'WHITE GUILT' Video Shown to High School Students

White guilt is as stupid as Black pride

Why be guilty or proud of something that you had absolutely nothing to do with?

Exactly! Which is my question to white people every time they bring up white guilt! But they revel in being offended so just give them space
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

I am an Indian and I would walk out on that cowardly BS...
Progressives are sick and twisted

From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.

Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.






The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.






Silly progressives
I really would like all parents preview this before t went to their classrooms. We have to leave the past where it is - in the past. We as a nation have done what they could to even the playing field and propoganda such as this undermines the positive steps taken for the people of color.

This clip is an insult to any thinking citizen. Ironically, they are showing a race, where blacks excel. I have yet to see anyone put obstacles in their running lanes. Ridiculous clip. Bad move in the part of school administrators.
An educated mind that is able to be exposed to both sides of the extreme spectrum is better than censorship and lying...

And yet every time I ever post any crime by a negro (ooooops, sorry) a colored person (ooooooops sorry) a black person (ooooops sorry), an "African American, every stupid ass patronizing racist from the left attacks me for posting it.

I mean every time.

What were you saying about educated minds?

Also, I am still to this second waiting for some loser on the left to tell me what else we should be doing for THOSE PEOPLE. Considering they have it better in this country NOW than in any place on the planet at any time really in history, I am just wondering what else they need.

Also, considering how many organizations are FOR BLACK PEOPLE (oooooops sorry.) "African Americans."

Let me point that list out again.

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities
Black Organizations and Organization serving Black Communities

A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)The only domestic and most established academic talent search for minority youth.

A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fund
An organization dedicated to increasing awareness and involvement of African American politicians at local, state, and national levels of government.

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Founded to address the problem of the under representation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Native Americans in the field of engineering.

National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
Developing black leadership and influencing policy within the educational community through NASBE's roster of black teachers, administrators, policymakers, and support personnel.

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)
Composed of federal and postal employees, the National Alliance seeks to improve the working conditions of its constituents as well as to bring about constructive social change.

National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Formed as a voluntary independent association by historically black colleges and universities, this organization is driven to articulate the need for a higher education system where race, income, and previous education are not determinants of either the quantity or quality of higher education.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Organized as a coalition of black political activists and white progressives, the NAACP operates through more than 2,200 branches for the advancement of African Americans.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Originally set up as a national civil rights law firm, this group provides free legal representation to blacks in cases against discrimination in education, employment, voting, housing, health care, and administration of criminal justice.

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses, Inc.
This organization is comprised of spouses of attorneys and judges from the Unites States, the Virgin Islands, and Africa. Its role is to execute charitable and/or educational endeavors and to promote a closer union among spouses and surviving spouses of lawyers and judges on local, national, and international levels.

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
Dedicated to the collaboration between accountants and accounting students with similar interest and ideals, who are equally committed to professional and academic excellence.

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
An association heading offices for black Catholic ministries in the Roman Catholic dioceses.

National Association of Black County Officials
An association formed for black county officials to review, share, and develop responses to local and national issues affecting their constituency and county government.

National Association of Black Journalists
Representing a majority of African American journalists in the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio, and television stations and networks.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
Organized to provide a structure and forum through which African American social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs which work in cooperation, support, development, or sponsorship with community welfare projects and programs.

National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
This association provides information on the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commissions to both the general public and to its members.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
A national organization designed to examine and act upon the needs and concerns of African Americans and other minorities in the administration of equal justice in the United States.

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)
A group open to women interested in pursuing civic, education, and social-based activities, which will benefit the African American community at large.

National Association of Health Service Executives
This association sponsors and participates in local and national programs and projects designed to improve quality, access, and availability of health service administration.

National Association of Investment Companies
An association set up to aid private equity firms that invest in an ethnically diverse marketplace.

National Association of Minority Contractors
This is a full-service, not-for-profit, educational association representing thousands of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and Native American construction contractors in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.

National Association of Minority Media Executives
Founded to establish relationships among experienced officers, editors, and business managers of color in media based industries in the United States.

National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Comprised of a coalition of local groups, this organization serves as a support network for tens of thousands of African American women in both professional and business functions.

National Association of Neighborhoods
Formed to provide information, training, and technical assistance to neighborhood groups nationwide, this organization is tasked to inform constituent groups of legislation that would impact neighborhoods.

National Association of University Women
An institution geared to providing nationwide organizational structuring to coordinate the concerns and activities of locally based groups of college women towards constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, as well as human relations.

National Association of Urban Bankers (Urban Financial Services Coalition)
An organization made up of minority professionals in the banking industry, as well as other related financial fields.

National Bankers Association
The proud representative of the only trade association whose main task at hand is the representation of the interests of the nation's minority and women-owned banks.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
As the second largest black Baptist group in America, this organization represents several thousand affiliated churches with a collective membership of four-and-a-half million people. Furthermore, this convention's primary objectives entail doing missionary work in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America to promote and improve home mission, education, and evangelical work.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
Boasting the largest organization in the world, this convention was originally established on the basis of a parent institute to a number of smaller black Baptist groups and has worked to unite black groups into a singular economic force.

National Bar AssociationThis association contributes through diligent work, the constant reassurance that equal justice prevails for all Americans of any race.

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.
This professional cosmetology organization is dedicated to upgrading professional standards in the industry, all while assuring equal opportunities through fair licensing and state regulation practices.

National Black Catholic Congress
Primarily initiated to employ and exhibit the rich gifts of African American history and heritage alongside the Roman Catholic Church, in the process becoming more efficient at evangelizing non-churchgoing African Americans.

National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
A national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization formed to exert a positive influence on the National League of Cities as it develops policies and program activities that affect issues of concern to African Americans in an effort to provide an organizational structure for local black elected officials.

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
A black caucus established to function as an informational resource and network for African American state legislators.

National Black Chambers of Commerce
Forged to promote the growth of black-owned businesses and support African American members of the chambers of commerce.

National Black Child Development Institute
Standing firmly in support of the improvement of the quality of life and available opportunities for African American Children.

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
An alumni foundation set up to preserve and highlight the accomplishments and contributions of historically black colleges and universities and their alumni with the assistance from alumni, administrators, students, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit association for minorities who have received MBA's in both or either the private and public sectors.

National Black Media Coalition
Founded as an organization of communication specialists to monitor African American participation in the media industry.

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
An association tasked with recruiting for the nursing field, operates as a job bank, functions as a resource for federal agencies to gather information concerning health care, and monitors federal legislation with a special focus on minorities.

National Black Police Association, Inc.
An organization comprised of African American police members dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

National Black Programming Consortium
A consortium for African American professionals across the United States working in the television industry and seeks to develop more positive portrayals of minorities.

National Black Public Relations Society of America
A public relations committee who was formed with the fundamental purpose of promoting and expanding the opportunities available to minorities in public relations.

National Black Republican Council
A political organization urging blacks to become more active in politics as members of the Republican Party.

National Black United Fund
This fund has been founded with the purpose of the solicitation of charitable funds from African Americans so as to generously distribute the collected proceeds to deserving black organizations nationwide.

National Bowling Association, Inc.
The oldest and largest predominately black athletic association in the U.S. organized at the time when African Americans were not readily allowed in many of the nation's bowling allies.

National Brotherhood of Skiers
Primarily organized to promote both recreational and competitive skiing among minorities. This brotherhood also encourages black youth from around the country to participate in the organization's effort to identify, develop, and finance the training of future United States Ski Team members.

National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
Serves as an advocate on issues affecting the black elderly in regards to Congress and Federal agencies, as well as providing employment, housing and training opportunities for seniors.

National Coalition of 100 Black Women
A not-for-profit volunteer coalition dedicated to community service, leadership development, and the enhancement of career opportunities through networking and programming.

National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc.
A non-partisan nationwide conference providing means of service to African American mayors across the nation.

National Conference of Black Political Scientists
Formed by a group of political scientists concerned about the status of blacks in the discipline of science as well as that of the African American community in general.

National Dental Association
Designed to promote the professional development of black dentists, support comprehensive health care programs for the minority community, and establish a professional presence at legislative levels responsible for discussions on health care delivery.

National Economic Association
Created by African American economists, this association aims to promote the professional careers of blacks within the field of economics and increase the number of minority economists in America.

National Forum for Black Public Administrator
A comprehensive forum devoted completely to the advancement of black public administrative leadership in the United States.

National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Inc.
First introduced by licensed funeral directors and morticians, this funeral association seeks to maintain high professional standards for the benefit of the public and their own business communities.

National Medical Association
Promotes high standards in medical education and practice, helps eliminate racial discrimination in American medical institutions, and advances public education on health issues.

National Minority Business Council, Inc.
A well-established business council whose priorities are the assistance with the needs of minority-run businesses.

National Suppliers Development Council, Inc.
A council established to expand business opportunities for minority-owned companies, as well as encourage mutually beneficial economic links between minority suppliers and both the public and private sectors.

National Naval Officers Association
Advertises professional and career development of minority officers in the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

National Newspaper Publisher Association
This organization aids and represents the publishers of the several hundred black newspapers and magazines through the United States of America.www.nnpa.org

National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
Committed to the principles of justice as it is related to law enforcement and to ensure fairness in the pursuit of justice, as well as the elimination of racism and bias within law enforcement.

National Organization of Minority Architects
An organization made up of architects on professional, graduate, and even student levels, as well as practitioners in related design fields.

National Pan-Hellenic Council
A nationwide council tasked with the coordination of the activities of inter-collegiate Greek Letter sororities and fraternities who are active on black college campuses.

National Pharmaceutical Association
A not-for-profit organization that provides minority pharmacists with a viable means to contribute to their common improvement as well as to the public good.

National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
An independent, non-partisan political organization which encourages all African American women to participate in political processes as voters, political candidates, policymakers, fundraisers, and as political role models for aspiring youth.

National Technical Association, Inc.
This organization is comprised of professional and student chapters who are involved in the study or practice of scientific or technological work, including engineering.

National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc.
A nationally united church association that clarifies and outlines a uniform system of ushering for its members and presents scholarships to young people. This association also routinely publishes a quarterly newsletter.

National Urban League, Inc.
An interracial, not-for-profit community service organization with over 100 local affiliates and regional offices. Since 1910, the League has worked to eradicate racial discrimination and to champion political and economic equality for African Americans.

Oh, let me know if you want the whole list. That is less than one third of the organizations that exclusively serve BLACK PEOPLE. (oooooops sorry.)

You left wing pieces of ignorant shit, sure are ignorant as hell. Not to mention patronizing racists. I think it is pathetic how ALL of you have no idea that patronizing THOSE PEOPLE is racist as hell. The pathetic thing is how that is true and you think it is not true. Now, tell us all how many blacks "friends" you have.
Anyone who is ignorant and fucked up enough to accuse the dominant majority society of being "racist" immediately loses all credibility. I don't know what Right Wing looney started that one, but a lot of ignorant folks have started to parrot it. The Owl likes to make arguments using all the naughty words he knows, but it doesn't make them more powerful. Not really.
What is the matter, me pointing out the facts in regards to your pathetic perpetual insistence on perpetuating the so called racist narrative offends you? I guess you did not want to acknowledge the hundreds of organizations that cater to blacks exclusively. I know you do not want to talk about the real history of the slave trade that brought blacks here. You would never want to get into a factual discussion about that.

You would rather not acknowledge that blacks have it better now here in this country than they have ever had it at any time really in history.

Somehow that offends you. Oh and if my colorful metaphors offends you too, well that is too fucking bad.

I do not and will not respect any of you intolerable, intolerant, bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, patronizing gasbags. All of you are not part of the fucking problem. You are the fucking problem. You, specifically. So take your shit, along with all of your left wing race dividing rhetoric and shove it high, shove it deep. I sure hope I offended your hypocritical ass.
White guilt is as stupid as Black pride

Why be guilty or proud of something that you had absolutely nothing to do with?

Exactly! Which is my question to white people every time they bring up white guilt! But they revel in being offended so just give them space
I'm not into white/blck pride or guilt. Closed is. He likes these videos telling white people they should be ashamed because of things that happened long before they were born. Why bring this shit up at all then?

No one tells you you should be ashamed. The video told you about history and you feel ashamed. So you cry about it
Again, what is the point of the video? What history did it tell? That was kind of brief to tell history was it not? Oh did it mention blacks in Africa sold the slaves to the Dutch, French and English? I mean them Africans like their rum, so much so they sold captured rival tribesmen to whitey.

but again, what is the point of the video? to bring this shit up again so every generation will feel slighted?

What is the point of any video Einstein?
Dude said the video showing actual historical dates were offensive to whites. Just didnt explain why or how

I find it offensive to me, and I'm Hispanic. That good enough for you, or are you just going to rabble some more?

You just dont know why or how you're offended Cinco De RABBLE

Says who? Oh, and that "cinco de rabble" comment is really fucking racist, you twat.

Says your reluctance to reveal why or how it is Offensive pendejo.
Dude said the video showing actual historical dates were offensive to whites. Just didnt explain why or how

I find it offensive to me, and I'm Hispanic. That good enough for you, or are you just going to rabble some more?

You just dont know why or how you're offended Cinco De RABBLE

Says who? Oh, and that "cinco de rabble" comment is really fucking racist, you twat.

Says your reluctance to reveal why or how it is Offensive pendejo.

I don't have to say anything to a racist piece of shit like you. Who the fuck do you think you are coming in crying about racism, and then pulling racist shit like that? Go fuck yourself in the ass with a cactus. That's my reason.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

I am an Indian and I would walk out on that cowardly BS...
Progressives are sick and twisted

From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.

Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...

Of course you are dear.
I really would like all parents preview this before t went to their classrooms. We have to leave the past where it is - in the past. We as a nation have done what they could to even the playing field and propoganda such as this undermines the positive steps taken for the people of color.

This clip is an insult to any thinking citizen. Ironically, they are showing a race, where blacks excel. I have yet to see anyone put obstacles in their running lanes. Ridiculous clip. Bad move in the part of school administrators.
An educated mind that is able to be exposed to both sides of the extreme spectrum is better than censorship and lying...

And yet every time I ever post any crime by a negro (ooooops, sorry) a colored person (ooooooops sorry) a black person (ooooops sorry), an "African American, every stupid ass patronizing racist from the left attacks me for posting it.

I mean every time.

What were you saying about educated minds?

Also, I am still to this second waiting for some loser on the left to tell me what else we should be doing for THOSE PEOPLE. Considering they have it better in this country NOW than in any place on the planet at any time really in history, I am just wondering what else they need.

Also, considering how many organizations are FOR BLACK PEOPLE (oooooops sorry.) "African Americans."

Let me point that list out again.

Black Organizations and Organizations Serving Black Communities
Black Organizations and Organization serving Black Communities

A Better Chance, Inc. (ABC)The only domestic and most established academic talent search for minority youth.

A. Philip Randolph Institute & A. Philip Education Fund
An organization dedicated to increasing awareness and involvement of African American politicians at local, state, and national levels of government.

African American Museum Association (AAMA) An institution whose purpose is to encourage and promote the celebration of African American culture and heritage through public exhibitions.

African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME)An African Methodist Episcopal church committed to helping the needy, feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, and supplying jobs for those in need.

African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church (AMEZ)
A Methodist Episcopal Zion church established to spiritually and academically support institutions of higher education.

Africare, Inc
A private, not-for-profit organization devoted to bettering the access to food, water, health care, refuge assistance, and a greater quality of life in rural Africa.

Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society
An African American organization encouraging academic research into African American history and geology.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA)
Founded in 1908, this group has set out to improve social, economic, cultural, and health conditions throughout the United States and the world.

Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc
First started in 1906 and the oldest predominantly black Greek Letter fraternity in America, this organization's purpose is to foster academic excellence while serving the community.www.alpha-phi-alpha.com

Alpha Pi Chi National Sorority, Inc.
Originally founded in 1963, this sorority's primary focus is a strong fundraising effort to benefit many charities.

American Association for Affirmative Action (AAAA)
Created for professionals committed to the implementation of affirmative action and equal opportunity across the nation.

American Association of Black in Energy (AABE)
An African American association's most paramount of tasks is the constant reinforcement of ensuring that minority voices are taken into account in regards to the development of national energy policies.

American Bridge Association (ABA)
Formed by African American tennis players in response to being excluded from most bridge events.

American Council on Education, Office of Minorities in Higher Education
Provides aid to minority administrators in both predominantly white and historically black institutions of higher education around the world.

American Health and Beauty Aids Institute (AHBAI)
A trade association for companies of minority ownership whose manufacturing includes ethnic health and beauty products.

American League of Financial Institutions (ALFI)
Embodied by 51 African American, Hispanic, Asian American, women-owned, and/or women-managed savings and loan institutions whose goals are to promote and produce thrift and home ownership among minority groups.

Amistad Research Center
Makes accessible to the public a collection of scholarly source material on ethnic history and race relations in the United States.

Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine, Inc. (AEAONMS)
A charitable and benevolent fraternal order that sponsors programs to curb delinquency and drug use among black youth while lending support to education through scholarships.

Associated Black Charities
A not-for-profit federation of health and human services agencies whose contributions enable and assist community based organizations serving New York neighborhoods in need of most aid.

Associated for Multi-Cultural Counseling and Development
Encourages improvement on ethnic and racial empathy and understanding through the use of comprehensive programs.

Association of Black Admission and Financial Aid Officers of the Ivy League and Sister Schools (ABAFAOILSS)
A professional educational subset of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and its sister schools for minority admissions and financial aid officers.

Association of Black American Ambassadors (ABAA)
Originally created to advance public understanding of diplomacy and to provide a forum for an exchange of views between its members and various arms of government responsible for shaping foreign policy.

Association of Black Foundation Executives (ABFE)
For men and women on staffs or boards of corporate and foundation grant-making organizations.

Association of Black Psychologists
An association geared towards uniting black psychologists, both professionals and students, to encourage the psychological well-being of African Americans.

Association of Black Sociologist (ABS)
For African American sociologists with doctorates who contribute to research and publish findings on black experiences.

Association of Black Women in Higher Education (ABWHE)
An organization and association of black women, established to foster and expand the historically substantive role of African American women in higher education.

Association of Minority Enterprises of New York (AMENY)
A group for minority businesses and functions to foster economic, commercial, and industrial growth.

Audience Development Committee, Inc.
A committee whose essential purpose is the accumulation of dependable audiences for black theater and dance companies.

Black Agency Executives (BAE)
Shines a light on the growing need for African American executives in the not-for-profit human service community of New York City.

Black Awareness in Television (BAIT)
An organization that communicates and presents black ideas to the community, encourages affirmative action in the media, and facilitates communications for black groups through the means of electronic media.

Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Calls attention to the need of facilitated access to library services in African American communities.

Black Filmmakers Foundation (BFF)
A not-for-profit organization founded to develop awareness of black independent film and video as an important means of artistic movement.

National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME)
Founded to address the problem of the under representation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans, and Native Americans in the field of engineering.

National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE)
Developing black leadership and influencing policy within the educational community through NASBE's roster of black teachers, administrators, policymakers, and support personnel.

National Alliance of Postal and Federal Employees (NAPFE)
Composed of federal and postal employees, the National Alliance seeks to improve the working conditions of its constituents as well as to bring about constructive social change.

National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education
Formed as a voluntary independent association by historically black colleges and universities, this organization is driven to articulate the need for a higher education system where race, income, and previous education are not determinants of either the quantity or quality of higher education.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Organized as a coalition of black political activists and white progressives, the NAACP operates through more than 2,200 branches for the advancement of African Americans.

NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, Inc.
Originally set up as a national civil rights law firm, this group provides free legal representation to blacks in cases against discrimination in education, employment, voting, housing, health care, and administration of criminal justice.

National Association of Bench and Bar Spouses, Inc.
This organization is comprised of spouses of attorneys and judges from the Unites States, the Virgin Islands, and Africa. Its role is to execute charitable and/or educational endeavors and to promote a closer union among spouses and surviving spouses of lawyers and judges on local, national, and international levels.

National Association of Black Accountants, Inc.
Dedicated to the collaboration between accountants and accounting students with similar interest and ideals, who are equally committed to professional and academic excellence.

National Association of Black Catholic Administrators
An association heading offices for black Catholic ministries in the Roman Catholic dioceses.

National Association of Black County Officials
An association formed for black county officials to review, share, and develop responses to local and national issues affecting their constituency and county government.

National Association of Black Journalists
Representing a majority of African American journalists in the nation's major newspapers, magazines, radio, and television stations and networks.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Inc.
Organized to provide a structure and forum through which African American social workers and workers in related fields of social services can exchange ideas, offer services, and develop programs which work in cooperation, support, development, or sponsorship with community welfare projects and programs.

National Association of Black-Owned Broadcasters
This association provides information on the broadcast industry and the Federal Communications Commissions to both the general public and to its members.

National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
A national organization designed to examine and act upon the needs and concerns of African Americans and other minorities in the administration of equal justice in the United States.

National Association of Colored Women's Clubs (NACWC)
A group open to women interested in pursuing civic, education, and social-based activities, which will benefit the African American community at large.

National Association of Health Service Executives
This association sponsors and participates in local and national programs and projects designed to improve quality, access, and availability of health service administration.

National Association of Investment Companies
An association set up to aid private equity firms that invest in an ethnically diverse marketplace.

National Association of Minority Contractors
This is a full-service, not-for-profit, educational association representing thousands of African American, Hispanic, Asian Pacific, and Native American construction contractors in the U.S. and the Virgin Islands.

National Association of Minority Media Executives
Founded to establish relationships among experienced officers, editors, and business managers of color in media based industries in the United States.

National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women's Clubs
Comprised of a coalition of local groups, this organization serves as a support network for tens of thousands of African American women in both professional and business functions.

National Association of Neighborhoods
Formed to provide information, training, and technical assistance to neighborhood groups nationwide, this organization is tasked to inform constituent groups of legislation that would impact neighborhoods.

National Association of University Women
An institution geared to providing nationwide organizational structuring to coordinate the concerns and activities of locally based groups of college women towards constructive work in education, public and civic affairs, as well as human relations.

National Association of Urban Bankers (Urban Financial Services Coalition)
An organization made up of minority professionals in the banking industry, as well as other related financial fields.

National Bankers Association
The proud representative of the only trade association whose main task at hand is the representation of the interests of the nation's minority and women-owned banks.

National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
As the second largest black Baptist group in America, this organization represents several thousand affiliated churches with a collective membership of four-and-a-half million people. Furthermore, this convention's primary objectives entail doing missionary work in Africa, the Caribbean, and South America to promote and improve home mission, education, and evangelical work.

National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.
Boasting the largest organization in the world, this convention was originally established on the basis of a parent institute to a number of smaller black Baptist groups and has worked to unite black groups into a singular economic force.

National Bar AssociationThis association contributes through diligent work, the constant reassurance that equal justice prevails for all Americans of any race.

National Beauty Culturists League, Inc.
This professional cosmetology organization is dedicated to upgrading professional standards in the industry, all while assuring equal opportunities through fair licensing and state regulation practices.

National Black Catholic Congress
Primarily initiated to employ and exhibit the rich gifts of African American history and heritage alongside the Roman Catholic Church, in the process becoming more efficient at evangelizing non-churchgoing African Americans.

National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials
A national not-for-profit, non-partisan organization formed to exert a positive influence on the National League of Cities as it develops policies and program activities that affect issues of concern to African Americans in an effort to provide an organizational structure for local black elected officials.

National Black Caucus of State Legislators
A black caucus established to function as an informational resource and network for African American state legislators.

National Black Chambers of Commerce
Forged to promote the growth of black-owned businesses and support African American members of the chambers of commerce.

National Black Child Development Institute
Standing firmly in support of the improvement of the quality of life and available opportunities for African American Children.

National Black College Alumni Hall of Fame Foundation
An alumni foundation set up to preserve and highlight the accomplishments and contributions of historically black colleges and universities and their alumni with the assistance from alumni, administrators, students, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations.

National Black MBA Association, Inc.
A not-for-profit association for minorities who have received MBA's in both or either the private and public sectors.

National Black Media Coalition
Founded as an organization of communication specialists to monitor African American participation in the media industry.

National Black Nurses Association, Inc.
An association tasked with recruiting for the nursing field, operates as a job bank, functions as a resource for federal agencies to gather information concerning health care, and monitors federal legislation with a special focus on minorities.

National Black Police Association, Inc.
An organization comprised of African American police members dedicated to the promotion of justice, fairness, and effectiveness in law enforcement.

National Black Programming Consortium
A consortium for African American professionals across the United States working in the television industry and seeks to develop more positive portrayals of minorities.

National Black Public Relations Society of America
A public relations committee who was formed with the fundamental purpose of promoting and expanding the opportunities available to minorities in public relations.

National Black Republican Council
A political organization urging blacks to become more active in politics as members of the Republican Party.

National Black United Fund
This fund has been founded with the purpose of the solicitation of charitable funds from African Americans so as to generously distribute the collected proceeds to deserving black organizations nationwide.

National Bowling Association, Inc.
The oldest and largest predominately black athletic association in the U.S. organized at the time when African Americans were not readily allowed in many of the nation's bowling allies.

National Brotherhood of Skiers
Primarily organized to promote both recreational and competitive skiing among minorities. This brotherhood also encourages black youth from around the country to participate in the organization's effort to identify, develop, and finance the training of future United States Ski Team members.

National Caucus and Center on Black Aged, Inc.
Serves as an advocate on issues affecting the black elderly in regards to Congress and Federal agencies, as well as providing employment, housing and training opportunities for seniors.

National Coalition of 100 Black Women
A not-for-profit volunteer coalition dedicated to community service, leadership development, and the enhancement of career opportunities through networking and programming.

National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc.
A non-partisan nationwide conference providing means of service to African American mayors across the nation.

National Conference of Black Political Scientists
Formed by a group of political scientists concerned about the status of blacks in the discipline of science as well as that of the African American community in general.

National Dental Association
Designed to promote the professional development of black dentists, support comprehensive health care programs for the minority community, and establish a professional presence at legislative levels responsible for discussions on health care delivery.

National Economic Association
Created by African American economists, this association aims to promote the professional careers of blacks within the field of economics and increase the number of minority economists in America.

National Forum for Black Public Administrator
A comprehensive forum devoted completely to the advancement of black public administrative leadership in the United States.

National Funeral Directors and Morticians Association, Inc.
First introduced by licensed funeral directors and morticians, this funeral association seeks to maintain high professional standards for the benefit of the public and their own business communities.

National Medical Association
Promotes high standards in medical education and practice, helps eliminate racial discrimination in American medical institutions, and advances public education on health issues.

National Minority Business Council, Inc.
A well-established business council whose priorities are the assistance with the needs of minority-run businesses.

National Suppliers Development Council, Inc.
A council established to expand business opportunities for minority-owned companies, as well as encourage mutually beneficial economic links between minority suppliers and both the public and private sectors.

National Naval Officers Association
Advertises professional and career development of minority officers in the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

National Newspaper Publisher Association
This organization aids and represents the publishers of the several hundred black newspapers and magazines through the United States of America.www.nnpa.org

National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
Committed to the principles of justice as it is related to law enforcement and to ensure fairness in the pursuit of justice, as well as the elimination of racism and bias within law enforcement.

National Organization of Minority Architects
An organization made up of architects on professional, graduate, and even student levels, as well as practitioners in related design fields.

National Pan-Hellenic Council
A nationwide council tasked with the coordination of the activities of inter-collegiate Greek Letter sororities and fraternities who are active on black college campuses.

National Pharmaceutical Association
A not-for-profit organization that provides minority pharmacists with a viable means to contribute to their common improvement as well as to the public good.

National Congress of Black Women, Inc.
An independent, non-partisan political organization which encourages all African American women to participate in political processes as voters, political candidates, policymakers, fundraisers, and as political role models for aspiring youth.

National Technical Association, Inc.
This organization is comprised of professional and student chapters who are involved in the study or practice of scientific or technological work, including engineering.

National United Church Ushers Association of America, Inc.
A nationally united church association that clarifies and outlines a uniform system of ushering for its members and presents scholarships to young people. This association also routinely publishes a quarterly newsletter.

National Urban League, Inc.
An interracial, not-for-profit community service organization with over 100 local affiliates and regional offices. Since 1910, the League has worked to eradicate racial discrimination and to champion political and economic equality for African Americans.

Oh, let me know if you want the whole list. That is less than one third of the organizations that exclusively serve BLACK PEOPLE. (oooooops sorry.)

You left wing pieces of ignorant shit, sure are ignorant as hell. Not to mention patronizing racists. I think it is pathetic how ALL of you have no idea that patronizing THOSE PEOPLE is racist as hell. The pathetic thing is how that is true and you think it is not true. Now, tell us all how many blacks "friends" you have.
Anyone who is ignorant and fucked up enough to accuse the dominant majority society of being "racist" immediately loses all credibility. I don't know what Right Wing looney started that one, but a lot of ignorant folks have started to parrot it. The Owl likes to make arguments using all the naughty words he knows, but it doesn't make them more powerful. Not really.
What is the matter, me pointing out the facts in regards to your pathetic perpetual insistence on perpetuating the so called racist narrative offends you? I guess you did not want to acknowledge the hundreds of organizations that cater to blacks exclusively. I know you do not want to talk about the real history of the slave trade that brought blacks here. You would never want to get into a factual discussion about that.

You would rather not acknowledge that blacks have it better now here in this country than they have ever had it at any time really in history.

Somehow that offends you. Oh and if my colorful metaphors offends you too, well that is too fucking bad.

I do not and will not respect any of you intolerable, intolerant, bloviated, hypocritical, double talking, patronizing gasbags. All of you are not part of the fucking problem. You are the fucking problem. You, specifically. So take your shit, along with all of your left wing race dividing rhetoric and shove it high, shove it deep. I sure hope I offended your hypocritical ass.
The longer the explanation the deeper the bullshit.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

I am an Indian and I would walk out on that cowardly BS...
Progressives are sick and twisted

From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.

Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...

Of course you are dear.

Keep on keep'n on, believe what you want.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

Accompanying article: Officials at Glen Allen High School in Henrico, Virginia said in a statement that the video, “The Unequal Opportunity Race,” was a presentation involving “American history and racial discourse.”
They added, “A segment of the video was one component of a thoughtful discussion in which all viewpoints were encouraged. As always, we are welcoming of feedback from students and their families, and we address concerns directly as they come forward.”


What is it with these educators? Are they doing this horrific stuff in order to become famous? Like a mass murderer?

They surely must know they are part of the problem and not the solution?

A visual respresentation of the effects of racism is akin to mass murder? Horrific? YOU are part of the problem.

I should have figured the only ones who might respond are those who are incapable of comprehending the message.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

I am an Indian and I would walk out on that cowardly BS...
Progressives are sick and twisted

From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.

Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...

Of course you are dear.

Keep on keep'n on, believe what you want.
The point is I don't believe.

The biggest bunch of self-loathing leftist bullshit that I have seen in quite some time. It doesn't surprise me that Henrico county would stoop this low.

13% of our population commits nearly 70% of all our crime and nearly 80% of all violent crime. Blacks kill over 93% of other blacks. Cops kill less than 1% of blacks and this is often while being attacked and threatened while arresting. It's astonishing the number is not higher. Cops kill more whites than blacks. Blacks breeze into competitive programs and jobs simply because of the color of their skin (look at Med School, Law School, Business School (and now all STEM programs) statistics regarding applying/acceptance based in grades). If your REALLY informed, you don't have "white guilt".

The left will not stop folks. They simply will not stop. BTW, just in case you needed another reason to despise left wingers more today than you did yesterday.

Accompanying article: Officials at Glen Allen High School in Henrico, Virginia said in a statement that the video, “The Unequal Opportunity Race,” was a presentation involving “American history and racial discourse.”
They added, “A segment of the video was one component of a thoughtful discussion in which all viewpoints were encouraged. As always, we are welcoming of feedback from students and their families, and we address concerns directly as they come forward.”


What is it with these educators? Are they doing this horrific stuff in order to become famous? Like a mass murderer?

They surely must know they are part of the problem and not the solution?

A visual respresentation of the effects of racism is akin to mass murder? Horrific? YOU are part of the problem.

I should have figured the only ones who might respond are those who are incapable of comprehending the message.

What message would that be?
This should be amusing.
I am an Indian and I would walk out on that cowardly BS...
Progressives are sick and twisted
From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.
Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...
Of course you are dear.
Keep on keep'n on, believe what you want.
The point is I don't believe.
Us injans don't need your beliefs... Or help.
From India?
Bet you're a wanna be native American , 98% English,1% eastern European, 1% wishful thinking.
Sorry, 100% Oglala Sioux... Nice try
"Native American" is a politically correct neutered term made up by candy assed progressives...
Of course you are dear.
Keep on keep'n on, believe what you want.
The point is I don't believe.
Us injans don't need your beliefs... Or help.
That us would include myself and family my dad is cheetwood Cherokee
Mom is Irish.
You are the only "Indian" l've ever met who supported racism and was a crapservative.
So my disbelief is understandable.
'White Guilt', next to 'White Privilege', is one of the biggest racial scams of our current day.

'White Guilt'? I have none nor should I.

I don't own slaves.
I have never owned a slave.
My father never owned a slave.
My father's father and his father never owned a slave.

I feel no guilt for being born into a middle class family, for going to a modest school, for having to get a job early on to help my family and get whatever I wanted.

I have no guilt over working hard, for earning a chance to go to college, for working multiple jobs to pay / while paying my way through school.

When times were tight I did not join a gang, did not turn to crime, and/or did not expect anyone to give me anything - I worked my ass off for it.

I lived out in the country growing up - the nearest houses were a mile away. I found a church not to far away once, and the kids there let me practice softball with them. When they had their 1st game I was not allowed to play because the other team would not play the game if I was on the team / played. The pastor of the church whose team I practiced with informed me because I was the only white person there (2 black-member churches) - Yeah, THAT's how I learned about 'Racism'.

This nation was split but in the 60s Civil Rights were passed...and shortly thereafter African Americans fell victim to LBJ's plan to control the blacks and minimalize their newly-won/earned power:
- LBJ said, "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement...We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I will have these NI@@ERS voting Democrats for the next 200 years."

That's what the blacks did - they SOLD their newly earned freedom/power to Democrats for 'free stuff'. They bought into the brainwashing BS about how they were 'victims', how they were 'owed' all this free stuff, and over time Democrats / politicians helped them to become addicted and DEPENDENT on govt handouts, not become more INDEPENDENT, self-sufficient, and more successful. They haven't figured out that Liberals don't want successful blacks / people because independent, successful people don't need the government and do not equal 'job security' for politicians.

Personal Accountability. Choice. African Americans have the same choices and decisions to make as I do. Work hard or sit on my ass with my hand out? Turn to crime or cinch up my boots and work harder? Become slaves to the government, blame everyone else, or take some personal responsibility....

After 50+ years of selling their loyalty to the Democrats and being no better off, in some cases worse, and still keep doing the same things? I have no guilt and very little sympathy...for anyone who does that, no matter what color they are.
'White Guilt', next to 'White Privilege', is one of the biggest racial scams of our current day.

'White Guilt'? I have none nor should I.

I don't own slaves.
I have never owned a slave.
My father never owned a slave.
My father's father and his father never owned a slave.

I feel no guilt for being born into a middle class family, for going to a modest school, for having to get a job early on to help my family and get whatever I wanted.

I have no guilt over working hard, for earning a chance to go to college, for working multiple jobs to pay / while paying my way through school.

When times were tight I did not join a gang, did not turn to crime, and/or did not expect anyone to give me anything - I worked my ass off for it.

I lived out in the country growing up - the nearest houses were a mile away. I found a church not to far away once, and the kids there let me practice softball with them. When they had their 1st game I was not allowed to play because the other team would not play the game if I was on the team / played. The pastor of the church whose team I practiced with informed me because I was the only white person there (2 black-member churches) - Yeah, THAT's how I learned about 'Racism'.

This nation was split but in the 60s Civil Rights were passed...and shortly thereafter African Americans fell victim to LBJ's plan to control the blacks and minimalize their newly-won/earned power:
- LBJ said, "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power behind their movement...We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I will have these NI@@ERS voting Democrats for the next 200 years."

That's what the blacks did - they SOLD their newly earned freedom/power to Democrats for 'free stuff'. They bought into the brainwashing BS about how they were 'victims', how they were 'owed' all this free stuff, and over time Democrats / politicians helped them to become addicted and DEPENDENT on govt handouts, not become more INDEPENDENT, self-sufficient, and more successful. They haven't figured out that Liberals don't want successful blacks / people because independent, successful people don't need the government and do not equal 'job security' for politicians.

Personal Accountability. Choice. African Americans have the same choices and decisions to make as I do. Work hard or sit on my ass with my hand out? Turn to crime or cinch up my boots and work harder? Become slaves to the government, blame everyone else, or take some personal responsibility....

After 50+ years of selling their loyalty to the Democrats and being no better off, in some cases worse, and still keep doing the same things? I have no guilt and very little sympathy...for anyone who does that, no matter what color they are.
Thanks for you rant however I choose not to side with the party of genteel racists.
Democrats will get my vote.

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