'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Hey, if that's your schtick, you run with it. It's worked for them so far.

If you're going to show kids a cartoon about this country, why not what a great country it is instead of a rotten one?

Show a cartoon of anybody including those of color who studied hard in school, went to work and worked a lot of hours, avoided spending money on stupid crap like the newest cell phones, nice cars and things they couldn't afford. Show them the value of saving money instead, and how you can use that money to advance yourself in life. Show them how citizens should respect police and how they are here to help the community instead of teaching them cops are evil racist pigs just dying for an opportunity to shoot a black guy?
There is an answer to that perfectly reasonable question:

These people are not trying to improve race relations. This is about payback, retribution.

You are wrong. Again.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Tell us why Mac!

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Again, whites history of oppression is bad. Therefore its the PC police fault that Slavery is considered a bad thing. And since slavery was about skin color again MAC eloquently blames others for the goodness or badness of things like slavery and oppression. If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!

All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand
This film is the PC Police's wet dream.

Tell us why Mac!

Whites bad. They should feel guilty. Blacks victims. Divide, divide, divide. It's all about skin color.

Again, whites history of oppression is bad. Therefore its the PC police fault that Slavery is considered a bad thing. And since slavery was about skin color again MAC eloquently blames others for the goodness or badness of things like slavery and oppression. If only slavery and oppression was seen as a good thing...by golly then everything changes. Whites history would be good! White people would not feel guilty and everything would be awesome!

All we have to do is fight the PC police's characterization that slavery was a bad thing. Once thats changed whites wouldnt feel guilty anymore and everything would be grand
I told you why in that same post.

The rest of your post is nothing more than dishonest straw men, which is precisely what I expect from you.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.
That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.

Right, and if they were showing a cartoon on how the rich help the entire country, how good of people they are, and how they are the backbone of America, you liberals would have a fit. For crying out loud, you can't even say the name Jesus in school without some liberal threatening to sue.

Thousands have seen this video and it hasn't hurt anyone? How do you know that? And the teacher goes on to explain how we all held hands and sang Kumbaya, how do you know that as well? You seem to know a lot about the effects of this video, don't you?

Lots of rich people help the entire country. But.....they are most certainly not the backbone of America.

Anyone can say the name Jesus in school any time. You are very sensitive. Have you ever been to a HS football game?

How could that video hurt anyone?

It convinces kids that everybody is treated differently in America which is a liberal lie. I have the ability to be successful, you have the ability to be successful, and people of different races have the ability to be successful.

It also reinforces the liberal message that blacks have an excuse for not succeeding in life. There is no truth to that. Everybody has that same opportunity. If anything, blacks have a wider opportunity due to reverse discrimination laws.

What happened to your grandparents, their parents or their parents before them has nothing to do with your life on this earth in 2016. My father could tell you stories about growing up that would make you cry. Living in a house the size of a three car garage with no running water or electricity with four other siblings. Parents that died at a young age and the older siblings having to take care of the younger ones. Joining the military just to have decent food to eat. The works.

Please. You are killing me with your simplistic outlook on life. Your family has benefitted from being white. Mine has benfitted from being white. Generationally.

Now that the OVERT inequalities have been reduced by CONSIENTIOUS liberals......what is left is the lingering effects of economic inequality
(redlining, legal segregation, bullshit loan practices, school to prison pipeline)....which disproportionately effect minorities.

And.....thanks to nutbag policies strangling the middle class.....the race inequalities have been transferred to class inequalities as overt racism has become unwelcome. Read this:

Study: Children's life trajectories largely determined by family they are born into

Try harder.

Oh gee, so some liberal wrote a book on the subject. That ends the discussion, doesn't it?

How has my family benefited from being white? My family benefited from people that were responsible enough to have children after marriage, and not out of wedlock like the 73% of blacks in America today. Because I had a father living in the house, he taught us to stay out of trouble--particularly with the police. And if we ever encounter the police, give them the highest respect in the world.

My parents guided us through school, not just throw us on a school bus and that was the end of their problems. My father taught us to work hard and be responsible for ourselves and our own actions. Excuses are like assholes, everybody has one.

My grandparents had little handed down to them, my parents the same. If my family is to benefit, our generation will be the first, and we won't get a hell of a lot from that either.
Sheesh, white people always tell people to "get over it" when people discuss the effects of slavery and they can't even get over a animated video that they are mad at for no stated reason lol

What they are mad at is indoctrination. Our schools should not be brainwashing students with their political points of view. That's what liberal colleges are for.

If a 5 min video of facts is "brain washing" then no wonder the Right is always screaming. Everything is brain washing to super sensitive goofballs who are offended and cant say why or how.

I just told you why and how, but like a typical liberal you ignore the answer.

I'm forced to support schools with my tax money. Since that's the case, I don't want teachers, classes or schools indoctrinating my child with their political views or stance one way or the other. That's not what schools are supposed to be about.

Leave politics and social issues at home. You're in school to learn things, not be brainwashed into a certain way of thinking. Five minutes? So you think a teacher pops this on the tube, lets the kids watch it, turns it off and that's the end of the discussion? I'll bet my dollar to your dime it's only a small part of the indoctrination.
He's using a PC Police tactic I call "isolation".

In this tactic, they isolate an individual event to minimize its importance, completely (and purposely) ignoring the fact that this is just another example within a huge list of examples that illustrate your argument. How it's yet another part of a trend, a bigger macro strategy.

"Oh, this little thing is no big deal, you're crazy", they say, knowing full well that you're pointing out it's another example of a much larger issue.

Pretty effective, a smart tactic. Unless they're called on it.
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That video has been shown to classes for a long time.

There is a weak argument that a black child who watches that video will throw his or her arms up in the air and decide not to even try to win. Choosing instead to rely on an the excuse that the deck is stacked against them.

That's stupid, however. Because the video isn't shown in a bubble to a bunch of bubble heads. It's shown to a group of students with an instructor as part of a lesson plan. That lesson plan will include inspirational accounts of how many black Americans have overcome these obstacles to excel....and win. It will include lessons about how white leaders have joined hands with black leaders to try and erase the inequality and ease the generational effects of said inequality.

Thousands of kids have seen that video over the years. It hasn't hurt anyone.

The only people who are upset by this video are the losers who fear that their white kid will learn that his parents are not all that superior to the "negroes" who they speak ill of. They don't want their kids to know that shit ain't equal. If they get that message......they might stop fearing and hating those "thugs". We can't have that!

Whine on, bitches.
You are the one whining. You don't like that white parents are finally pushing back against the decidedly unequal white guilt narrative that assumes white people are always the ones with the inferior morals.

You certainly don't want equality in any shape or form.

Silly nutter. White people have been oppressed for so long! It's awful being white in America.
Thanks to the regressive left and fascist non-whites, white people will suffer absolute institutional racism in the future, and white people will face similar racism in nearly every country in the world.

My niece and my future children will live in hell because of braindead zombies like you.
Just got around to watching the video.

What a load of crap.

It's hard to know where to start, BUT, i guess the most relevant point is what was NOT shown.


AND I would like to add, for all those out there that think my WHite Skin and/or White Privilege means I didn't have to work hard for what I have,


Rabble! Don't know what's wrong with the video but if he acts mad enough then that means something, doesn't it? Lol

I thought I was pretty clear.

The list of alleged "obstacles" does not have the real cause of most of minority America's problems, illegitimacy.


For all those who like to dismiss my life of hard work and to thus deny that I deserve everything I have.

tantrum much?
White guilt is as stupid as Black pride

Why be guilty or proud of something that you had absolutely nothing to do with?

Exactly! Which is my question to white people every time they bring up white guilt! But they revel in being offended so just give them space
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.
Sounds like projection; like accusing libs who hate intolerance of being racist. Getting involved in the slave trade was a big mistake, imo, and we're ALL still paying for it. What happens to one part of the population does affect the rest, eventually.
All of this is in the past. No need to worry about it now. Things have been equal for a long time now....thanks to conservative policies that made things equal. In fact, the deck is stacked IN FAVOR of "the blacks" these days. Any "blacks" who can't succeed in 2016 America don't want to succeed.

Who agrees?
All of this is in the past. No need to worry about it now. Things have been equal for a long time now....thanks to conservative policies that made things equal. In fact, the deck is stacked IN FAVOR of "the blacks" these days. Any "blacks" who can't succeed in 2016 America don't want to succeed.

Who agrees?
no one who is sane.
All of this is in the past. No need to worry about it now. Things have been equal for a long time now....thanks to conservative policies that made things equal. In fact, the deck is stacked IN FAVOR of "the blacks" these days. Any "blacks" who can't succeed in 2016 America don't want to succeed.

Who agrees?

That's exactly it.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
White guilt is as stupid as Black pride

Why be guilty or proud of something that you had absolutely nothing to do with?

Exactly! Which is my question to white people every time they bring up white guilt! But they revel in being offended so just give them space
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?
I think the point of bringing it up is to make sure we understand the mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them?
Will the bastards in favor of slavery in the western world please stand up?
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?

When people are considered equal.....for real.
most of the righty posters on this thread won't admit any mistakes have ever been made and when they do it's always someone else's fault.

Who said no mistakes have been made?

And how long are we to use these mistakes to justify crime, poverty and lack of education? 25 more years? 50 years? 100 Years? Do you have an estimate for us when we can look at all people as equal?
The mistakes that devolved from slavery included generations of slaves who had no financial responsibility, no freedom, no education and no ability to build/maintain a family. Then, after those people were set free, they were quickly isolated into unequal communities by legal segregation and systematically hung from trees as a terror tactic. I know this was a long time ago, but at least one of the reasons that some black men don't take responsibility as fathers does go that far back. As we have learned from trying to outlaw racism, cultural norms and what we learn in the heart of our family as children is the slowest of all to change. It's very complicated, especially if you can only view the problems in the black community through a white lens.
When people are made powerless, they adapt in dysfunctional ways. Where I live, everyone's white, and the poor whites here are the ones who commit the majority of crimes, don't complete school and end up living off welfare. The dysfunction seems to have more to do with poverty than race. Despite all the government's efforts, they don't seem to be making much of an inroad into that. The recession may have something to do with it.
Like you, I'm waiting and hoping for a solution that works.

Rich, poor, middle-class, we all know what is right and what is wrong.

People come here from overseas knowing little about our language and only a few dollars in their pockets. Some have worked night and day, saved their money, attended college or opened up their own business.

These are people who can tell you about poverty or oppression. Believe it or not, some poor people don't even have a government cell phone.....the horrors. I have talked to one that told me about digging holes for a place to crap in, no running water nearby and real starvation.

Prior to the new deal, blacks did have it better in ways of family structure. They had children after marriage and dad went out to work (if he could) while mom stayed home raising the children.

As long as we are able to replace dad with a welfare check, I'm afraid that out of wedlock births will be the norm in black communities, but that's not the fault of whites outside of the white politicians.

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