White House Aide: GOP 'Crazies' Will Prevent Any Collaboration

The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.
Geez... you're really having a hard time adjusting to being the rejected minority... aren't you?

But in the meantime... your melt down is really entertaining.
After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.

Bullshit, total bullshit. The tea party is all about following the constitution--------------you know, that document that obama violates almost every day.

How does Obama violate the Constitution almost every day? And, if so, why aren't any charges ever brought against him? Obama knows and understands the Constitution - whereas, all you have is diarrhea of the mouth about things you don't know jack shit about.
He has violated Article 2 Section 1on a daily basis since he took office.
After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
Ted "Adolf" Cruz will lead the Nazi Tea Party anarchists for the next two years. The founding fathers must be crying in their graves.
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.
After listening to Obama's press conference today it seems he is the one who has decided he will just continue on as he has the last five plus years. He really seems to have convinced himself that this is still 2008-2009 and he is still as popular loved now as he was then.
He'll ruin the democrat party for decades. Unless some democrat(s) actually find the guts to confront him and tell him to back the fuck off. Just go golfing and don't fuck anything else up for the next two years.
I really hope the Republicans understand that they will have to reach across the aisle and work the Democrats and that they can't take this my way or no way view because they now control Congress. My other hope is the Democrats will elect House and Senate minority leaders who will have the strength to confront Obama with the fact the political landscape has changed and he can't just carry on as he has.
Well gee, if an unnamed cowardly Obama lackey says so. I guess it must be so. Seriously Obamabots, is this the best you got? Come on man!
And btw, this historic Republican route is not a mandate to work with this President. It's a mandate to kick this President and his Party's ass. Him and Reid have behaved like arrogant assholes for years. They've openly boasted about not working with Republicans.

So there is absolutely no reason for Republicans to work with this asshole President. They were elected to kick his ass. Period, end of story.
Tea Party crazies will try to nullify the fact that President Obama is the president.

Just as they have been doing all along - AND as they have done to members of their own party.

Hell, Boehner has been a total cipher. Same with McConnell. They're leaders in name only.
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.
And btw, this historic Republican route is not a mandate to work with this President. It's a mandate to kick this President and his Party's ass. Him and Reid have behaved like arrogant assholes for years. They've openly boasted about not working with Republicans.

So there is absolutely no reason for Republicans to work with this asshole President. They were elected to kick his ass. Period, end of story.

Well, actually, they were elected to govern.

But, that's also what they have consistently refused to do.
Ted "Adolf" Cruz will lead the Nazi Tea Party anarchists for the next two years. The founding fathers must be crying in their graves.
................ :lol:

MAAAAAAAN... this meltdown is going to be one for the books... :lol:
And btw, this historic Republican route is not a mandate to work with this President. It's a mandate to kick this President and his Party's ass. Him and Reid have behaved like arrogant assholes for years. They've openly boasted about not working with Republicans.

So there is absolutely no reason for Republicans to work with this asshole President. They were elected to kick his ass. Period, end of story.

Well, actually, they were elected to govern.

But, that's also what they have consistently refused to do.

and what were obama, biden, reid, and pelosi elected to do? Is sitting on 300 house-passed bills governing?

The republicans were given control in order to stop obama and his destructive polcies, not to help him implement them.
And btw, this historic Republican route is not a mandate to work with this President. It's a mandate to kick this President and his Party's ass. Him and Reid have behaved like arrogant assholes for years. They've openly boasted about not working with Republicans.

So there is absolutely no reason for Republicans to work with this asshole President. They were elected to kick his ass. Period, end of story.

Well, actually, they were elected to govern.

But, that's also what they have consistently refused to do.

To hell with him and Reid. Arrogant pieces of shit. These historical Republican victories are not a mandate to work with this asshole President.
The Tea Party is the absolute worst disease to ever infect American politics. Intelligent people can come together to fight Ebola, bubonic plague and other dangerous diseases - but not the Nazi Tea Party.

yeah, the constitution, low taxes, individual freedom, individual responsibility, job growth, restrained government, and states rights are all terrible ideas---------what we need is a dictatorial monarchy with king obozo and queen mooschelle.

you have to be one of the all time dumbest posters on this message board.
We cannot have low taxes yet.

American have to pay for their errors sooner or later.

Sooner is better and less painful in the long run.

balance the budget, cut federal spending 30% across the board. Stop deficit spending, start paying back the principal.

You can't just cut indiscriminately. That would do more harm than good and its basically how we got where we are now.

How about if we made congress accountable?

(Yes, I know that's impossible. They have done too good a job of insulating themselves from the real world of consequences.)


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