White high school student who has worn Nazi jacket punched by black classmate in viral video

Now you’re simply lying. There are plenty of folks with whom I don’t agree nor like and do not promote violence against.

It’s a pity so many fight with the imaginary voices they hear in their heads; and not what people actually say.
But you do promote violence against some people, right? Funny how you try to avoid the issue.
Now you’re simply lying. There are plenty of folks with whom I don’t agree nor like and do not promote violence against.

It’s a pity so many fight with the imaginary voices they hear in their heads; and not what people actually say.
But you do promote violence against some people, right? Funny how you try to avoid the issue.
Against Nazi’s, yes. What do your delusions tell you I’m avoiding?
It’s a bit funny that some of the same people who think it’s okay to murder unarmed black people, think it’s wrong to punch a kid in the face for wearing a nazi jacket.
Now you’re simply lying. There are plenty of folks with whom I don’t agree nor like and do not promote violence against.

It’s a pity so many fight with the imaginary voices they hear in their heads; and not what people actually say.
But you do promote violence against some people, right? Funny how you try to avoid the issue.
Against Nazi’s, yes. What do your delusions tell you I’m avoiding?
Nazis aren't illegal. Suppose someone took offense to that horrendous outfit you wore.

I guess you agree your beatdown is deserved.
Against Nazi’s, yes. What do your delusions tell you I’m avoiding?
A satisfactory accounting for your post (#8) where you approve of assaulting someone purely on your suspicion that he is somehow a Nazi and not due to any violence on his part.
You've danced around your post for so long I'm sure you aren't going to justify your remark. You can't justify it unless you admit you are okay with your Brown Shirt sensibilities.
You really are what you claim to hate.
Against Nazi’s, yes. What do your delusions tell you I’m avoiding?
A satisfactory accounting for your post (#8) where you approve of assaulting someone purely on your suspicion that he is somehow a Nazi and not due to any violence on his part.
You've danced around your post for so long I'm sure you aren't going to justify your remark. You can't justify it unless you admit you are okay with your Brown Shirt sensibilities.
You really are what you claim to hate.
According to the article, he is a known nazi on campus. And I’ve stated repeatedly that Nazism is violent and deserves to be treated with violence, IMO. There’s no room for Nazism. We are a free country but with virtually all rights, there are limitations.

When it comes to Nazism...

Never again.
You white supremacists think you can spew hate without facing the consequences.

I never spread hate myself, but the liberals going around punching people because they are a Trump supporter to me, just isn't what America is about.
So people wearing Nazi crap are Trump supporters?

No, Dave.

I'm pointing out that Liberals see Trump supporters as Nazis.

Well that would make you a fucking idiot.

So are you backing off of the Liberal Assertion that Trump is the New HItler?

If Trump were the Neo-Hitler, that would make his supporters de facto neo-nazis, no?
Trump is employing some of the sane tactics Hitlers used.

Noe Nazis love Trump.

Can you be any dumber?? :lmao:

Generalize much? I represent neither BLM nor leftists.
don't try to double talk to me
you said if the kid was a nazi, it's ok to pummel him
...so, by your reasoning, we should be able to PUMMEL anybody we don't like/we think are nazis/etc
YOU are the nazi for believing/thinking like a nazi
I never said I supported the violence.

I guess if you & your wife were out & someone got in your face & called your wife a whore, you would do nothing???

White Supremacists get in the face of blacks, it is the same kind of insult.
please don't go off the edge of the world to try to argue
FAUN said it's ok to beat people for wearing a nazi jacket/etc
I would not get into any argument/situation like that--I'm not immature any more
this is NOTHING like that
Now you're lying about what I said. I didn't say it's ok to beat people of for wearing a Nazi jacket. I said I'm ok with beating up Nazis. The Nazi in the video wasn't even wearing any Nazi paraphernalia when he got punched.
so--since you don't understand simple ideas:
...again--by your reasoning, it would be ok to beat the crap out of BLM, since they are nazis--as proven per my links
BLM is not a neo nazi organization.
Blacks are savages

The black savages were taught by the white savages.
Black Americans learned to savage each other.

Black Americans were savaged by whites long b4 we started on each other, but we have had bootlicking, Uncle Tom's for hundreds of years.
And now you've perfected the art of self-destruction. Bring in more illegals.

Google is your friend.
Google is not my friend and I don't give them my business. Regardless a pose is not anymore a reason to
attack someone as an article of clothing is.
All the young fascists and true anti civil libertarians have given themselves permission to attack other people
as they've become what it is they claim to oppose.
"Google is not my friend and I don't give them my business. Regardless a pose is not anymore a reason to"

That's your issue, not mine. Regardless, if you had a brain, you'd figure out that "Google" has become a common noun synonymous with Internet searching. You don't have to actually use Google to educate yourself.

And yes, there is some truth to those of us supporting violence to meet violence is becoming those we oppose. It's fighting fire with fire to prevent history from repeating itself.

Except there is no danger of nazis taking over. That is just a little game your thugs use to justify your violence to you willing dupes.
They have the support of Trump & many other Republican leaders.
Against Nazi’s, yes. What do your delusions tell you I’m avoiding?
A satisfactory accounting for your post (#8) where you approve of assaulting someone purely on your suspicion that he is somehow a Nazi and not due to any violence on his part.
You've danced around your post for so long I'm sure you aren't going to justify your remark. You can't justify it unless you admit you are okay with your Brown Shirt sensibilities.
You really are what you claim to hate.
According to the article, he is a known nazi on campus. And I’ve stated repeatedly that Nazism is violent and deserves to be treated with violence, IMO. There’s no room for Nazism. We are a free country but with virtually all rights, there are limitations.

When it comes to Nazism...

Never again.
Karl Marx was a Jew and was responsible for millions more deaths than the nazis. Let's beatdown all the non-practicing Jews.
don't try to double talk to me
you said if the kid was a nazi, it's ok to pummel him
...so, by your reasoning, we should be able to PUMMEL anybody we don't like/we think are nazis/etc
YOU are the nazi for believing/thinking like a nazi
I never said I supported the violence.

I guess if you & your wife were out & someone got in your face & called your wife a whore, you would do nothing???

White Supremacists get in the face of blacks, it is the same kind of insult.
please don't go off the edge of the world to try to argue
FAUN said it's ok to beat people for wearing a nazi jacket/etc
I would not get into any argument/situation like that--I'm not immature any more
this is NOTHING like that
Now you're lying about what I said. I didn't say it's ok to beat people of for wearing a Nazi jacket. I said I'm ok with beating up Nazis. The Nazi in the video wasn't even wearing any Nazi paraphernalia when he got punched.
so--since you don't understand simple ideas:
...again--by your reasoning, it would be ok to beat the crap out of BLM, since they are nazis--as proven per my links
BLM is not a neo nazi organization.
please read the previous posts:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

BLM DISRUPT Trump meeting:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
BLM DISRUPT Bernie Sanders meeting:
Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Bernie Sanders rally
they are just LIKE the nazis

AND the DUMBASSES protest FOR dangerous jackass criminals = STUPID
no wonder the blacks:
graduate at lower levels
commit crime at higher levels
you must be stupid also
Google is your friend.
Google is not my friend and I don't give them my business. Regardless a pose is not anymore a reason to
attack someone as an article of clothing is.
All the young fascists and true anti civil libertarians have given themselves permission to attack other people
as they've become what it is they claim to oppose.
"Google is not my friend and I don't give them my business. Regardless a pose is not anymore a reason to"

That's your issue, not mine. Regardless, if you had a brain, you'd figure out that "Google" has become a common noun synonymous with Internet searching. You don't have to actually use Google to educate yourself.

And yes, there is some truth to those of us supporting violence to meet violence is becoming those we oppose. It's fighting fire with fire to prevent history from repeating itself.

Except there is no danger of nazis taking over. That is just a little game your thugs use to justify your violence to you willing dupes.
They have the support of Trump & many other Republican leaders.
more dumbass shit
please prove that
Blacks are savages

The black savages were taught by the white savages.
Black Americans learned to savage each other.

Black Americans were savaged by whites long b4 we started on each other, but we have had bootlicking, Uncle Tom's for hundreds of years.
And now you've perfected the art of self-destruction. Bring in more illegals.


The self destructions is when black folks turn on each other and what illegals are we bringing in.
Blacks are savages

The black savages were taught by the white savages.
Black Americans learned to savage each other.

Black Americans were savaged by whites long b4 we started on each other, but we have had bootlicking, Uncle Tom's for hundreds of years.
And now you've perfected the art of self-destruction. Bring in more illegals.


The self destructions is when black folks turn on each other and what illegals are we bringing in.
That's what I said.

Don't forget abortion.

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