white europeans didnt bring slavery to the americas and it was never about race

you havent said anything,, just whined about breeding and some BS about how it morphed into being about race when it never did,, while the whole time ignoring that there were other races being enslaved,,

Your not making any sense, I didn’t say it morphed into ”being about race”. You seem to be confusing yourself.

sure sounds like guilt to me,,

and not once did you talk about any other people having blacks as slaves,, why is that you only blame whites for black slavery??
In the US, the institution of slavery was built around black slave labor, that’s fact. That doesn’t mean other races weren’t enslaved at various in various parts of the world. When it comes to black slavery in tbe US, I blame the people who bought, sold and bred slaves for economic benefit. It just so happens they almost entirely white.

That seems to really bother you. Are you okay?
Your not making any sense, I didn’t say it morphed into ”being about race”. You seem to be confusing yourself.

In the US, the institution of slavery was built around black slave labor, that’s fact. That doesn’t mean other races weren’t enslaved at various in various parts of the world. When it comes to black slavery in tbe US, I blame the people who bought, sold and bred slaves for economic benefit. It just so happens they almost entirely white.

That seems to really bother you. Are you okay?
no it was not,,, the only reason it was mainly blacks is because they were the only ones being sold on the open market in high numbers,,

and it also didnt start under the united states it was started under british rule and when the constitution was written most of the founders wanted to end slavery but the southern states didnt agree so a compromise was made and it ended with the civil war,, the US only had slavery for about 80 yrs,,
Indiginous people in America were vulnerable. Why did the institution of slavery morph into black only? You make a big deal about blacks selling blacks but completely ignore the fact that the majority of slaves in the US were born and bred there.
well SOB,, you did use the word morph,,

so when did this happen??
no it was not,,, the only reason it was mainly blacks is because they were the only ones being sold on the open market in high numbers,,

Here is where I agree and disagree, and I said this before but you seem to have blown past it.

There are several reasons why it ended up being predominantly blacks. Skin color made it easy to identify slaves. Availability in slave markets. Native Americans didn’t work out because they could escape and disappear into familiar territory. So, I agree that it did not start out racially based (in fact, I think the concepts of race came later than the origins of slavery in America). Do we agree on this?

But even though it didn’t start out race based, it became racialized. When the abolitionists were speaking up against slavery as a moral sin, American slave states were fighting to preserve their way of life. The only way they could do that was by dehumanizing black people. And with that it very much becamerace based. Can we agree on that?

and it also didnt start under the united states it was started under british rule and when the constitution was written most of the founders wanted to end slavery but the southern states didnt agree so a compromise was made and it ended with the civil war,, the US only had slavery for about 80 yrs,,
Here is where I agree and disagree, and I said this before but you seem to have blown past it.

There are several reasons why it ended up being predominantly blacks. Skin color made it easy to identify slaves. Availability in slave markets. Native Americans didn’t work out because they could escape and disappear into familiar territory. So, I agree that it did not start out racially based (in fact, I think the concepts of race came later than the origins of slavery in America). Do we agree on this?

But even though it didn’t start out race based, it became racialized. When the abolitionists were speaking up against slavery as a moral sin, American slave states were fighting to preserve their way of life. The only way they could do that was by dehumanizing black people. And with that it very much becamerace based. Can we agree on that?
thanks for your opinion,, but when did this happen that it came about race??

as far as I know slaves have always been dehumanized by the very fact they were slaves,, color just didnt matter
African negroes hold the world record for being slave snatching selling bad boys.
Here is where I agree and disagree, and I said this before but you seem to have blown past it.

There are several reasons why it ended up being predominantly blacks. Skin color made it easy to identify slaves. Availability in slave markets. Native Americans didn’t work out because they could escape and disappear into familiar territory. So, I agree that it did not start out racially based (in fact, I think the concepts of race came later than the origins of slavery in America). Do we agree on this?

But even though it didn’t start out race based, it became racialized. When the abolitionists were speaking up against slavery as a moral sin, American slave states were fighting to preserve their way of life. The only way they could do that was by dehumanizing black people. And with that it very much becamerace based. Can we agree on that?
just because democrat slave holders wanted to make it about race doesnt mean it was about race,, they were making shit up as an excuse not a reality,, same thing goes for democrats and their jim crow laws and the KKK
A variety of indigenous peoples would be one example, and they were enslaved early on. Your argument seems to be that vulnerability is the chief reason for black slavery in America.
The various native American tribes weren't as vulnerable because they could escape and blend into the local native population. Blacks tended to not blend in as easily in most areas. Native Americans also tended to be less "hardy" than blacks dying off at a higher rate.
thanks for your opinion,, but when did this happen that it came about race??

as far as I know slaves have always been dehumanized by the very fact they were slaves,, color just didnt matter
Here is the rhetoric that was part of the dehumanization that helped justify perpetrating slavery.

Black people were not fully evolved but were something like the missing link between apes and whites. Subhuman In all ways.

Black people don’t feel pain the way white people do (which led to horrific experiments on blacks).

Africans were designed to work as slaves due to their darker skin that made them more resistant to heat and harsh conditions.
just because democrat slave holders wanted to make it about race doesnt mean it was about race,, they were making shit up as an excuse not a reality,, same thing goes for democrats and their jim crow laws and the KKK
Rightwing southern slaveholders turned it into race and rightwing southern racists perpetrated it through Jim Crowe. You suck at discussion. Got any facts to back up your claim it wasn't about race?
Here is the rhetoric that was part of the dehumanization that helped justify perpetrating slavery.

Black people were not fully evolved but were something like the missing link between apes and whites. Subhuman In all ways.

Black people don’t feel pain the way white people do (which led to horrific experiments on blacks).

Africans were designed to work as slaves due to their darker skin that made them more resistant to heat and harsh conditions.

Rightwing southern slaveholders turned it into race and rightwing southern racists perpetrated it through Jim Crowe. You suck at discussion. Got any facts to back up your claim it wasn't about race?
so democrat slave holders lied and tried to dehumanize blacks and say they werent evolved humans so they could enslave them,,

that doesnt mean it was about race, it means they lied to try and make it about race,,

now that makes sense,,
so democrat slave holders lied and tried to dehumanize blacks and say they werent evolved humans so they could enslave them,,

You missed the points I made in your haste to troll. Reread what I wrote.

that doesnt mean it was about race, it means they lied to try and make it about race,,
It means they MADE it race. No “try” about it.

now that makes sense,,

Only to you. Now go pat yourself on the head cause no one else is going to.
You missed the points I made in your haste to troll. Reread what I wrote.

It means they MADE it race. No “try” about it.

Only to you. Now go pat yourself on the head cause no one else is going to.
no it means they tried/claimed what ever word you want to use,, the reality is it wasnt,,

and you should learn what right and left is in this country,, right wing is conservative, libertarian and anarchy on the far right and the left is authoritarian depending on the severity,,
Slavery occurring today doesn’t diminish slavery in our own history, or what followed up until the civil rights movement. That’s in living memory. Why do you try to erase it? Are you going to erase the Holocaust?
The question is, do you forever condemn and brand people who held slaves as 100% evil and never to be supported... or do you acknowledge norms at the time like a responsible historian and realize the brilliance in Western American thought to create the most moral document in history, the US Constitution.

We know which side does what.

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