White fans, black players

Whites are a confused people which is why I say they would probably regress back to the dark ages if all Blacks left the US. They worship and hate us all at the same time. They are a fascinating case study of mental illness.
Very true. Many whites hate black people but at the same time they THRIVE of black people

It's obvious that commentators like Taz, harmonica, SobieskiSavedEurope or Correll, Admiral Rockwell Tory have and inferiority complex towards black men

But they act superior but feel inferior.

Whites collectively have committed and benefited from the crime of racism and are GREATLY resentful and hostile ANY time a victim of racism calls it out.

You speak to a black man in 90s or 80's (And of course because of racism the average life expectancy for black people is far lower than it is for whites) who has experienced legal segregation, such as Whites-Only bathrooms, and all kinds of racist discrimination, humiliation and mistreatment of his black friends, family members, and himself. I don't blame him one bit for anything negative he says about American society.

The really interesting part is — despite all the LIES about black people being “violent” — black people on average are actually are quite passive.

If we were as violent as some folks like (harmonica) make us out to be, we’d be rioting in the streets non-stop, considering all the mistreatment we’ve endured.

Take Louis Farrakhan or Nation of Islam who have they ever harmed? When’s the last time the Nation of Islam burned a cross or harmed or beat or choked or lynched a white person OR spit on a white child and called him or her a dirty name? Can Taz and harmonica SobieskiSavedEurope or Correll Admiral Rockwell Tory name ANY black “group” that has ever harmed a white person in the name of practicing their beliefs?

Blacks are often accused of “advocating” violence or being violent EVEN when we seldom practice it — except as individuals in the commission of a crime.

YET — we are the raging black inferno monsters, that strikes fear in the hearts of white people? Maybe, that is the reflection in their OWN MIRRORS looking back at them….

All these police killings of black men ?

I’d bet my last two paychecks that if black police were constantly shooting unarmed white teenagers, we would see what real violence looks like. In white face.

The white man proudly presents his psychological disorder (Perseus Syndrome) to us in Greek mythology (named after Perseus, the Greek founder of Mycenae), advertisements, thrillers and horror movies:




When it comes to non-white people, “peace is power” – pacifist means of countering injustice is not only encouraged, but pushed as the ONLY reasonable means of combat against tyranny and terrorism.

Black people are encouraged to imitate the likes of Gandhi (who hated black people) Martin Luther King, Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglass, Winnie Mandela – all of which were great men and women.

But where the hypocrisy comes in – is that people such as Nat Turner, Robert F. Williams, Ho Chi Minh, Toussaint L’Overture are either covered in historically neutral terms (at best) and as terrorists at worst.

Think of white heroes – are any of them pacifists in the face of tyranny ? George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Churchill, Eisenhower, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson.

The answer is a resounding no.

When black people fight its viewed as savagery.

Look at what is going on in the so-called “middle east” right now. They’re deemed as savages for taking up arms against injustice. When whites fight, not only is it c considered noble, its the ONLY WAY to protect their (warped) perception of justice Jimmy Carter, still considered a leader of sorts – is viewed as a coward by whites by trying to use diplomacy instead of an iron fist during the Iranian hostage crisis.
Wow, you sure do have a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder.

Who has the Nation of Islam hurt? Islam is a barbaric religion that enslaves women. Yes, enslaves. You'd think blacks would be more sensitive to that sort of thing.
Wow, you sure do have a MASSIVE chip on your shoulder.
I don't hate white people, in the same way that I don't hate Tigers. But I understand a Tigers nature.

I understand how white people think.

The past and present and future of black ppl concern me the most and in that history white people are the main evil.

Who has the Nation of Islam hurt? Islam is a barbaric religion that enslaves women. Yes, enslaves. You'd think blacks would be more sensitive to that sort of thing.
Who has the nation enslaved ?
Whites are a confused people which is why I say they would probably regress back to the dark ages if all Blacks left the US. They worship and hate us all at the same time. They are a fascinating case study of mental illness.
Very true. Many whites hate black people but at the same time they THRIVE of black people

It's obvious that commentators like Taz, harmonica, SobieskiSavedEurope or Correll, Admiral Rockwell Tory have and inferiority complex towards black men

But they act superior but feel inferior.

Whites collectively have committed and benefited from the crime of racism and are GREATLY resentful and hostile ANY time a victim of racism calls it out.

You speak to a black man in 90s or 80's (And of course because of racism the average life expectancy for black people is far lower than it is for whites) who has experienced legal segregation, such as Whites-Only bathrooms, and all kinds of racist discrimination, humiliation and mistreatment of his black friends, family members, and himself. I don't blame him one bit for anything negative he says about American society.

The really interesting part is — despite all the LIES about black people being “violent” — black people on average are actually are quite passive.

If we were as violent as some folks like (harmonica) make us out to be, we’d be rioting in the streets non-stop, considering all the mistreatment we’ve endured.

Take Louis Farrakhan or Nation of Islam who have they ever harmed? When’s the last time the Nation of Islam burned a cross or harmed or beat or choked or lynched a white person OR spit on a white child and called him or her a dirty name? Can Taz and harmonica SobieskiSavedEurope or Correll Admiral Rockwell Tory name ANY black “group” that has ever harmed a white person in the name of practicing their beliefs?

The white man proudly presents his psychological disorder (Perseus Syndrome) to us in Greek mythology (named after Perseus, the Greek founder of Mycenae), advertisements, thrillers and horror movies:




When it comes to black people “peace is power” pacifist means of countering injustice is pushed as the only reasonable means of combat against tyranny and terrorism.

I LOL'd at your pictures, apparently now you're looking to fictional pictures to make Whites look evil.
"The NHL is composed of 93% of players who designate themselves as white with the remaining 7% of varying ethnicities."
93% white? Calling it a "white mans sport" is not unreasonable.
And it's not sport without black people. That's why USA ice hockey are not as good as other nations. Like Canada, Sweden, Russia, Finland
The like them only when they play good and behave themselves. They are for entertainment. Now they get paid too much, whereas the BCBS CEO of MI made 17 million last year. Go figure.

No, it's more than just entertainment.

Team sports involve the fans IDENTIFYING with the teams as part of them, and looking up to them, celebrating them as sports heroes, seeing their victories and defeats as THEIR victories and defeats.

You believe in "Racist America" don't you?

Don't you find it odd that scores of millions of white fans, are completely comfortable identifying with mostly black teams?

They identify with the "team" not the "individuals" as real people.

The Black players are nothing but "objects" much like any other Black entertainer.

This is not a new phenomena.

Throughout the history of this country white audiences have watched black entertainers and athletes from a distance, while regarding them as culturally and racially inferior. If you read up on the history of ANY sport this becomes obvious. Haven't you ever heard of Jackie Robinson or Joe Louis? Even though they were revered in their respective sports they were still treated like second class citizens in everyday life.

Even you should know that.


And I'm sure the cognitive dissonance that caused actual racists contributed to the massive decline of white racism.

But now we have a situation where the teams are not just containing a few minority players but are MAJORITY BLACK, and the teams are still celebrated and the players are still treated like sports heroes in every day life.

This is not 1947 and it's time we admitted that.

"Massive decline?". You must be joking. this very board alone, which is primarily visited by an alt right majority of white people like yourself, should dispel your belief about allegedly "celebrated black athletes".

My guess is that there are some football fans right here.....and they are likely some of same individuals who routinely stereotype the majority of black people as veing prone to corruption.

I can even recall seeing some in this forum refer to the NFL as the so called "Negro Felon Leaugue".

You do "almost" have a point in your statement "It is not 1947" anymore. That is definately true.

The main difference now is that we have the Internet....where true sentiments are on display daily, and public etiquette has been begrudingly redefined as

"political correctness". In code that means "We resent not being able to say what we really believe without reprecussions"
"The NHL is composed of 93% of players who designate themselves as white with the remaining 7% of varying ethnicities."
93% white? Calling it a "white mans sport" is not unreasonable.
And it's not sport without black people. That's why USA ice hockey are not as good as other nations. Like Canada, Sweden, Russia, Finland

It's a sport. You are a racist.

If America was nearly as racist as you lefties claim, white fans would be abandoning other sports for the sport dominated by white men.

Yet, hockey is tiny compared to Football or baseball.
The like them only when they play good and behave themselves. They are for entertainment. Now they get paid too much, whereas the BCBS CEO of MI made 17 million last year. Go figure.

No, it's more than just entertainment.

Team sports involve the fans IDENTIFYING with the teams as part of them, and looking up to them, celebrating them as sports heroes, seeing their victories and defeats as THEIR victories and defeats.

You believe in "Racist America" don't you?

Don't you find it odd that scores of millions of white fans, are completely comfortable identifying with mostly black teams?

They identify with the "team" not the "individuals" as real people.

The Black players are nothing but "objects" much like any other Black entertainer.

This is not a new phenomena.

Throughout the history of this country white audiences have watched black entertainers and athletes from a distance, while regarding them as culturally and racially inferior. If you read up on the history of ANY sport this becomes obvious. Haven't you ever heard of Jackie Robinson or Joe Louis? Even though they were revered in their respective sports they were still treated like second class citizens in everyday life.

Even you should know that.


And I'm sure the cognitive dissonance that caused actual racists contributed to the massive decline of white racism.

But now we have a situation where the teams are not just containing a few minority players but are MAJORITY BLACK, and the teams are still celebrated and the players are still treated like sports heroes in every day life.

This is not 1947 and it's time we admitted that.

"Massive decline?". You must be joking. this very board alone, which is primarily visited by an alt right majority of white people like yourself, should dispel your belief about allegedly "celebrated black athletes".

My guess is that there are some football fans right here.....and they are likely some of same individuals who routinely stereotype the majority of black people as veing prone to corruption.

I can even recall seeing some in this forum refer to the NFL as the so called "Negro Felon Leaugue".

You do "almost" have a point in your statement "It is not 1947" anymore. That is definately true.

The main difference now is that we have the Internet....where true sentiments are on display daily, and public etiquette has been begrudingly redefined as

"political correctness". In code that means "We resent not being able to say what we really believe without reprecussions"

I doubt that very many of the people who use terms like "Negro Felon Leaugue" are football fans.

And very few white people use such terms. I've never encountered it in real life, never in media, and very rarely online.

Yes, massive decline.
Yet, for my entire life, white footballs fans have happily identified and celebrated majority black football teams.

Question: WHy is this not seen as evidence of the LACK of racism in White America?

ROFL! come on now!
Whites are a confused people which is why I say they would probably regress back to the dark ages if all Blacks left the US. They worship and hate us all at the same time. They are a fascinating case study of mental illness.
Very true. Many whites hate black people but at the same time they THRIVE of black people

It's obvious that commentators like Taz, harmonica, SobieskiSavedEurope or Correll, Admiral Rockwell Tory have and inferiority complex towards black men

But they act superior but feel inferior.

I'll admit Blacks have done well in athletics, and music.
But, everything else is poor.

My Polish people have done quite well in athletics, and very good in music ourselves.
Yet, for my entire life, white footballs fans have happily identified and celebrated majority black football teams.

Question: WHy is this not seen as evidence of the LACK of racism in White America?

ROFL! come on now!

That was the Logical Fallacy of Appeal to Ridicule.

Your post is invalid and you lose.

The fact that you were unable to come up with the slightest challenge, is clear for everyone to see.
If America was nearly as racist as you lefties claim, white fans would be abandoning other sports for the sport dominated by white men.
He called me a "Leftie" (lol)

When white people say "Leftie" or "Libs" what they mean is n*gger lovers. Lefties and Libs is just the code they use. But this time he's using it on a black man which is kinda ironic.
It's a sport. You are a racist.
But it's not sport without black people.

The USA is not very good at Ice Hockey. The last time they won the world ice hockey champions was 1960 and when you consider that's it's been around since 1924, and been played every year since 1990. That means they have had close to 50 attempts since 1960 and not even made one final. For the USA, in a country where Hockey is a major sport, where money and funding is no object, that is a disgrace.
Yet, hockey is tiny compared to Football or baseball.
Football is not a global sport. That's pretty much an American thing. Baseball ? Cuba and Japan are better than the USA at that.
If America was nearly as racist as you lefties claim, white fans would be abandoning other sports for the sport dominated by white men.
He called me a "Leftie" (lol)

When white people say "Leftie" or "Libs" what they mean is n*gger lovers. Lefties and Libs is just the code they use. But this time he's using it on a black man which is kinda ironic.

YOur race baiting is noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole.

My point stands.

f America was nearly as racist as you lefties claim, white fans would be abandoning other sports for the sport dominated by white men.

It's a sport. You are a racist.
But it's not sport without black people.

That's USA is not very good at Ice Hockey. The last time USA won the world ice hockey champions was 1960 and when you consider that's it's been around since 1924, and been played every year since 1990. That means they have had close to 50 attempts since 1960 and not even made one final. [/QUOTE]

So we suck at hockey. Nothing in that supports your absurd and racist claim that it is not a sport without black people.

Yet, hockey is tiny compared to Football or baseball.
Football is not a global sport. That's pretty much an American thing. Baseball ? Cuba and Japan are better than the USA at that.[/QUOTE]

I was talking nationally. Hockey is tiny compared to Football or Baseball in America.

Since we are discussing the actions of American white sports fans, and what they demonstrate by them.

Specifically that American white have, for many generations, not had a problem with identifying with, and celebrating majority black sports teams.
This guy's clearly one of the best athletes.

You find a guy who can lift cars, and knock people out in MMA like this.

And who is the best in MMA ? Jon Jones. And what race is he is ?

Yup. Black

Take boxing. A white man can rarely beat a top black boxer in his prime. Generally speaking in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. We'll always fk u up. Stop being silly.
This guy's clearly one of the best athletes.

You find a guy who can lift cars, and knock people out in MMA like this.

Take boxing. A white man can rarely beat a top black boxer in his prime. Generally speaking in unarmed 1 on 1 combat. We'll always fk u up. Stop being silly.

Is that why Klitschko were the top heavyweight boxers for many years, and Golota beat up Riddick Bowe the champion back when?
Many whites had a issue with a black skinned Potus.
Hockey is a white mans sport.

And yet Football is by far more popular.

Almost like the skin color of the players is irrelevant to the fans.

Agree, till they leave the stadium or a black football player takes a knee.

That's the fans reacting to the players actions, not their skin color.

The fans have not had a problem with the teams' skin color for multiple generations.

They never use to be there for the NA. The DOD payed them in 2009.
The like them only when they play good and behave themselves. They are for entertainment. Now they get paid too much, whereas the BCBS CEO of MI made 17 million last year. Go figure.

No, it's more than just entertainment.

Team sports involve the fans IDENTIFYING with the teams as part of them, and looking up to them, celebrating them as sports heroes, seeing their victories and defeats as THEIR victories and defeats.

You believe in "Racist America" don't you?

Don't you find it odd that scores of millions of white fans, are completely comfortable identifying with mostly black teams?

They identify with the "team" not the "individuals" as real people.

The Black players are nothing but "objects" much like any other Black entertainer.

This is not a new phenomena.

Throughout the history of this country white audiences have watched black entertainers and athletes from a distance, while regarding them as culturally and racially inferior. If you read up on the history of ANY sport this becomes obvious. Haven't you ever heard of Jackie Robinson or Joe Louis? Even though they were revered in their respective sports they were still treated like second class citizens in everyday life.

Even you should know that.


And I'm sure the cognitive dissonance that caused actual racists contributed to the massive decline of white racism.

But now we have a situation where the teams are not just containing a few minority players but are MAJORITY BLACK, and the teams are still celebrated and the players are still treated like sports heroes in every day life.

This is not 1947 and it's time we admitted that.

"Massive decline?". You must be joking. this very board alone, which is primarily visited by an alt right majority of white people like yourself, should dispel your belief about allegedly "celebrated black athletes".

My guess is that there are some football fans right here.....and they are likely some of same individuals who routinely stereotype the majority of black people as veing prone to corruption.

I can even recall seeing some in this forum refer to the NFL as the so called "Negro Felon Leaugue".

You do "almost" have a point in your statement "It is not 1947" anymore. That is definately true.

The main difference now is that we have the Internet....where true sentiments are on display daily, and public etiquette has been begrudingly redefined as

"political correctness". In code that means "We resent not being able to say what we really believe without reprecussions"

I doubt that very many of the people who use terms like "Negro Felon Leaugue" are football fans.

And very few white people use such terms. I've never encountered it in real life, never in media, and very rarely online.

Yes, massive decline.

Of course they are fans. Some even have a stake in in the game as NFL owners. Some voew black players as the "property" of the team.

Much like the same mentality towards a prize racehorse. When playing days end, most fade into obscurity and are ansorbed back into the collective that you all refer to as the "black community".

Ex NFL player, politician or whatever. It is the belief that all think and act alike.

Yes "massive decline"......in PUBLICALLY EXPRESSED" sentiment. Massive increase in anonymous polls and forums. There is safety in anonomity.

Pay attention to the obvious

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