White America Has Lost Its Mind

That was some funny shit.

I ain't saying conservatives are "racist". But, they certainly cater to them. That's something y'all can thank Nixon and Bush I for.

OMg, LOL:lol:
do you people EVA come up with new material?

No conservatives are not racists....

But they still think alot of what Archie Bunker said makes sense
Well I'm white and I sure as hell ain't lost my mind.

I didn't fall for OL'BO's silver tongue and his Hopey, Changey BS. I have friends who did though. They are thinking that they lost their minds to have voted for the bozo.

Judging by your posts you, however, have lost yours dude. Jeeze.

Since you're posting in this thread, I assume you've read the OP article. Do you think that Laura Ingram lost her mind?

Yep. Read that article. Think its a bunch of bs but I'm sure someone out there believes it.

Just not me.
Xenophobia is a cornerstone of the american psyche. first it was the chinese and the irish and the germans, now anyone who appears to hail from northern africa or the middle east.

I am truly amazed that there are ignorant idiots like you that STILL exist.

If you don't think that the Muslims, by virtue of their belief in a Quasi Religion that can be likened to fascism that are in our midst.....and with whom we are at war then that's bad enough.

However, if in addition to that you don't see that the fucking ISLAM and their fucking Victory Mosque is their way of using our Constitution against us, and defecatating on us, than you really are a POS and deserve the Islamic SHIT that is cascading down your head and shoulders.

Bottom line: O.K. Very few are disputing the fact that the fucking so-called "peaceful" Muslims have a RIGHT to build their fucking VICTORY MOSQUE on the graveyard of their 9/11 victims.


The best ignorant idiots like you should do is at least view the tape, and educate themselves:

GOOGLE IT: Youtube, 3 things about Islam.

It's an approx 8 minute tape. The first link.

If you don't see another Political/Religious tape in your life....then see that one, you fucking ignorant moron.
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Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

Bass is USMB's Bigot in Chief..
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

Racists believe they are superior to other races. Who are the black and hispanic racists? Are they imaginary?
I see Father Time is another oversensitive white, if he had actually read the entire article he would have known that the author wasn't referring to all white people, but what can i say, when you have a guilt complex you'll respond.
That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change.

There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

Bass is USMB's Bigot in Chief..

Soggy, your personal attacks are male and old, everyone here except for the extreme retards know I'm not a racist and know that my criticisms are directed at a specific people who happen to be a minority amongst whites.
It's the whites I tells ya it's all whiiteys fault, dem bastards are ruining this country. Whites need to be cured.

Fuck you and your stupid racist bullshit.

Who else's fault is it largely, the blacks and Latinos? LMAO, its not all whites just a specific group of whites, oversensitive jackass.
There are a lot of people who are so fixated on race for political or whatever purposes it is almost as if we never passed the Thirteenth Amendment, never fought the Civil War, never eliminated segregation, never overwhelmingly passed the Civil Rights Act, never implemented Affirmative Action, never built or supported race based institutions and foundations. Depending on where you look for the demographics, non Hispanic white people are about 8% to 15% of the global population, but racists continue to blame them, more especially white Americans, for all the world's ills and give them none of the credit for global prosperity and major advancements.

Personally I think the war has been fought and won, and now it is time to point that out and encourage, even insist, that each individual take advantage of it and stop expecting everybody else to do that for them.

And those deserving of contempt are those who continue to race bait in order to increase their own influence, power, and/or fortunes.
That was some funny shit.

I ain't saying conservatives are "racist". But, they certainly cater to them. That's something y'all can thank Nixon and Bush I for.

OMg, LOL:lol:
do you people EVA come up with new material?

No conservatives are not racists....

But they still think alot of what Archie Bunker said makes sense

Do you have proof of that, or do you just think it is true because you said it?
Willow, by saying that you admit to being an ignorant bigot. You have no logic. I repeat: If you think its insensitive to build a mosque near Ground Zero, YOU BELIEVE ANY PERSON THAT FOLLOWS THE WORD OF MUHAMMAD IS A TERRORIST. Muslims died that day too you fuck. So what? If youre a Muslim in America you dont have free speech? Thats like saying, "I'm not against Muslims. I just don't like Muslims in my neighborhood."

That's just bullshit.
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

That makes sense. Maybe that's why race has never been an issue for me. My parents never made it one. Also, I grew up in Hollywood. From 1st grade on, I went to school with everybody. Its always been normal to me for us to all be mixed together. :)

But I do feel a lot of whites believe their parents were right when they raised them to think they are better than others. I wonder if these people can even change

That's absurd Rin. What are you basing that on? Whose parents? Proof?
And so you know..you do not have to grow up in Hollywood to go to school with, or be around ''everybody''.
Personally I think the war has been fought and won, and now it is time to point that out and encourage, even insist, that each individual take advantage of it and stop expecting everybody else to do that for them.

Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant
OMg, LOL:lol:
do you people EVA come up with new material?

No conservatives are not racists....

But they still think alot of what Archie Bunker said makes sense

Do you have proof of that, or do you just think it is true because you said it?

He's right in a way because many of us believe Archie did get some things right. He wasn't wrong to value the Constitution and believe America was a great country and appreciate the good things in it. One of my favorite lines of his was when a colleague was defending infidelity with the 'grass is greener' analogy, Archie said "Well Edith is green enough for me."

He was absolutely racist in a way typical of his generation in that he bought into the stereotypes (of race and just about everything else) and culturally he resisted 'mixing' the races. But he was also typical of that generation in that he would not harm a fly, he wished no harm or ill will of people of other races, and he often stepped outside his comfort zone on behalf of a person of another race.

What those who excoriate Archie don't usually see is that the script made just as much fun of the leftwing socialist nonsense of Meathead. A particular poignant segment showed Lionel Jefferson finally explaining to Mike Stivic how offensive and racist he was when he continually asked Lionel to express the 'black' perspective instead of allowing Lionel to just be another person.

And those who excoriate Archie don't usually see that George Jefferson was just as racist and fixated on stereotypes as was Archie.

The show was brilliant in its honesty as well as poking fun at the absurdity of the human condition and promoted understanding in a non offensive way by pointing out the absurdities in a mostly lighthearted manner. It didn't promote continuing the war.
Personally I think the war has been fought and won, and now it is time to point that out and encourage, even insist, that each individual take advantage of it and stop expecting everybody else to do that for them.

Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant

Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.
Personally I think the war has been fought and won, and now it is time to point that out and encourage, even insist, that each individual take advantage of it and stop expecting everybody else to do that for them.

Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant

First, thanks to Kat.

I am absolutely not embarrassed that I think all people should just be people and not compartmentalized into this race or that race or this group or that group. And I am absolutely not embarrassed that I think the same values and ideals benefit all people of whatever race or group and that destructive policies harm all people of whatever race or group.

And I am absolutely not embarrassed that I think those who think certain races cannot succeed or get ahead unless white people accommodate them and help them or who thnk white people have to give up something in order for others to succeed are patronizing and condescending and are the true racists of our society today and are doing more damage to society than any other single factor related to race.

And frankly sir, you don't have a clue what color I am, do you.

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