'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

What a load of bullshit

Dude, being born white and male in this society is a heck of a gig if you can get it.

Depends on your age. Once upon a time it was great, going forward not so much.

Finally admits to privilege

You just cannot help yourself, can you? Just have to push the old "white privilege" bullshit. You are a fucking loser.

Not to mention a fucking racist. Patronizing fucking racist.

Let us look at people or privilege shall we? Anyone notice something about all of them?





You fucking left wing pieces of shit are nothing but pieces of shit. Ignorant bags of patronizing hypocritical shit.

And, of course....if the nation is based on 'white privilege,' how to explain why Asians have the highest incomes and highest college graduation rates?

Gads......Leftists are sooooo stupid.
simple, lots of whites see Asians, as the right has said often and wrongly "useful idiots"

So you're Hispanic and facts offend you...your point???


What offends me is the broad brush the video uses to make it out to look like I'm fucking helpless just because of my ethnicity. I'm not that damn weak.
Maybe that video is a little too intellectually challenging for you.
swim expert may be a lot of thing but ignorant is not one of them.
swim expert isn't ignorant. But you are in no place to judge intelligence of ANY order. Dumbfuck.
Shouldn't this thread be moved to Race Relations?
Do you run behind people at parties with coasters telling them that they need to use coasters? You seem like that type.
Funny. No. But there is a double standard on USMB. I am a target for their abuse. Thought they could maybe even the playing field.

Most of them hate me too. The trick is to hate them more.
you give people of all races more than enough to hate you .
my guess is you haven't enough balls to spew your shit anywhere except the safety of your survival shelter.
So you're Hispanic and facts offend you...your point???


What offends me is the broad brush the video uses to make it out to look like I'm fucking helpless just because of my ethnicity. I'm not that damn weak.
Maybe that video is a little too intellectually challenging for you.
swim expert may be a lot of thing but ignorant is not one of them.
swim expert isn't ignorant. But you are in no place to judge intelligence of ANY order. Dumbfuck.
damn funny and ironic coming from you. also learn to read .
the first part of you answer agrees with what I posted, then in a not surprising turn you contradict yourself.
Daws, give me a link to a Republican calling an Asian a 'useful idiot'. I am more inclined to believe you pulled that out of your ass, insulting Asians in order to attack someone who does not agree with your political ideology; however, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG! Otherwise, my racist, intolerant, hate-filled buddy, have a nice weekend and take your own advice - 'Learn when to STFU!'
Daws, give me a link to a Republican calling an Asian a 'useful idiot'. I am more inclined to believe you pulled that out of your ass, insulting Asians in order to attack someone who does not agree with your political ideology; however, PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG! Otherwise, my racist, intolerant, hate-filled buddy, have a nice weekend and take your own advice - 'Learn when to STFU!'
nowhere did I insult Asians .
I presented fact and you falsely and desperately accuse me of hate for pointing out yours .
I presented fact and you falsely and desperately accuse me of hate for pointing out yours .
No tantrum, just a simple, calm request - You say you presented 'fact'. Let's put that to the test, Daws. Provide a link to a Republican calling an Asian a 'useful idiot'. Since it is such a fact, you shouldn't have a problem providing one.
I presented fact and you falsely and desperately accuse me of hate for pointing out yours .
No tantrum, just a simple, calm request - You say you presented 'fact'. Let's put that to the test, Daws. Provide a link to a Republican calling an Asian a 'useful idiot'. Since it is such a fact, you shouldn't have a problem providing one.
I presented fact and you falsely and desperately accuse me of hate for pointing out yours .
No tantrum, just a simple, calm request - You say you presented 'fact'. Let's put that to the test, Daws. Provide a link to a Republican calling an Asian a 'useful idiot'. Since it is such a fact, you shouldn't have a problem providing one.
if I'm so wrong it should be easy to prove it .
So you're Hispanic and facts offend you...your point???


What offends me is the broad brush the video uses to make it out to look like I'm fucking helpless just because of my ethnicity. I'm not that damn weak.
Maybe that video is a little too intellectually challenging for you.

It would seem that the extraneous intellectual challenge is on you. You've got everything backwards. :slap:
Actually you have once again proved your intellectual prowess at the adult level.
Again, historical facts don't frighten me or make me feel helpless and weak ; unlike you.
I should also point out that Asian Americans voting for Obama at the same rate Hispanics did, about 70%. So the idea that htey are the "Good Minority" that Republicans make them out to be because they have a lower poverty rate than other minorities is kind of silly.
Just got around to watching the video.

What a load of crap.

It's hard to know where to start, BUT, i guess the most relevant point is what was NOT shown.


AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,


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