White cops have been slammed recently, let's say some nice things.

Sure. If every white cop in America publicly resigned tomorrow, what would America be like the next day?
If every white cop in America publicly resigned tomorrow, what would America be like the next day?
Well can you say some nice things?

Working in Austin, lived in San Marcos about 30 miles to the south I often flew to work (along I-35 on my crotch rocket heh) and as a result often found myself having pleasant conversations with Texas' finest. One stands out as though I was in excess of 100 which would made it 'reckless driving' instead of regular speeding, he cut me a break and flubbed the ticket down enough to put me back over the line.

Another incident happened when on my way home, at night, I was surprised to note I was rapidly closing on a vehicle in the fast lane when I finally realized it was stationary. Easily avoided, but a stalled vehicle at night is a bit of 'hazard to navigation' so I pulled into a stop n rob seeing acouple DPS cars and told the officer about the stalled vehicle. As they hurriedly got in their cars to go tend to things one noticed my sidearm. Rather than making a federal case out of it, he simply asked if I was an officer to which I answered yes, and that was good enough for him.

Another time, getting back to San Marcos I stopped by a local shop for a soda being one of those unpleasant humid nights. Heading in to the shop I heard a barked, "Freeze!" Which of course I did. Turning around two officers had apparently pulled in right behind me, gotten out of their car and were in a very defensive stance hands on their weapons. Been through it before, no biggy. "You an officer?" - "I am." And produced my ID. "Ok, just making sure."

All these encounters and lots more involved police officers. None were white. None were black. None were brown. They were only ever blue.
There's to many goddamn thug supporters on this board. Bless the cops for making our streets a little safer.

Fuck all you looter supporters!
It a profession of the brave who protect and serve us everyday. Those who criticize police are either criminals or people too pussified to do the job. All the good things police do are overlooked. People honk and wave when firefighters are out front of station house cooking on the grill. But the look with contempt at a cop taking a break at the coffee shop.
Last winter, I locked my keys in the car. A white cop spent 20 minutes getting the door open. He wouldn't let me buy him lunch, so I stopped by the station and donated $10 to the Shop With A Cop fund.
hmmm I actually can't say that I've ever had an officer do anything nice specifically for me. Though I've seen them doing 'nice' things for a lot of others; changing a ladies tire on the highway, opening a locked car for a tourist, directing traffic for a bike race, jumping out of their car to catch a dog who had pulled his leash out of his owners hand and was running around in traffic, etc.

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