white female teacher violently attacked by BLACKS

Imagine if this video depicted white students ganging up on a black teacher there would already be ten or more threads on the subject. It would also be a hot topic on social media and all over the mainstream news.

Would you still say talking about it was stirring up racial hatred and dividing the nation? Or would you join with the rest of the left and wag your finger at the evil white scourge?

It's always "imagine if" with you guys. Meathead also did it in post no. 66. Dream up a story instead of using real ones, and then try to maintain an argument based solely on what you would imagine might happen.

There is no evidence that what happened to this teacher was based on her race, yet it is being advertised as such. Even if it would be right to hold all people of a particular demographic group accountable for the actions of a particular group member, which is never right, the video is too out-of-focus to show who was involved.

Threads like this one are started to incite racial hatred. There is no other reason.

That "imagine if" thing comes from the fact you "anti racist" people are a bunch of goddamn hypocrites.
This thread's contribution to racial division is quite insignificant in comparison to the anti-white stuff coming out of college campuses and broadcast by the MSM. If y'all would have put a cap on that shit like, I dunno 20 years ago? Maybe then whitey wouldn't be getting all uppity today.

You only have yourselves to blame.

What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses and "broadcast by the MSM"? I mean this as opposed to taking a critical and honest look at history and what happened to various groups of Americans at various times. Each group has its unique story to tell from their own perspective. I'm a "whitey," so be careful. It's only a handful of us "whitey" types who are getting "uppity."

There's a veritable gold mine on the subject right at your fingertips. Just type in key words like "whiteness" or "white men". If you're feeling adventurous, contrast and compare your search results to "blackness" and "black men" and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately, history does show that white males have been the leaders in playing their racial and gender identity cards and using these identities to exclude and mistreat everyone else. Not all white men have done this, of course, just those who have had a sense of unearned entitlement. You people just don't want to be regular citizens in a society comprised of millions. You people just think that you are better than the rest of us and are stupid enough to think that the rest of us should agree with you.

Thanks for proving my point.
Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video
Of course it didn't make national headlines because it doesn't fit their narrative. Can you imagine if it had been WHITE students attacking a BLACK teacher? This would be a top story for DAYS, if not WEEKS. The bias of mainstream media is hideous.
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video

Is there any constructive motive for starting a thread like this? Or is it just another attempt to drum up support for racial hatred to further divide the nation? Unfortunately, teachers put up with all sorts of crap every day from students from every walk of life. Before you get to chattering useless nonsense like "liberal," "commie," "bitch," and the rest of the tired vocabulary, please note that I do not support any sort of behavior like this and think that the students should be charged and punished.

Imagine if this video depicted white students ganging up on a black teacher there would already be ten or more threads on the subject. It would also be a hot topic on social media and all over the mainstream news.

Would you still say talking about it was stirring up racial hatred and dividing the nation? Or would you join with the rest of the left and wag your finger at the evil white scourge?

It's always "imagine if" with you guys. Meathead also did it in post no. 66. Dream up a story instead of using real ones, and then try to maintain an argument based solely on what you would imagine might happen.

There is no evidence that what happened to this teacher was based on her race, yet it is being advertised as such. Even if it would be right to hold all people of a particular demographic group accountable for the actions of a particular group member, which is never right, the video is too out-of-focus to show who was involved.

Threads like this one are started to incite racial hatred. There is no other reason.

90% or more of the threads on this board are to incite hatred of some sort.

Incitement is very different than having a fact-based, thoughtful discussion about historical events, including the principle actors and what they actually said and did in various historical situations.

For example: only a small number of Americans enjoyed from the beginning the right to vote for their representatives in what has always been proclaimed to be a democracy. All the rest have had to fight for democracy, sometimes involving injury or death up until the present day. As each group has fought to participate in democracy, some spoke in support of them and others disparaged them and their abilities. I don't think an honest review of everyone's actions would amount to "incitement," just a clear view of history and how Americans have treated each other in the past. You don't erase or whitewash history. You learn from it.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

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View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.

Waste of time trying to reason with these people. Remember, they're cut from the same cloth of those who believe 3 year old boys have the mental capacity to decide to switch genders by undergoing puberty blocking chemical castration.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.

Waste of time trying to reason with these people. Remember, they're cut from the same cloth of those who believe 3 year old boys have the mental capacity to decide to switch genders by undergoing puberty blocking chemical castration.
Yep, they've been SEVERELY brainwashed by our hideously biased mainstream media.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.

Waste of time trying to reason with these people. Remember, they're cut from the same cloth of those who believe 3 year old boys have the mental capacity to decide to switch genders by undergoing puberty blocking chemical castration.

Sickening isn't it. I firmly believe that everyone who supports that nonsense is a closet pedophile.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.
Wow, thanks for the post!

You're welcome. I have literally hundreds of examples for these idiots who claim there's no anti-white agenda.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.

Waste of time trying to reason with these people. Remember, they're cut from the same cloth of those who believe 3 year old boys have the mental capacity to decide to switch genders by undergoing puberty blocking chemical castration.
Yep, they've been SEVERELY brainwashed by our hideously biased mainstream media.

True, but I don't recall a time when the MSM advocated for child abuse. Lefties came up with that abomination all on their own. It's almost as if they're possessed by demons.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.
Wow, thanks for the post!

You're welcome. I have literally hundreds of examples for these idiots who claim there's no anti-white agenda.

Here's a good one:
Towards a Concept of White Wounding | HuffPost

"White wounding" eh? Sounds like a call for racial violence...but lefties would NEVER stoop so low.
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.
Wow, thanks for the post!

You're welcome. I have literally hundreds of examples for these idiots who claim there's no anti-white agenda.

Here's a good one:
Towards a Concept of White Wounding | HuffPost

"White wounding" eh? Sounds like a call for racial violence...but lefties would NEVER stoop so low.

The Huffington Compost is a veritable cesspool of anti-white rhetoric.

What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses

Gee, I dunno....

View attachment 286279

View attachment 286280

View attachment 286281

View attachment 286282

View attachment 286283

View attachment 286284

...just to name a few.

Open your fucking eyes.
Wow, thanks for the post!

You're welcome. I have literally hundreds of examples for these idiots who claim there's no anti-white agenda.

Here's a good one:
Towards a Concept of White Wounding | HuffPost

"White wounding" eh? Sounds like a call for racial violence...but lefties would NEVER stoop so low.

The Huffington Compost is a veritable cesspool of anti-white rhetoric.

View attachment 286286

Even the NYT doesn't bother to play coy anymore.
white msm1.jpg
It's always "imagine if" with you guys. Meathead also did it in post no. 66. Dream up a story instead of using real ones, and then try to maintain an argument based solely on what you would imagine might happen.

There is no evidence that what happened to this teacher was based on her race, yet it is being advertised as such. Even if it would be right to hold all people of a particular demographic group accountable for the actions of a particular group member, which is never right, the video is too out-of-focus to show who was involved.

Threads like this one are started to incite racial hatred. There is no other reason.

That "imagine if" thing comes from the fact you "anti racist" people are a bunch of goddamn hypocrites.
This thread's contribution to racial division is quite insignificant in comparison to the anti-white stuff coming out of college campuses and broadcast by the MSM. If y'all would have put a cap on that shit like, I dunno 20 years ago? Maybe then whitey wouldn't be getting all uppity today.

You only have yourselves to blame.

What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses and "broadcast by the MSM"? I mean this as opposed to taking a critical and honest look at history and what happened to various groups of Americans at various times. Each group has its unique story to tell from their own perspective. I'm a "whitey," so be careful. It's only a handful of us "whitey" types who are getting "uppity."

There's a veritable gold mine on the subject right at your fingertips. Just type in key words like "whiteness" or "white men". If you're feeling adventurous, contrast and compare your search results to "blackness" and "black men" and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately, history does show that white males have been the leaders in playing their racial and gender identity cards and using these identities to exclude and mistreat everyone else. Not all white men have done this, of course, just those who have had a sense of unearned entitlement. You people just don't want to be regular citizens in a society comprised of millions. You people just think that you are better than the rest of us and are stupid enough to think that the rest of us should agree with you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Except that you didn't. My comment referred only to white males who play or have played identity politics based on their race and gender, not white males in general, and this was obvious in my comment. Not all white men by far are bossy arrogant slobs with an unearned sense of entitlement.
That "imagine if" thing comes from the fact you "anti racist" people are a bunch of goddamn hypocrites.
This thread's contribution to racial division is quite insignificant in comparison to the anti-white stuff coming out of college campuses and broadcast by the MSM. If y'all would have put a cap on that shit like, I dunno 20 years ago? Maybe then whitey wouldn't be getting all uppity today.

You only have yourselves to blame.

What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses and "broadcast by the MSM"? I mean this as opposed to taking a critical and honest look at history and what happened to various groups of Americans at various times. Each group has its unique story to tell from their own perspective. I'm a "whitey," so be careful. It's only a handful of us "whitey" types who are getting "uppity."

There's a veritable gold mine on the subject right at your fingertips. Just type in key words like "whiteness" or "white men". If you're feeling adventurous, contrast and compare your search results to "blackness" and "black men" and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately, history does show that white males have been the leaders in playing their racial and gender identity cards and using these identities to exclude and mistreat everyone else. Not all white men have done this, of course, just those who have had a sense of unearned entitlement. You people just don't want to be regular citizens in a society comprised of millions. You people just think that you are better than the rest of us and are stupid enough to think that the rest of us should agree with you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Except that you didn't. My comment referred only to white males who play or have played identity politics based on their race and gender, not white males in general, and this was obvious in my comment. Not all white men by far are bossy arrogant slobs with an unearned sense of entitlement.

Ok Hitlerina, whatever you say.
That "imagine if" thing comes from the fact you "anti racist" people are a bunch of goddamn hypocrites.
This thread's contribution to racial division is quite insignificant in comparison to the anti-white stuff coming out of college campuses and broadcast by the MSM. If y'all would have put a cap on that shit like, I dunno 20 years ago? Maybe then whitey wouldn't be getting all uppity today.

You only have yourselves to blame.

What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses and "broadcast by the MSM"? I mean this as opposed to taking a critical and honest look at history and what happened to various groups of Americans at various times. Each group has its unique story to tell from their own perspective. I'm a "whitey," so be careful. It's only a handful of us "whitey" types who are getting "uppity."

There's a veritable gold mine on the subject right at your fingertips. Just type in key words like "whiteness" or "white men". If you're feeling adventurous, contrast and compare your search results to "blackness" and "black men" and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately, history does show that white males have been the leaders in playing their racial and gender identity cards and using these identities to exclude and mistreat everyone else. Not all white men have done this, of course, just those who have had a sense of unearned entitlement. You people just don't want to be regular citizens in a society comprised of millions. You people just think that you are better than the rest of us and are stupid enough to think that the rest of us should agree with you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Except that you didn't. My comment referred only to white males who play or have played identity politics based on their race and gender, not white males in general, and this was obvious in my comment. Not all white men by far are bossy arrogant slobs with an unearned sense of entitlement.

If we consider how greatly he has sinned against the masses in the course of the centuries, how he has squeezed and sucked the blood again and again; if furthermore, we consider how the people gradually learned to hate him for this, and ended up by regarding his existence as nothing but punishment of Heaven for the other peoples, we can understand how hard this shift must be for the White man.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video
Of course it didn't make national headlines because it doesn't fit their narrative. Can you imagine if it had been WHITE students attacking a BLACK teacher? This would be a top story for DAYS, if not WEEKS. The bias of mainstream media is hideous.
exactly--plus one of the points of the thread which Lysistrata cannot understand
..it would be in the news for a YEAR at least ..they are still talking about the saintly martyr Mike Brown
Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice

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