white female teacher violently attacked by BLACKS

Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice
Nope. Embrace our People.
you need to embrace common sense
When I posted "our People" That included you..

I have enough Common Sense to drown Thomas Paine.
Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice
Nope. Embrace our People.
you need to embrace common sense
When I posted "our People" That included you..

I have enough Common Sense to drown Thomas Paine.
How far you have drifted from the thread topic. I guess you have no problem with these racist black "children" assaulting their teacher.
Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice
Nope. Embrace our People.
you need to embrace common sense
When I posted "our People" That included you..

I have enough Common Sense to drown Thomas Paine.
How far you have drifted from the thread topic. I guess you have no problem with these racist black "children" assaulting their teacher.

Negroes will rarely criticize their own no matter how egregious the behavior....and the few that do are shunned and attacked.

The reason for this is quite simple....as a group the Negroes believe they must maintain their vidtimhood status in order to keep receiving all the benefits that go with that.
..of course, as usual not national headlines because blacks are committing a violent hate crime
the real problem is Trump saying a word --any word
.. so, when you bring up WHITE police shootings of CRIMINALS/etc, we laugh--it's so ridiculous
Assault on Euclid High School teacher caught on video
Teachers are attacked all the time these days......and they can't touch the kids who attack them.
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.

Unfortunately that right is merely an illlusion.....reality proves it.

Teachers Share Powerful Stories of Classroom Violence, Diminished Learning with Lawmakers
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.
I want to see the race statistics. You'll find in nearly every case that it is black on white crime.
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.
I want to see the race statistics. You'll find in nearly every case that it is black on white crime.

A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance

Public Education’s Dirty Secret - American Renaissance
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.
I want to see the race statistics. You'll find in nearly every case that it is black on white crime.

A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance

Public Education’s Dirty Secret - American Renaissance
The black student who really wants to learn is the rare exception. They will always be wards of the State -- a perpetual burden of the white Taxpayer.
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.
I want to see the race statistics. You'll find in nearly every case that it is black on white crime.

A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance

Public Education’s Dirty Secret - American Renaissance
The black student who really wants to learn is the rare exception. They will always be wards of the State -- a perpetual burden of the white Taxpayer.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America.

However....it is a taboo topic....the media and school administrators do their best to dover it up and sweep it under the carpet.

Documented: Black Students Target Teachers for Violence
What is "anti-white" that is coming out of college campuses and "broadcast by the MSM"? I mean this as opposed to taking a critical and honest look at history and what happened to various groups of Americans at various times. Each group has its unique story to tell from their own perspective. I'm a "whitey," so be careful. It's only a handful of us "whitey" types who are getting "uppity."

There's a veritable gold mine on the subject right at your fingertips. Just type in key words like "whiteness" or "white men". If you're feeling adventurous, contrast and compare your search results to "blackness" and "black men" and maybe you'll get an idea of what I'm talking about.

Unfortunately, history does show that white males have been the leaders in playing their racial and gender identity cards and using these identities to exclude and mistreat everyone else. Not all white men have done this, of course, just those who have had a sense of unearned entitlement. You people just don't want to be regular citizens in a society comprised of millions. You people just think that you are better than the rest of us and are stupid enough to think that the rest of us should agree with you.

Thanks for proving my point.

Except that you didn't. My comment referred only to white males who play or have played identity politics based on their race and gender, not white males in general, and this was obvious in my comment. Not all white men by far are bossy arrogant slobs with an unearned sense of entitlement.

If we consider how greatly he has sinned against the masses in the course of the centuries, how he has squeezed and sucked the blood again and again; if furthermore, we consider how the people gradually learned to hate him for this, and ended up by regarding his existence as nothing but punishment of Heaven for the other peoples, we can understand how hard this shift must be for the White man.
-Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)

You apparently wish to maintain your ignorance as a source of pride. You still want to be accorded special rights and status based only on your ethnic and gender identity. Most of us Americans don't play these games, including white men. The name of the game is "all in" as Americans, we folks altogether. The (white) men in my family join in, the thousands of white men whom I saw at the historic DC women's rights rally join in, my favorite cousin (ex-Marine officer and teacher), with whom I talk to at length all the time about all sorts of subjects although he lives across the country join in, the members of Congress who walked out with Pelosi when she left the White House and those who eulogized the late Rep. Elijah Cummings join in. You, too, can assimilate into American life.
Violence against teachers has reached unparallelled levels in recent years. The American Psychological Association Task Force on Violence Directed Against Teachers conducted a national study in 2011. Out of 2,998 teachers surveyed, 80 percent had been victimized in the workplace. In the city of Baltimore alone, school employees filed more than 300 injury claims related to student assaults in 2013. The only city agency that filed more claims was the police department. Teachers have the right to a safe workplace, which includes being free from student harassment, threats and attacks.
I want to see the race statistics. You'll find in nearly every case that it is black on white crime.

A White Teacher Speaks Out - American Renaissance

Public Education’s Dirty Secret - American Renaissance
The black student who really wants to learn is the rare exception. They will always be wards of the State -- a perpetual burden of the white Taxpayer.

Black violence toward teachers is a problem in every major school district in America.

However....it is a taboo topic....the media and school administrators do their best to dover it up and sweep it under the carpet.

Documented: Black Students Target Teachers for Violence

It cannot be taboo anymore. I don't care about the color of the perpetrators. I don't care about the stupid "white guilt" of the stupid liberals. Teachers of ANY color should not be beaten down as "part of their job". I don't care if the mob of students are white, black, brown or purple or green. And we should not make any bones about reporting it just BECAUSE of their color.

Nor should we extrapolate to ribald racism because of the mob. Most especially if you're Christian. But I've been down this road with posters before and stated my piece, and what I have stated, stands.

(Lastly and ironically: racist "Christians" think blacks can't do any better because they're black, and so do idiot liberals think this, deep down. Thus to both groups this is not even news. Why should it be news to them? It's "blacks doing what blacks do"....to both groups.)
Very troubling. Rule #1 never break up a fight amongst savages unless you have someone to watch your back.
Poor oppressed WASPs in this thread. So affronted over losing your unmerited entitlement status in this country. Whining and crying like a bunch of little beotchez.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice
Nope. Embrace our People.
you need to embrace common sense
When I posted "our People" That included you..

I have enough Common Sense to drown Thomas Paine.
How far you have drifted from the thread topic. I guess you have no problem with these racist black "children" assaulting their teacher.
You apparently guess a lot. Those were not just black kids in that video clip.
boo hoo
the blacks whine everyday about dumbshit
we are pointing out facts = justice
Nope. Embrace our People.
you need to embrace common sense
When I posted "our People" That included you..

I have enough Common Sense to drown Thomas Paine.
How far you have drifted from the thread topic. I guess you have no problem with these racist black "children" assaulting their teacher.

Negroes will rarely criticize their own no matter how egregious the behavior....and the few that do are shunned and attacked.

The reason for this is quite simple....as a group the Negroes believe they must maintain their vidtimhood status in order to keep receiving all the benefits that go with that.
Jebuz Baby Krist in shitty diapers nobody wants to change. You People are tone deaf.
To be fair, Mike Brown was a piece of shit. He really was...

No, he really wasn't. But if you want that to be the standard, then the cops should be able to shoot Aryan Nation Rednecks on fucking sight, without trial. Sound fair?

Oh, I see, the “smart” thing is to just let the students main and kill one another? Perhaps the smart thing would be to level set the accountability expectations of all students regardless of economic and racial background across the school systems. Appeasement does not work. Or, do what you say and not get involved. Then again, you probably blame black girls kicking the shit out of one another on white people because it satisfies you.

I got into a whole bunch of fights in High School. We all turned out fine.

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