White America Has Lost Its Mind


Lets put on a Minstrel Show!

Uh... what does this have to do with chicken dinners? Was chicken a staple at the Minstrel Show?

Sorry, Ollie North style plausible deniability doesn't work. Here's an image that was included in a news letter put out by Chaffey Community Republican Women, Federated.


When you put thatObama bill together, you forgot to put the strippers in, that and the 26" rims.........oh and the Koolaid should be purple as in "Poiple drank"
It's unfair and ridiculous to suggest that anyone who ridicules Obama is a racist. However, I am sick and fucking tired of all these people who spout vehement, anti-Obama, anti-2006 elected democratic rhetoric, without any INTELLIGENT criticism of the administration.
I ask: "Why don't you like Obama?"
Answer: "You know he's a Muslim? You know he wasnt even born in this country?"
(I then throw up)
It's funny, because I'm not even a supporter of Obama. Yet at least I have coherent criticisms of the administration. Every time I hear the beginning of some asshole Republican's tirade, it inevitably comes back to something along the lines of the president being from Kenya. Clearly, bigotry exists. Look at the mosque near Ground Zero debate. The fact that a person thinks its insensitive proves that they cant differentiate between the 99% peaceful composition of Islam and the maybe hundred or so motherfucking cocksuckers that orchestrated and carried out 9/11.
Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

personally I have no such collective guilt...I never raped or dominated you or stole anyones fucking land..half my ancestors died in coal mines by their 40s the other half died at sea..were the fuck is my payback ?.. Jesus your probably "whiter" than I am

I think you misunderstood, while it is true today's whites aren't responsible for the sins of the past whites they've certainly benefited from those sins of the past and or are subject to less struggles than minorities because of those past sins and its amazing how much white people deny this. Since Obama became present there is a sweeping fear that Obama is going the undo the advantages that came with the sins of past whites that today's whites feel they're entitled to although they like to separate themselves from the evil of the deeds that gave them those advantages, thats the real reason for all of this anti-Obama nonsense.
Anti-racism is racist only when pointing out racism by whites, the right has its standards, LMAO!

Charlie, pointing out racism when there is no racism is racist. Surely, you get that? It's a cheap shot to silence others. No one likes being labeled a racist... it is particularly offensive when that person is NOT a racist. And, you know I am no racist.

No it's not...People want to throw around the word so much they forget what it really means.

racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

Calling someone racist when they arent isnt racist...It's disingenuous but not racist.

This is pointless...I'm being fair as possible and no one likes that, they rather call names and try to one up each other rather than have a debate

You're actually making my point for me. Thanks. It is ridiculous to call someone a racist because you disagree with them. Which is what certain posters do. I get called a racist at least a couple of times a week on this board. I am not a racist, but that doesn't stop them playing their race card. So, if I am racist, then they must be racist too. See how that works?
It's unfair and ridiculous to suggest that anyone who ridicules Obama is a racist.

I don't think anyone is saying that any criticism of Obama is inherently racist, the issue is that people are using tactics that on the outside look like non-racist criticism but when you get beneath the surface it is driven by racism. Some of the idiots on the right like to deny this and dismiss any criticism of their underlying racist hackery against Obama as a liberal conspiracy to silence them by playing the race card, even in those case where its blatantly obvious that its racism. I agree with you that it is unfair and ridiculous to call all criticism against Obama racism, but that isn't to say that that a lot of it is because of racism.

However, I am sick and fucking tired of all these people who spout vehement, anti-Obama, anti-2006 elected democratic rhetoric, without any INTELLIGENT criticism of the administration.
I ask: "Why don't you like Obama?"
Answer: "You know he's a Muslim? You know he wasnt even born in this country?"
(I then throw up)
It's funny, because I'm not even a supporter of Obama. Yet at least I have coherent criticisms of the administration. Every time I hear the beginning of some asshole Republican's tirade, it inevitably comes back to something along the lines of the president being from Kenya. Clearly, bigotry exists. Look at the mosque near Ground Zero debate. The fact that a person thinks its insensitive proves that they cant differentiate between the 99% peaceful composition of Islam and the maybe hundred or so motherfucking cocksuckers that orchestrated and carried out 9/11.

Its amazing how *SOME* whites believe minorities are over sensitive about race when this thread has demonstrated the opposite, that it is whites who are very, very sensitive to talking about race , mainly because it involves looking at how the deeds of the past affect things today, threat of minorities paying back whites for all those misdeeds and a perception that they're going to viewed as the most racist, which doesn't sit well with those racially insecure and sick racist whites who believe in white superiority. That would mean acknowledging also that everything they were taught about their superiority was a lie.

personally I have no such collective guilt...I never raped or dominated you or stole anyones fucking land..half my ancestors died in coal mines by their 40s the other half died at sea..were the fuck is my payback ?.. Jesus your probably "whiter" than I am

I think you misunderstood, while it is true today's whites aren't responsible for the sins of the past whites they've certainly benefited from those sins of the past and or are subject to less struggles than minorities because of those past sins and its amazing how much white people deny this. Since Obama became present there is a sweeping fear that Obama is going the undo the advantages that came with the sins of past whites that today's whites feel they're entitled to although they like to separate themselves from the evil of the deeds that gave them those advantages, thats the real reason for all of this anti-Obama nonsense.

I personally benefit from the hard work of my parents. Does that mean that, instead of inheriting what they have strived for all their lives, it should be taken by the state and given to someone else?

Charlie, we cannot change the past. We can change the future. We have. Sure there is still a ways to go but this constant insistence that other people 'owe' you is ridiculous. I doubt that many white Americans feel 'entitled' to anything other than what they and their family have earned.

You cannot possibly know 'the real reason' for 'all this anti-Obama nonsense'. Your view is formed by your personal experiences, it is biased. I don't like Obama because I don't like his policies. End of. It has jack shit to do with his color and I'm kind of sick and tired of other people telling me what my reasons are. It's fucking ridiculous.
Charlie, pointing out racism when there is no racism is racist. Surely, you get that? It's a cheap shot to silence others. No one likes being labeled a racist... it is particularly offensive when that person is NOT a racist. And, you know I am no racist.

No it's not...People want to throw around the word so much they forget what it really means.

racist - a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others

Calling someone racist when they arent isnt racist...It's disingenuous but not racist.

This is pointless...I'm being fair as possible and no one likes that, they rather call names and try to one up each other rather than have a debate

You're actually making my point for me. Thanks. It is ridiculous to call someone a racist because you disagree with them. Which is what certain posters do. I get called a racist at least a couple of times a week on this board. I am not a racist, but that doesn't stop them playing their race card. So, if I am racist, then they must be racist too. See how that works?

This being the case why do you keep calling Obama and Flaylo racist?
White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Great take on the current political state of country and is truthful, even if it does and will piss some people off.

I agree. I mean look at this poll.... 91% of blacks still approve of Obama where all other races only have a 36% approval rating of Obama... What is wrong with white people, and all other races for that matter???? :lol::lol::lol:

Ominous new Gallup findings for Democrats: Blacks still love Obama, others not so much | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

The majority, if not 99% of the backlash against Obama and his government is backed and dominated by whites who are insecure with a deepseated fear that Obama as a black president thats going to pay back whites for years of oppression and racism by "taking away their country" which doesn't surprise me because the slavemaster had the same fear of his slaves despite living in a country and time when they are literally in charge and in power. They fail to realize that Obama can't do anything unilaterally himself.

what a CROCK of shit. you race baiters JUST NEVER GIVE UP with this crap, do you.
what a friggen JOKE.
No it's not...People want to throw around the word so much they forget what it really means.

Calling someone racist when they arent isnt racist...It's disingenuous but not racist.

This is pointless...I'm being fair as possible and no one likes that, they rather call names and try to one up each other rather than have a debate

You're actually making my point for me. Thanks. It is ridiculous to call someone a racist because you disagree with them. Which is what certain posters do. I get called a racist at least a couple of times a week on this board. I am not a racist, but that doesn't stop them playing their race card. So, if I am racist, then they must be racist too. See how that works?

This being the case why do you keep calling Obama and Flaylo racist?

I call Obama a racist because his own words provide evidence of it.

And Fail called me a racist, then admitted he did so because he didn't like what I said about Obama. So, if I'm a racist because he doesn't like what I say, then I can call him a racist because I don't like what he says. That's fair, is it not? Or is it different because I'm white? Failgo started the shit about me being a racist. Even you said so. And, Charlie, let's also remember that you were the one who told him that I'm not a racist.
I dont think either the president or his coherent detractors are racists - there's no empiric evidence for either. However, it's undeniable that there is a vast amount of anti-muslim sentiment in this country. I refer again to the Ground Zero mosque.
Xenophobia is a cornerstone of the american psyche. first it was the chinese and the irish and the germans, now anyone who appears to hail from northern africa or the middle east.
I dont think either the president or his coherent detractors are racists - there's no empiric evidence for either. However, it's undeniable that there is a vast amount of anti-muslim sentiment in this country. I refer again to the Ground Zero mosque.

what a narrow minded unthinking redneck you seem to be. There are signs that the wh and his doj show racial prefrence. and no one is against muslims or mosques. We just don't want a mosque and ground zero and if you cannot understand the reasoning then I have great pity for you.
I call Obama a racist because his own words provide evidence of it. [7QUOTE]

BS, Obama isn't a racist and you know it and I know exactly what quotes you're talking about and most of those were quoted out of context or distorted and he plain old didn't even say them, you can't name any racist acts by Obama.

And Fail called me a racist, then admitted he did so because he didn't like what I said about Obama. So, if I'm a racist because he doesn't like what I say, then I can call him a racist because I don't like what he says. That's fair, is it not? Or is it different because I'm white? Failgo started the shit about me being a racist. Even you said so. And, Charlie, let's also remember that you were the one who told him that I'm not a racist.

You and Flaylo have your partisan back and forth war going on but I know for a fact that he's not a racist, I know him pretty well outside of this board.
I dont think either the president or his coherent detractors are racists - there's no empiric evidence for either. However, it's undeniable that there is a vast amount of anti-muslim sentiment in this country. I refer again to the Ground Zero mosque.

what a narrow minded unthinking redneck you seem to be. There are signs that the wh and his doj show racial prefrence. and no one is against muslims or mosques. We just don't want a mosque and ground zero and if you cannot understand the reasoning then I have great pity for you.

And what are those signs that the president and White House is showing racial preference idiot or is your fear of a black president giving you schizophrenic thoughts? And yes there is anti-Muslim sentiment, a guy wearing an Under Armor skull cap with a Puerto Rican necklace was jeered and harassed by people who thought he was Muslim despite not actually knowing his religion nor his views.
Willow, by saying that you admit to being an ignorant bigot. You have no logic. I repeat: If you think its insensitive to build a mosque near Ground Zero, YOU BELIEVE ANY PERSON THAT FOLLOWS THE WORD OF MUHAMMAD IS A TERRORIST. Muslims died that day too you fuck. So what? If youre a Muslim in America you dont have free speech? Thats like saying, "I'm not against Muslims. I just don't like Muslims in my neighborhood."
I call Obama a racist because his own words provide evidence of it. [7QUOTE]

BS, Obama isn't a racist and you know it and I know exactly what quotes you're talking about and most of those were quoted out of context or distorted and he plain old didn't even say them, you can't name any racist acts by Obama.

And Fail called me a racist, then admitted he did so because he didn't like what I said about Obama. So, if I'm a racist because he doesn't like what I say, then I can call him a racist because I don't like what he says. That's fair, is it not? Or is it different because I'm white? Failgo started the shit about me being a racist. Even you said so. And, Charlie, let's also remember that you were the one who told him that I'm not a racist.

You and Flaylo have your partisan back and forth war going on but I know for a fact that he's not a racist, I know him pretty well outside of this board.

That's nice. I'm glad you two know each other. However, to me, he is just another whiner who thinks being bi-racial makes him above racism. It doesn't. He started with the idiocy, I returned it and he threw a hissy fit. Kid needs to grow a brain, in my opinion, and he shouldn't say shit like 'you're a racist' without having the evidence to back it up. Labeling someone racist is offensive and, he's a fucking jackass.
It's the whites I tells ya it's all whiiteys fault, dem bastards are ruining this country. Whites need to be cured.

Fuck you and your stupid racist bullshit.
It's the whites I tells ya it's all whiiteys fault, dem bastards are ruining this country. Whites need to be cured.

Fuck you and your stupid racist bullshit.

It's not racist bullshit, it's a legitimate viewpoint. And anyone with half a brain should understand where that view comes from... that's not to say it is correct, but understandable.
That was some funny shit.

I ain't saying conservatives are "racist". But, they certainly cater to them. That's something y'all can thank Nixon and Bush I for.

OMg, LOL:lol:
do you people EVA come up with new material?

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