White Antiracism Icon & author of "White Fragility" Robin DiAngelo Paid More Than Black Woman for Same Job

IM2 brings this up. Ask him.. And you do also periodically as an excuse for the "failure to launch" in Africa..

I don't live in Africa, nor does IM2. No one in my family has lived in Africa for 500 years. The countries my distant ancestors came from over there don't even exist any more. Also only about 8% of the slaves from Africa came to the USA. We was already here. That's why I'm a foundational black American

Secondly I know more about Africa than you, white man, but I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not an expert of the geo-political structure of Uganda, Malawi, Chad, Egypt, Libya and other African nations. That's why Im respectful not to run my mouth on it too much and once again I know more about Africa than you. You've never been to Africa. You could not point any African country out on a map. Yet you want to talk about a country in Africa and like you're and expert ?

But it's still a weapon in the list of abuses that white people have done to RUIN your lives..

Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to ruin the lives of black people

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.
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no surprise there!


Nothing here tells me if she's worth 15K to 30K for a speech.. You dont know or care either.

But free market is at work here.. You can find HUNDREDS of schooled and able black folks to lecture whites about race.. But the RARE FIND is a white academic skillfully lecturing white people to assume their guilt.. And HEARING that from a white person is SEEN as a "useful" advantage..

Of course when any black scholar goes "off reservation" -- and speaks about solving black issues in terms that are unacceptable -- they get BANNED from speaking at Universities at all !!!!

So maybe "cross-race" lecturing and badgering is WORTH MORE than "same race" badgering..

She isn't good at it tho./

SOme one like Ibram Kendi actually has solutions, crazy solutions, but he posits a few

Like having some board to check every federal policy to make sure there is no racially disparate impact. That's crazy. But it's at least an idea

DiAngelo posits a loop where your white guilt can never be overcome, and of course you have to keep paying DiAngelo to cleanse your soul.

She is the worst.

Radicalizing white upper class workers lol, and not in a way Kendi would be happy with .
You are wrong about DeAngelo and Kendi. White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done.
A male phu kn a female and she ends up pregnant and leaving to not take care of child is evidence of so much more then racism. The Village can only take so much.
The problem with your comment is that it's untrue. I'm black, I face the shit and know what the problem is and it's not what you say.
It sucks that people are grouped together and judged by some by that. America peaked out long ago. The ghettos will not disappear. More and more people of all cultures will become impoverished. Progressive Socialists know this. Cities have spent themselves in near bankruptcy to help people. They have coerced states to tax residents outside cities to help. And those residents have issues also. The federal government has many programs that sends resources and ways to improve to distressed areas. Progs control the money. Progs control the schools. Progs promote sexual relations with teenagers by their agendas. So unwed mothers and/or abortions are a major problem that everyone knows but does nothing about. And they stay silent about it. The money will stop at some point.
no surprise there!


Nothing here tells me if she's worth 15K to 30K for a speech.. You dont know or care either.

But free market is at work here.. You can find HUNDREDS of schooled and able black folks to lecture whites about race.. But the RARE FIND is a white academic skillfully lecturing white people to assume their guilt.. And HEARING that from a white person is SEEN as a "useful" advantage..

Of course when any black scholar goes "off reservation" -- and speaks about solving black issues in terms that are unacceptable -- they get BANNED from speaking at Universities at all !!!!

So maybe "cross-race" lecturing and badgering is WORTH MORE than "same race" badgering..

She isn't good at it tho./

SOme one like Ibram Kendi actually has solutions, crazy solutions, but he posits a few

Like having some board to check every federal policy to make sure there is no racially disparate impact. That's crazy. But it's at least an idea

DiAngelo posits a loop where your white guilt can never be overcome, and of course you have to keep paying DiAngelo to cleanse your soul.

She is the worst.

Radicalizing white upper class workers lol, and not in a way Kendi would be happy with .
You are wrong about DeAngelo and Kendi. White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done.

White guilt in it's current form is just a way to extort corporate HR departments for payouts

If you tell people they have privileges and that you're going to take them away, the obvious response is not to just give them away....

The whole concept of telling white people this is flawed.

White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done. The whole concept of building this system on white racial preference is what's flawed.

We're a democracy, they're teh majority

If you don't like it you can leave....?

That's a very rational position

There is no richer group of black people on the planet with any numbers outside America. Black Americans have it better than any other gruop of black people

You owe whites...

If your ancestors weren't slaves you be paupers in africa no one gave a shit about...? Again the whole concept is flawed

Every other non white group but native americans came her efor opposite reasons lol. Even the descendants of slaves in America do better than their counterparts all over teh planet. You're like a giant billboard for why it makes sense to come assimilate into white america.

Black Americans are richer than many european ethnic groups.
This is pure racist ignorance. Everything you say here is incorrect.

It's all true

Name where I went wrong?

Convenient how it's just all wrong yet it's obviously empirically correct....Post WW2 black americans had per capita more wealth than white brits per capita. And that's obviously under what amounts to basically an apartheid scheme in much of the country.

The likelihood you would be better off if your ancestors weren't brought to the states as slaves is pretty fuckin slim. They probably weren't better off, but they aren't you or anyone in 2020

You are not the Nigerian sons of doctors who we ship in today

You can cry all you want about it but those basics facts will remain unchanged. And i'm half Indian. My white ancestors fought for the Union. Gotta face facts some times. British colonialism did some good things for India. Being here has been for the msot part good for black america

No other black group with substantive numbers who can claim to live better.
No it's not true. You see, Slavery and colonization by whites stripped the continent of wealth and growth. You are presenting no facts. You are presenting a white psychosis riddled opinion that ignore much of history.

Read this and learn something.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973 (abahlali.org)

Stripped it of wealth? By doing what?

Britain stole some things from India, they have some bigass jewels and other things with cultural or monetary significance.

But for the most part they did not steal anything that couldn't be fixed post colonialism, they ruined the economy and starved us for profit. Because luxury crops like spices are more profitable than rice. But once they left we could do things as we pleased. Roman elites did that to their own citizens, very common for land owners to not grow enough to eat even if those citizens are teh land owners kin. Their actions weren't exactly unprecedented evil in India or Africa.

Now I don't know the history of colonialism in most African countries outside Ethiopia which successfully resisted colonization and South Africa which obviously did not. But unless they salted your earth I don't see how you can blame Europeans after they've been gone for a few generations....? Europeans are not obligated to help you. Losers in war pay not the other way around.

You were subsistence farmers before the whites brought you death, destruction, and industrialization. Same with most of India, hell a huge % of India still is subsistence farmers or just ever so barely above it.

"under developed" is asking for hand outs. They "under developed" India and China as well. Didn't stop the Chinese, they have a very long history of what we would call "the state" taking control of all china unlike Indians and African nations. Why would you think African nations are any less repsonsbile for their own well being? Africans aren't the descendants of slaves no one owes them anything, you don't pay losers in a war when they're not citizens.

We talk about giving "ADOS" reperations because you're with us. Doesn't work that way for Iraqis or the Vietnamese or the many other ethnic groups we fuck with outside our borders. They're just losers, they get nothing. Debating how we would compensate our own for our states failures makes infinitely more sense than an African complaining ot a European about colonialism and them losing wars. Which historically means you (the loser of the conflict) have to pay
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no surprise there!


Nothing here tells me if she's worth 15K to 30K for a speech.. You dont know or care either.

But free market is at work here.. You can find HUNDREDS of schooled and able black folks to lecture whites about race.. But the RARE FIND is a white academic skillfully lecturing white people to assume their guilt.. And HEARING that from a white person is SEEN as a "useful" advantage..

Of course when any black scholar goes "off reservation" -- and speaks about solving black issues in terms that are unacceptable -- they get BANNED from speaking at Universities at all !!!!

So maybe "cross-race" lecturing and badgering is WORTH MORE than "same race" badgering..

She isn't good at it tho./

SOme one like Ibram Kendi actually has solutions, crazy solutions, but he posits a few

Like having some board to check every federal policy to make sure there is no racially disparate impact. That's crazy. But it's at least an idea

DiAngelo posits a loop where your white guilt can never be overcome, and of course you have to keep paying DiAngelo to cleanse your soul.

She is the worst.

Radicalizing white upper class workers lol, and not in a way Kendi would be happy with .
You are wrong about DeAngelo and Kendi. White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done.

White guilt in it's current form is just a way to extort corporate HR departments for payouts

If you tell people they have privileges and that you're going to take them away, the obvious response is not to just give them away....

The whole concept of telling white people this is flawed.

White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done. The whole concept of building this system on white racial preference is what's flawed.

We're a democracy, they're teh majority

If you don't like it you can leave....?

That's a very rational position

There is no richer group of black people on the planet with any numbers outside America. Black Americans have it better than any other gruop of black people

You owe whites...

If your ancestors weren't slaves you be paupers in africa no one gave a shit about...? Again the whole concept is flawed

Every other non white group but native americans came her efor opposite reasons lol. Even the descendants of slaves in America do better than their counterparts all over teh planet. You're like a giant billboard for why it makes sense to come assimilate into white america.

Black Americans are richer than many european ethnic groups.
This is pure racist ignorance. Everything you say here is incorrect.

It's all true

Name where I went wrong?

Convenient how it's just all wrong yet it's obviously empirically correct....Post WW2 black americans had per capita more wealth than white brits per capita. And that's obviously under what amounts to basically an apartheid scheme in much of the country.

The likelihood you would be better off if your ancestors weren't brought to the states as slaves is pretty fuckin slim. They probably weren't better off, but they aren't you or anyone in 2020

You are not the Nigerian sons of doctors who we ship in today

You can cry all you want about it but those basics facts will remain unchanged. And i'm half Indian. My white ancestors fought for the Union. Gotta face facts some times. British colonialism did some good things for India. Being here has been for the msot part good for black america

No other black group with substantive numbers who can claim to live better.
No it's not true. You see, Slavery and colonization by whites stripped the continent of wealth and growth. You are presenting no facts. You are presenting a white psychosis riddled opinion that ignore much of history.

Read this and learn something.

How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973 (abahlali.org)

Stripped it of wealth? By doing what?

Britain stole some things from India, they have some bigass jewels and other things with cultural or monetary significance.

But for the most part they did not steal anything that couldn't be fixed post colonialism, they ruined the economy and starved us for profit. Because luxury crops like spices are more profitable than rice. But once they left we could do things as we pleased. Roman elites did that to their own citizens, very common for land owners to not grow enough to eat even if those citizens are teh land owners kin. Their actions weren't exactly unprecedented evil in India or Africa.

Now I don't know the history of colonialism in most African countries outside Ethiopia which successfully resisted colonization and South Africa which obviously did not. But unless they salted your earth I don't see how you can blame Europeans after they've been gone for a few generations....? Europeans are not obligated to help you. Losers in war pay not the other way around.

You were subsistence farmers before the whites brought you death, destruction, and industrialization. Same with most of India, hell a huge % of India still is subsistence farmers or just ever so barely above it.

"under developed" is asking for hand outs. They "under developed" India and China as well. Didn't stop the Chinese, they have a very long history of what we would call "the state" taking control of all china unlike Indians and African nations. Why would you think African nations are any less repsonsbile for their own well being? Africans aren't the descendants of slaves no one owes them anything, you don't pay losers in a war when they're not citizens.

We talk about giving "ADOS" reperations because you're with us. Doesn't work that way for Iraqis or the Vietnamese or the many other ethnic groups we fuck with outside our borders. They're just losers, they get nothing. Debating how we would compensate our own for our states failures makes infinitely more sense than an African complaining ot a European about colonialism and them losing wars. Which historically means you (the loser of the conflict) have to pay
Until you read all of it- (PDF) How Europe Underdeveloped Africa. Walter Rodney 1973 | Nadia Othman - Academia.edu

I won't be discussing your ignorant dumb ass opinion.
no surprise there!


Nothing here tells me if she's worth 15K to 30K for a speech.. You dont know or care either.

But free market is at work here.. You can find HUNDREDS of schooled and able black folks to lecture whites about race.. But the RARE FIND is a white academic skillfully lecturing white people to assume their guilt.. And HEARING that from a white person is SEEN as a "useful" advantage..

Of course when any black scholar goes "off reservation" -- and speaks about solving black issues in terms that are unacceptable -- they get BANNED from speaking at Universities at all !!!!

So maybe "cross-race" lecturing and badgering is WORTH MORE than "same race" badgering..

She isn't good at it tho./

SOme one like Ibram Kendi actually has solutions, crazy solutions, but he posits a few

Like having some board to check every federal policy to make sure there is no racially disparate impact. That's crazy. But it's at least an idea

DiAngelo posits a loop where your white guilt can never be overcome, and of course you have to keep paying DiAngelo to cleanse your soul.

She is the worst.

Radicalizing white upper class workers lol, and not in a way Kendi would be happy with .
You are wrong about DeAngelo and Kendi. White guilt is a construct created by white racists who don't want to accept responsibility for the things whites have continually done.
A male phu kn a female and she ends up pregnant and leaving to not take care of child is evidence of so much more then racism. The Village can only take so much.
The problem with your comment is that it's untrue. I'm black, I face the shit and know what the problem is and it's not what you say.
It sucks that people are grouped together and judged by some by that. America peaked out long ago. The ghettos will not disappear. More and more people of all cultures will become impoverished. Progressive Socialists know this. Cities have spent themselves in near bankruptcy to help people. They have coerced states to tax residents outside cities to help. And those residents have issues also. The federal government has many programs that sends resources and ways to improve to distressed areas. Progs control the money. Progs control the schools. Progs promote sexual relations with teenagers by their agendas. So unwed mothers and/or abortions are a major problem that everyone knows but does nothing about. And they stay silent about it. The money will stop at some point.

We are black Americans. This is our country. This is our land. We built this country n fought in every war.

What's the continent of Africa go to do with anything ? You couldn't even point out the likes of Zimbabwe or Uganda on a map.

Why dont you go over to Serbia and Croatia and help your ppl in Europe?

IM2 brings this up. Ask him.. And you do also periodically as an excuse for the "failure to launch" in Africa.. All that needs to be said is that Africa belongs to the Africans now.. But it's still a weapon in the list of abuses that white people have done to RUIN your lives.. Maybe the Africa of today is what it SHOULD be.. MAYBE -- the folks there LIKE it that way.. But don't tell me that what Africans RECEIVED from the colonials didn't have intrinsic value.. Maybe, "value" is in the eyes of the beholders. Or in the eyes of the many dictatorial rulers that now replace evil colonialism..

African got nothing of intrinsic value from colonization. And you talk about a few dictators most of whose overthrows were created due to divisions made by colonials or financed by white countries. You are really ignorant about Africa and issues in the black American community.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

You do this all the time.

No white man is African and no white man is American.

They are not indigenous to either lands

Other than africa, we all started that way.

So while that makes sense for a black man to say ( in some ways ). Not so much to a half indian half white guy who is really in theory originally african. As we all seem to be. Granted there are tiny strains of other hominids that maybe didn't come from africa idk. But for the most part we're all african.

We as a settler colonial nation have an obligation to share the land not leave it.
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You're half Indian n white ? You're a hapa then?

*The plot thickens*

idk what the fuck a hapa is, i'm not very indian culturally

So probably not

I don't think most half Indians in the states find that distinction very relevant. I have heard Canadians talk about it tho. Maybe it's just a commonwealth thing? IDK
what the fuck a hapa is, i'm not very indian culturally

The fk do you mean culturally? You're not white. Doesnt matter how much ass kissing u do to whites.

I don't think most half Indians in the states find that distinction very relevant. I have heard Canadians talk about it tho. Maybe it's just a commonwealth thing? IDK

You're not white. But I bet you see yourself as white. Dont ya ? I fkin know how all you white washed napa. I fkin grew up with them They want to my school. I know them. They have the same disdain for blk as whites do but try to be slick n hide by trying to sound intellectual with.
what the fuck a hapa is, i'm not very indian culturally

The fk do you mean culturally? You're not white. Doesnt matter how much ass kissing u do to whites.

I don't think most half Indians in the states find that distinction very relevant. I have heard Canadians talk about it tho. Maybe it's just a commonwealth thing? IDK

You're not white. But I bet you see yourself as white. Dont ya ? I fkin know how all you white washed napa. I fkin grew up with them They want to my school. I know them. They have the same disdain for blk as whites do but try to be slick n hide by trying to sound intellectual with.

I'm as dark as you in the summer, so no (average american black is 25% white)

I consider myself a brown American

I could be an Iranian, Italian, Greek, Spanish, Egyptian etc. We follow the one drop rule in America...lol. Not how race works. I just happened to grow up around white people and be raised by my white momma. My father believes in assimilation you wouldn't know he wasn't born here. I grew up knowing more black americans than Indian americans.

Surprise us non whites who don't have a victim complex do not see the world the same as you do.

Including the latinos, who voted against affirmative action in Cali even tho it would help them at least as much as black californians. Maybe even more I don't remember the math there. I'm just as Indian as Obama is Kenyan, not much.

If I wanted to be an Indian or Obama wanted to be a Kenyan we wouldn't have stayed here bud.

Which is why all the whites scratch their heads when teh blacks pretend this is the worst place in the world. Go literally anywhere else have fun bud. I'll see you when you come back. Only places you're gonna go and live better have more white people not less

Also why African immigrants look down on you. You act like you're collectively insane on this issue, the people who left africa get how crazy your shit is.
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Also why African immigrants look down on you. You act like you're collectively insane on this issue, the people who left africa get how crazy your shit is.

Shut the fk up about foundational black Americans.

You hear me ?

You see we didn't flee this country. We stayed here and fought the white supremacists and opened the door for your family to come over via the 1965 immigration act.

You're family could not make it in Asia. So they got on a boat to the USA - Canada. You're family is now leeching of a country that black Americans built.

We have fought and died in every war. We have to experience a hell for 400 years.

And now you want to show disrespect to us ?

We dont come to India and show disrespect to Indians. We dont come to Africa and show disrespect to Africans. Matter of fact blk Americans show Africans in a positive light. I'm sure you've seen the film "Coming to America"

But the thing they only send the sell outs and white worshippers from Asia n Africa.

They dont send the immigrants who they know are not going to roc the boat n challenge racism.

Black Americans aren't scared or in awe of white people. The way asians are.

Name me an Asian Martin Luther king ? Malcolm X ? Black Panthers?

I'll wait
Also why African immigrants look down on you. You act like you're collectively insane on this issue, the people who left africa get how crazy your shit is.

Shut the fk up about foundational black Americans.

You hear me ?

You see we didn't flee this country. We stayed here and fought the white supremacists and opened the door for your family to come over via the 1965 immigration act.

You're family could not make it in Asia. So they got on a boat to the USA - Canada. You're family is now leeching of a country that black Americans built.

We have fought and died in every war. We have to experience a hell for 400 years.

And now you want to show disrespect to us ?

We dont come to India and show disrespect to Indians. We dont come to Africa and show disrespect to Africans. Matter of fact blk Americans show Africans in a positive light. I'm sure you've seen the film "Coming to America"

But the thing they only send the sell outs and white worshippers from Asia n Africa.

They dont send the immigrants who they know are not going to roc the boat n challenge racism.

Black Americans aren't scared or in awe of white people. The way asians are.

Name me an Asian Martin Luther king ? Malcolm X ? Black Panthers?

I'll wait

My ancestors fought in the union, i'll say whatever the fuck i want about you it's a free country. Don't you fucking dare as a pauper looking ofr hand outs point your fucking fingers at me. My kin bled for yours. Yours have done nothing for mine per capita. Absolutely fuckign nothing but create giant messes that fuck up the solidarity of our nation.

Clearly my white kin are not gonna say it, but I will.

Foundational? What you think Roman slaves were foundational to Rome too? lol you were slave labor not important. As we know in 2020 it's more efficient just to pay a cheap wage than try to control chattel slaves. The palpable delusion, contrary to what some pretend historian might tell you. America would be no less better off without slaves, in fact we clearly would have been better off without them. Why would you want a population with stats like Black America? You wouldn't.

I don't think the good music and ball players are worth it.

Yea you didn't flee, you just refused to assimilate and whine about the consequences. Like you think you're some special people. I got news for you, like i said before, losers don't get paid. Winners do. We just allow it because it's a free country and we feel bad, not because we feel we owe. You're a very pitiable people, doesn't make me want to take out my wallet tho.

It's a joke, sound like Jews wondering why the Christians don't like them. Same thing, they didn't assimilate.

Unless you assimilate you can't even assume whites are being racist to you (pre civil rights act most blacks did assimilate and black america was not falling apart either, not true in 2020, literally had better outcomes relative to whties under apartheid)

All these problems in black America come up post civil rights act when whites started letting you whine and take you seriously. Old blacks don't do that because when they were growing up whites would have laughed at them.

Young blacks like you have some ridiculous victim complex no one can ever satiate. No one is coming to save you dude. Pull your pants up or realize your culture drags you down. Assimilate.

Or leave.

The third option is just continue as we are where you become more pathetic as a people each generation. When our grandfathers were born black and white aemrica had almost exactly the same outcomes for most things beyond economics. Crime rates and marriage rates were even, sometimes better for black america. Now they have you crying generations later and things are worse.
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We are the foundation of this country.

We are you father. Bow the fk down n kiss the feet of black Americans who didnt run.

Your family ran. You quit. You could not make it in your country. You're lineage is cowardly one.

My family’s bones were here first before any pale skin motherfucker stepped on this land. There’s no pale skin motherfucker that can tell me or convince me otherwise. As FBA, we built this land by using what we had such as putting our minds together collectively.

You disrespectful bastard.

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