'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

any time you wish, your statement " Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?" is the very essence of the problem.
it's obvious that your concept of equal is biased on the false premise that you were somehow superior in the first place!
Prove it if it is indeed so obvious.

Just keep in mind that if he is a white supremacist then he is not even representative of the majority of racists in this country, much less the world.
where did I say white supremacist?
false assume much?
seems you are a little slow on the uptake , what I'm talking about is attitude not race.
That is truly a first for a Democrat.
really damn your ignorant or misinformed.
So why are both of your presidential candidates constantly talking about it?
ever heard of different aspects of the same problem?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.

You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.

if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,

I am not paranoid enough to believe anyone of importance wants to enslave me in a 1st world country.
if any one who deals in that world is posting on this site they're extremely stupid.
btw how who are those Asian girls you got locked up in your cellar?
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.

You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.

if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,

I am not paranoid enough to believe anyone of importance wants to enslave me in a 1st world country.
I agree, you probably have no useable skills or are medusa ugly ..
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.

Rich, poor, middle-class, we all know what is right and what is wrong.

People come here from overseas knowing little about our language and only a few dollars in their pockets. Some have worked night and day, saved their money, attended college or opened up their own business.

These are people who can tell you about poverty or oppression. Believe it or not, some poor people don't even have a government cell phone.....the horrors. I have talked to one that told me about digging holes for a place to crap in, no running water nearby and real starvation.

Prior to the new deal, blacks did have it better in ways of family structure. They had children after marriage and dad went out to work (if he could) while mom stayed home raising the children.

As long as we are able to replace dad with a welfare check, I'm afraid that out of wedlock births will be the norm in black communities, but that's not the fault of whites outside of the white politicians.

Out of wedlock births are unique to black people? Who knew?

Why won't you just come out and say what you want to say? What are you afraid of?

Illegitimate births are much higher among blacks that they are whites. This fact is widely known, and no one disputes it except ignorant morons.
I was proving a point, moron.

She said that we need to learn about the past and be guilt tripped by it through each successive generation in order to avoid the same mistakes in future and I remarked that slavery has no support in the west.

The only people who support slavery in the US are Black Hebrew Israelite morons, whom curiously enough, never get attacked by the "Antifa" faggots when they are always right in the public square of big cities.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.

You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.

if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,

I am not paranoid enough to believe anyone of importance wants to enslave me in a 1st world country.
I agree, you probably have no useable skills or are medusa ugly ..

Wrong on both counts.

I would be legitimately surprised if I am not the best looking guy on here.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.

Indoctrination into what exactly? In what land have they ever left social issues or history alone in a school? Now after you reply with "indoctrination into...ugh indoctrination"! Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery. That's it and that's all. You just won't say it
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Tell us why Mac!

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Again, whites history of oppression is bad. Therefore its the PC police fault that Slavery is considered a bad thing. And since slavery was about skin color again MAC eloquently blames others for the goodness or badness of things like slavery and oppression. If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!

All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand
I told you why in that same post.

The rest of your post is nothing more than dishonest straw men, which is precisely what I expect from you.

Not one thing I said was dishonest but I expect that response everytime from you. It's your "thing" but instead you just rabble and pretend to be offended. Acting class.

Next your going to claim that me asking you what I lied about has "ruffled the PC police"
I will only say...I feel so sorry for school students nowadays.

all the garbage they are fed....
You should feel sorry for yourself because those school students will be voting to impose that garbage on you as soon as they can vote. That's why they all support Bernie Sanders.
The racism of the Democratic Party is finally becoming the major voice within the Neo-liberal movement.

Glenn Beck was right.
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Tell us why Mac!

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Again, whites history of oppression is bad. Therefore its the PC police fault that Slavery is considered a bad thing. And since slavery was about skin color again MAC eloquently blames others for the goodness or badness of things like slavery and oppression. If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!

All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand
I told you why in that same post.

The rest of your post is nothing more than dishonest straw men, which is precisely what I expect from you.

Not one thing I said was dishonest but I expect that response everytime from you. It's your "thing" but instead you just rabble and pretend to be offended. Acting class.

Next your going to claim that me asking you what I lied about has "ruffled the PC police"
Wow, so in your mind, you perceive the following as "fact":
  • "It's the PC police fault that slavery is considered a bad thing".
  • "If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!"
  • "All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand"
Those are your words, blatantly misrepresenting mine via straw man arguments. They're right there, on the freaking screen.

You don't even realize how dishonest you are. That's how badly your thought processes have been distorted by your partisan ideology.

This is why you people are such a fascinating study. You literally can't tell truth from fiction. And you keep proving it for me.
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Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.

Indoctrination into what exactly? In what land have they ever left social issues or history alone in a school? Now after you reply with "indoctrination into...ugh indoctrination"! Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery. That's it and that's all. You just won't say it

You can keep baiting if you like, but it won't work.

Slavery is history. I have nothing against history as long as it's accurate. However this cartoon has nothing to do with slavery or history. It has to do with promoting white guilt and excuse making for the plight of the black race. There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

The indoctrination is teaching black kids that they do have an excuse for failure. You know....they couldn't get off the starting line which is utter Bull Ship.

My kids can go to get an education, so can black kids. My kids can later on get a job, work a lot of hours, and be productive in society. Black kids can do the exact same. My kids can go to college, get a degree, and hopefully make a good living. Black kids can do the exact same thing. My kids can stay out of trouble with the law, stay away from drugs, and not have a family until they are financially stable enough to support those kids. Black people can do the exact same thing.

So WTF is this starting line holdup? Please explain in detail and give me some examples if you will.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.

Indoctrination into what exactly? In what land have they ever left social issues or history alone in a school? Now after you reply with "indoctrination into...ugh indoctrination"! Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery. That's it and that's all. You just won't say it

That's right, accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist. That is so typically liberal.

The fact that education deals with social/political issues is precisely why government shouldn't have anything to do with it. Government always converts education into a system for inculcating the ideas that promote the government. Always.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.

Indoctrination into what exactly? In what land have they ever left social issues or history alone in a school? Now after you reply with "indoctrination into...ugh indoctrination"! Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery. That's it and that's all. You just won't say it

That's right, accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist. That is so typically liberal.

The fact that education deals with social/political issues is precisely why government shouldn't have anything to do with it. Government always converts education into a system for inculcating the ideas that promote the government. Always.

No where did I accuse anyone of being racist but the again, that's all you have. Try again, dummy
Slavery is history. I have nothing against history as long as it's accurate. However this cartoon has nothing to do with slavery or history. It has to do with promoting white guilt and excuse making for the plight of the black race.

Here we go again. History can be taught just as long as your self esteem isn't hurt by the history. So here we are with people actually saying that history should be taught BUT IF I feel guilty that's everyone else's fault.

The knly answer is they should be taught something that you cannot affix a label like "white guilt" to. And since you can label anything anytime there is no way to present the topic at all.

After all, you might be offended and blame it on the PC Police at the same time.
You want a Gone with the Wind style of history. If it isn't dancing negros smiling and thanking Master for saving them by golly, you'll be offended...feel guilty even. And that's not fair...

..to YOU. LMAO
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble
Slavery is history. I have nothing against history as long as it's accurate. However this cartoon has nothing to do with slavery or history. It has to do with promoting white guilt and excuse making for the plight of the black race.

Here we go again. History can be taught just as long as your self esteem isn't hurt by the history. So here we are with people actually saying that history should be taught BUT IF I feel guilty that's everyone else's fault.

The knly answer is they should be taught something that you cannot affix a label like "white guilt" to. And since you can label anything anytime there is no way to present the topic at all.

After all, you might be offended and blame it on the PC Police at the same time.

Let's try this again: this cartoon had nothing to do with slavery......nothing.

The white guilt trip has nothing to do with slavery either. It's just a bunch of made-up stuff from some guy who sees it the way he wants to, and created this cartoon to pass his thoughts to these innocent children.

I have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.
If you faggot didn't have anything to feel guilty about why do you keep saying this is a white guilt video? Why is this a white guilt video? Why do you keep repeating like a fat girl "have nothing to be ashamed of! I love myself!"?

Only white people have brought up anything about feelings. And everytime that feeling is guilt.

Maybe you guys should create the stories so you don't feel guilty anymore. That's fair, right? Lol
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.
have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

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