White House Acknowledges They Broke The Law In Release Of Gitmo Terrorists, But Claim

Show the Bush administration shouting from the roof tops that the WMDs had been found.
Remember, leave no man behind ... unless the right tells you to leave them behind, which they will do whenever it's politically convenient.

Remember, leave no opportunity for the enemy to make a fool out of you.
It's like Rightwinger is president and RDean his secretary of state.
The CIA trained the Mujaheddin. If you want to blame anyone for making America look like fools, blame the CIA for creating the modern jihad.
His father admires Niebuhr, hardly a Muslim. Still more questions than answers.
Remember, leave no man behind ... unless the right tells you to leave them behind, which they will do whenever it's politically convenient.

Project much? Or are you just brainwashed and have lost all function of reason? *I* say ALL THREE:eusa_hand:
steph, no body broke the law.

Stephanie Snow, you know nothing.

The White House also known as Cheeeeeeeeecago on the Potomac admits they broke the law.

Oh and did you catch who they released? Just really swell terrorists and mass murderers.
steph, no body broke the law.

Stephanie Snow, you know nothing.

The White House also known as Cheeeeeeeeecago on the Potomac admits they broke the law.

Oh and did you catch who they released? Just really swell terrorists and mass murderers.
Starkey is practicing Sphincter Talking...kinda like a Horsewhisperer...but practiced out of the lower regions of the body.
steph, no body broke the law.

Stephanie Snow, you know nothing.

The White House also known as Cheeeeeeeeecago on the Potomac admits they broke the law.

Oh and did you catch who they released? Just really swell terrorists and mass murderers.
Starkey is practicing Sphincter Talking...kinda like a Horsewhisperer...but practiced out of the lower regions of the body.

Real Americans do not tolerate assholes from the far whatever side who are politicizing the return of this American.

The great majority will vote against candidates who speak out against this return.

Real Americans do not support assholes like T and the rest of the know nothings. :lol:
The White House also known as Cheeeeeeeeecago on the Potomac admits they broke the law.

Oh and did you catch who they released? Just really swell terrorists and mass murderers.
Starkey is practicing Sphincter Talking...kinda like a Horsewhisperer...but practiced out of the lower regions of the body.

Real Americans do not tolerate assholes from the far whatever side who are politicizing the return of this American.

The great majority will vote against candidates who speak out against this return.

Real Americans do not support assholes like T and the rest of the know nothings. :lol:

Even when they find out that this man was a deserter and ashamed to be an American? And when they find out who Obama traded off for this man?
I'm amazed at the left defending this.

I shouldn't be, but I am.

Is there anything Obama could do that they wouldn't defend?
Obama has released a mass murderer of Shiites. That's just one dude. He killed thousands. I knew and I've posted repeatedly of the involvement of Qatar and the Taliban with this White House's blessing returning Afghanistan to the Taliban but I did not think they would be so brazen as to pull this off. It has nothing to do with the good will of the WH and a deserter. They really are about to work with the Taliban on a grand scale. AGAIN.
And the dude released was a deserter. Oh this is special.

And his father is a radicalized American muslim who praises allah.

Oh this is special.

How many times does obama have to commit a crime before we just admit he's a criminal and treat him like one?
And the dude released was a deserter. Oh this is special.

And his father is a radicalized American muslim who praises allah.

Oh this is special.

How many times does obama have to commit a crime before we just admit he's a criminal and treat him like one?

His father reads Nieburh, hardly a Muslim prophet; Bowe Bergdahl fought to escape in 2011. Neither may be in good mental shape though.

Check out this released Gitmo dude. We're not talking just a wayward youth who thought he'd get 72 virgins. No no no. Obama let out the big guns. Real bastards. Mass murderers. Special.

Human Rights Watch says Mohammad Fazl could be prosecuted for war crimes for presiding over the mass killing of Shiite Muslims in Afghanistan in 2000 and 2001 as the Taliban sought to consolidate their control over the country.

The 47-year-old served as deputy defense minister under the Taliban regime and is probably the most significant of the five released detainees. He was briefly chief of staff of the Taliban army during the US invasion in 2001.

He was also involved in a revolt against U.S. captors after handing himself in, which led to the deaths of hundreds of prisoners.

According to his U.S. government file, Fazl 'would likely rejoin the Taliban' and resume 'hostilities against US and Coalition forces in Afghanistan' if released.

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Nothing like negotiating with terrorists! Nothing like breaking the law! Obama and his crew have consistently demonstrated that they are above the law but since we're fleeing from Afghanistan it really won't make any difference if these Taliban commanders are released to their goats. This is probably a fancy move that is supposed to make us believe that Obama cares about vets.
And the dude released was a deserter. Oh this is special.

And his father is a radicalized American muslim who praises allah.

Oh this is special.

How many times does obama have to commit a crime before we just admit he's a criminal and treat him like one?

His father reads Nieburh, hardly a Muslim prophet; Bowe Bergdahl fought to escape in 2011. Neither may be in good mental shape though.

He deserted his unit.
Nothing like negotiating with terrorists! Nothing like breaking the law! Obama and his crew have consistently demonstrated that they are above the law but since we're fleeing from Afghanistan it really won't make any difference if these Taliban commanders are released to their goats. This is probably a fancy move that is supposed to make us believe that Obama cares about vets.

You know when I found out Obama had authorized meetings with the Taliban in Qatar and had actually assisted in the creation of the Taliban embassy there I just knew shit was going to go down and that he was going to work on handing Afghanistan back to the Taliban.

I've never been a conspiracy theorist but when something this blatant just walks up to you and smacks you on the side of the head and goes see your intuition was freaking bang on you have to tell yourself.....shit I was right. I'm not nuts after all. :lol:
I'm amazed at the left defending this.

I shouldn't be, but I am.

Is there anything Obama could do that they wouldn't defend?

Not yet apparently.

Say, is US Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi still being held hostage in Mexico? Just wondering. (Is there a font or color for sarcasm?)
I'm amazed at the left defending this.

I shouldn't be, but I am.

Is there anything Obama could do that they wouldn't defend?

I am surprised, but not amazed, right wing hardliners demanded his release in 2012, (freedomoutpost, among others), and now condemn his release.

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