'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

Why would they allow a video of trying to make white people feel guilty when they aren't? That's the question here.
What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.

Indoctrination into what exactly? In what land have they ever left social issues or history alone in a school? Now after you reply with "indoctrination into...ugh indoctrination"! Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery. That's it and that's all. You just won't say it

That's right, accuse anyone you disagree with of being a racist. That is so typically liberal.

The fact that education deals with social/political issues is precisely why government shouldn't have anything to do with it. Government always converts education into a system for inculcating the ideas that promote the government. Always.

No where did I accuse anyone of being racist but the again, that's all you have. Try again, dummy

You did it here, asshole:

"Then we'll see that the other issues you want left at home is when it comes to this nations history of slavery."
If you faggot didn't have anything to feel guilty about why do you keep saying this is a white guilt video? Why is this a white guilt video? Why do you keep repeating like a fat girl "have nothing to be ashamed of! I love myself!"?

Only white people have brought up anything about feelings. And everytime that feeling is guilt.

Maybe you guys should create the stories so you don't feel guilty anymore. That's fair, right? Lol

Only blacks and white liberals bring it up. They do it so they can guilt people into swallowing the leftwing agenda of looting and pillaging the productive members of society.
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have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

I don't feel the slightest bit guilty, but the purpose of your sleazy video is to make people who are entirely innocent feel guilty. Whether they do or not is up to them.

So what's your question?
If you faggot didn't have anything to feel guilty about why do you keep saying this is a white guilt video? Why is this a white guilt video? Why do you keep repeating like a fat girl "have nothing to be ashamed of! I love myself!"?

Only white people have brought up anything about feelings. And everytime that feeling is guilt.

Maybe you guys should create the stories so you don't feel guilty anymore. That's fair, right? Lol

You are terminally stupid, aren't you? The fact that the video is intended to instill guilt implies nothing about whether I experience guilt. It only implies that the producer of the video is a sleazy propagandist.
have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

Why would they allow a video of trying to make white people feel guilty when they aren't? That's the question here.
Dot.com is too stupid to understand what you're saying.
No. Just no.
It isn't the Republicans that are crushing the middle class. It is corporatism. And corporatism is embraced by BOTH parties equally.
Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street than perhaps any President in US history. Right now Joe...right now...the Fed and this administration are giving serious thought to NEGATIVE interest rates....which gives the wealthiest corporations and central banks not only free access to $Billions of our tax dollars....but actually pays THEM to borrow the free money. THis is not Republican.
And BTW - Hillary Clinton is an elitist/corporatist to the core.

Yes, the big corporations have painted us into a corner, because we listened totheir free trade, low regulation, low tax bullshit.

BUt if Obama was such a friend to Wall Street, why did Wall Street spend a billion dollars to try to get rid of him?
To your point, white people stopped it. It is still ongoing in African and Arab nations today. Do you think they will ever get the memo? Probably not because they conducted Slave trade before white Euros and Americans did, during the 300 years you referenced, and looks like some have no intention of ever stopping.

you don't get points for solving a problem you created. The problem was not 'slavery' as it was practiced in Africa before White Folks came along. The problem was the wholesale slave trade white people created.
To your point, white people stopped it. It is still ongoing in African and Arab nations today. Do you think they will ever get the memo? Probably not because they conducted Slave trade before white Euros and Americans did, during the 300 years you referenced, and looks like some have no intention of ever stopping.

you don't get points for solving a problem you created. The problem was not 'slavery' as it was practiced in Africa before White Folks came along. The problem was the wholesale slave trade white people created.
The Arabs created it.
No. Just no.
It isn't the Republicans that are crushing the middle class. It is corporatism. And corporatism is embraced by BOTH parties equally.
Obama has been the greatest friend to Wall Street than perhaps any President in US history. Right now Joe...right now...the Fed and this administration are giving serious thought to NEGATIVE interest rates....which gives the wealthiest corporations and central banks not only free access to $Billions of our tax dollars....but actually pays THEM to borrow the free money. THis is not Republican.
And BTW - Hillary Clinton is an elitist/corporatist to the core.

Yes, the big corporations have painted us into a corner, because we listened totheir free trade, low regulation, low tax bullshit.

BUt if Obama was such a friend to Wall Street, why did Wall Street spend a billion dollars to try to get rid of him?
How did that "paint us into a corner?"
To your point, white people stopped it. It is still ongoing in African and Arab nations today. Do you think they will ever get the memo? Probably not because they conducted Slave trade before white Euros and Americans did, during the 300 years you referenced, and looks like some have no intention of ever stopping.

you don't get points for solving a problem you created. The problem was not 'slavery' as it was practiced in Africa before White Folks came along. The problem was the wholesale slave trade white people created.

They didn't create jack. There was a huge slave trade carried on by Arabs for centuries before the white man ever got involved.
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

Then what the fuck is it about, numnuts?
have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

Why would they allow a video of trying to make white people feel guilty when they aren't? That's the question here.

Why would you be feeling guilty about anything?
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

Then what the fuck is it about, numnuts?

Its not about your candy ass emotions.
Guilty? No, no one should feel guilty on the basis of his/her race.
Of course, everybody deserves equal opportunity. However, it has to be based on merits rather than some ridiculous "guilt".
have nothing to feel guilty about. I never owned any slaves, neither did my parents or grandparents. For all I know, I didn't even have any ancestors here during the slave days. Why would anybody feel guilty about their ethnicity simply because others of the same skin color did despicable things many generations before? That's silly.

That's my question exactly. Why does anyone feel guilty when they arent?

Why would they allow a video of trying to make white people feel guilty when they aren't? That's the question here.

Why would you be feeling guilty about anything?

When did he say he was?
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

Then what the fuck is it about, numnuts?

Its not about your candy ass emotions.

Then what's it about, asshole?
Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

Then what the fuck is it about, numnuts?

Its not about your candy ass emotions.

Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.
Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

Then what the fuck is it about, numnuts?

Its not about your candy ass emotions.

Then what's it about, asshole?


Don't like it?

Too late.

What about history? What's the point of the video? You're obviously afraid to say it in plain English. That's because you know it's a race baiting pile of crap.

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