White America Has Lost Its Mind

Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.
Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

Alrighty then....Here is what I said:

I'll say it again just so I'm clear, non minorities telling minorities what is good for them, or what they should do is arrogant? Am I saying something wrong?

And you responded talking about policies and how its wrong to seperate ppl in groups or how its wrong to profit from racial issues...None of which I said...Here is what you said in case you forgot:

I think it is wrong to assume that a non minority can't distinguish between helpful policy and destructive policy no matter what people are involved. I think it is wrong to assume that minorities are somehow different from other people or what is good for them would not be good for anybody. I think it is wrong to compartmentalize people and separate them into groups for purposes of patronization and condescension most especially when that is to get political power, prestige, or enhance personal fortunes.

Never once addressing how telling another race whats good for them is arrogant. Thanks.

Foxfyre said:
And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

Never said I wasnt, in fact I was absolutely doing that...So

Foxfyre said:
And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

Straw man...I support Dems (not just white ones) I dont support your assumptions about their assumptions.

Second point....What? :lol: Did Obama say something was best for you and I missed it. Strawman

foxfyre said:
And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

Another strawman but I'll answer...White America IS different than Black America and vise versa. Racism (I'll repeat it again and again until you get it) RACISM IS THE BELIEF THAT ONE RACE IS SUPERIOR TO ANOTHER!

I dont believe Blacks are superior to whites...THAT would be racist. I hope you understand my point
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Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.

I've never said that racism is over. I do say that the battle has been won for those who choose to accept that truth.

Racism will never be over as long as there are people who are too thin skinned to accept being treated as everybody else is treated.

Racism will never be over as long as some people regard other people as too stupid or too incompetent or too incapable of succeeding or rising above their circumstances unless other people do that for them.

Racism will never be over as long as some people compartmentalize people and see them as 'different' whether that is due to stupidity or ignorance or is due to self serving motives to gain power, prestige, and/or increase personal fortunes.

Racism will never be over as long as people insist that it be alive, at the top, in the front, and see racism in every word, metaphor, symbol, and inference.

Racism will cease to an issue when everybody of every color accepts people for who and what they are and allow everybody to be treated as well or as badly as everybody else without screaming RACISM in the process.
That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

And you don't think it is arrogant (and racist) to assume what my race is? Or to read a meaning into that sentence you quoted that was not said or even implied?

It might be arrogant so we're both guilty of that but racist believe their race is superior to another. What I stated isnt racist! :lol:

I didnt read a meanning...I quoted you saying something outright...I'm sorry you did it, but its not my fault you did.
I'll say it again just so I'm clear, non minorities telling minorities what is good for them, or what they should do is arrogant? Am I saying something wrong?

You haven't said anything wrong and the funny thing this, exploitative and racist whites love telling blacks and minorities whats good for them. Malcolm X once said that the racist white man doesn't want to see black people thinking and doing for themselves, taking care of their own problems without help from whites, cleaning up their own neighborhoods and being self sufficient because these racist whites fear that blacks might rise up against them. In fact when blacks do take measures to do for themselves without assistance some whites see it as being racist if it doesn't involve whites, yet these whites will complain that blacks need to get off welfare and looking for handouts from the government, its a contradiction. This line of reasoning isn't limited to blacks its also used against immigrants who come to America and do for self, they're likewise seen as a threat by some people to take over America from Americans, lol.
Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.

I've never said that racism is over. I do say that the battle has been won for those who choose to accept that truth.

Racism will never be over as long as there are people who are too thin skinned to accept being treated as everybody else is treated.

Racism will never be over as long as some people regard other people as too stupid or too incompetent or too incapable of succeeding or rising above their circumstances unless other people do that for them.

Racism will never be over as long as some people compartmentalize people and see them as 'different' whether that is due to stupidity or ignorance or is due to self serving motives to gain power, prestige, and/or increase personal fortunes.

Racism will never be over as long as people insist that it be alive, at the top, in the front, and see racism in every word, metaphor, symbol, and inference.

Racism will cease to an issue when everybody of every color accepts people for who and what they are and allow everybody to be treated as well or as badly as everybody else without screaming RACISM in the process.

The battle is far from over, thats what you fail to realize, ask the millions of minorities is it over, lol. Things like this below prove without a doubt that the battle is far from being over:

Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis: study | Reuters
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

First of all, did you even notice the title of this thread?? That's why my remarks referred to white people. Secondly, I never said that I do not see a problem with anybody else. Did you ask me?? Or are you just going to assume what you want to about what I think??

You seem to have an attitude and I don't understand it. I asked you in a prior post to tell me what reason people have for questioning the prez's religion and place of birth, if racism is not their motive. I thought I was pleasant. Not only did you ignore me, but you came back at me with this. I can only assume that you don't really want to have a productive exchange. Next time, why not just say so??
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change

That's absurd Rin. What are you basing that on? Whose parents? Proof?
And so you know..you do not have to grow up in Hollywood to go to school with, or be around ''everybody''.

Of course I know that. It's just that people that grow up in and around Hollyweird seem to be much more inclusive.

I think there are lots of people that have parents that teach them to be racist. I had some first cousins in Minnesota that were as racist as the day is long. My Mom and their Mom were sisters. It was their Dad that taught them to hate everybody. And boy did they!! And the friends they had were just the same.

Kids will play together and they don't care about color. Any of them. But when a parent tells them not to play with someone of a certain color because they are not good enough, that's where the trouble starts. It's not absurd at all. Some people never figure out that that kind of thinking is wrong.

I also think that sometimes we grow up and reject our parent's values in favor of our own. The way we are raised has a big impact in forming our values, likes, dislikes, and opinions. We can choose to reject or retain what we grew up with. But the influence is there, how could it not be??
No conservatives are not racists....

But they still think alot of what Archie Bunker said makes sense

Do you have proof of that, or do you just think it is true because you said it?

He's right in a way because many of us believe Archie did get some things right. He wasn't wrong to value the Constitution and believe America was a great country and appreciate the good things in it. One of my favorite lines of his was when a colleague was defending infidelity with the 'grass is greener' analogy, Archie said "Well Edith is green enough for me."

He was absolutely racist in a way typical of his generation in that he bought into the stereotypes (of race and just about everything else) and culturally he resisted 'mixing' the races. But he was also typical of that generation in that he would not harm a fly, he wished no harm or ill will of people of other races, and he often stepped outside his comfort zone on behalf of a person of another race.

What those who excoriate Archie don't usually see is that the script made just as much fun of the leftwing socialist nonsense of Meathead. A particular poignant segment showed Lionel Jefferson finally explaining to Mike Stivic how offensive and racist he was when he continually asked Lionel to express the 'black' perspective instead of allowing Lionel to just be another person.

And those who excoriate Archie don't usually see that George Jefferson was just as racist and fixated on stereotypes as was Archie.

The show was brilliant in its honesty as well as poking fun at the absurdity of the human condition and promoted understanding in a non offensive way by pointing out the absurdities in a mostly lighthearted manner. It didn't promote continuing the war.

It was absolutely brilliant!! What a shame we could never have a new show like that today.
That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

First of all, did you even notice the title of this thread?? That's why my remarks referred to white people. Secondly, I never said that I do not see a problem with anybody else. Did you ask me?? Or are you just going to assume what you want to about what I think??

You seem to have an attitude and I don't understand it. I asked you in a prior post to tell me what reason people have for questioning the prez's religion and place of birth, if racism is not their motive. I thought I was pleasant. Not only did you ignore me, but you came back at me with this. I can only assume that you don't really want to have a productive exchange. Next time, why not just say so??

I don't see anywhere in my post where I assumed anything about what you think. I might slip up once in awhile, but I do try very hard not to do that. I do comment on what people say. You were the one who specified white people as being taught to be racists and you did not qualify that with any suggestion that other than white people teach their children to be racists. I commented on that specific point and explained why I had a problem with that statement.

But then I have a problem will all statements or assumptions or inferences that it is okay for a person of one race to say something but not okay for a person of another race to say the same thing. I have a problem with people who separate people into races and apply different standards, assumptions, or responsibilities on each.

I think people question the President re his religion and his place of birth because he is so ambiguous and secretive or non commital about both. I don't think any of the questions have anything to do with race, and I don't think the questions are at all unusual given the power and public visibility of the office of Presidency. I think anybody who thinks there wouldn't have been similar questions about George W. Bush under the same circumstances is being 100% dishonest. I could be wrong. But that is my opinion.

And yeah, you can take it to the bank that I have an attitude about this, because I think until we get a handle on the real facts of racism these days, "Whitey" is gonna continue to "Keep the black folks down" because some 'Whiteys' and some "black folks' profit enormously from that and want it that way and/or some people just plain get off being angry, indignant, and want there to be victimization to use as a club.
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White people are taught to be racists? Maybe before, I was raised to not even look at skin color. Both My Parents talked to me more than once about how everyone is a person, and I how I should no judge people based on skin color.

My father told me stories about his racists father and how he never wanted himself, or his kids to be like that.
White people are taught to be racists? Maybe before, I was raised to not even look at skin color. Both My Parents talked to me more than once about how everyone is a person, and I how I should no judge people based on skin color.

My father told me stories about his racists father and how he never wanted himself, or his kids to be like that.

Do you realise they feed a special diet to farm raised salmon to increase the red color of their flesh?
White people are taught to be racists? Maybe before, I was raised to not even look at skin color. Both My Parents talked to me more than once about how everyone is a person, and I how I should no judge people based on skin color.

My father told me stories about his racists father and how he never wanted himself, or his kids to be like that.

Do you realise they feed a special diet to farm raised salmon to increase the red color of their flesh?

White people are taught to be racists? Maybe before, I was raised to not even look at skin color. Both My Parents talked to me more than once about how everyone is a person, and I how I should no judge people based on skin color.

My father told me stories about his racists father and how he never wanted himself, or his kids to be like that.

Do you realise they feed a special diet to farm raised salmon to increase the red color of their flesh?


Generally, the salmon are unnamed.
White people are taught to be racists? Maybe before, I was raised to not even look at skin color. Both My Parents talked to me more than once about how everyone is a person, and I how I should no judge people based on skin color.

My father told me stories about his racists father and how he never wanted himself, or his kids to be like that.

While there are a lot of people who were raised like you, I'm sure there are a lot of people who weren't raised like that. It's interesting that you seem incapable of acknowledging that.

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