believe that there are people of all colors, races, ethnic groups, and upbringings who would appreciate that also.

Clearly the article is criticized a select group of whites as the authors is giving examples and not indicting all whites, do you need to have the article dumbed down for you to understand that or are you making the strawman argument that it indicted all whites as a way to dismiss it entirely? There is a lot of truth to that article that expected would make some whites feel jilted but it was not directed at all whites., there is a such thing as context, unless you believe all whites are rightwing Republicans who follow Palin, O'Donnell, Limbaugh and Beck because it was those specific whites the author was addressing.

It's clear to you? Well it isn't clear to me. Here is the opening volley from the OP:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

Please show me where he made any distinction between groups of white people.


While you're working on that I'm gonna catch some Z's. I figure I'll have time for quite a few of them.

I just read the link and on the cover this is what I saw, I saw a huge picture with hack jobs from the right.


It couldn't be any more clearer who the author was speaking of, he was shitting on the radical right. Pull your head out of your ass and stop cherry picking.
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And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.

Charlie isn't a racist, your ass just feels offended at the link he posted and he posted no link blaming whites for anything.
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.

Charlie's not a racist. He's a boat rocker. Boat rockers can make other people uncomfortable but that isn't racism.
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

It must bug you that the Mexicans are taking over the spot you guys thought you were untiled to.
You be back in the fields under them they dont have any white guilt and wont look to kindly at carrying you around on their backs

Clearly the article is criticized a select group of whites as the authors is giving examples and not indicting all whites

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice
I suppose the premise of the thread was flawed in the eyes of many, but there has been some good discussion here and I would like for there to be a whole lot more of it. Perhaps not here but I get sooooooooo tired of the whole racism schtick. I want us all to be free to use the same language, the same symbols, the same metaphors, and hold the same expectations of people regardless of race, creed, or anything else.

I am convinced the war against legalized racism has been won. We won't eliminate the residual prejudices and bigotry by continuing to fight it.

Humans use the color of many things to develop prejudice:

Salmon forage the oceans feeding on colorful crustaceans, plankton and algae, which naturally impart a beautiful shade of pink to their flesh. But when salmon are farmed, their flesh is an insipid color -- one few consumers would choose. Salmon growers add two red food dyes -- canthaxanthin (pronounced "can tha zan thin") and its cousin astaxanthin (pronounced "as ta zan thin") -- to make their catch more appealing.

The Great Salmon Scam | Insight on the News Newspaper | Find Articles at BNET
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.

You're full of it, I'm far from being a racist, you internal guilt complex causes you to accuse me of being a racist when all I ever did was point out the people who are responsible for the racial problems in this country. Since you have no way of refuting nor denying the truth the only you're going to do is accuse me of being a racist and dismiss an entire article as racist and ignore exactly whom the author was criticizing, again, because you have no way of refuting his exact criticisms with facts, I don't give a damn about your bruised ego and hurt feelings. You cannot accept the fact that a group of past racist and exploitative whites are responsible and are the cause of this country's racial problems and that today's whites benefit from it whether they're racist or not. Some whites today still want to keep up and even bring back some of the racist policies of the past. Deal with it and keep your hurt feelings to yourself, whiner.
Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.

I'm sure that either you misworded this or I'm misreading it.... but the way it reads is that blacks don't want an end to racism.

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