'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not on the street, because a cop always wins on the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city, it can be done in a number of ways.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.
The people who actually irrationally hate based on racial characteristics are practically non-existent and they are not the same as the people who the disgusting SPLC has labeled as "hate groups".

It is not even as simple as labeling all KKK as racists anymore, because although the KKK's history has not been positive or good for really anyone, the people who join the KKK or Neo-Nazi groups today are either kids who literally grew up on Barney and Friends, or they are people who have resisted joining such groups until now because they feel the double standards warrant going full tilt.

It is not as simple as eliminating affirmative action, or for police officers to stop being trigger happy etc. Racial tension will always be there, even when the animosity goes away.
It's ridiculous to make the current generation pay for the mistakes of the past, but we need to learn from those mistakes and avoid repeating them.

How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
You seem to be slow on the uptake. The Black Hebrew Israelites are nothing more than black supremacist thugs claiming to be Jews and using the Bible to justify their evil intentions towards actual Jews and white people(as illustrated by the video I linked to).

As for the word "faggot", I was merely using it in the same manner that social justice idiots use "fag" to describe Stormfront members(stormfags).

The fact that you actually think significant numbers of people in the west support slavery is just evidence of your hilariously paranoid worldview, if not just outright stupidity.
if you want to see paranoid read your own posts ,
I am not paranoid enough to believe anyone of importance wants to enslave me in a 1st world country.
I agree, you probably have no useable skills or are medusa ugly ..
Wrong on both counts.

I would be legitimately surprised if I am not the best looking guy on here.
Pretentious bullshit!
I am quite serious.
How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
I doubt it.

I have been a "racist" according to the SPLC for nearly a decade now ever since joining Stormfront in 2008, but the only people I have ever made the case for inherent inferiority are the white liberal sellouts who insist that Susan Sontag was right, even after being gang raped and beaten by the black and brown racists whom they claim don't exist. Without white guilt lunatics racial relations would be a lot better.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
I doubt it.

I have been a "racist" according to the SPLC for nearly a decade now ever since joining Stormfront in 2008, but the only people I have ever made the case for inherent inferiority are the white liberal sellouts who insist that Susan Sontag was right, even after being gang raped and beaten by the black and brown racists whom they claim don't exist. Without white guilt lunatics racial relations would be a lot better.
I think everybody has a line defining racism in their mind. If you don't cross that line, nobody blame you as a racist.
I'm curious about where you draw that line. Let's say: if someone frequently claims that, for example, "the blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime", would you say that he is a racist?
Also, if a professor claims that he has found through scientific research that the whites are "genetically smarter" than the blacks, would you mark the professor as a racist?
Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
I doubt it.

I have been a "racist" according to the SPLC for nearly a decade now ever since joining Stormfront in 2008, but the only people I have ever made the case for inherent inferiority are the white liberal sellouts who insist that Susan Sontag was right, even after being gang raped and beaten by the black and brown racists whom they claim don't exist. Without white guilt lunatics racial relations would be a lot better.
I think everybody has a line defining racism in their mind. If you don't cross that line, nobody blame you as a racist.
I'm curious about where you draw that line. Let's say: if someone frequently claims that, for example, "the blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime", would you say that he is a racist?
Also, if a professor claims that he has found through scientific research that the whites are "genetically smarter" than the blacks, would you mark the professor as a racist?
I would be fine with calling blacks stupid today based on their current culture and mindset, but at the same time I think all white teenagers and the 20 somethings who grew up on MTV are idiots for the same reason. I also think the "tend" helps soften the message enough for my taste in regards to talking about blacks committing crimes.

If a professor claimed whites were smarter inherently I would obviously need to see this research and study up on the science behind it before I believed it or not. I certainly wouldn't just dismiss the professor outright as a racist.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.
That isn't really racism. I doubt your friends would start labeling random black people "animals".
Oh maybe I didn't make it very clear, but if you look at my post, I was saying that they became "susceptible to racism". The indication is that if similar incidence occurs frequently, they may really believe the blacks are born with "violence gene" or stupid stuff like that. Of course I was not accusing my friends of being racist...
I doubt it.

I have been a "racist" according to the SPLC for nearly a decade now ever since joining Stormfront in 2008, but the only people I have ever made the case for inherent inferiority are the white liberal sellouts who insist that Susan Sontag was right, even after being gang raped and beaten by the black and brown racists whom they claim don't exist. Without white guilt lunatics racial relations would be a lot better.
I think everybody has a line defining racism in their mind. If you don't cross that line, nobody blame you as a racist.
I'm curious about where you draw that line. Let's say: if someone frequently claims that, for example, "the blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime", would you say that he is a racist?
Also, if a professor claims that he has found through scientific research that the whites are "genetically smarter" than the blacks, would you mark the professor as a racist?
I would be fine with calling blacks stupid today based on their current culture and mindset, but at the same time I think all white teenagers and the 20 somethings who grew up on MTV are idiots for the same reason. I also think the "tend" helps soften the message enough for my taste in regards to talking about blacks committing crimes.

If a professor claimed whites were smarter inherently I would obviously need to see this research and study up on the science behind it before I believed it or not. I certainly wouldn't just dismiss the professor outright as a racist.
These two cases were actually presented to us in a high school class several years ago. I thought they were quite interesting.
You might notice that the claims have different level of factual support.
One of them has partial support (i.e. SOME blacks are stupid and tend to commit crime), and the other has, hypothetically, full scientific support. The question is, however, does it matter how much support they have? One answer is: based on solid factual support, any comment is not racism and should be allowed, because people have the freedom of speaking the truth (and take actions accordingly). Another opinion is that even with factual support, such comment shouldn't be allowed because it hurts the feelings of others and lead to hatred and mistrust. Apparently, you tend to choose the first answer while many people from the left believe in the second. Naturally, you guys draw that line at different places to strengthen your preferred answer. Nevertheless, what really matters is to understand the implication of these answers - they both have traps and rewards waiting for their believers. After all, the argument on the definition of racism is essentially an argument on how we should behave.
Just some thoughts...
How would we ever go back to slavery, discrimination and oppression?

You have to understand that the race issue has to stay alive for liberals. Without a race issue, it weakens the power of the Democrat party. Much like with this video, liberals have to convince people we are still living 50 years ago from today; nothing has changed; things got worse for minorities; Democrats need to bring a solution to this problem they've been promising us for the last 50 years.

Democrats and Republicans rely on their support bases for power. The two major support bases for liberals are victims and irresponsible people. If we could eliminate victims and irresponsible people in this country, the only time you would hear about the Democrat party is in history books.
Racism is still an issue among at least a small group of people. Racists, I mean real ones, do exist. There may be even a few here on this forum. I think we all agree that racism should be eradicated from this country, but unfortunately, sometimes people simply go after the wrong target, or do it in a wrong way. The fact is, racism is a real problem amplified and exploited by (mostly) the left. We hate it when it's being used as a political tool; meantime, we need to admit and address the problem.

It's already been done; hundreds of laws forbidding racism at every level.

You can't "eradicate" how people feel. Regardless of your opinion of them, they are allowed free speech and the ability to elect leaders that share their point of view.
To be honest, it's far from being done.
For example, there is this vicious cycle going on right now:
1. The media report a bunch police shooting incidence, emphasizing the race of the deceased and the cop when it's "white on black".
2. Nine of them are legitimate shootings and one of them a dirty cover-up.
3. The politicians and media make the black believe that nine of them are cover-ups.
4. The black feel threatened and distrust the police. Consequently, they RUN.
5. Some of them, unfortunately run in a not-so-safe manner, and got shot by the cop, creating a bunch of "police shooting incidence".
Now go to step 1, and everybody hates everybody...
Laws cannot solve this kind of problem, politics can, and it deserves to be done, quickly.

Here is the problem:

Besides the fact that most blacks are born out of wedlock in this country, young males often rely on other black young males for advice. It's the blind leading the blind.

What needs to be done with these shootings is for police officers to attend schools and hold seminars explaining to these young blacks how they are trained, what they need to do when addressed by a police officer, and the fact that 100% of these shootings have one thing in common: the subject didn't listen to the orders of police.

Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is. Black kids need to be taught that if there is a discrepancy with the actions of a police officer, the time to address it is not in the street, because a cop always wins in the street. If you have a problem with an officer, that can be addressed later. It can be done by contacting the superior of that officer, it can be done by hiring a lawyer, it can be done by calling your local news station and asking if they are interested in the story, it can be done by addressing the Mayor of that city it can be done in a number of ways.
"Racism is not responsible for most of these shootings--bad parenting is."
However, vicious cycles like this lead to racism. An example: after Ferguson, some of my friends said the blacks are "animals", because they destroyed their own town! People become very susceptible to racism after incidences like this. They tend to generalize the problem to an entire race and lose trust in each other. I'm sure there's plenty of work to do in fixing problems like this, and that's why I said racism is a real issue, and it needs to be addressed.

Okay, so let's say you live in a predominantly white neighborhood and blacks start moving into your area. Do you mean to tell me that incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore don't go through your mind?

Those incidents are reflective of what happens when areas do turn black. I live in a black neighborhood, and I was here when it was mostly white as well. Big difference.

In fact, our city had to stop 4th of July fireworks because of blacks. You can't assemble any large group of them without it turning into gang fights or riots. Our neighboring suburbs that turned black had to do the exact same. The police just couldn't control them anymore.

I could go on and on about the changes that took place to this once great suburb, but that would take some time and I'm getting ready to leave for work. But the point I make is, if people (by liberal definition) are racists, what made them racist, ignorance or experience???
AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,

born on third base and thought he hit a triple, eh?

I think the fact this video makes you so angry is kind of telling.

Being born white and male in this society is a great advantage.

NO, it's not. No one ever gave me shit for being white.

Indeed, in my adult life, very few people ever gave me anything.

I made TWO careers out of taking on jobs reasonable people wouldn't do.

Not having a father is a major disadvantage, regardless of race.

Quite the admission, that you're not a reasonable person. Good conservative material.

Oooh, isn't that cute. YOu took my comments out of context and made a personal attack out of them.

I've certainly never seen a lib do THAT before...

NO, it's not. No one ever gave me shit for being white.

Indeed, in my adult life, very few people ever gave me anything.

I made TWO careers out of taking on jobs reasonable people wouldn't do.

Not having a father is a major disadvantage, regardless of race.

Ah, another one who thinks he pulled himself up by his bootstraps... you guys are always funny.

Thanks for dismissing all my hard work and a lifetime of accomplishments and risk taking.
Hubris much?

Nope. I've worked hard, taken risks and have accomplished a fair amount.

Like lots of people, including most of the people I know.
Thanks for dismissing all my hard work and a lifetime of accomplishments and risk taking.

I;m sure you've created a very awesome imaginary resume on the Intenet... but, no, being born White and Male in this country is an awesome gig if you can get it.


No one every gave me anything for being white and/or male.

Thanks for dismissing all my hard work and a lifetime of accomplishments and risk taking.
Being born white and male in this society is a great advantage.

Only someone young and under-experienced would think this.

You would think so.

Joe's old, I believe.

Then that makes him a fool

No,guy, that makes me old enough to see a lot of people of color and women who work hard who get ignored by the white boys club

It's hilarious to see white males whine because they have SLIGHTLY less privilege than they used to have.

WHite BOys Club?!

White privilege is hard to measure. It's all about how many fewer black Americans are competing for the opportunities you as a white guy are competing for because their social/cultural/economic circumstances impeded their ability to be competitive.

It's hard to measure because it doesn't exist.

You want to know how much Affirmative Action helps blacks get into Ivy League Schools?

I can post you a link to a study that breaks it down to an exact SAT number of bonus points for black or brown skin.
Part of the "fundamental transformation" of the country is trying to convince people that they didn't earn what they have.

If you "didn't build that", you didn't earn it, it doesn't belong to you. You took it from someone dishonestly. It belongs to the collective, not you.

Definitely a lot of momentum on this.
And no good can come from it.

It justifies taking from those who earn and giving to those that don't.

It enrages those who know they have worked hard and now are being robbed while smugly told they don't deserve what they damn well know they do deserve.

It teaches those that don't have to feel entitled to what those that have, have, and to feel anger at those that aren't giving "enough".
Yes, and the question is whether this momentum can be stopped and reversed.

I doubt it very much. It's far easier to bring people down than to raise others up, and that's the strategy here.
For dems, it all about politics, and power acquisition. Capturing the large blocks of voters. Seducing with rations of payouts and perpetuating the fairy tale of Robin Hood. Steal from the rich and give to the poor. Let them know that their situation all due to the "unfair" rigged system that is always against them. Humans, the great excuse making animal buys that every time, hook line and sinker.

The democrats perpetuate all of these narratives with one goal. Acquiring power by dividing and conquering. Creating the scapegoats when their policies fail. Rinse and repeat.

The "Pravda media" protecting them and pushing their agenda however they can.

They have managed to convince these morons that America is a tyrannical government.

That is what we are dealing with.
Then it's up to those who oppose them to intelligently craft and carefully deliver an attractive and inspiring alternative message, using messengers who are also attractive and inspiring.

That's it, that's your shot here, and it's sure as hell not happening right now.

People are responsible for their own actions. If the Messenger(s) are ignored, it is the fault of those who refuse to listen.

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