'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

I didn't say the liberal policies were "30 years ago"...I said "30 years of CRUSHING liberal policies". Those policies were from the late 50's through the 1980's. And if you don't know what those policies I speak of...then you are either grossly uninformed or choose to ignore them as a clear cause and effect that will take many more years to escape from.

And I showed you the chart where "crushing liberal policies" reduced the poverty rate for African Americans from 60% in 1960 to 20% in 1999.

Your argument would make sense if there was a vibrant black middle class before those policies were put into place. But the fact is, black folks lived in abject misery before those policies happened. Today, they still aren't where white people are, because Racism, but not to worry, the Republicans have a solution to that.

They are going to make everyone but the 1% poor and miserable.... They've been working on that since Ronnie Ray-gun.

No. Just no.
It isn't the Republicans that are crushing the middle class. It is corporatism. And corporatism is embraced by BOTH parties equally.
Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street than perhaps any President in US history. Right now Joe...right now...the Fed and this administration are giving serious thought to NEGATIVE interest rates....which gives the wealthiest corporations and central banks not only free access to $Billions of our tax dollars....but actually pays THEM to borrow the free money. THis is not Republican.
And BTW - Hillary Clinton is an elitist/corporatist to the core.
I can't say i'm surprised by this. Hussein has divided the nation. But than again, that's what Communist Organizers do. This just falls right in line with his 'Get Whitey' agenda. His whole tenure was all about getting revenge on White Christian Males. He's an Anti-American asshole. Period, end of story.
Just got around to watching the video.

What a load of crap.

It's hard to know where to start, BUT, i guess the most relevant point is what was NOT shown.


AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,


Rabble! Don't know what's wrong with the video but if he acts mad enough then that means something, doesn't it? Lol

I thought I was pretty clear.

The list of alleged "obstacles" does not have the real cause of most of minority America's problems, illegitimacy.


For all those who like to dismiss my life of hard work and to thus deny that I deserve everything I have.


So you don't disagree with the video you're just saying it should've had more obstacles?

See? Rabble is all you have and admitted your offended by the truth. Boo hoo
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.

I listen to him nearly everyday and while his show is left of center, he often omits things about the Republicans that he should not omit and vice versa with the Democrats as well.

You listen to Smerconish? That's a surprise.

His greatest flaw is his self congratulating. Dude always wants people to think he's the first person to come up with stuff. TC has her lips permanently fused to his left butt cheek.

But.....he doesn't try to tell you what to think. He's spot on when he talks about the real harm that AM talk radio has done to the political process.
I can't say i'm surprised by this. Hussein has divided the nation. But than again, that's what Communist Organizers do. This just falls right in line with his 'Get Whitey' agenda. His whole tenure was all about getting revenge on White Christian Males. He's an Anti-American asshole. Period, end of story.

Derp. This video was developed during George Bush's time in office.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Right, and if they were showing a cartoon on how the rich help the entire country, how good of people they are, and how they are the backbone of America, you liberals would have a fit. For crying out loud, you can't even say the name Jesus in school without some liberal threatening to sue.

Thousands have seen this video and it hasn't hurt anyone? How do you know that? And the teacher goes on to explain how we all held hands and sang Kumbaya, how do you know that as well? You seem to know a lot about the effects of this video, don't you?
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.
Since you are not afraid of historical facts, why didn't the video talk about African and Arab nations selling Blacks into slavery and whereas the U.S. and Western Europe had the moral conscience to cease, slave and slave trade continue today in many of these same nations. These historical facts are absolutely necessary when deeming who is to fund reparations.

Guy, the slave trade from Europe to the Americas went on for 300 years before White people tried to stop it. And only then because they were afraid that they might lose their colonies when people of color became the majority in them. (Spoiler alert, they largely did.)

To your point, white people stopped it. It is still ongoing in African and Arab nations today. Do you think they will ever get the memo? Probably not because they conducted Slave trade before white Euros and Americans did, during the 300 years you referenced, and looks like some have no intention of ever stopping.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.

I listen to him nearly everyday and while his show is left of center, he often omits things about the Republicans that he should not omit and vice versa with the Democrats as well.

You listen to Smerconish? That's a surprise.

His greatest flaw is his self congratulating. Dude always wants people to think he's the first person to come up with stuff. TC has her lips permanently fused to his left butt cheek.

But.....he doesn't try to tell you what to think. He's spot on when he talks about the real harm that AM talk radio has done to the political process.

You said it right there. Now gee, who is on talk radio these days?

He lies about being in the middle while he tries to convince others that he is. He plays that song (Stuck in the Middle With You) to open his segments half of the time. He clearly hates Trump and I bet he loses a lot of sleep at night just thinking about it.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Right, and if they were showing a cartoon on how the rich help the entire country, how good of people they are, and how they are the backbone of America, you liberals would have a fit. For crying out loud, you can't even say the name Jesus in school without some liberal threatening to sue.

Thousands have seen this video and it hasn't hurt anyone? How do you know that? And the teacher goes on to explain how we all held hands and sang Kumbaya, how do you know that as well? You seem to know a lot about the effects of this video, don't you?

Lots of rich people help the entire country. But.....they are most certainly not the backbone of America.

Anyone can say the name Jesus in school any time. You are very sensitive. Have you ever been to a HS football game?

How could that video hurt anyone?
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.

I listen to him nearly everyday and while his show is left of center, he often omits things about the Republicans that he should not omit and vice versa with the Democrats as well.

You listen to Smerconish? That's a surprise.

His greatest flaw is his self congratulating. Dude always wants people to think he's the first person to come up with stuff. TC has her lips permanently fused to his left butt cheek.

But.....he doesn't try to tell you what to think. He's spot on when he talks about the real harm that AM talk radio has done to the political process.

You said it right there. Now gee, who is on talk radio these days?

He lies about being in the middle while he tries to convince others that he is. He plays that song (Stuck in the Middle With You) to open his segments half of the time. He clearly hates Trump and I bet he loses a lot of sleep at night just thinking about it.

Say what? He's clearly supporting a republican candidate this cycle. He loves Tom Ridge more than you love Jeebus. He doesn't hate Trump. He's amused and baffled by Trumps popularity.

You love Trump? That's weird. He lied to you about his faith. How can you square that?
I can't say i'm surprised by this. Hussein has divided the nation. But than again, that's what Communist Organizers do. This just falls right in line with his 'Get Whitey' agenda. His whole tenure was all about getting revenge on White Christian Males. He's an Anti-American asshole. Period, end of story.

Derp. This video was developed during George Bush's time in office.

Hussein was all about getting his twisted revenge on White Christian Male. He's truly a piece of shite. To hell with em.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Right, and if they were showing a cartoon on how the rich help the entire country, how good of people they are, and how they are the backbone of America, you liberals would have a fit. For crying out loud, you can't even say the name Jesus in school without some liberal threatening to sue.

Thousands have seen this video and it hasn't hurt anyone? How do you know that? And the teacher goes on to explain how we all held hands and sang Kumbaya, how do you know that as well? You seem to know a lot about the effects of this video, don't you?

Lots of rich people help the entire country. But.....they are most certainly not the backbone of America.

Anyone can say the name Jesus in school any time. You are very sensitive. Have you ever been to a HS football game?

How could that video hurt anyone?

It convinces kids that everybody is treated differently in America which is a liberal lie. I have the ability to be successful, you have the ability to be successful, and people of different races have the ability to be successful.

It also reinforces the liberal message that blacks have an excuse for not succeeding in life. There is no truth to that. Everybody has that same opportunity. If anything, blacks have a wider opportunity due to reverse discrimination laws.

What happened to your grandparents, their parents or their parents before them has nothing to do with your life on this earth in 2016. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. Living in a house the size of a three car garage with no running water or electricity with four other siblings. Parents that died at a young age and the older siblings having to take care of the younger ones. Joining the military just to have decent food to eat. The works.
Yeah, well when does make an intelligent argument backed up by facts, we are relegated as knuckle dragging racists.

Maybe you have not read the goals of the Tea Party.

You should familiarize yourself with them. Listen to Marc Levin etc and see how many intelligent arguments are being made.

Every day there are good constitutional conservatives making valid points only to be called racists or whatever. Regardless of the facts.

I have been tired of treating these willful pieces of ignorant arrogant intolerant shit for a long time now.

Mac does listen to Mark Levin. Regularly. You really should try to pay attention.

I recommend that you listen to Michael Smerconish. It will cost you as he is on SIRIUS.....but he's making valid points.

Try harder.

I listen to him nearly everyday and while his show is left of center, he often omits things about the Republicans that he should not omit and vice versa with the Democrats as well.

You listen to Smerconish? That's a surprise.

His greatest flaw is his self congratulating. Dude always wants people to think he's the first person to come up with stuff. TC has her lips permanently fused to his left butt cheek.

But.....he doesn't try to tell you what to think. He's spot on when he talks about the real harm that AM talk radio has done to the political process.

You said it right there. Now gee, who is on talk radio these days?

He lies about being in the middle while he tries to convince others that he is. He plays that song (Stuck in the Middle With You) to open his segments half of the time. He clearly hates Trump and I bet he loses a lot of sleep at night just thinking about it.

Say what? He's clearly supporting a republican candidate this cycle. He loves Tom Ridge more than you love Jeebus. He doesn't hate Trump. He's amused and baffled by Trumps popularity.

You love Trump? That's weird. He lied to you about his faith. How can you square that?

I don't know what that has to do with what I believe about Trump. Just because he tries to play it off that he doesn't hate Trump doesn't fool anyone.

And yes, he does support some establishment Republicans, but find me a conservative that he truly likes. Trust me, I live here, and Kasich is no conservative.
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Hey, if that's your schtick, you run with it. It's worked for them so far.

If you're going to show kids a cartoon about this country, why not what a great country it is instead of a rotten one?

Show a cartoon of anybody including those of color who studied hard in school, went to work and worked a lot of hours, avoided spending money on stupid crap like the newest cell phones, nice cars and things they couldn't afford. Show them the value of saving money instead, and how you can use that money to advance yourself in life. Show them how citizens should respect police and how they are here to help the community instead of teaching them cops are evil racist pigs just dying for an opportunity to shoot a black guy?
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Hey, if that's your schtick, you run with it. It's worked for them so far.

If you're going to show kids a cartoon about this country, why not what a great country it is instead of a rotten one?

Show a cartoon of anybody including those of color who studied hard in school, went to work and worked a lot of hours, avoided spending money on stupid crap like the newest cell phones, nice cars and things they couldn't afford. Show them the value of saving money instead, and how you can use that money to advance yourself in life. Show them how citizens should respect police and how they are here to help the community instead of teaching them cops are evil racist pigs just dying for an opportunity to shoot a black guy?
There is an answer to that perfectly reasonable question:

These people are not trying to improve race relations. This is about payback, retribution.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Right, and if they were showing a cartoon on how the rich help the entire country, how good of people they are, and how they are the backbone of America, you liberals would have a fit. For crying out loud, you can't even say the name Jesus in school without some liberal threatening to sue.

Thousands have seen this video and it hasn't hurt anyone? How do you know that? And the teacher goes on to explain how we all held hands and sang Kumbaya, how do you know that as well? You seem to know a lot about the effects of this video, don't you?

Lots of rich people help the entire country. But.....they are most certainly not the backbone of America.

Anyone can say the name Jesus in school any time. You are very sensitive. Have you ever been to a HS football game?

How could that video hurt anyone?

It convinces kids that everybody is treated differently in America which is a liberal lie. I have the ability to be successful, you have the ability to be successful, and people of different races have the ability to be successful.

It also reinforces the liberal message that blacks have an excuse for not succeeding in life. There is no truth to that. Everybody has that same opportunity. If anything, blacks have a wider opportunity due to reverse discrimination laws.

What happened to your grandparents, their parents or their parents before them has nothing to do with your life on this earth in 2016. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. Living in a house the size of a three car garage with no running water or electricity with four other siblings. Parents that died at a young age and the older siblings having to take care of the younger ones. Joining the military just to have decent food to eat. The works.

Please. You are killing me with your simplistic outlook on life. Your family has benefitted from being white. Mine has benfitted from being white. Generationally.

Now that the OVERT inequalities have been reduced by CONSIENTIOUS liberals......what is left is the lingering effects of economic inequality
(redlining, legal segregation, bullshit loan practices, school to prison pipeline)....which disproportionately effect minorities.

And.....thanks to nutbag policies strangling the middle class.....the race inequalities have been transferred to class inequalities as overt racism has become unwelcome. Read this:

Study: Children's life trajectories largely determined by family they are born into

Try harder.
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Hey, if that's your schtick, you run with it. It's worked for them so far.

If you're going to show kids a cartoon about this country, why not what a great country it is instead of a rotten one?

Show a cartoon of anybody including those of color who studied hard in school, went to work and worked a lot of hours, avoided spending money on stupid crap like the newest cell phones, nice cars and things they couldn't afford. Show them the value of saving money instead, and how you can use that money to advance yourself in life. Show them how citizens should respect police and how they are here to help the community instead of teaching them cops are evil racist pigs just dying for an opportunity to shoot a black guy?

Kids see dozens of films glorifying America. Just like you did when you were a kid. The rest of your post is simpleton BS.

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