White Antiracism Icon & author of "White Fragility" Robin DiAngelo Paid More Than Black Woman for Same Job


In India. You bow down before white supremacists.

You look at black Americans.


Yet we still go hard body against the white supremacists. We are the only non white race who ain't scared of white ppl. Who ain't in awe of white ppl.

You saw how the fk blk ppl get down with George Floyd protests

No one has the kinda courage like blk Americans. You should learn something from us.

In India. You bow down before white supremacists.

You look at black Americans.


Yet we still go hard body against the white supremacists. We are the only non white race who ain't scared of white ppl. Who ain't in awe of white ppl.

You saw how the fk blk ppl get down with George Floyd protests

No one has the kinda courage like blk Americans. You should learn something from us.

I'm descended from brahmin dude, my line has survived white and arab invasions and created a religious system that has more people than there are Europeans.

My kin didn't bow in front of anyone, didn't even look at anyone really. That's not their way, which was the problem. Basically high social status monks that created some vast system of lies to protect themselves. No one sane in India ever fucked with us. We held no power and you would only piss off the locals more if you messed with the cows. Hahahah

My grandfather fought in WW2, was probably the first of his line in centuries to go to war. We were healers and priests, didn't even own any substantive land. Our only impact was cultural and academic. This sort of secular violence was beneath us, no reason to run form anything.

Your kin allowed you to be sold into slavery.....That's on you. Any other people would blame their ancestors. Just like it's my ancestors fault that we didn't stand up and help the descendants of caste instead of just watch them get shit on by Muslims and then Europeans for the better part of a millenia.

Don't you realize whose fault it is you're a descendant of slaves? It's your ancestor's weakness, just like all colonialism is. No one to blame but our own kin whose job it was to look after each other. Not expecting mercy from Europeans

No I'm not going to take notes from the descendants of slaves....lol

We copy the Jews because they have done very well in this country. That's the model minorities aspire to, with better assimilation so the whites don't turn on us.

Black America is the exact model you don't want as an immigrant group. African immigrants know this too. And again you had none of these problems under an apartheid scheme so it's pretty clearly a victimhood complex problem. Recent earlier generations who were actually openly discriminated against fared much better. Your courage is long gone all that's left is you crying with women leading you.
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You shut the fk up and bow down to black Americans who fought and died for your ungrateful ass to come over.

You would not be here if it wasn't for black Americans fighting.

You ran. You hear me ? You ran from India like a fkin b*tch. You ran.

You're not in position to criticize sh*t. You been listening to your white momma too much.
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We copy the Jews because they have done very well in this country. That's the model minorities aspire to, with better assimilation so the whites don't turn on us.

The Jews are white. You dont copy anything all you do is kiss white ass
My kin didn't bow in front of anyone, didn't even look at anyone really. That's not their way, which was the problem. Basically high social status monks that created some vast system of lies to protect themselves. No one sane in India ever fucked with us. We held no power and you would only piss off the locals more if you messed with the cows. Hahahah

Ok. Dude. Well name them ? If Indians are such bad asses and have been going toe to toe against the white supremacists then name them.
We copy the Jews because they have done very well in this country. That's the model minorities aspire to, with better assimilation so the whites don't turn on us.

The Jews are white. You dont copy anything all you do is kiss white ass

Have you ever met any Indians/

You think they kiss white ass? White peasants that fill America? I know black Americans think of them as high and mighty. But the reality is these people fled Europe for a reason. If they were elites they would not have done that. Just as European elites don't generally leave europe in 2020. Not much to gain coming here.

I wouldn't bow to the fucking queen, only whites i'd bend a knee to are my ancestors. Indians are the mouthiest of the colonial sons. You won't see Africans get on BBC and start bitching and moaning like Indians do. Constant crying from them to the British, reminiscent of black America, it's embarrassing.

And yes at every Indian ethnic meeting i've ever seen in America, they talk about emulating the Jews successes in important industries. I'm sure they do the same thing at Chinese meetings, although they tend to have other geopolitical concerns. Indians generally don't give a fuck about anything to do with foreign policy. We believe we control our own destiny economically.

We don't act like retards and expect the whites to fix it for us.
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You shut the fk up and bow down to black Americans who fought and died for your ungrateful ass to come over.

You would not be here if it wasn't for black Americans fighting.

You ran. You hear me ? You ran from India like a fkin b*tch. You ran.

You're not in position to criticize sh*t. You been listening to your white momma too much.

My grandfather was a genius who was educated in Britain's most elite institutions, and fought in ww2...Came here on a J-1 visa for service as a rural doctor.

He was a doctor for NFL teams...Your ancestors were slaves.

We don't owe anyone anything. You had nothing to give. Whites gave us equality

You owe the whites, my ancestors included.

Why you think Americans wouldn't have to import bodies without black people I have no idea...Not how national power works. And without you and the illegals brown skin would indicate high status.....

At the moment I can't take advantage of my kins high status because I look like a bigger version of a mexican or Osama's nephew. Without poor brown people the crime stats flip and the non whites hollistically would be the better behaved group relative to the majority. White skin would be a mark of crime and poverty.
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Have you ever met any Indians/

Yes. They're cowards. At school when the white boys used pick on them. They'd try to walk home with the blk guys coz they were too cowardly to defend themselves.

You wimp out when it comes to challenging racism.

We didn't flee. You would not be in this country if it was for black Americans. It was us who made easier for ass to come. You dont say shit to blk Americans.
My grandfather was a genius who was educated in Britain's most elite institutions, and fought in ww2...Came here on a J-1 visa for service as a rural doctor.

And meanwhile those same white British ppl were starving millions of your people in Bengali-India in 1943


Get your fking priorities right. You stupid bastard. Bragging to me about a doctor in your family. Brag to me about the ppl in your family or asians who rose and tried to stop that sh*t. Brag to me about your doctor grandfather going bk to India n killing those white supremacist.

We don't look up to white supremacists the way you do.

You should kiss the feet of black Americans bcoz with out us fighting you would not be here.
My grandfather was a genius who was educated in Britain's most elite institutions, and fought in ww2...Came here on a J-1 visa for service as a rural doctor.

And meanwhile those same white British ppl were starving millions of your people in Bengali-India in 1943

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Get your fking priorities right. You stupid bastard. Bragging to me about a doctor in your family. Brag to me about the ppl in your family or asians who rose and tried to stop that sh*t. Brag to me about your doctor grandfather going bk to India n killing those white supremacist.

We don't look up to white supremacists the way you do.

You should kiss the feet of black Americans bcoz with out us fighting you would not be here.

Yea so what/

Like i said my ancestors were priests not secular rulers.

Their crime was apathy.

What you're seeing there is a symptom of Indian weakness. Not white cruelty. Like I said the Romans did the same thing to their own, very common for elites to grow too many luxury crops. THere are more Indians than there are whites. A few million dead in that context is quite frankly nothing.

Africans still starve all over 2020. I can find you pictures of little black babies who are starving right as we speak.....Starvation didn't just start happening in Africa or India when teh whites got there. A

Now i could cry about like I was a Jew or a Black American, or I could accept that this is our fault and if we don't want to starve we need to feed ourselves. I'l take the latter. You want to blame whites....Which makes you pathetic.
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Have you ever met any Indians/

Yes. They're cowards. At school when the white boys used pick on them. They'd try to walk home with the blk guys coz they were too cowardly to defend themselves.

You wimp out when it comes to challenging racism.

We didn't flee. You would not be in this country if it was for black Americans. It was us who made easier for ass to come. You dont say shit to blk Americans.

Well I can't speak for other families.

Buy I was the largest kid in my class of 500 until high school.

Taller than most NBA players at 14. I was 6 2. Grew early. I would slap the shit out of you that's for sure, just throttle your little ass. My first real fight i took a little polish kid by the neck and slammed his head on that unshatterable glass they put in commercial buildings right after 9/11, i was 11, looked like it hurt, little shit should not have called me an Arab I'm an Indian, hahaha. THat was teh first and only time anyone tried to bully me for my race directly

You know what you don't do if you're scared of white peasants like Black Americans? Don't come to a white nation like America

Ironic that you made this about a fist fight, you low born retard.

Think you're floyd mayweather, i'll tell you a secret. Most black guys ain't shit physically. Just cuz your curve is slightly better doesn't mean you're physically capable as an individual. Judging by your avatar I know you're not. I'd have picked your little ass up and broken you, and still could today.

Uppity little midget darkie....Maybe it's just the german in me but it doesn't matter. I'll fuck you up

You are a retard with low measurables, like most black americans.
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Well look. At least you admit you're from a race of cowards who would not be here if it was not for blk Americans. You ran from your country to make in a country that blk Americans built.

But you know what you remind me of ?

This guy called Vijay Chokalingam.


He's Mindy Kalling’s brother. That’s Mindy Kaling the actress who starred in the the Mindy Project


He (Vijay Chokalingam) wrote a book about how he pretended to be a black man to get into uni’s with the same score that he could not get into as Asian man to prove that this system is racist to Asians and whites and biased to blacks.

He shaved the hair of his head off and applied as a black man.


He had a 3.1 GPA and MCAT score of 31Q.

He submitted applications to medical school and an essay to 26 top and middle-tier medical schools around the country named “Jojo Chokalingam”

He claims he was admitted to St. Louis University School of Medicine.

This is ranked #57th in the country and that was evidence of “less stringent” standards for black applicants.

And all the white worshipping Asian ran to whites "Look !! Look ! Those dumb blks, so dumb they r, they lowering the standard to let them in !"

But what he did not say was that he was rejected from most of the medical schools he applied to:
  • Columbia University,
  • Cornell University
  • George Washington University
  • Mount Sinai
  • University of Nebraska
  • Nobay
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Washington University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Yale University
  • Case Western.
He also withdrew his application from quite a few schools when he realized that those rejections would go against his agenda those included Vanderbilt University and Harvard University and a few others.

But he made a BIG DEAL that he received an invitation to apply from other schools based on his MCAT score (mostly lower-tier schools such as Ohio University) without noting that he received those letters for no other reason than his MCAT score actually was within the range acceptable to these schools.

This clown (as a black man) was rejected from 93% of schools he applied to but he wanted everyone to focus on the fact that he was accepted into a single medical school.
Think you're floyd mayweather, i'll tell you a secret. Most black guys ain't shit physically. Just cuz your curve is slightly better doesn't mean you're physically capable as an individual. Judging by your avatar I know you're not. I'd have picked your little ass up and broken you, and still could today.

I agree with you. A lot black men ain't as good as they used to be in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. But the problem is, the youth of today, not being able to throw their hands, is a problem that's across the board with all youth. The young uns of all races dont know how to handle themselves un a fist fight.

But I'm 37 years old n the internet wasn't around when I was a teenager (well it was technically but wasn't like it is today) so our differences were settled on the streets.

And B*tch. I'd beat you to the fkin ground then fk ya momma n your sister.

Well look. At least you admit you're from a race of cowards who would not be here if it was not for blk Americans. You ran from your country to make in a country that blk Americans built.

But you know what you remind me of ?

This guy called Vijay Chokalingam.

View attachment 429124

He's Mindy Kalling’s brother. That’s Mindy Kaling the actress who starred in the the Mindy Project

View attachment 429146

He (Vijay Chokalingam) wrote a book about how he pretended to be a black man to get into uni’s with the same score that he could not get into as Asian man to prove that this system is racist to Asians and whites and biased to blacks.

He shaved the hair of his head off and applied as a black man.

View attachment 429128

He had a 3.1 GPA and MCAT score of 31Q.

He submitted applications to medical school and an essay to 26 top and middle-tier medical schools around the country named “Jojo Chokalingam”

He claims he was admitted to St. Louis University School of Medicine.

This is ranked #57th in the country and that was evidence of “less stringent” standards for black applicants.

And all the white worshipping Asian ran to whites "Look !! Look ! Those dumb blks, so dumb they r, they lowering the standard to let them in !"

But what he did not say was that he was rejected from most of the medical schools he applied to:
  • Columbia University,
  • Cornell University
  • George Washington University
  • Mount Sinai
  • University of Nebraska
  • Nobay
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Washington University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Yale University
  • Case Western.
He also withdrew his application from quite a few schools when he realized that those rejections would go against his agenda those included Vanderbilt University and Harvard University and a few others.

But he made a BIG DEAL that he received an invitation to apply from other schools based on his MCAT score (mostly lower-tier schools such as Ohio University) without noting that he received those letters for no other reason than his MCAT score actually was within the range acceptable to these schools.

This clown (as a black man) was rejected from 93% of schools he applied to but he wanted everyone to focus on the fact that he was accepted into a single medical school.

So? Why would it matter if he told them he was black if they weren't using different standards? You think you should have lower standards than me to get into a school because what? Black kids shun books like they're brusslesprouts?

You do understand I could just start googling and name hundreds of terrible black AMericans right? George floyd on top of that list. Junkie who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. And you're pointing fingers.

Who do you think you remind me of? lol

Why do you think this makes your point? What do you think affirmative aciton is if not a buoy for blacks who can't take tests? Which cali just voted agianst because no one wants it but black america and white liberals who don't understand what a race neutral society looks like. And what a surprise black enrollment at their elite univerisites dropped in half without the discrimination

This sort of thinking is why the whites feel the need to give you extra spots. You're per capita dumber than the rest of us.

It's funny that you're so bad at this because whites no longer shit on you. I don't have that problem i'm brown. I've never taken shit from black people on racial issues. I'm ready to dump on you at any moment because you're obscenely uppity and ill behaved.

Hell I shoulda renamed myself to freeman and told Harvard I was black i probably coulda gotten in even with my not 4.0. hahaha

Considering that's the only Indian guy you can think of (of course your victim complex makes you care about this guy). I'm gonna say i know a lot more about black americans than you do Indian Americans.

My kin don't need to pretend we're black....The test scores are enough. Pretending I was black would of course help tho. You get handouts...Harvard should be 50% Asian by test scores and IQ. Whites have lower standards than us too. I could say i was white and get an advantage. All this proves is we are so good the system has to react and raise standards for us or we'd dominate like the Jews.

Harvard did the same thing to Jews not 100 years ago. They were taking over our elite universities, there are a lot more Asians out there willing to come to the US tho.

I don't know or care about Kaling and her family. Look in the mirror you fucking idiot, holy shit. Hahaha. Average black family is a fucking mess, and vastly more racist than the average white family.
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Think you're floyd mayweather, i'll tell you a secret. Most black guys ain't shit physically. Just cuz your curve is slightly better doesn't mean you're physically capable as an individual. Judging by your avatar I know you're not. I'd have picked your little ass up and broken you, and still could today.

I agree with you. A lot black men ain't as good as they used to be in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. But the problem is, the youth of today, not being able to throw their hands, is a problem that's across the board with all youth. The young uns of all races dont know how to handle themselves un a fist fight.

But I'm 37 years old n the internet wasn't around when I was a teenager (well it was technically but wasn't like it is today) so our differences were settled on the streets.

And B*tch. I'd beat you to the fkin ground then fk ya momma n your sister.

Yea uh huh

I'd have slapped your midget ass just like i did other uppity black kids who thought they were hard. I'm 30, i spent most of my life without the internet too.

WIthout a gun you're nothing, never have been.

Random white kids can grapple you retards. Much less guys twice your size. I once got into a scuffle with a black kid (really he was a grown man but a child on the inside) outside a court house cuz he wanted me to bum him a smoke.

Thankfully sheriff saw it all and no one was charged. In front of a fucking court house and this guy started swinging. ANd this guy was much bigger than you. Just straight retarded shit. Maybe 1/1000 white guys would pull that shit. Way over 1/50 black men.

You people need to look at yourselves for your problems. Most of them are caused by your own fucking dumb shit. Like picking fights with guys twice your fucking size outside a courthouse trying to rob a fucking cigarette. lol

Over half of you are just little things who couldn't be king of a block in suburbia. Just phsyically mediocre and almost always academically mediocre. And those of you who do have it together you'd call white washed. Mind boggling
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Why would it matter if he told them he was black if they weren't using different standards?

Because he was trying to do the old "they're letting dumb blk ppl in" and that was disproved with his own experience himself. Black people didn't have to do a thing.

You think you should have lower standards than me to get into a school because what?

Where did I say or argue or suggest that the bar be set lower for blk ppl ?

Black kids shun books like they're brusslesprouts?

Nope. But the system makes sure predominantly Black school districts are under-funded, under-staffed with inexperienced teachers, denied books, microscopes and other lab equipment, and put hazardous waste near black schools, cut art and music classes, sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria.

White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

You do understand I could just start googling and name hundreds of terrible black AMericans right?

And what has a black American doing a bad thing got to do with me ?

The same way a lot of the muslim terrorists look like you. But what has that got to do with you ?


The same way black people doing bad things has nothing to do with me.

George floyd on top of that list. Junkie who put a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. And you're pointing fingers.

The cops who killed George Floyd didn't do it because he may or may not have pointed a gun to a pregnant woman's stomach. They killed him because he was black.


This sort of thinking is why the whites feel the need to give you extra spots.

We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs.

Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous like you.

You're per capita dumber than the rest of us.

Is that supposed to upset me ?

Look. Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that. All I want to know from all you guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are is :

What do you do with a race of blk ppl who are stupid per capita?

You're saying I'm stupid ? Ok sh*t. Yes I am. Now what ?

It's funny that you're so bad at this because whites no longer shit on you

Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to shit on black people

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.

I don't have that problem i'm brown. I've never taken shit from black people on racial issues. I'm ready to dump on you at any moment because you're obscenely uppity and ill behaved.

You don't quit. Do ya ? Debating with you is a bit like fighting zombies, no matter how you slap down they still keep coming.


Hell I shoulda renamed myself to freeman and told Harvard I was black i probably coulda gotten in even with my not 4.0. hahaha

Name the university were they're lowering the bar for blk ppl ?

Meanwhile w
hy don’t you get angry at the University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) who give out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students) ?

They're letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

College admissions is nothing but game.

It’s not just a cold statistical numbers score that you naively think it is.

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" “it got lost” "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

Our black ass is not getting in - No matter what.

They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for asians and Indians.

If your lame cry baby ass can't wiggle in one of those spots, that's your own fault.
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IM2 brings this up. Ask him.. And you do also periodically as an excuse for the "failure to launch" in Africa..

I don't live in Africa, nor does IM2. No one in my family has lived in Africa for 500 years. The countries my distant ancestors came from over there don't even exist any more. Also only about 8% of the slaves from Africa came to the USA. We was already here. That's why I'm a foundational black American

Secondly I know more about Africa than you, white man, but I'm humble enough to admit that I'm not an expert of the geo-political structure of Uganda, Malawi, Chad, Egypt, Libya and other African nations. That's why Im respectful not to run my mouth on it too much and once again I know more about Africa than you. You've never been to Africa. You could not point any African country out on a map. Yet you want to talk about a country in Africa and like you're and expert ?

But it's still a weapon in the list of abuses that white people have done to RUIN your lives..

Apart from a few nuts white people do not walk out their door in the morning saying, “I'm going to ruin the lives of black people

They don't have to : Their forefathers set up the country to do just that.
So your ancestors were imported before 1520. Riiiight, just who enslavd and imported your ancestors then? Jamestown wasn't established until 1607, that's eighty seven years after you claim your ancestors got here.

We are the foundation of this country.

We are you father. Bow the fk down n kiss the feet of black Americans who didnt run.

Your family ran. You quit. You could not make it in your country. You're lineage is cowardly one.

My family’s bones were here first before any pale skin motherfucker stepped on this land. There’s no pale skin motherfucker that can tell me or convince me otherwise. As FBA, we built this land by using what we had such as putting our minds together collectively.

You disrespectful bastard.
Exactly how did your family get here? Perhaps they were Spanish slaves and walked the thousands of miles from South America to the USA. You need to think up lies that stand up to historical facts before you try to foist them off on the rest of us.
Exactly how did your family get here?

Get here ? I'm a foundation blk American. Many of us were already here.

The oldest skeleton found in the Americas is the 12,000 year old skull and DNA of a Black female scientists named Luzia Woman. According to dna mapping & digital rendering, this is what Native Americans originally looked like Who are their descendants?


Foundational Black Americans are actually descended from the Black aboriginal tribes that most of the European explorers said they encountered when they reached The Americas?


This used to be a emblem for America...a portrait of queen Califia.




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Harvard should be 50% Asian by test scores and IQ.

O dear. Asian students are getting their version of the “N-word wake up call” — and don’t seem to like the taste.

I don’t know what makes you believe white people want to be surrounded by you, anymore than white people want to be surrounded by black people.

All this proves is we are so good the system has to react and raise standards for us or we'd dominate like the Jews.

If asians are so smart then how are they getting outsmarted by whites who are not allowing them in their unis

Why are Many allegedly “Asian” nations are still colonized by European nations, like South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Vietnam, etc ?

Why cant Japan force the U.S. to remove its military bases even though it has begged and pleaded many times over the years to ASK (not tell) the U.S. to remove them and the U.S. has the power to refuse to do it.

But what your quote proves is that institutional whiteness plays musical chairs w/the race narrative to improve outcomes for whites

If not enough whites get into top schools, it’s due to asians being to overachieving & socially inept. but, on the other hand, if whites can’t get into top schools, it’s because all those dumb blacks getting over.
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