White fans, black players

Evidence pretty much kills that option. If they didnt care they wouldnt call players racist names and demand them to be politically vanilla.

No, evidence supports that the fans don't like their players being unpatriotic anti-American shit heads.

Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
Evidence pretty much kills that option. If they didnt care they wouldnt call players racist names and demand them to be politically vanilla.

No, evidence supports that the fans don't like their players being unpatriotic anti-American shit heads.

Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.[/QUOTE]

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the ones who have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

"Section 171 does not specify nor impose penalties for violating the section of the code. According to a Congressional Research Service report to Congress in 2008, “The Flag Code is a codification of customs and rules established for the use of certain civilians and civilian groups. No penalty or punishment is specified in the Flag Code for display of the flag of the United States in a manner other than as suggested."
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So, a common claim is that America is a terribly racist society.

Yet, for my entire life, white footballs fans have happily identified and celebrated majority black football teams.

Question: WHy is this not seen as evidence of the LACK of racism in White America?

Black players in professional American football - Wikipedia

"At the start of the 2014 season, NFL surveys revealed that the league was approximately 68% African-American[35] and about 28% white, with the remaining 4% comprising Asian/Pacific Islander, non-white Hispanics, and those preferring a Mixed Race category.[36]"

These statistics are in contrast to the general population of the United States, which is about 28% non-white (white including Hispanic whites) although among the demographic that plays in the NFL (men approximately 21 to 35 years of age), the proportion of the American population that is non-white is somewhat greater.
I don't see it as evidence of a total lack of racism because I believe true fans just want to see their team win. If a Black quarterback can take them to the super bowl they're O.K. with that. It's about excitement and winning. I believe individuals enjoy watching a well played sport no matter who is playing it. I also believe THAT relationship exists from a distance. When it comes to ordinary, not-so-famous Black folks, some of them probably don't want to be bothered, and some of them probably would still NOT be O.K. with them dating their daughters.
No, evidence supports that the fans don't like their players being unpatriotic anti-American shit heads.

Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
No, evidence supports that the fans don't like their players being unpatriotic anti-American shit heads.

Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?[/QUOTE]

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
So, a common claim is that America is a terribly racist society.

Yet, for my entire life, white footballs fans have happily identified and celebrated majority black football teams.

Question: WHy is this not seen as evidence of the LACK of racism in White America?

Black players in professional American football - Wikipedia

"At the start of the 2014 season, NFL surveys revealed that the league was approximately 68% African-American[35] and about 28% white, with the remaining 4% comprising Asian/Pacific Islander, non-white Hispanics, and those preferring a Mixed Race category.[36]"

These statistics are in contrast to the general population of the United States, which is about 28% non-white (white including Hispanic whites) although among the demographic that plays in the NFL (men approximately 21 to 35 years of age), the proportion of the American population that is non-white is somewhat greater.
I don't see it as evidence of a total lack of racism because I believe true fans just want to see their team win. If a Black quarterback can take them to the super bowl they're O.K. with that. It's about excitement and winning. I believe individuals enjoy watching a well played sport no matter who is playing it. I also believe THAT relationship exists from a distance. When it comes to ordinary, not-so-famous Black folks, some of them probably don't want to be bothered, and some of them probably would still NOT be O.K. with them dating their daughters.

The excitement about winning is because the fans identify with the team.

YOu have scores of millions of white fans, identifying with majority black teams, and black players.

It's a pretty big contradiction to the supposedly racist white fan, to look up to and identify and celebrate and discuss how great black players are.

I know people are capable of holding contradictory ideas, but that a LOT of people to hold onto a LOT of contradiction, and it is not even a topic of discussion in our society, except right here, right now.
Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.[/QUOTE]
Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
Then those "fans" are not patriotic themselves if they begrudge "their players" their right to peacefully protest. If they perform on gameday that should be all that matters. They are not the ones putting in the work to develop the talent required to enfage in a professional sport, so an athletes personal views should be off limits.

There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.[/QUOTE]

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.
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Where sports cuts through all this bullshit isn't in a bunch of fatasses watching a bunch of athletes, it's in a bunch of regular folks really playing the sport together. Who of any race can really relate to the greatest athletes in the world - and also multi-millionaires - mostly from a distance or through a box? Go down to the local park and see a bunch of guys playing a pickup game. Go to your local high school and see a bunch of kids working hard, smart, and together. Go to a local gym and see a bunch of guys (yes, I know, and gals) punching/grappling/throwing each other and being careful and respectful of one another at the same time. You'll see people of all races, backgrounds, religions, whatever. Give people a chance and they will keep the stupid, divisive bullshit the numbskulls drone on about here to the side. Sport is a great way of letting that happen where circumstance might otherwise not often provide.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.[/QUOTE]

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.[/QUOTE]

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.
Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.
There is nothing about being a fan, that requires a fan to ignore the fact that the player(s) are insulting them.

Nor does being patriotic require that one support all "peaceful protests".

Supporting the Right to protest, does not mean that one has to embrace all peaceful protesters.

NOt if the peaceful protester is an anti-American ass.

Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.[/QUOTE]

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.[/QUOTE]

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.
They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
Protesting by not standing for the anthem does not translate to someone being "Anti American".

They are Americans that refuse to show respect to America or loyalty to their fellow Americans, because they consider their nation and their fellow citizens "oppressors".

That's being against America. So, anti-American is certainly supported.

Try to be less dishonest.

There have been former armed forces personnel who have gone on record and stated that one of the freedoms of being an American is having the right to stand or to choose not to.

Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Furthermore, the players are American citizens, therefore they are free to peacefully protest and still perform their assigned job duties as players.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

If a so called fan feels "insulted", too bad, they also have the freedom to not attend or watch NFL games.....but they ARE NOT free to dictate to the players how they should conduct their protest.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.[/QUOTE]

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.[/QUOTE]

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.
"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
Sure they have the right, since their piece of shit employers have sided with them. No one is saying otherwise. THis point was never raised and not contention.

So, stop wasting my time acting like it is.

Agreed. Again. And of course.

I understand why you spend so much time trying make this issue about something it is not.

Because it is hard to sell Anti-Americanism to Americans.

Any and all real Americans ARE insulted by the players insulting the Nation and Americans.

And those Americans should treat the players and the league that supports their anti-Americanism with the same contempt that the players feel for them.

And if the Fans do walk away, they will in effect be dictating to the league and the players to stop being fucking dicks, because once the league loses enough money, they will learn fast that the fans are their bosses.

"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.[/QUOTE]

Nope. You are attempting to definine MY refusal to embrace "YOUR opinion as "hatred".

Very immature on your part. Furthermore, your blanket labeling of the protesting players as "pieces of shit", and your effeminate pissing and moaning about being personally insulted by those players is not a normal adult difference of opinion and effectively places the label of "piece of shit" squarely upon you.
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They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.
"Real Americans"? Who appointed you as an authority on "who is a real American"?

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

And I'm NOT wasting YOUR time. You are wasting your own. You are not obligated to respond to what I post, that is your choice, but, you might save some of that time by realizing that trying to convince someone who generally agrees with nothing that you post that your words are being dismissed as quickly as you post them.

On the other hand, you are becoming ridiculously repetitive with this whinefest about the players "insulting fans".

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

Who is twisting these poor so called "fans" arms and forcing them to flock to stadiums all over the country to be "insulted"?

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

Im not making this into anything except a statement that the players are people not trained animals.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Their jobs allow them to pay taxes to this government in a bracket that far exceeds what the average fan even takes home in a year.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

You are the one personalizing this by referring to them as "pieces of shit".....when the truth really is that you should ask yourself who are the real "pieces of shit"....the ones quietly protesting or the owho have taken it to the level of wanting their right to protest denied?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

There is no law that mandates standing fpr the anthem. It is a choice that any and every free citizen has.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.

Nope. You are attempting to definine MY refusal to embrace "YOUR opinion as "hatred".

Very immature on your part. Furthermore, your blanket labeling of the protesting players as "pieces of shit", and your effeminate pissing and moaning about being personally insulted by those players is not a normal adult difference of opinion and effectively places the label of "piece of shit" squarely upon you.[/QUOTE]

It is mature and healthy for a group to ostracize those members of the group that declare themselves enemies of the group.

Indeed, a group that has no mechanism or ability to punish members that are enemies of the group is a dying group.

They insulted America and Americans.

If you don't feel insulted when someone insults America and Americans, it's pretty obvious that you don't really identify as an American, no matter what your paper work says.

I keep coming back to the Truth. All you twisting and dancing doesn't change the fact that these pieces of shit, insulted America and Americans.

No one. THey love the sport, they identify with and celebrate the teams, and just want to have a good time with their fellow fans.

But the players have decided to start showing the contempt they feel for their fans.

That's a problem with the process. It's hard and going to get harder for the fans to pretend the players are "them", when they are constantly being insulted by piece of shit players.

NOt sure where that came from. I am not responsible for the voices in your head.

Odd that you feel a need to belittle the fans. Telling even. What do you think of America and Americans? Are you Patriotic?

Oh, it's certainly the players who have insulted their own country and their fellow citizens, and the owners and the league that has supported their anti-American message.

They are all pieces of shit.

Your strawman about "right to protest" is noted, laughed at and dismissed.

No one is saying that there is a law. THat's another strawman as you desperately try to avoid the real issue, ie the pieces of shit insulting America and their fellow Americans.

Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.

Nope. You are attempting to definine MY refusal to embrace "YOUR opinion as "hatred".

Very immature on your part. Furthermore, your blanket labeling of the protesting players as "pieces of shit", and your effeminate pissing and moaning about being personally insulted by those players is not a normal adult difference of opinion and effectively places the label of "piece of shit" squarely upon you.

It is mature and healthy for a group to ostracize those members of the group that declare themselves enemies of the group.

Indeed, a group that has no mechanism or ability to punish members that are enemies of the group is a dying group.


It is immature and childish to refer to people exercising their rights as "pieces of shit" for doing so. Period.

Walk away as you said it is time to do or STFU.
Not much to do but laugh at this silly rant. You are not a regulator who gets to determine if a certain type of protest is acceptable to you...and the same goes for the fair weather fans who think as you do.

Of course there is no actual law in effect that punishes those who do not stand for the anthem...which is the point.

The only violation on the table is the hurt feelings of the so called fans and armchair "patriots" who are butthurt over NFL players exercising THEIR right to protest.

They are not looting or vandalizing. They are quietly making a statement and if that hurts a few feelings and gets attention. Then their statement is getting through.

The real pieces of shit are the self righteous assholes who fail to realize that this is a right to choose and just because their choice causes some discomfort for some, is not their problem.

Lastly as far as "ME belittling the fans".
FUCK every one of them who is passing judgement on the young men who are exercising their right to protest.

I dont owe the "fans" anything. I have a nephew and I have many personal friends who played in the NFL.

I care about the players, their rights, and what happens to them AFTER they are through playing. That makes ME a genuine fan.

Buying season tickets and drinking Budweiser at a tailgate party then throwing a bitch fit when a player won't stand up for the anthem, is not a real fan.

Thats an opinionated, pompous asshole who needs to sell their season tickets and STFU.

Take your bullshit somewhere else.

Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.

Nope. You are attempting to definine MY refusal to embrace "YOUR opinion as "hatred".

Very immature on your part. Furthermore, your blanket labeling of the protesting players as "pieces of shit", and your effeminate pissing and moaning about being personally insulted by those players is not a normal adult difference of opinion and effectively places the label of "piece of shit" squarely upon you.

It is mature and healthy for a group to ostracize those members of the group that declare themselves enemies of the group.

Indeed, a group that has no mechanism or ability to punish members that are enemies of the group is a dying group.


It is immature and childish to refer to people exercising their rights as "pieces of shit" for doing so. Period.

Walk away as you said it is time to do or STFU.[/QUOTE]

Verbal condemnation is a completely acceptable tool to deal with such anti-group behavior.

Your hysterical reaction to me calling these kneelers and their supporters among the owners and the league is just you trying to drown out the truth with bullshit.

They are all pieces of shit, and no one should look up to someone, who looks down on them.

Let football die.
Your contempt for the guy who buys season tickets, is exactly what I am talking about.

People like that are what supports the Sport and gives your player buddies a fantastic career and a great life.

And you and them hold the fans in contempt.

When the Kneelers show their contempt for America and Americans by kneeling, it is they are are abusing the relationship between player and fan, not the fan.

The problem is that America has been torn apart. YOu and yours? Your been indoctrinated to hate your fellow Americans.

And your hatred has grown to where you cannot hide it anymore.

Time for Americans to walk away from you.

You are an immature fool. I do not hate anyone. Im too busy enjoying my life and what is really important to me. I just don't listen to the opinioins of pompous, ignorant individuals who think they are some kind of moral authority on the perfectly legal actions of free citizens.

Now as far as "walking away," you are free and encouraged to do so.

It is completely normal for people to have an opinion on the actions of free citizens when those actions express contempt and enmity to them.

YOur refusal to see this simple truth, is caused by your hatred blinding you to the truth.

Nope. You are attempting to definine MY refusal to embrace "YOUR opinion as "hatred".

Very immature on your part. Furthermore, your blanket labeling of the protesting players as "pieces of shit", and your effeminate pissing and moaning about being personally insulted by those players is not a normal adult difference of opinion and effectively places the label of "piece of shit" squarely upon you.

It is mature and healthy for a group to ostracize those members of the group that declare themselves enemies of the group.

Indeed, a group that has no mechanism or ability to punish members that are enemies of the group is a dying group.


It is immature and childish to refer to people exercising their rights as "pieces of shit" for doing so. Period.

Walk away as you said it is time to do or STFU.

Verbal condemnation is a completely acceptable tool to deal with such anti-group behavior.

Your hysterical reaction to me calling these kneelers and their supporters among the owners and the league is just you trying to drown out the truth with bullshit.

They are all pieces of shit, and no one should look up to someone, who looks down on them.

Let football die.[/QUOTE]

No one here is hysterical except for you. Your shrill ranting and effeminate histrionics are nothing but the attention getting actions of a spoiled little child.

Like it or not, the sport will not die. Why? Because although it galls you to no end that wealthy young BLACK PLAYERS are rightfully protesting, it is still a sport that earns millions more than what the players earn for old, white generally Republican males.

Capitalism always trumps all. They WILL protest and they WILL play. Those who do not wish to watch will be replaced by those who do.

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