White Guilt Is Real. White Privilege Is a Leftist Lie!

See this is the problem
All this madness with Antifa and BLM (now a political party) has a lot of parallels with Nazi Germany.
Hordes of people passionately joining a cause they feel is justified with little or no knowledge of facts....with hatred masquerading as love as the foundation.

History is repeating.
There is reason Vladimir Lenin coined the term "Useful Idiots"
See this is the problem your too uneducated to understand the basic terms of reference to be able to debate.
For that to happen you need to understand the basic facts so we are both talking about the same thing.
Black is black. White is white. Shit is shit. Shite is shite .
You start by saying leftism is a mental disorder, The left delusional.
You say BLM is a fascist ideology. Your mate BHU goes on to say BLM & Antifa are like Nazi Germany.
You then quote Vladimir Lenin called them useful Idiots.

You do realise fascism is extreme Right wing. (Definitions - Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society) Wikipedia.
You do realise Nazi's are extreme right wing (The Nazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler. Collins English Dictionary).

So why are you continually attacking BLM for being left wing then you and your mate give examples of how far right wing fascist & extreme right wing Nazi they are.

You then bring in Vladimir Lenin extreme left Communist who say's how useful they are? Who - BLM or Nazi's & fascists?
How would he know He died 100 years ago, before Nazi's and fascists and BLM

You do know Nazi's/fascists and communists are not the same thing but opposites - Nazi's are right wing Nationalist and inward looking. Communists left wing Internationalist and outward looking?

See until you educate yourself and understand basic concepts and definitions it is a total waste of time attempting to debate with you,
See this is the problem
All this madness with Antifa and BLM (now a political party) has a lot of parallels with Nazi Germany.
Hordes of people passionately joining a cause they feel is justified with little or no knowledge of facts....with hatred masquerading as love as the foundation.

History is repeating.
There is reason Vladimir Lenin coined the term "Useful Idiots"
See this is the problem your too uneducated to understand the basic terms of reference to be able to debate.
For that to happen you need to understand the basic facts so we are both talking about the same thing.
Black is black. White is white. Shit is shit. Shite is shite .
You start by saying leftism is a mental disorder, The left delusional.
You say BLM is a fascist ideology. Your mate BHU goes on to say BLM & Antifa are like Nazi Germany.
You then quote Vladimir Lenin called them useful Idiots.

You do realise fascism is extreme Right wing. (Definitions - Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society) Wikipedia.
You do realise Nazi's are extreme right wing (The Nazis were members of the right-wing political party, led by Adolf Hitler. Collins English Dictionary).

So why are you continually attacking BLM for being left wing then you and your mate give examples of how far right wing fascist & extreme right wing Nazi they are.

You then bring in Vladimir Lenin extreme left Communist who say's how useful they are? Who - BLM or Nazi's & fascists?
How would he know He died 100 years ago, before Nazi's and fascists and BLM

You do know Nazi's/fascists and communists are not the same thing but opposites - Nazi's are right wing Nationalist and inward looking. Communists left wing Internationalist and outward looking?

See until you educate yourself and understand basic concepts and definitions it is a total waste of time attempting to debate with you,

According to you, only RW can be fascists? Stop running to the radical Left for your definitions.
You misquoted at least 5 times. You lied at least 7 times. And you are wrong most of the post.

Stupidest, most misguided, biased BS I've read all day.
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's that simple
According to you, only RW can be fascists? Stop running to the radical Left for your definitions.
You misquoted at least 5 times. You lied at least 7 times. And you are wrong most of the post.

Stupidest, most misguided, biased BS I've read all day.
You're an idiot. Sorry, but it's that simple
All Leftist are Idiots.

All Leftist are LIARS.

It's kind of a given.

BLM opposes Candace rips her apart. Black people are not allowed to be conservative or they are given major backlash from the party of tolerance.

Is this the same Candace that sued a school for racial discrimination but now makes a living conning Drumpf supporters?
White privilege is very real.

Yeah in leftists twilight zone brains..... :cuckoo:

You ignore well defined examples in the videos.

You ignore reality.

I have been white for 60 years, I never have this delusion of white privilege, it is an ideological construct for easily influenced clods like you,

Those video's you didn't watch are from black people who think people like YOU are being fooled.


You can see it or choose not to see it. It's a choice each make.

I'll just give you a quick re-cap of a story I've told here numerous times. I was in Bellaire, Texas. I was ticketed for a tail light being out and went to court to fight the ticket. Besides one other defendant and an attorney for another defendant, I was one of only 3 white people in the court room of 50-75 people. Bellaire is about 80 percent white. Somehow only 3-6 percent of the traffic violators that evening were white.

That is white privilege.

No, that isn't white privilege. That's you pre-judging people you don't know as being racists, with evidence you don't have, because you are a bigot.

Reality check.

In order for your to claim that is white privilege, you have to show that people who were white, were in fact caught for violate, and were let go without getting a ticket.

You just disproved that in your own post, because.... did they let you go without giving you a ticket? Then why were you in the court house? Did the judge say "oh... you're white... you can go"? No he did not, or you would have mentioned that.

There have been a number of papers and research done and this, and what they consistently find is.... Black people are more likely to speed, and thus get a ticket. This isn't rocket science

The racial gap was far wider than officials had expected and, in the politically charged controversies over profiling, the data could be used by defenders of the state police to argue that one reason black drivers are stopped more often than whites is that they are more likely to speed.​

What a shock. Endless studies and they found.... more black drivers are stopped than whites.... because more blacks speed than whites.

When a police officer sits on the side of the road, with a scan gun in the window, and aims at a car coming towards him, he has no ability to know what the race of the person in the car, is.

Now to some extent there is some unintentional bias to the data.

Allow me to explain.

When police determine where to patrol, how do they do that? I can tell you. They do it based on speeding complaints largely.

In my condo area, one year we had a huge problem with speeders on the road next to the condo. We complained until they had a cop posted right on our road. The problem went away. But before that, and after that, we never saw a cop on our road, because we didn't have problems on our road.

If there had only been one guy speeding on that road, no one would have complained.

But when there were dozens, people complained, and cops posted a patrol there.

Well as the research just said, Black people are more likely to speed. The areas that have more people complaining of speeders, are the black communities. Thus that is where more cops patrol.

Cops are not waking up and saying "Ya know, I think I'll go pick up some Black people and give them tickets. No, more black people are speeding. More complains come from Black areas. Thus more cops are posted there, and pick up black speeders.

It's no more "white privilege" than "fewer whites break the law, and thus fewer whites get tickets.".

That's what the facts show. Keep in mind, the racial makeup of the police force, is pretty close to the communities they serve. So are you saying black people have a racists bent in favor of whites, and thus are granting them white privilege? No, that's ridiculous.
White privilege is very real.

Yeah in leftists twilight zone brains..... :cuckoo:

You ignore well defined examples in the videos.

You ignore reality.

I have been white for 60 years, I never have this delusion of white privilege, it is an ideological construct for easily influenced clods like you,

Those video's you didn't watch are from black people who think people like YOU are being fooled.


You can see it or choose not to see it. It's a choice each make.

I'll just give you a quick re-cap of a story I've told here numerous times. I was in Bellaire, Texas. I was ticketed for a tail light being out and went to court to fight the ticket. Besides one other defendant and an attorney for another defendant, I was one of only 3 white people in the court room of 50-75 people. Bellaire is about 80 percent white. Somehow only 3-6 percent of the traffic violators that evening were white.

That is white privilege.

No, that isn't white privilege. That's you pre-judging people you don't know as being racists, with evidence you don't have, because you are a bigot.

Reality check.

In order for your to claim that is white privilege, you have to show that people who were white, were in fact caught for violate, and were let go without getting a ticket.

You just disproved that in your own post, because.... did they let you go without giving you a ticket? Then why were you in the court house? Did the judge say "oh... you're white... you can go"? No he did not, or you would have mentioned that.

There have been a number of papers and research done and this, and what they consistently find is.... Black people are more likely to speed, and thus get a ticket. This isn't rocket science

The racial gap was far wider than officials had expected and, in the politically charged controversies over profiling, the data could be used by defenders of the state police to argue that one reason black drivers are stopped more often than whites is that they are more likely to speed.​

What a shock. Endless studies and they found.... more black drivers are stopped than whites.... because more blacks speed than whites.

When a police officer sits on the side of the road, with a scan gun in the window, and aims at a car coming towards him, he has no ability to know what the race of the person in the car, is.

Now to some extent there is some unintentional bias to the data.

Allow me to explain.

When police determine where to patrol, how do they do that? I can tell you. They do it based on speeding complaints largely.

In my condo area, one year we had a huge problem with speeders on the road next to the condo. We complained until they had a cop posted right on our road. The problem went away. But before that, and after that, we never saw a cop on our road, because we didn't have problems on our road.

If there had only been one guy speeding on that road, no one would have complained.

But when there were dozens, people complained, and cops posted a patrol there.

Well as the research just said, Black people are more likely to speed. The areas that have more people complaining of speeders, are the black communities. Thus that is where more cops patrol.

Cops are not waking up and saying "Ya know, I think I'll go pick up some Black people and give them tickets. No, more black people are speeding. More complains come from Black areas. Thus more cops are posted there, and pick up black speeders.

It's no more "white privilege" than "fewer whites break the law, and thus fewer whites get tickets.".

That's what the facts show. Keep in mind, the racial makeup of the police force, is pretty close to the communities they serve. So are you saying black people have a racists bent in favor of whites, and thus are granting them white privilege? No, that's ridiculous.

Ahh, less than 10% of the population just happened to commit 90% of the traffic violations that day. I get it.
White privilege is very real.

Yeah in leftists twilight zone brains..... :cuckoo:

You ignore well defined examples in the videos.

You ignore reality.

I have been white for 60 years, I never have this delusion of white privilege, it is an ideological construct for easily influenced clods like you,

Those video's you didn't watch are from black people who think people like YOU are being fooled.


You can see it or choose not to see it. It's a choice each make.

I'll just give you a quick re-cap of a story I've told here numerous times. I was in Bellaire, Texas. I was ticketed for a tail light being out and went to court to fight the ticket. Besides one other defendant and an attorney for another defendant, I was one of only 3 white people in the court room of 50-75 people. Bellaire is about 80 percent white. Somehow only 3-6 percent of the traffic violators that evening were white.

That is white privilege.

No, that isn't white privilege. That's you pre-judging people you don't know as being racists, with evidence you don't have, because you are a bigot.

Reality check.

In order for your to claim that is white privilege, you have to show that people who were white, were in fact caught for violate, and were let go without getting a ticket.

You just disproved that in your own post, because.... did they let you go without giving you a ticket? Then why were you in the court house? Did the judge say "oh... you're white... you can go"? No he did not, or you would have mentioned that.

There have been a number of papers and research done and this, and what they consistently find is.... Black people are more likely to speed, and thus get a ticket. This isn't rocket science

The racial gap was far wider than officials had expected and, in the politically charged controversies over profiling, the data could be used by defenders of the state police to argue that one reason black drivers are stopped more often than whites is that they are more likely to speed.​

What a shock. Endless studies and they found.... more black drivers are stopped than whites.... because more blacks speed than whites.

When a police officer sits on the side of the road, with a scan gun in the window, and aims at a car coming towards him, he has no ability to know what the race of the person in the car, is.

Now to some extent there is some unintentional bias to the data.

Allow me to explain.

When police determine where to patrol, how do they do that? I can tell you. They do it based on speeding complaints largely.

In my condo area, one year we had a huge problem with speeders on the road next to the condo. We complained until they had a cop posted right on our road. The problem went away. But before that, and after that, we never saw a cop on our road, because we didn't have problems on our road.

If there had only been one guy speeding on that road, no one would have complained.

But when there were dozens, people complained, and cops posted a patrol there.

Well as the research just said, Black people are more likely to speed. The areas that have more people complaining of speeders, are the black communities. Thus that is where more cops patrol.

Cops are not waking up and saying "Ya know, I think I'll go pick up some Black people and give them tickets. No, more black people are speeding. More complains come from Black areas. Thus more cops are posted there, and pick up black speeders.

It's no more "white privilege" than "fewer whites break the law, and thus fewer whites get tickets.".

That's what the facts show. Keep in mind, the racial makeup of the police force, is pretty close to the communities they serve. So are you saying black people have a racists bent in favor of whites, and thus are granting them white privilege? No, that's ridiculous.

Ahh, less than 10% of the population just happened to commit 90% of the traffic violations that day. I get it.

Again, read the data. If you can't argue with the facts presented, then perhaps you should reconsider your opinion that is based on nothing.
1. There is no need for Euro-Americans of today to feel any "guilt."

a. Since the 1960s, they have done everything possible to redress the grievances of the past.
b. Those politicians and business people who have caved to that "anti-cop movement" should be ashamed of themselves, but they feel that kowtowing will win them votes or customers.

2. Yes, there is a sort of "white privilege," in the sense that since this country has traditionally been mostly Euro-American, most people have been more comfortable with people who share their culture.

a. For example, movies and TV shows mostly have Euro-American characters because the mostly Euro-American audiences can relate to characters who think and speak and act as they do.

i. As this country continues to become an African American and Hispanic nation, then those two groups will have "privilege." That is to say, most jobs, etc. will be filled by them, and it will be the minority Euro-Americans and Asian Americans who will be asking for equal treatment.
White privilege is very real.

Yeah in leftists twilight zone brains..... :cuckoo:

You ignore well defined examples in the videos.

You ignore reality.

I have been white for 60 years, I never have this delusion of white privilege, it is an ideological construct for easily influenced clods like you,

Those video's you didn't watch are from black people who think people like YOU are being fooled.


You can see it or choose not to see it. It's a choice each make.

I'll just give you a quick re-cap of a story I've told here numerous times. I was in Bellaire, Texas. I was ticketed for a tail light being out and went to court to fight the ticket. Besides one other defendant and an attorney for another defendant, I was one of only 3 white people in the court room of 50-75 people. Bellaire is about 80 percent white. Somehow only 3-6 percent of the traffic violators that evening were white.

That is white privilege.

No, that isn't white privilege. That's you pre-judging people you don't know as being racists, with evidence you don't have, because you are a bigot.

Reality check.

In order for your to claim that is white privilege, you have to show that people who were white, were in fact caught for violate, and were let go without getting a ticket.

You just disproved that in your own post, because.... did they let you go without giving you a ticket? Then why were you in the court house? Did the judge say "oh... you're white... you can go"? No he did not, or you would have mentioned that.

There have been a number of papers and research done and this, and what they consistently find is.... Black people are more likely to speed, and thus get a ticket. This isn't rocket science

The racial gap was far wider than officials had expected and, in the politically charged controversies over profiling, the data could be used by defenders of the state police to argue that one reason black drivers are stopped more often than whites is that they are more likely to speed.​

What a shock. Endless studies and they found.... more black drivers are stopped than whites.... because more blacks speed than whites.

When a police officer sits on the side of the road, with a scan gun in the window, and aims at a car coming towards him, he has no ability to know what the race of the person in the car, is.

Now to some extent there is some unintentional bias to the data.

Allow me to explain.

When police determine where to patrol, how do they do that? I can tell you. They do it based on speeding complaints largely.

In my condo area, one year we had a huge problem with speeders on the road next to the condo. We complained until they had a cop posted right on our road. The problem went away. But before that, and after that, we never saw a cop on our road, because we didn't have problems on our road.

If there had only been one guy speeding on that road, no one would have complained.

But when there were dozens, people complained, and cops posted a patrol there.

Well as the research just said, Black people are more likely to speed. The areas that have more people complaining of speeders, are the black communities. Thus that is where more cops patrol.

Cops are not waking up and saying "Ya know, I think I'll go pick up some Black people and give them tickets. No, more black people are speeding. More complains come from Black areas. Thus more cops are posted there, and pick up black speeders.

It's no more "white privilege" than "fewer whites break the law, and thus fewer whites get tickets.".

That's what the facts show. Keep in mind, the racial makeup of the police force, is pretty close to the communities they serve. So are you saying black people have a racists bent in favor of whites, and thus are granting them white privilege? No, that's ridiculous.

Ahh, less than 10% of the population just happened to commit 90% of the traffic violations that day. I get it.

Again, read the data. If you can't argue with the facts presented, then perhaps you should reconsider your opinion that is based on nothing.

The data is that Bellaire is and was about 80% white and in traffic court; 2 out of 50-75 people were white. The arrests should roughly reflect the population. All of the other data you are presenting is hogwash. Perhaps you should try to be a bit more honest and less racist.

Not ALL black people need White liberals help.

Did she return that 37,500 dollars of white liberal money she got for whining about racial discrimination? Blacks are not asking for white liberal help. Maybe white conservatives stop depending on the government for help.

How about you stop expecting reparations from the government?

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