White America Has Lost Its Mind

White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

Great take on the current political state of country and is truthful, even if it does and will piss some people off.

Nobody cares what the Villiage Voice says............radical left slant FTL.

AP-GfK Poll: Working-class whites shun Dems

Oct 6, 7:26 AM (ET)

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WASHINGTON (AP) - Desperate for jobs and cool toward President Barack Obama, working-class whites are flocking to Republicans, turning a group long wary of Democrats into an even bigger impediment to the party's drive to keep control of Congress.

An Associated Press-GfK poll shows whites without four-year college degrees preferring GOP candidates by twice the margin of the last two elections, when Democrats made significant gains in the House and Senate. The poll, conducted last month, found this group favoring GOP hopefuls 58 percent to 36 percent - a whopping 22 percentage-point gap.

In 2008, when Obama won the presidency, they favored GOP congressional candidates by 11 percentage points, according to exit polls of voters. When Democrats won the House and Senate in 2006, the Republican edge was 9 percentage points.

Compared with better-educated whites, working-class whites tend to be older and more conservative - groups that traditionally lean Republican and are uneasy with the young president's activist governing. Their wariness is reinforced by a prolonged economic funk that has disproportionately hurt the working class and shown scant signs of improvement under Obama and Congress' majority Democrats.

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll: Working-class whites shun Dems

Clearly the article is criticized a select group of whites as the authors is giving examples and not indicting all whites, do you need to have the article dumbed down for you to understand that or are you making the strawman argument that it indicted all whites as a way to dismiss it entirely? There is a lot of truth to that article that expected would make some whites feel jilted but it was not directed at all whites., there is a such thing as context, unless you believe all whites are rightwing Republicans who follow Palin, O'Donnell, Limbaugh and Beck because it was those specific whites the author was addressing.

It's clear to you? Well it isn't clear to me. Here is the opening volley from the OP:

About 12:01 on the afternoon of January 20, 2009, the white American mind began to unravel.

It had been a pretty good run up to that point. The brains of white folks had been humming along cogently for near on 400 years on this continent, with little sign that any serious trouble was brewing. White people, after all, had managed to invent a spiffy new form of self-government so that all white men (and, eventually, women) could have a say in how white people were taxed and governed. White minds had also nearly universally occupied just about every branch of that government and, for more than two centuries, had kept sole possession of the leadership of its executive branch (whose parsonage, after all, is called the White House).

Please show me where he made any distinction between groups of white people.


While you're working on that I'm gonna catch some Z's. I figure I'll have time for quite a few of them.

I just read the link and on the cover this is what I saw, I saw a huge picture with hack jobs from the right.

White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

It couldn't be any more clearer who the author was speaking of, he was shitting on the radical right. Pull your head out of your ass and stop cherry picking.

It's pretty clear that no one on the right could really defend the indefensible examples of insanity brought up in that article. The only card they had left to play was the poor oppressed, white victim, race card.
It's clear to you? Well it isn't clear to me. Here is the opening volley from the OP:

Please show me where he made any distinction between groups of white people.


While you're working on that I'm gonna catch some Z's. I figure I'll have time for quite a few of them.

I just read the link and on the cover this is what I saw, I saw a huge picture with hack jobs from the right.

White America Has Lost Its Mind - Page 1 - News - New York - Village Voice

It couldn't be any more clearer who the author was speaking of, he was shitting on the radical right. Pull your head out of your ass and stop cherry picking.

It's pretty clear that no one on the right could really defend the indefensible examples of insanity brought up in that article. The only card they had left to play was the poor oppressed, white victim, race card.


Grilled Candied Salmon

3/4 cup genuine maple syrup
1/4 cup soy sauce
4 (6-ounce) salmon filets or 1 large salmon filet
1/4 cup coarsely ground black pepper
Coarse kosher salt
Olive oil

In a small bowl, combine the maple syrup and soy sauce. Pour the marinade into a large plastic re-sealable bag; add salmon filets. Press out the air and seal the bag tightly, then turn the bag several times to distribute the marinade around the salmon. Refrigerate a minimum of 4 hours and as long as 24 hours, turning salmon frequently.
There will always be people who judge others by the color of their skin as you just did here by singling out white people as those who need to change but do not seem to see a problem with anybody else. Personally I have a problem with white racists, black racists, Hispanic racists, or any who think others should accommodate them because of their race or that somebody of a particular race should be held in contempt. I have a problem with anybody who makes race an issue period. Whether it is feeling superior or feeling a sense of entitlement or feeling contempt or loathing or condescension or patronization of other people due to the color of their skin, it is counter productive and indefensible.

First of all, did you even notice the title of this thread?? That's why my remarks referred to white people. Secondly, I never said that I do not see a problem with anybody else. Did you ask me?? Or are you just going to assume what you want to about what I think??

You seem to have an attitude and I don't understand it. I asked you in a prior post to tell me what reason people have for questioning the prez's religion and place of birth, if racism is not their motive. I thought I was pleasant. Not only did you ignore me, but you came back at me with this. I can only assume that you don't really want to have a productive exchange. Next time, why not just say so??

I don't see anywhere in my post where I assumed anything about what you think. I might slip up once in awhile, but I do try very hard not to do that. I do comment on what people say. You were the one who specified white people as being taught to be racists and you did not qualify that with any suggestion that other than white people teach their children to be racists. I commented on that specific point and explained why I had a problem with that statement.

But then I have a problem will all statements or assumptions or inferences that it is okay for a person of one race to say something but not okay for a person of another race to say the same thing. I have a problem with people who separate people into races and apply different standards, assumptions, or responsibilities on each.

I think people question the President re his religion and his place of birth because he is so ambiguous and secretive or non commital about both. I don't think any of the questions have anything to do with race, and I don't think the questions are at all unusual given the power and public visibility of the office of Presidency. I think anybody who thinks there wouldn't have been similar questions about George W. Bush under the same circumstances is being 100% dishonest. I could be wrong. But that is my opinion.

And yeah, you can take it to the bank that I have an attitude about this, because I think until we get a handle on the real facts of racism these days, "Whitey" is gonna continue to "Keep the black folks down" because some 'Whiteys' and some "black folks' profit enormously from that and want it that way and/or some people just plain get off being angry, indignant, and want there to be victimization to use as a club.

Yes, you ARE making that assumption. See above!! All I did was stick to the topic. We were talking about whites. You could have asked me. I don't think that at alll!!! Again, why not ask me???

Lastly, that is not true!!! He's been very open about his religion and place of birth. My feeling is that some people don't want to believe him. How many times does he have to say he was born in Hawaii and he is a Christian?? And please don't say that if it were George Bush that people would question him, too. That man was never criticized by the right for anything. Let's keep it real. What you're really saying is that President Obama is lying.

I think I'll stop right here. I'm starting to feel as though I'm spitting in the wind.
Fox is building a strawman.

Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

Alrighty then....Here is what I said:


And you responded talking about policies and how its wrong to seperate ppl in groups or how its wrong to profit from racial issues...None of which I said...Here is what you said in case you forgot:

Never once addressing how telling another race whats good for them is arrogant. Thanks.

Never said I wasnt, in fact I was absolutely doing that...So

Foxfyre said:
And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

Straw man...I support Dems (not just white ones) I dont support your assumptions about their assumptions.

Second point....What? :lol: Did Obama say something was best for you and I missed it. Strawman

foxfyre said:
And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

Another strawman but I'll answer...White America IS different than Black America and vise versa. Racism (I'll repeat it again and again until you get it) RACISM IS THE BELIEF THAT ONE RACE IS SUPERIOR TO ANOTHER!

I dont believe Blacks are superior to whites...THAT would be racist. I hope you understand my point

I noticed Foxfyre missed this...just wanted to make sure :lol:
And at the people calling me a racist, lol, I could give a damn less, sorry, I don't speak about race in America from the POV that white people want to believe and hear because I'm not white, I'm black and its always going to be from that POV and I make no apologies for it because some white folk make no apologies for the way they negatively portray black people and even defend it when called out on it.

Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.

Charlie isn't a racist, your ass just feels offended at the link he posted and he posted no link blaming whites for anything.

He used to have a link to a site called whitewatch. It would catalogue all the times a white did something stupid or criminal and blame all whites for it. If he supports that site the conclusions should be obvious.

And stop pretending to be illiterate you damn hack it said white America and whites several dozen fucking times, it didn't specify only the right.
Oh cut the drama you are indeed a racist, you've once advertised a website that blamed whites for a whole host of problems.

Charlie isn't a racist, your ass just feels offended at the link he posted and he posted no link blaming whites for anything.

He used to have a link to a site called whitewatch. It would catalogue all the times a white did something stupid or criminal and blame all whites for it. If he supports that site the conclusions should be obvious.

And stop pretending to be illiterate you damn hack it said white America and whites several dozen fucking times, it didn't specify only the right.

Jackass, the entire article is criticizing nothing but the right, so unless you are rightwing and white you have nothing to be whining about, maybe the truth hit home a little too much for you.
Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

Alrighty then....Here is what I said:


And you responded talking about policies and how its wrong to seperate ppl in groups or how its wrong to profit from racial issues...None of which I said...Here is what you said in case you forgot:

Never once addressing how telling another race whats good for them is arrogant. Thanks.

Never said I wasnt, in fact I was absolutely doing that...So

Straw man...I support Dems (not just white ones) I dont support your assumptions about their assumptions.

Second point....What? :lol: Did Obama say something was best for you and I missed it. Strawman

foxfyre said:
And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

Another strawman but I'll answer...White America IS different than Black America and vise versa. Racism (I'll repeat it again and again until you get it) RACISM IS THE BELIEF THAT ONE RACE IS SUPERIOR TO ANOTHER!

I dont believe Blacks are superior to whites...THAT would be racist. I hope you understand my point

I noticed Foxfyre missed this...just wanted to make sure :lol:

First, if you believe other members who express a point of view that you have not expressed are accusing you, please so advise and I'll find something else to do. Please do not think my explanation of my point of view as all about you. In all likelihood, unless I name you, what I express won't be about you.

However, in my opinion whenever somebody refers to blacks or whites as a group, they are in fact separating them out as groups. My objection to that was pertinent to the subject being discussed and not a straw man at all. To suggest that a black man iknows better what is better for another black man just because the other man is black is about as racist as it gets. And I pointed out the hypocrisy when it is assumed that Democrats, black or white but mostly white, know what is best for the 'black people' as opposed to say Republicans who is is often assumed do not know what is best for 'black people' or don't care. I prefer that my elected leaders don't concern themselves about what is better for white people or black people or any other group of people, but rather focus on what is better for all people equally.

Now, the OP expressly targeted white people--not SOME white people, not THOSE white people, not THESE white people but just white people--as having wrong notions about race/black people or whatever. THAT is what I have been addressing here as I strongly disagree with the thesis of the OP.

And the point I've tried to make that you, Bass, and some others don't seem to get, is that we should not be separating people into black and white or any other hue at all and it is in fact racist to do so. If we are truly not racist we treat everybody alike regardless of their skin color and we can use the same language, metaphors, symbolism, or characterizations for everybody.

Now unless you address THAT specific point, I will bid you a polite adieu and move on because the continuous circular argument with people who cannot or will not understand really gets tedious after awhile.
First of all, did you even notice the title of this thread?? That's why my remarks referred to white people. Secondly, I never said that I do not see a problem with anybody else. Did you ask me?? Or are you just going to assume what you want to about what I think??

You seem to have an attitude and I don't understand it. I asked you in a prior post to tell me what reason people have for questioning the prez's religion and place of birth, if racism is not their motive. I thought I was pleasant. Not only did you ignore me, but you came back at me with this. I can only assume that you don't really want to have a productive exchange. Next time, why not just say so??

I don't see anywhere in my post where I assumed anything about what you think. I might slip up once in awhile, but I do try very hard not to do that. I do comment on what people say. You were the one who specified white people as being taught to be racists and you did not qualify that with any suggestion that other than white people teach their children to be racists. I commented on that specific point and explained why I had a problem with that statement.

But then I have a problem will all statements or assumptions or inferences that it is okay for a person of one race to say something but not okay for a person of another race to say the same thing. I have a problem with people who separate people into races and apply different standards, assumptions, or responsibilities on each.

I think people question the President re his religion and his place of birth because he is so ambiguous and secretive or non commital about both. I don't think any of the questions have anything to do with race, and I don't think the questions are at all unusual given the power and public visibility of the office of Presidency. I think anybody who thinks there wouldn't have been similar questions about George W. Bush under the same circumstances is being 100% dishonest. I could be wrong. But that is my opinion.

And yeah, you can take it to the bank that I have an attitude about this, because I think until we get a handle on the real facts of racism these days, "Whitey" is gonna continue to "Keep the black folks down" because some 'Whiteys' and some "black folks' profit enormously from that and want it that way and/or some people just plain get off being angry, indignant, and want there to be victimization to use as a club.

Yes, you ARE making that assumption. See above!! All I did was stick to the topic. We were talking about whites. You could have asked me. I don't think that at alll!!! Again, why not ask me???

Lastly, that is not true!!! He's been very open about his religion and place of birth. My feeling is that some people don't want to believe him. How many times does he have to say he was born in Hawaii and he is a Christian?? And please don't say that if it were George Bush that people would question him, too. That man was never criticized by the right for anything. Let's keep it real. What you're really saying is that President Obama is lying.

I think I'll stop right here. I'm starting to feel as though I'm spitting in the wind.

The bolded is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have read in a long time. I know for a FACT the right criticized Bush. I am on the right...and know hundreds online alone which are, and we ALL criticized him. Sheesh Rin.
Oh really? Then please explain in detail what I have used as an example that is not relevant and in direct response to your statements? Show how I have diverted the discussion to any unrelated topic.

And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping me by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that I am white. And tell me how you are not racially stereotyping by your assumption (stated quite clearly) that non minorities cannot know what is best for minorities.

And then please explain how you can support white Democrats in Congress who assume they know exactly what is best for minorities. While you're at it, then please explain how a President who claims to be a member of a minority race can possibly know what is best for me assuming that I am white?

And finally, please explain how defining people as "white America" and "black America" is not assuming that white people are somehow different from black people in more ways than the color of their skin. And then explain how it is not racist to look at it that way.

The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.

I'm sure that either you misworded this or I'm misreading it.... but the way it reads is that blacks don't want an end to racism.

Part of the point that I have been trying to make in fact flat out says that SOME black people and SOME white people absolutely DON'T want and end to racism. They look for it everywhere, readi it into as many nuances and metaphors and imagery as possible, and if nobody else is bringing it up, they will invariably do so. Why don't they want an end to racism? Because it has been such an effective political club and they use it masterfully to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes or they love reveling in righteous indignation.

I'm ready to move on to a color blind society where everybody is treated the same. I wish everybody else was ready too.
The only people who wish and want to believe the idea that racism is over and the battle has been won is white people, at least 90% of the time that is, despite evidence to the contrary which they chalk up as rare hiccups. The 1960s and the Civil Rights Movement were *NOT* the end.

I'm sure that either you misworded this or I'm misreading it.... but the way it reads is that blacks don't want an end to racism.

Part of the point that I have been trying to make in fact flat out says that SOME black people and SOME white people absolutely DON'T want and end to racism. They look for it everywhere, readi it into as many nuances and metaphors and imagery as possible, and if nobody else is bringing it up, they will invariably do so. Why don't they want an end to racism? Because it has been such an effective political club and they use it masterfully to increase their own power, prestige, influence, and personal fortunes or they love reveling in righteous indignation.

I'm ready to move on to a color blind society where everybody is treated the same. I wish everybody else was ready too.

Me too, but I don't think it is going to happen. For some reason, people enjoy it too much.
Foxfyre still doesn't know the definition of racist. So he just throws it all over hoping that something sticks. The def of racist is when some believes one race is superior over another. Period.
I don't see anywhere in my post where I assumed anything about what you think. I might slip up once in awhile, but I do try very hard not to do that. I do comment on what people say. You were the one who specified white people as being taught to be racists and you did not qualify that with any suggestion that other than white people teach their children to be racists. I commented on that specific point and explained why I had a problem with that statement.

But then I have a problem will all statements or assumptions or inferences that it is okay for a person of one race to say something but not okay for a person of another race to say the same thing. I have a problem with people who separate people into races and apply different standards, assumptions, or responsibilities on each.

I think people question the President re his religion and his place of birth because he is so ambiguous and secretive or non commital about both. I don't think any of the questions have anything to do with race, and I don't think the questions are at all unusual given the power and public visibility of the office of Presidency. I think anybody who thinks there wouldn't have been similar questions about George W. Bush under the same circumstances is being 100% dishonest. I could be wrong. But that is my opinion.

And yeah, you can take it to the bank that I have an attitude about this, because I think until we get a handle on the real facts of racism these days, "Whitey" is gonna continue to "Keep the black folks down" because some 'Whiteys' and some "black folks' profit enormously from that and want it that way and/or some people just plain get off being angry, indignant, and want there to be victimization to use as a club.

Yes, you ARE making that assumption. See above!! All I did was stick to the topic. We were talking about whites. You could have asked me. I don't think that at alll!!! Again, why not ask me???

Lastly, that is not true!!! He's been very open about his religion and place of birth. My feeling is that some people don't want to believe him. How many times does he have to say he was born in Hawaii and he is a Christian?? And please don't say that if it were George Bush that people would question him, too. That man was never criticized by the right for anything. Let's keep it real. What you're really saying is that President Obama is lying.

I think I'll stop right here. I'm starting to feel as though I'm spitting in the wind.

The bolded is the biggest bunch of hogwash I have read in a long time. I know for a FACT the right criticized Bush. I am on the right...and know hundreds online alone which are, and we ALL criticized him. Sheesh Rin.

Sheesh, Kat!!! :lol: I really have to say that I firmly believe what I said. I think Bush got away with a lot. For some reason, the right does not take their own to task. It's like every single thing Obama does is criticized. Bush could have stolen every piece of Halloween candy from the trick or treaters in Crawford, and some excuse would have been made. That is really what I have observed.

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