'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?

When people are considered equal.....for real.
You mean when all the stereotypes are against white people, and the laws, and when the power is absolutely in the hands of "people of color".

You Democrat assholes haven't done a damn thing to make sure this "white privilege" won't be reversed as a matter of demographics, and you know it.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.

Rich, poor, middle-class, we all know what is right and what is wrong.

People come here from overseas knowing little about our language and only a few dollars in their pockets. Some have worked night and day, saved their money, attended college or opened up their own business.

These are people who can tell you about poverty or oppression. Believe it or not, some poor people don't even have a government cell phone.....the horrors. I have talked to one that told me about digging holes for a place to crap in, no running water nearby and real starvation.

Prior to the new deal, blacks did have it better in ways of family structure. They had children after marriage and dad went out to work (if he could) while mom stayed home raising the children.

As long as we are able to replace dad with a welfare check, I'm afraid that out of wedlock births will be the norm in black communities, but that's not the fault of whites outside of the white politicians.

Out of wedlock births are unique to black people? Who knew?

Why won't you just come out and say what you want to say? What are you afraid of?
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?

When people are considered equal.....for real.
You mean when all the stereotypes are against white people, and the laws, and when the power is absolutely in the hands of "people of color".

You Democrat assholes haven't done a damn thing to make sure this "white privilege" won't be reversed as a matter of demographics, and you know it.

Man.....are you ever scared of being in the minority. That fear oozes from you.

You just made me so happy..........thanks.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.

Rich, poor, middle-class, we all know what is right and what is wrong.

People come here from overseas knowing little about our language and only a few dollars in their pockets. Some have worked night and day, saved their money, attended college or opened up their own business.

These are people who can tell you about poverty or oppression. Believe it or not, some poor people don't even have a government cell phone.....the horrors. I have talked to one that told me about digging holes for a place to crap in, no running water nearby and real starvation.

Prior to the new deal, blacks did have it better in ways of family structure. They had children after marriage and dad went out to work (if he could) while mom stayed home raising the children.

As long as we are able to replace dad with a welfare check, I'm afraid that out of wedlock births will be the norm in black communities, but that's not the fault of whites outside of the white politicians.

Out of wedlock births are unique to black people? Who knew?

Why won't you just come out and say what you want to say? What are you afraid of?

The rate of out of wedlock births is unique. 73% for blacks and single parent households are directly related to poverty. Of course I didn't see that in the cartoon for some strange reason. :bye1::bye1:
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.

Rich, poor, middle-class, we all know what is right and what is wrong.

People come here from overseas knowing little about our language and only a few dollars in their pockets. Some have worked night and day, saved their money, attended college or opened up their own business.

These are people who can tell you about poverty or oppression. Believe it or not, some poor people don't even have a government cell phone.....the horrors. I have talked to one that told me about digging holes for a place to crap in, no running water nearby and real starvation.

Prior to the new deal, blacks did have it better in ways of family structure. They had children after marriage and dad went out to work (if he could) while mom stayed home raising the children.

As long as we are able to replace dad with a welfare check, I'm afraid that out of wedlock births will be the norm in black communities, but that's not the fault of whites outside of the white politicians.

Out of wedlock births are unique to black people? Who knew?

Why won't you just come out and say what you want to say? What are you afraid of?

The rate of out of wedlock births is unique. 73% for blacks and single parent households are directly related to poverty. Of course I didn't see that in the cartoon for some strange reason. :bye1::bye1:
Lot of *******, in Iceland?
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.
Sounds like projection; like accusing libs who hate intolerance of being racist. Getting involved in the slave trade was a big mistake, imo, and we're ALL still paying for it. What happens to one part of the population does affect the rest, eventually.
There is still slavery in the world. Every race color creed and religion have been enslaved at some point in history.

It is beyond obvious why there are those who perpetuate the victimology narrative. The grievance INDUSTRY has been too lucrative and too rewarding for so many in politics. It is so imperative that the victim strategy does not go anywhere.

Look at how well they are able to convince us that blacks are nothing but victims still. I mean could you imagine if somehow you were able to have a conversation with an actual slave before 1865? How would that conversation go? What would his reaction be if you told that blacks today suffer from the unreal cruelty of not being nominated for an OSCAR?

Isn't that rather insulting to people that truly suffered from enslavement? Don't you see that patronizing a race exploits them? Don't you see that it is being done for political expediency and the grievances are essential for political gain? Can't you see that?
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most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?

When people are considered equal.....for real.
You mean when all the stereotypes are against white people, and the laws, and when the power is absolutely in the hands of "people of color".

You Democrat assholes haven't done a damn thing to make sure this "white privilege" won't be reversed as a matter of demographics, and you know it.

Man.....are you ever scared of being in the minority. That fear oozes from you.

You just made me so happy..........thanks.
On the contrary, I love what is happening. The Democrats hopes and dreams are literally dying more and more every day as they idiotically cheer it on.

I couldn't imagine living in the 70s and knowing that this is just around the corner but I will be too old to do anything about it or contribute to it. I was born at about just the right time to be old enough and wise enough to contribute to my cause while also being young enough to physically fight the fight.

I am eagerly anticipating story after story of white Democrats mercilessly slaughtered after they encounter the black and brown fascists that they thought were their allies in a dark alley. I hope the reporters get to capture the expressions on some of the victims faces so the viewers can clearly see their sense of "white privilege" protections eroding away along with their corpses.

It will be scary for the white children as the Mugabes of the west come to power, but I have literally lived for this stuff since I was a teen, it has always been my destiny to thrive in that environment.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
Exactly! Which is my question to white people every time they bring up white guilt! But they revel in being offended so just give them space
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in the future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
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most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
where did I say white supremacist?
false assume much?
seems you are a little slow on the uptake , what I'm talking about is attitude not race.
No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
where did I say white supremacist?
false assume much?
seems you are a little slow on the uptake , what I'm talking about is attitude not race.
That is truly a first for a Democrat.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!

Not at all, because I don't look at blacks as being disadvantaged, put out, or somehow not equal in this country. That's the liberals argument. All I asked is when will liberals let it end?
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.

You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
where did I say white supremacist?
false assume much?
seems you are a little slow on the uptake , what I'm talking about is attitude not race.
That is truly a first for a Democrat.
really damn your ignorant or misinformed.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!

Not at all, because I don't look at blacks as being disadvantaged, put out, or somehow not equal in this country. That's the liberals argument. All I asked is when will liberals let it end?
thanks for highlighting my point.
Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
where did I say white supremacist?
false assume much?
seems you are a little slow on the uptake , what I'm talking about is attitude not race.
That is truly a first for a Democrat.
really damn your ignorant or misinformed.
So why are both of your presidential candidates constantly talking about it?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.

You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.

if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,

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