white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

You are confused.. for one mixing political parties and ideologies. You conservatives were the mainstay of slavery and Jim Crowe and you fought like hell to keep the status quo and keep those bla k kids out of your white schools.
conservative is relative to what youre trying to conserve, in this case it was democrats trying to conserve their slave history where modern conservatives are trying to conserve the constitution under its original intent,,
You are confused.. for one mixing political parties and ideologies. You conservatives were the mainstay of slavery and Jim Crowe and you fought like hell to keep the status quo and keep those bla k kids out of your white schools.

You lying dumb ass….. it was democrats who had the slaves…..the Republican religious conservatives were the abolitionists.
conservative is relative to what youre trying to conserve, in this case it was democrats trying to conserve their slave history where modern conservatives are trying to conserve the constitution under its original intent,,
Conservative conserve the status quo. And when that changes, so does what they conserve. It isn't a cafetaria based on your wishful thinking. You seem to forget that the Constitution had be amended to apply equality to blacks.
Conservative conserve the status quo. And when that changes, so does what they conserve. It isn't a cafetaria based on your wishful thinking. You seem to forget that the Constitution had be amended to apply equality to blacks.

Republican religious conservatives fought to end slavery….the members of the democrat party started the Civil War to keep slavery.
You lying dumb ass….. it was democrats who had the slaves…..the Republican religious conservatives were the abolitionists.
Nope. The northern liberals were not your conservatives. The problem with your reasoning is that you seem to think political parties represent consistent ideologies over time and geography, but they don't. It's just pap to mske you feel mirally superior while disregarding the political history of the era.
Conservative conserve the status quo. And when that changes, so does what they conserve. It isn't a cafetaria based on your wishful thinking. You seem to forget that the Constitution had be amended to apply equality to blacks.
and democrats were trying to conserve their status quo of owning slaves,, and repubes have always been about conserving the status quo of the constitution,, well up until the mid 1900's when the party went over to the dark side and left real conservatives with nothing but them to vote for,,

the constitution had to be amended because of the people that later formed the democrat party refused to sign unless they could keep their slaves,,
Nope. The northern liberals were not your conservatives. The problem with your reasoning is that you seem to think political parties represent consistent ideologies over time and geography, but they don't. It's just pap to mske you feel mirally superior while disregarding the political history of the era.
you should reread you comment cause it goes against what you said,,
and democrats were trying to conserve their status quo of owning slaves,, and repubes have always been about conserving the status quo of the constitution,, well up until the mid 1900's when the party went over to the dark side and left real conservatives with nothing but them to vote for,,

the constitution had to be amended because of the people that later formed the democrat party refused to sign unless they could keep their slaves,,
You sure had to twist and contort to come up with garbage didn't you?
You are confused.. for one mixing political parties and ideologies. You conservatives were the mainstay of slavery and Jim Crowe and you fought like hell to keep the status quo and keep those bla k kids out of your white schools.
Conservatism is rooted deeply into the Constitution and all men are created equal.

Notice who are the ones who are denouncing the Constitution these days.. it ain't Conservatives.

Slavery: Democrats
Jim Crow: Democrats
Affirmative Action: Democrats
CRT and White-People-are-bad: Democrats

You guys focus on race, and divide us.
This is the best article I've read on the differences between conservatism and liberalism and pros and cons of each. It is deeper than just the political veneer we use. It's a long read so I doubt anyone who prefers talking points will read it it.

This is the best article I've read on the differences between conservatism and liberalism and pros and cons of each. It is deeper than just the political veneer we use. It's a long read so I doubt anyone who prefers talking points will read it it.

That article has nothing to do with American conservatives you idiot.
most of them did have a problem with it and tried to end slavery in the constitution,, its just that the ones that later formed the democrat party from the south wanted to keep their slaves and never would have agreed if they had to end slavery,,,

The Democratic Party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. It didn't exist until 1828 - more than 50 years after the Constitution was written.

What kind of idiot posts about history and gets it so WRONG????
The Democratic Party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. It didn't exist until 1828 - more than 50 years after the Constitution was written.

What kind of idiot posts about history and gets it so WRONG????

The democrat party was created
by two slave owners you idiot.
The Democratic Party didn't exist when the Constitution was written. It didn't exist until 1828 - more than 50 years after the Constitution was written.

What kind of idiot posts about history and gets it so WRONG????
if you werent such a dumb skank you would see I wrote they later formed the democrat party,,

I have you on ignore for just this reason,,
Slavery occurring today doesn’t diminish slavery in our own history, or what followed up until the civil rights movement. That’s in living memory. Why do you try to erase it? Are you going to erase the Holocaust?
Erase it?
There you go again.
Why do you pretend it was something it wasn't?
Obviously slavery existed in early America. Slave culture was brought here by our European ancestors that used slaves for 1000s of years before the first white face stepped foot here.
But it was absolutely NOT well liked here. The people that took the horrific journey to come to America were seeking religious freedoms and economic slavery themselves. So it is not surprising that the large majority of early Americans rejected using slaves. Of course that little tidbit of truth is not well taught. Us white folks are ALL supposed to be tainted by slavery. When in fact the vast majority of white Americans have no generational history tied to slavery.

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