White Flight 2: Americans fleeing in masses to whiter states and/or Southern states.

People like Guno or PaintMyHouse.....they of course lie about who they are in real life.

So you guys....you can move down here too. We'll get you a nice entry level job in a mail room or cleaning toilets at one of our countless beach hotels. You can work your way up and have a better life here. Maybe you can serve us drinks on the golf courses.

But everyone sees it and knows the reality. Wanna live well and live safe? Gotta move South. Or...to a lily white state like Oregon.
My goodness, how fucking dumb can you be? Lily white Oregon? Never been to Portland, Eugene, or even the towns in Eastern Oregon. If you ever travel a bit in Oregon, you will quickly find we have all colors and all kinds. Just in most places nobody has 'there' places. We are pretty well mixed.

Spent time in Portland in November. Whites and Asians. That's ALL. I saw maybe 10 black people in a week staying in downtown Portland. Had the famous donuts downtown that has a huge line (forget the name). Rode the tram up to the hospital. Saw the Gorge. The rose garden. The mansion overlooking the city.

Oregon is 2% black vs the national average of 13%.

And most of them are probably athletes at U of Oregon, OSU or PSU. Or play for the Trailblazers.

It's the least black or Hispanic city I've ever seen. For such tolerant and diverse libs....Yall sure keep non whites and non Asians out. In fact...Oregon once had a law banning blacks from living there. It's so hilarious seeing libs preach about diversity....while they choose to live in the whitest places in America.

Liberal motto: "Black people we love you!!! We just don't wanna live near you."

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