White high school student who has worn Nazi jacket punched by black classmate in viral video

According to the article, he is a known nazi on campus. And I’ve stated repeatedly that Nazism is violent and deserves to be treated with violence, IMO. There’s no room for Nazism. We are a free country but with virtually all rights, there are limitations.

When it comes to Nazism...

Never again.
And Communists are known to be violent so does this mean I have the right to assault someone without any provocation at all other than someone's political ideology?
Communists are violent...their legacy of murder and expunging entire populations are well known and easily outstrip the Nazis. By your rotten reasoning I have every right to pound some Antifa punk's face into the dust based on nothing more than my knowledge he is Antifa. That is your fascist rationalization and you'd better hope karma doesn't beat the shit out of you for it.

I'm through dealing with you and your willful fascism. I know where you come from now and everything you post will be colored by the knowledge of your sociopathic mindset.
don't try to double talk to me
you said if the kid was a nazi, it's ok to pummel him
...so, by your reasoning, we should be able to PUMMEL anybody we don't like/we think are nazis/etc
YOU are the nazi for believing/thinking like a nazi
I never said I supported the violence.

I guess if you & your wife were out & someone got in your face & called your wife a whore, you would do nothing???

White Supremacists get in the face of blacks, it is the same kind of insult.
please don't go off the edge of the world to try to argue
FAUN said it's ok to beat people for wearing a nazi jacket/etc
I would not get into any argument/situation like that--I'm not immature any more
this is NOTHING like that
Now you're lying about what I said. I didn't say it's ok to beat people of for wearing a Nazi jacket. I said I'm ok with beating up Nazis. The Nazi in the video wasn't even wearing any Nazi paraphernalia when he got punched.
so--since you don't understand simple ideas:
...again--by your reasoning, it would be ok to beat the crap out of BLM, since they are nazis--as proven per my links
BLM is not a neo nazi organization.

BLM is an ultraliberal organization, endorsed by the Communist Party USA
I never spread hate myself, but the liberals going around punching people because they are a Trump supporter to me, just isn't what America is about.
So people wearing Nazi crap are Trump supporters?

No, Dave.

I'm pointing out that Liberals see Trump supporters as Nazis.

Well that would make you a fucking idiot.

So are you backing off of the Liberal Assertion that Trump is the New HItler?

If Trump were the Neo-Hitler, that would make his supporters de facto neo-nazis, no?
Trump is employing some of the sane tactics Hitlers used.

Noe Nazis love Trump.

In actuality, liberals say that President Trump is a Hitler, which makes all of his voters and supporters "Nazis" by definition, no?
In actuality, liberals say that President Trump is a Hitler, which makes all of his voters and supporters "Nazis" by definition, no?
The left is on to us! They figured out we've been gassing Mexicans!

That's not the way I read it.

Liberal Scientists predicted 50 Million climate refugees by 2010.

No one knows where these 50 million are, libs feel that Trump got rid of them.
That's not the way I read it.

Liberal Scientists predicted 50 Million climate refugees by 2010.

No one knows where these 50 million are, libs feel that Trump got rid of them.
Well, Trump being Hitler, I'm sure they'll be fertilizer ash soon enough.
In actuality, liberals say that President Trump is a Hitler, which makes all of his voters and supporters "Nazis" by definition, no?
The left is on to us! They figured out we've been gassing Mexicans!

That's not the way I read it.

Liberal Scientists predicted 50 Million climate refugees by 2010.

No one knows where these 50 million are, libs feel that Trump got rid of them.

It is widely accepted that there are 25 million & have been since the mid 90's..
I never said I supported the violence.

I guess if you & your wife were out & someone got in your face & called your wife a whore, you would do nothing???

White Supremacists get in the face of blacks, it is the same kind of insult.
please don't go off the edge of the world to try to argue
FAUN said it's ok to beat people for wearing a nazi jacket/etc
I would not get into any argument/situation like that--I'm not immature any more
this is NOTHING like that
Now you're lying about what I said. I didn't say it's ok to beat people of for wearing a Nazi jacket. I said I'm ok with beating up Nazis. The Nazi in the video wasn't even wearing any Nazi paraphernalia when he got punched.
so--since you don't understand simple ideas:
...again--by your reasoning, it would be ok to beat the crap out of BLM, since they are nazis--as proven per my links
BLM is not a neo nazi organization.
please read the previous posts:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

BLM DISRUPT Trump meeting:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
BLM DISRUPT Bernie Sanders meeting:
Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Bernie Sanders rally
they are just LIKE the nazis

AND the DUMBASSES protest FOR dangerous jackass criminals = STUPID
no wonder the blacks:
graduate at lower levels
commit crime at higher levels
you must be stupid also

YOu must be a racist fuck. BLM did the same as other groups fighting for a cause.
I didn't see a Nazi arm band in that aledged photo of the video. That boy sucks dressing up like a Nazi. Maybe this was a race crime committed by the black boy against a white boy.
please don't go off the edge of the world to try to argue
FAUN said it's ok to beat people for wearing a nazi jacket/etc
I would not get into any argument/situation like that--I'm not immature any more
this is NOTHING like that
Now you're lying about what I said. I didn't say it's ok to beat people of for wearing a Nazi jacket. I said I'm ok with beating up Nazis. The Nazi in the video wasn't even wearing any Nazi paraphernalia when he got punched.
so--since you don't understand simple ideas:
...again--by your reasoning, it would be ok to beat the crap out of BLM, since they are nazis--as proven per my links
BLM is not a neo nazi organization.
please read the previous posts:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponents
Sturmabteilung (SA)

BLM DISRUPT Trump meeting:
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics
BLM DISRUPT Bernie Sanders meeting:
Black Lives Matter protesters disrupt Bernie Sanders rally
they are just LIKE the nazis

AND the DUMBASSES protest FOR dangerous jackass criminals = STUPID
no wonder the blacks:
graduate at lower levels
commit crime at higher levels
you must be stupid also

YOu must be a racist fuck. BLM did the same as other groups fighting for a cause.
it's right there
they are just like nazis
they fight for LIES/myths/crap
I've proven many times there is NOT a problem of police shooting blacks
I didn't see a Nazi arm band in that aledged photo of the video. That boy sucks dressing up like a Nazi. Maybe this was a race crime committed by the black boy against a white boy.
Maybe the black kid's great grandfather fought the Nazis and was defending his legacy.....after all, we were the side AGAINST the Nazis.....
I didn't see a Nazi arm band in that aledged photo of the video. That boy sucks dressing up like a Nazi. Maybe this was a race crime committed by the black boy against a white boy.
Maybe the black kid's great grandfather fought the Nazis and was defending his legacy.....after all, we were the side AGAINST the Nazis.....
then why does BLM do what the nazis did as I've shown in my previous links?
I didn’t say a T-pose was violent. I said it’s racist and provocative.
Right, so your jibber jabber about meeting violence with violence is just a lot of b.s.
Someone got assaulted merely for his body language and you support that. That's no better than the Nazis you claim to
I didn’t say a specific violent action would be met with s specific act of violence. Nazism is an abhorrence and violent. It is now being met with violence. That attack in that school is not the only attack on Nazi’s nor will it be the last. Nazism will not be tolerated anywhere in the world and will always face adversity.

The fact that you could not say the same about communism shows that you are lying.

What is your real reason? It must be a dozy.

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