'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

Since you are not afraid of historical facts, why didn't the video talk about African and Arab nations selling Blacks into slavery and whereas the U.S. and Western Europe had the moral conscience to cease, slave and slave trade continue today in many of these same nations. These historical facts are absolutely necessary when deeming who is to fund reparations.

Guy, the slave trade from Europe to the Americas went on for 300 years before White people tried to stop it. And only then because they were afraid that they might lose their colonies when people of color became the majority in them. (Spoiler alert, they largely did.)
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Wow...this is certainly a top contender for the post of the year filled with such garbage.
This, as in many cases of spinning or altering reality, it isn't what is in the video - it is what isn't.
1) The effect of a culture that is self defeating and anti-social.
2) The effect of a culture that encourages and idolizes bad behavior.
3) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal social engineering that displaced millions of blacks and packed them in like sardines far away from employment opportunities. (and away from whites)
4) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal welfare policies that built generations of dependent poor.

None of these things are in the video, and because of that - the video is nothing more than propaganda and misinformation.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Wow...this is certainly a top contender for the post of the year filled with such garbage.
This, as in many cases of spinning or altering reality, it isn't what is in the video - it is what isn't.
1) The effect of a culture that is self defeating and anti-social.
2) The effect of a culture that encourages and idolizes bad behavior.
3) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal social engineering that displaced millions of blacks and packed them in like sardines far away from employment opportunities. (and away from whites)
4) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal welfare policies that built generations of dependent poor.

None of these things are in the video, and because of that - the video is nothing more than propaganda and misinformation.

Silly nutter. You've done it again. You've written many words......not a single truth involved. Great job.
Does racism exist in America, yes of course it does. More on the black side than white, that isn't even realistically debatable. Anybody who doesn't think there are more racist that are black than white is a fool.

So exactly how can black folks, who have no real power in business and very little in government, practice "racism". Racism is a political system of one race getting preferences over another. Blacks really don't have the political power to do that.

Here is the order of stumbling blocks that blacks have to get over, in order of most affected:
1) Self inflicted, both culturally and individual choices.

which choices are those? Because I'm willing to bet you are going to spew a whole litany of what you think "those people are like".

Fact is, most black folks have jobs and families. Just like white people. And they dont' like it when the cops shoot their children for no good reason. Again- just like white people.

2) Getting over the CRUSHING results of 30 years of liberal social policies that packed blacks like sardines in public housing far away from employment, and built generations of dependent poverty.

Okay, let's look at THIS lie. Here's a chart of the poverty rates amongst the races.


In 1959, when those "liberal policies" you bemoan started (50 years ago, not 30. 30 years ago Ronnie Raygun was President.) The black poverty rate was nearly 60%. By the time LBJ left office it dropped to a little over 30%. Then it creeped up again under Nixon and Raygun. But when Bill Clinton became President, it dropped to almost 20%. Then along came your boy Dubya and it started getting worse again.

But, no, no, it was the liberals you see.

3) PERCEIVED racism. The automatic belief that the bad things that happen to them are the result of systematic racism that simply doesn't exist. But they are constantly told that does by parasitic race baiters and white guilt liberals.
4) Actual racism.

let's look at these last two. Perception is an important thing.

Now, I've cited the study that shows that resumes that have black names get 50% less callbacks than ones with white names... but I think the real problem is that a lot of white managers and supervisors who don't consider themselves racist actually do engage in a subtle form of it. They are more likely to sympathize with people who remind them of them.

I'll give you a great example. In 2012, we had 3 people leave our department. Even though the last two (white) people to leave got goodbye lunches the General Manager attended, when two of the three people who left had their goodbye lunches, he was "too busy".

The three people who left.

A middle aged Asian woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A thirty-ish black woman who had been with the company for 2 years.
A young college intern who had been with the company for 3 months over the summer.

Hey, do you want to guess which one of these three people merited the "Great man's" time?

I didn't say the liberal policies were "30 years ago"...I said "30 years of CRUSHING liberal policies". Those policies were from the late 50's through the 1980's. And if you don't know what those policies I speak of...then you are either grossly uninformed or choose to ignore them as a clear cause and effect that will take many more years to escape from.
Does racism exist in America, yes of course it does. More on the black side than white, that isn't even realistically debatable. Anybody who doesn't think there are more racist that are black than white is a fool.

So exactly how can black folks, who have no real power in business and very little in government, practice "racism". Racism is a political system of one race getting preferences over another. Blacks really don't have the political power to do that.

Here is the order of stumbling blocks that blacks have to get over, in order of most affected:
1) Self inflicted, both culturally and individual choices.

which choices are those? Because I'm willing to bet you are going to spew a whole litany of what you think "those people are like".

Fact is, most black folks have jobs and families. Just like white people. And they dont' like it when the cops shoot their children for no good reason. Again- just like white people.

2) Getting over the CRUSHING results of 30 years of liberal social policies that packed blacks like sardines in public housing far away from employment, and built generations of dependent poverty.

Okay, let's look at THIS lie. Here's a chart of the poverty rates amongst the races.


In 1959, when those "liberal policies" you bemoan started (50 years ago, not 30. 30 years ago Ronnie Raygun was President.) The black poverty rate was nearly 60%. By the time LBJ left office it dropped to a little over 30%. Then it creeped up again under Nixon and Raygun. But when Bill Clinton became President, it dropped to almost 20%. Then along came your boy Dubya and it started getting worse again.

But, no, no, it was the liberals you see.

3) PERCEIVED racism. The automatic belief that the bad things that happen to them are the result of systematic racism that simply doesn't exist. But they are constantly told that does by parasitic race baiters and white guilt liberals.
4) Actual racism.

let's look at these last two. Perception is an important thing.

Now, I've cited the study that shows that resumes that have black names get 50% less callbacks than ones with white names... but I think the real problem is that a lot of white managers and supervisors who don't consider themselves racist actually do engage in a subtle form of it. They are more likely to sympathize with people who remind them of them.

I'll give you a great example. In 2012, we had 3 people leave our department. Even though the last two (white) people to leave got goodbye lunches the General Manager attended, when two of the three people who left had their goodbye lunches, he was "too busy".

The three people who left.

A middle aged Asian woman who had been with the company for 9 years.
A thirty-ish black woman who had been with the company for 2 years.
A young college intern who had been with the company for 3 months over the summer.

Hey, do you want to guess which one of these three people merited the "Great man's" time?

I didn't say the liberal policies were "30 years ago"...I said "30 years of CRUSHING liberal policies". Those policies were from the late 50's through the 1980's. And if you don't know what those policies I speak of...then you are either grossly uninformed or choose to ignore them as a clear cause and effect that will take many more years to escape from.[/QUOTE]

List them, please.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Wow...this is certainly a top contender for the post of the year filled with such garbage.
This, as in many cases of spinning or altering reality, it isn't what is in the video - it is what isn't.
1) The effect of a culture that is self defeating and anti-social.
2) The effect of a culture that encourages and idolizes bad behavior.
3) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal social engineering that displaced millions of blacks and packed them in like sardines far away from employment opportunities. (and away from whites)
4) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal welfare policies that built generations of dependent poor.

None of these things are in the video, and because of that - the video is nothing more than propaganda and misinformation.

Silly nutter. You've done it again. You've written many words......not a single truth involved. Great job.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Wow...this is certainly a top contender for the post of the year filled with such garbage.
This, as in many cases of spinning or altering reality, it isn't what is in the video - it is what isn't.
1) The effect of a culture that is self defeating and anti-social.
2) The effect of a culture that encourages and idolizes bad behavior.
3) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal social engineering that displaced millions of blacks and packed them in like sardines far away from employment opportunities. (and away from whites)
4) The effect of 30 years of CRUSHING liberal welfare policies that built generations of dependent poor.

None of these things are in the video, and because of that - the video is nothing more than propaganda and misinformation.

Silly nutter. You've done it again. You've written many words......not a single truth involved. Great job.

That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.
You are the one whining. You don't like that white parents are finally pushing back against the decidedly unequal white guilt narrative that assumes white people are always the ones with the inferior morals.

You certainly don't want equality in any shape or form.
Part of the "fundamental transformation" of the country is trying to convince people that they didn't earn what they have.

If you "didn't build that", you didn't earn it, it doesn't belong to you. You took it from someone dishonestly. It belongs to the collective, not you.

Definitely a lot of momentum on this.
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
Part of the "fundamental transformation" of the country is trying to convince people that they didn't earn what they have.

If you "didn't build that", you didn't earn it, it doesn't belong to you. You took it from someone dishonestly. It belongs to the collective, not you.

Definitely a lot of momentum on this.
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.
You are the one whining. You don't like that white parents are finally pushing back against the decidedly unequal white guilt narrative that assumes white people are always the ones with the inferior morals.

You certainly don't want equality in any shape or form.

Silly nutter. White people have been oppressed for so long! It's awful being white in America.
Part of the "fundamental transformation" of the country is trying to convince people that they didn't earn what they have.

If you "didn't build that", you didn't earn it, it doesn't belong to you. You took it from someone dishonestly. It belongs to the collective, not you.

Definitely a lot of momentum on this.
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
I'm focusing on one thing here, one thing only: The messaging and messengers of the current conservative movement, that's it.

Politics is largely about convincing people to think your way.

If you're satisfied with both, then that's fine. It's just my opinion that both are pretty lousy and counter-productive to its goals at this point in time.
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
And I'll put this another way. I listen to Levin when I can, and as an independent observer, he sounds loud and angry and hysterical to me.

His message, whatever it may be, however attractive it may be, is being completely drowned out by his hysteria, his behavior.

That's not terribly attractive to an independent or moderate voter.
This is great! Someone is asking Mac if he's upset by PC! It doesn't get any better than that.

Here's the entire ball of wax when it comes to "political correctness".

It is at worst an occasional annoyance. When overly sensitive people express their concerns about something that was said in jest or a lack of inclusion for some activity.....normal people roll their eyes and say something like "oh brother....get a life!"

Abnormal people.....like the two geniuses who are having a discussion here and lots of Trump supporters.....make PC out to be some ruinous thing that threatens the fabric of our society. Hardly. It DOES lead to nudging people away from being openly bigoted. And that bothers some bigots. It annoys them. Simple.

Get over it, weirdos. It's a minor annoyance......not a political platform.
I didn't say the liberal policies were "30 years ago"...I said "30 years of CRUSHING liberal policies". Those policies were from the late 50's through the 1980's. And if you don't know what those policies I speak of...then you are either grossly uninformed or choose to ignore them as a clear cause and effect that will take many more years to escape from.

And I showed you the chart where "crushing liberal policies" reduced the poverty rate for African Americans from 60% in 1960 to 20% in 1999.

Your argument would make sense if there was a vibrant black middle class before those policies were put into place. But the fact is, black folks lived in abject misery before those policies happened. Today, they still aren't where white people are, because Racism, but not to worry, the Republicans have a solution to that.

They are going to make everyone but the 1% poor and miserable.... They've been working on that since Ronnie Ray-gun.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
I'm focusing on one thing here, one thing only: The messaging and messengers of the current conservative movement, that's it.

Politics is largely about convincing people to think your way.

If you're satisfied with both, then that's fine. It's just my opinion that both are pretty lousy and counter-productive to its goals at this point in time.
What are their goals? I know what left wing goals are. You dont? Want me to spell out socialism for you? The world use to know it as the feudal system.

What are the goals stated by the Tea party that to u find objectionable. Anything specific?


Is it just how they sell it? You would rather a PC politician bought and paid for by special interests just because they do offend your delicate sensibilities?

Holy shit, please do not tell me that. I will be waiting for what you disagree from the Tea party platform.

Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
I'm focusing on one thing here, one thing only: The messaging and messengers of the current conservative movement, that's it.

Politics is largely about convincing people to think your way.

If you're satisfied with both, then that's fine. It's just my opinion that both are pretty lousy and counter-productive to its goals at this point in time.
What are their goals? I know what left wing goals are. You dont? Want me to spell out socialism for you? The world use to know it as the feudal system.

What are the goals stated by the Tea party that to u find objectionable. Anything specific?


Is it just how they sell it? You would rather a PC politician bought and paid for by special interests just because they do offend your delicate sensibilities?

Holy shit, please do not tell me that. I will be waiting for what you disagree from the Tea party platform.


Go get im' Mac! He's hinting that you might be a lib! Better tell him how libs call you a con! Quick!
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.

I listen to him nearly everyday and while his show is left of center, he often omits things about the Republicans that he should not omit and vice versa with the Democrats as well.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.
The tactics of your opponents are, unfortunately, part of the mix that you have to consider as you try to create and deliver your message. There's nothing you can do about that, it is what it is.

But I can tell you this: Trump yelling stuff like "they can go fuck themselves!" and conservatives like Levin screaming "RINO!!!" and "let's just burn this down!" is probably not a winning strategy.
Well, if that is all they are saying, then MAYBE you would have a point. Maybe.

Then again I say Fuckem too. As I said, I am sick and tired of the fucking PC game.

Maybe you have not noticed, but most of America is sick of it too.

Bipartisan is just another cute little word for ONE PARTY SYSTEM. Know this. When both sides agree, the people are getting fucked.

Now, please do not come at me as though Levin and Trump types are only using vulgarity. You sound like a left wing propaganda pusher.
I'm focusing on one thing here, one thing only: The messaging and messengers of the current conservative movement, that's it.

Politics is largely about convincing people to think your way.

If you're satisfied with both, then that's fine. It's just my opinion that both are pretty lousy and counter-productive to its goals at this point in time.
What are their goals? I know what left wing goals are. You dont? Want me to spell out socialism for you? The world use to know it as the feudal system.

What are the goals stated by the Tea party that to u find objectionable. Anything specific?


Is it just how they sell it? You would rather a PC politician bought and paid for by special interests just because they do offend your delicate sensibilities?

Holy shit, please do not tell me that. I will be waiting for what you disagree from the Tea party platform.

I think I'd be about the last person on this board whose anti-PC bona fides would be in question.

But I see a pretty clear distinction between the damage that PC has done to American Blacks & our culture writ large, and politicians screaming ridiculous things just to annoy and get attention.

I'll say it yet again: This is about the messaging and messengers. If you really don't think that messaging and imaging are important, we'll just disagree.

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