'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

Speaking of Intellect, people with one aren't made to feel weak and frightened when presented with historical facts...

1 - That's actually a baseless assertion.

2 - It's a straw man argument.

3 - If you had an intellect yourself, you would already known 1 and 2. :D

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

All of the ideas in that video are based off of events that happened a very long time ago. Every day more and more people are trying to make rights for people the same for everyone. In the U.S, none of the people that had to go through those horrible times are alive today. In the U.S, none of the people that forced black people into slavery are around anymore. They are all dead and gone. The only people who are making a big deal about all of those things today are the children of people who's parents were raised by the people who used to be slaves. We need to focus on the problems that we need to deal with today. There are too many people who can't get over the things that they never had to deal with themselves. It is like a grudge that spans generations.

You clearly are not able to grasp the fact that moments in time are connected.

The fact that moments in time are connected makes perfect sense. The point I am trying to make is that everyone has freedom of speech. Not just the white people. If someone wants to be a racist, then they have the right to their own thoughts and beliefs. We have the opportunity to change the world every day. We don't have to maintain the giant rift that has been built between people because they are a different color. Our parents may be racists, but we don't have to be. Our children don't have to be. The people that came up with this video are trying to push their beliefs on their children. Something may have happened before that caused something now, however we still have the ability to make things different.
I just think it is so pathetic how people like Will Smith are protesting since they are not being patronized. It really is amazing. There was not a "token" black person nominated for anything and these types act as though they are still being "mistreated" and some kind of a victim. Then you have losers like Ethan Hawke also "boycotting" the OSCARS.

It is has been nothing short of a complete fucking disaster. The democrats victimology strategy. I call it similar to Frankensteins monster. Totally and completely out of fucking control.

Not only do the board loser left wing pieces of shit not care, but they gleefully perpetuate the narrative put forth for political expediency by the fucking Saul Alinsky disciples in the democrap party. They are actually creating racism and they do not get it.

How long will this bullshit go on? How the fuck do they get away with the shit they do? I blame it on the left wing media controlling the information. Well, I used to blame it on them. However, after posting on boards like these, I realize it is the fucking morons that allow themselves to be used as pawns. Look at the losers on this board. These are the left wingers in a nutshell.

We can point out fact after fact about how the democrats use minorities for political gain. We can show actual facts about the man made global warming scam and prove that is all about gaining control over business and creating large sums of money. We can show lie after lie after lie. They still willfully parrot the party line.

Hence the reason they deserve zero respect, since they willfully allow themselves to be lied to. They are losers. All of them.
Just got around to watching the video.

What a load of crap.

It's hard to know where to start, BUT, i guess the most relevant point is what was NOT shown.


AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,


Rabble! Don't know what's wrong with the video but if he acts mad enough then that means something, doesn't it? Lol
AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,

born on third base and thought he hit a triple, eh?

I think the fact this video makes you so angry is kind of telling.

Being born white and male in this society is a great advantage.

NO, it's not. No one ever gave me shit for being white.

Indeed, in my adult life, very few people ever gave me anything.

I made TWO careers out of taking on jobs reasonable people wouldn't do.

Not having a father is a major disadvantage, regardless of race.

Quite the admission, that you're not a reasonable person. Good conservative material.
NO, it's not. No one ever gave me shit for being white.

Indeed, in my adult life, very few people ever gave me anything.

I made TWO careers out of taking on jobs reasonable people wouldn't do.

Not having a father is a major disadvantage, regardless of race.

Ah, another one who thinks he pulled himself up by his bootstraps... you guys are always funny.

Thanks for dismissing all my hard work and a lifetime of accomplishments and risk taking.
Hubris much?
Being born white and male in this society is a great advantage.

Only someone young and under-experienced would think this.

You would think so.

Joe's old, I believe.

Then that makes him a fool

No,guy, that makes me old enough to see a lot of people of color and women who work hard who get ignored by the white boys club

It's hilarious to see white males whine because they have SLIGHTLY less privilege than they used to have.
And equal to that is the left's core belief if your life is screwed up - you didn't cause it. No matter how many horrible life choices you made, no matter how many opportunities you squander - you are poor because you were ripped off or gamed by the system.

Or maybe people see stuff like Tamir Rice getting shot ON SIGHT for playing with a toy gun while the WHITE NUTS in Oregon are coddled for over a month while pointing guns at law enforcement and breaking numerous laws.
I will only say...I feel so sorry for school students nowadays.

all the garbage they are fed....
Rather than making Blacks responsible for their decisions and inspiring them to reach their potential - which is what is done with other races - they'd rather tear down others.

Nasty stuff.
There's that supiority bullshit again.
Is it so ingrained you are not even aware of its offensivness?
You mean like your belief in black moral superiority and your refusal to accept black racists exist because black people are just as capable of irrationality as anyone else?
Yep! nowhere have I stated, inferred, implied hinted etc, that racism was exclusively a white problem.
However , blacks and all other minorities including sexual ones have much more cause to be racist rightly or wrongly
Than do whites.
History is repleat with examples.
Or maybe people see stuff like Tamir Rice getting shot ON SIGHT for playing with a toy gun while the WHITE NUTS in Oregon are coddled for over a month while pointing guns at law enforcement and breaking numerous laws.

Does racism exist in America, yes of course it does. More on the black side than white, that isn't even realistically debatable. Anybody who doesn't think there are more racist that are black than white is a fool.

Here is the order of stumbling blocks that blacks have to get over, in order of most affected:
1) Self inflicted, both culturally and individual choices.
2) Getting over the CRUSHING results of 30 years of liberal social policies that packed blacks like sardines in public housing far away from employment, and built generations of dependent poverty.
3) PERCEIVED racism. The automatic belief that the bad things that happen to them are the result of systematic racism that simply doesn't exist. But they are constantly told that does by parasitic race baiters and white guilt liberals.
4) Actual racism.


5) slavery
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White privilege is hard to measure. It's all about how many fewer black Americans are competing for the opportunities you as a white guy are competing for because their social/cultural/economic circumstances impeded their ability to be competitive.
White privilege is hard to measure. It's all about how many fewer black Americans are competing for the opportunities you as a white guy are competing for because their social/cultural/economic circumstances impeded their ability to be competitive.

And pray tell how social/cultural problems in the black culture is "white privilege"???

Or maybe people see stuff like Tamir Rice getting shot ON SIGHT for playing with a toy gun while the WHITE NUTS in Oregon are coddled for over a month while pointing guns at law enforcement and breaking numerous laws.

Does racism exist in America, yes of course it does. More on the black side than white, that isn't even realistically debatable. Anybody who doesn't think there are more racist that are black than white is a fool.

Here is the order of stumbling blocks that blacks have to get over, in order of most affected:
1) Self inflicted, both culturally and individual choices.
2) Getting over the CRUSHING results of 30 years of liberal social policies that packed blacks like sardines in public housing far away from employment, and built generations of dependent poverty.
3) PERCEIVED racism. The automatic belief that the bad things that happen to them are the result of systematic racism that simply doesn't exist. But they are constantly told that does by parasitic race baiters and white guilt liberals.
4) Actual racism.


5) slavery
Way to rationalize .
Racism cannot be measured by by quantity.
Doing so is just another kind of prejudice and denial of history.
Way to rationalize .
Racism cannot be measured by by quantity.
Doing so is just another kind of prejudice and denial of history.

And putting your fingers in your ears and yelling "NANANANANAAA" with your eyes closed alters your perception of reality.
More denial!

[Flip]...here's a few quid kid...buy yourself some rational to go with that kool-aid
Kid? Damn funny I have hemorrhoids older than you.
Dismissal, another variation of denial.

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