White America Has Lost Its Mind

Personally I think the war has been fought and won, and now it is time to point that out and encourage, even insist, that each individual take advantage of it and stop expecting everybody else to do that for them.

Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant

Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.

That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.
Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant

Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.

That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

So you know as fact that she is not a minority??
Has Black America lost its mind?

Allow me to post a lot of controversial things some black people did, then take enough to drugs to convince myself all black people agree with them then say yes.
Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.

That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

So you know as fact that she is not a minority??

I'm guessing but that doesnt take away from my point that non minorities think they know what is best for minorities. Period.

But you can make this about me if you want to ignore that point
I see Father Time is another oversensitive white, if he had actually read the entire article he would have known that the author wasn't referring to all white people, but what can i say, when you have a guilt complex you'll respond.

Yeah you're right they were only referring to white Americans what with their talk of white America and

"Can the white mind be cured? And what—other than a massive lobotomy—can salvage it?"

How silly of me to think it was all white people.
Of course you believe that, you're white! You dont feel the least bit embarrassed that you (and some others) think thay you know what is best for a race that you dont belong too? That is the definition of arrogant

Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.

That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

And you don't think it is arrogant (and racist) to assume what my race is? Or to read a meaning into that sentence you quoted that was not said or even implied?
That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

So you know as fact that she is not a minority??

I'm guessing but that doesnt take away from my point that non minorities think they know what is best for minorities. Period.

But you can make this about me if you want to ignore that point

I am not ignoring anything. So. What is it you want exactly?

Oh and for the record, I have yet to try and tell a minority what they should do. But, then I tend to not look at people as a race, but as an individual. ;)
Pretty funny. Not only is that NOT what she implied. Not to mention Foxfyre is probably the least arrogant person on this forum.

That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

And you don't think it is arrogant (and racist) to assume what my race is? Or to read a meaning into that sentence you quoted that was not said or even implied?

It might be arrogant so we're both guilty of that but racist believe their race is superior to another. What I stated isnt racist! :lol:

I didnt read a meanning...I quoted you saying something outright...I'm sorry you did it, but its not my fault you did.
I'll say it again just so I'm clear, non minorities telling minorities what is good for them, or what they should do is arrogant? Am I saying something wrong?
That's great you think that but she didn't imply anything. She said in the quote. All I hear from ppl who aren't a minority is what minorities should do. That is the definition of arrogance.

And you don't think it is arrogant (and racist) to assume what my race is? Or to read a meaning into that sentence you quoted that was not said or even implied?

It might be arrogant so we're both guilty of that but racist believe their race is superior to another. What I stated isnt racist! :lol:

I didnt read a meanning...I quoted you saying something outright...I'm sorry you did it, but its not my fault you did.
I'll say it again just so I'm clear, non minorities telling minorities what is good for them, or what they should do is arrogant? Am I saying something wrong?

I think it is wrong to assume that a non minority can't distinguish between helpful policy and destructive policy no matter what people are involved. I think it is wrong to assume that minorities are somehow different from other people or what is good for them would not be good for anybody. I think it is wrong to compartmentalize people and separate them into groups for purposes of patronization and condescension most especially when that is to get political power, prestige, or enhance personal fortunes. And if you look at what I said honestly, you will see that. And when you dishonestly represent what I said, yes I do think you are wrong.
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That was some funny shit.

I ain't saying conservatives are "racist". But, they certainly cater to them. That's something y'all can thank Nixon and Bush I for.

OMg, LOL:lol:
do you people EVA come up with new material?

No conservatives are not racists....

But they still think alot of what Archie Bunker said makes sense

I am always fascinated by idiots who make comments like 'they think ...'. Do you think? I think not. If you did, you wouldn't think you know how other people think. Just sayin'.
  • Thanks
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White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Great take on the current political state of country and is truthful, even if it does and will piss some people off.

I agree. I mean look at this poll.... 91% of blacks still approve of Obama where all other races only have a 36% approval rating of Obama... What is wrong with white people, and all other races for that matter???? :lol::lol::lol:

Ominous new Gallup findings for Democrats: Blacks still love Obama, others not so much | Top of the Ticket | Los Angeles Times

Maybe because we see the stupidity in the white house and just do not like the socialists there now,
I see Father Time is another oversensitive white, if he had actually read the entire article he would have known that the author wasn't referring to all white people, but what can i say, when you have a guilt complex you'll respond.

Yeah you're right they were only referring to white Americans what with their talk of white America and

"Can the white mind be cured? And what—other than a massive lobotomy—can salvage it?"

How silly of me to think it was all white people.

The author wasn't talking about all whites, try following the theme of his article for once but hey, a hit dog will always holler.
I knew the usual retards would respond in a certain manner, thats to be expected, but whats really funny is how people who claim not to be so racist get so overly sensitive when race is talked about.

It is hillarious when one cries about racism is the biggest racist,
Has Black America lost its mind?

Allow me to post a lot of controversial things some black people did, then take enough to drugs to convince myself all black people agree with them then say yes.

Yes please do it, make a list of all the things that black people in America have done that has negatively affected whites and this entire country in sum. The white supremacists have already tried that and failed, the same with that dumb book called the Bell Curve. Don't start chimping out with hurt feelings over an article that wasn't talking about all whites.
Eat recently FDA-APPROVED genetically-modified salmon, force people to buy healthcare, and play the race game! Vote Democrat!
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I knew the usual retards would respond in a certain manner, thats to be expected, but whats really funny is how people who claim not to be so racist get so overly sensitive when race is talked about.

It is hillarious when one cries about racism is the biggest racist,

Except..... Charlie is not a racist. I know, I know.... It's easier to just label someone a racist than it is to actually make the effort to understand about their views.
Eat recently FDA-APPROVED genetically-modified salmon, force people to buy healthcare, and play the race game! Vote Democrat!

So sys the idiot who believes its possible to be gay and Christian at the same time despite there being no examples of gay Christians in the bible. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican btw.
Eat recently FDA-APPROVED genetically-modified salmon, force people to buy healthcare, and play the race game! Vote Democrat!

So sys the idiot who believes its possible to be gay and Christian at the same time despite there being no examples of gay Christians in the bible. I'm neither Democrat nor Republican btw.
You carry Obama's water just as much, if not more so, than Rush Limbaugh did for Dubya.
Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.
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