White Flight 2: Americans fleeing in masses to whiter states and/or Southern states.

I moved with my family to Oregon from Cali many years ago, and I've got to tell you, this place sucks.

In Western Oregon, expect to see gray skies, or rain for months at a time.
This winter so far, for instance is the winter from hell. It has rained for weeks now, with just a one day break here and there.
Pretty much since the 1st of October it's been mostly gray dark and wet.

We have been spoiled by several mild winters, but this winter is looking like the classic Western Oregon winter.

Also, with each passing year Oregon becomes bluer and bluer.
Along the I-5 corridor Eugene, Salem, and Portland make ALL the political decisions for the rest of the state, and those decisions are liberal through and through.

Oregon, also is an expensive place to live, and in fact don't know how it ranks right now, but several years back it ranked #1 for the WORST place for retirees to live.

Too wet.
Too gray.
Too expensive.
Too liberal.

My advice, RUN, don't walk away from here !

I'll be getting the hell out in a few more years.

I was in Portland last fall. I admit...I like the infrastructure. Very easy to get around. But...a lot of hippies and liberals.

Oregon and Seattle seems like a place where white liberals move because they want to get away from blacks but won't say so....so they move there to remain tolerant but be away from blacks.

The older original Hippies from 1960s, many of them of course, when they woke up realised they were Conservatives.
What's so great about Oregon? Everyone's moving there

Everyone with a brain knows America's future is in the South. The economies are booming. Jobs are plentiful. Housing is far more affordable. The food, weather, women and football are better. Crucial military bases are here. The South now also has a larger population than the North or West Coast. The South is quickly becoming THE power center of the United States.

And of course....."White Flight" part 2.

States people are moving to the most:
1. Oregon
2. South Carolina
3. North Carolina
Top 10 round up.....Texas. Colorado. Oklahoma. Vermont. Idaho. Florida. Nevada.

In short......people are fleeing to go to places that are whiter and/or more Southern. The urban liberal shit holes up North have driven people with means away. Shocked right?

States people are fleeing:
Well.....pretty much the entire Northeast/Midwest

It's perfectly understandable why people are fleeing the States that within 10 years will resemble total Ghettoes, with the drug gangs, crack whores, pimps, scary looking hookers and the vulgar Bling Bling.

Holy shit, you're an idiot.

Are you actually saying that this ISN'T happening? You are delusional.
Blacks slowly take over a city, trash that city.
Government pays for them to move to white city. They start trashing that city.
Whites move back to first city blacks trashed and renovate, make it nice again.
After blacks finish trashing second city, government pays for them to move back to first city that's now nice. Begin trashing it again.
Pattern repeats.
Blacks slowly take over a city, trash that city.
Government pays for them to move to white city. They start trashing that city.
Whites move back to first city blacks trashed and renovate, make it nice again.
After blacks finish trashing second city, government pays for them to move back to first city that's now nice. Begin trashing it again.
Pattern repeats.

Yes we know this, however Carla Danger will deny that this happens and is happening.
Don't any of you Liberals move to Florida. Florida's a hellhole. It's hot and humid and the mosquitoes are as big as buzzards. If your great-great granddaddy wasn't at least a major in the Confederate Army, you will be an outcast down here. We are all bigots and very unfriendly. You'd be better off moving to Oregon. We pay slave wages down here too.
"Better football"?

"Better" women?


Yes. Our women are hotter and have FAR better personalities. It's not even close.

Football? If you're a football fan this is important. College football, of course we know the South absolutely dominates college football. The NFL? We like college ball better. But....60% of NFL players are native Southerners. Most of the rest are from California or the West Coast. Northerners generally suck at football.
Don't any of you Liberals move to Florida. Florida's a hellhole. It's hot and humid and the mosquitoes are as big as buzzards. If your great-great granddaddy wasn't at least a major in the Confederate Army, you will be an outcast down here. We are all bigots and very unfriendly. You'd be better off moving to Oregon. We pay slave wages down here too.

Oh....yeah....that's right.....you liberals better NEVER move to coastal South Carolina either!!! It's 120 degrees and humid all year. 3 pound mosquitoes. Um....the Klan runs the schools. And the women don't shower or shave.....and....we only have molded bread and dirty water to eat. If you aren't a Klan member or direct relative of a slave owner....you are forced into hard labor.

South Carolina is horrible horrible horrible!!!! It's so racist that minorities aren't even allowed out in daylight and we force everyone to recite the Bible to graduate high school.

You liberals should DEFINITELY never consider SC!!!!!
.. The NFL? We like college ball better.......

Of course you do, the best are too much for you. By "you" I mean YOU. I don't know who told you that you speak for an entire region of my country, but you are mistaken in the assumption. I love my entire country. YOU can go fuck off if you don't.
"Better football"?

"Better" women?


Yes. Our women are hotter and have FAR better personalities. It's not even close.

Football? If you're a football fan this is important. College football, of course we know the South absolutely dominates college football. The NFL? We like college ball better. But....60% of NFL players are native Southerners. Most of the rest are from California or the West Coast. Northerners generally suck at football.

Northerns generally suck at football!? lol. You clearly know jack and shit about football in Western PA.
.. The NFL? We like college ball better.......

Of course you do, the best are too much for you. By "you" I mean YOU. I don't know who told you that you speak for an entire region of my country, but you are mistaken in the assumption. I love my entire country. YOU can go fuck off if you don't.

Um...."the best" mostly is us. 60% of NFL players come from the 9 Southern states. Northerners generally suck at football.
"Better football"?

"Better" women?


Yes. Our women are hotter and have FAR better personalities. It's not even close.

Football? If you're a football fan this is important. College football, of course we know the South absolutely dominates college football. The NFL? We like college ball better. But....60% of NFL players are native Southerners. Most of the rest are from California or the West Coast. Northerners generally suck at football.

Northerns generally suck at football!? lol. You clearly know jack and shit about football in Western PA.

I know plenty. Since the 80's it's been generally mediocre. It's overrated. AT LEAST 6 Southern states produce more NFL players than PA.

The ONLY places up North that come anywhere close to producing the level of football that the South and California produce are Ohio and parts of New Jersey.

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