'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

I couldn't watch that load of twaddle. Funny, blacks excel at track meets, and sports. The NBA is dominated by blacks. Now, here we are, all "POST RACIAL" and all that. What is the big deal?
I couldn't watch that load of twaddle. Funny, blacks excel at track meets, and sports. The NBA is dominated by blacks. Now, here we are, all "POST RACIAL" and all that. What is the big deal?

Without the race axe to grind, why would anyone vote for a Democrat?
There is no reason this should be shown in school because it's the opinion of one liberal clown that made the cartoon. It's not factual or true.

Lets try this again..seems like it's hard.

What was not factual or true about that cartoon?

Your answer: rabble rabble

Read all those words that the cartoon had rushing at the black runners who were stuck at the starting line. Black kids today had none of those experiences in life whether they were made up or not. They were born into an America where everybody is treated equal.

Yes, black kids today never faced that and if you notice there are dates next to the runners and it wasn't a date of 2016. So of that's the not true part, you're failing because it never says it's kids today.

Then they had the white cartoon runners passing money back and forth to each other. What??? Most of the white people I know don't have large amounts of money. The ones that do only exercised their abilities to make money no different than any black.

Another misunderstanding on your part. This video isn't about "white people you know". If it was you'd be right and video would bee incorrect. But since this about the white race as a whole you still cannot name the lies in the video. More rabble and personal anecdotes masquerading as general facts.

It's not that there were "some" parts of the cartoon that were not factual, the entire thing was not factual.

TRY AGAIN. Once again, you think the video is about what black kids today face and it's not. Yiu think this video is about white people YOU know and not about the white races ability to pass wealth to the next generation.

You are mixing the two and saying it's untrue because of your lack of comprehension.

So big deal. The video wasn't made yesterday, but a little over ten years ago. What has changed in the last ten years???

And if it's not for kids today, then why is it being shown to kids today? For crying out loud, the title of the video is STRUCTURAL DISCRIMINATION--THE UNEQUAL OPPORTUNITY OF RACE!!!!

The white race as a whole? Are you serious?

What if they had videos about Muslims bombing Americans, or the had videos of blacks rioting in the street and they gave factual statistics about murder rates and crimes in this country? Would you still be saying it was about Arabs as a whole or blacks as a whole???
What the hell is "post racial' when we got blacks committing buku crimes of racial or random nature...How can we ignore that and pretend it isn't racial? Because it IS. I understand history. I understand human nature.
To your point, white people stopped it. It is still ongoing in African and Arab nations today. Do you think they will ever get the memo? Probably not because they conducted Slave trade before white Euros and Americans did, during the 300 years you referenced, and looks like some have no intention of ever stopping.

you don't get points for solving a problem you created. The problem was not 'slavery' as it was practiced in Africa before White Folks came along. The problem was the wholesale slave trade white people created.

So you agree with slavery being practiced in Africa. Nice.
What the hell is "post racial' when we got blacks committing buku crimes of racial or random nature...How can we ignore that and pretend it isn't racial? Because it IS. I understand history. I understand human nature.
Every time Obama opens his mouth he's talking about race.
Ignoring black on black or black race crimes isn't going to fix anything. If indeed, black lives DO matter, so does everyone else's , too. Let's get past this , can we? All lives matter.
Ignoring black on black or black race crimes isn't going to fix anything. If indeed, black lives DO matter, so does everyone else's , too. Let's get past this , can we? All lives matter.

You should quit wasting your time treating libs as if they are honest debaters. They are all just sleazy lying propagandists. They have no interest in resolving any race issues. All they want to do is stir the pot. That's the only way they can keep the black man on the liberal plantation.
Ignoring black on black or black race crimes isn't going to fix anything. If indeed, black lives DO matter, so does everyone else's , too. Let's get past this , can we? All lives matter.

You should quit wasting your time treating libs as if they are honest debaters. They are all just sleazy lying propagandists. They have no interest in resolving any race issues. All they want to do is stir the pot. That's the only way they can keep the black man on the liberal plantation.
IS racism real in a post racial society? Why all the hypersensitivity to race by blacks, then? It isn't science fiction that blacks exaggerate or lie about racism when they themselves are quite capable of the same animosity and perpetrate the same hate? Its human nature. Racism is a exaggeration. Blacks are just as hateful and biased as whites, pssst....don't tell anyone. Libs hate that.
faggots? there goes any credibility you believe you have ,
anti Semitic too.
when you say there is no support for slavery in the west you couldn't be more wrong.
You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.
if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,
I am not paranoid enough to believe anyone of importance wants to enslave me in a 1st world country.
I agree, you probably have no useable skills or are medusa ugly ..
Wrong on both counts.

I would be legitimately surprised if I am not the best looking guy on here.
Pretentious bullshit!
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

Agreed.... Yet you are dealing with Liberals who believe in blaming everyone else. Mention personal accountability and they shit themselves.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
i wonder if this means that we will soon have a movie called "Black Guilt" and will be released in all of the red states in the summer,,,and then there will be a movie called "Lilly White Cracker Guilt" coming out in September.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it needs to be done, quickly.
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