White House calls for increased grid spending


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
White House calls for increased grid spending

NEW YORK (AP) — The cost of weather-related power outages is high and rising as storms grow more severe and the U.S. electric grid gets older, according to an Obama Administration report that calls for increased spending on the nation's electric power system.

Power outages cost the economy $18 billion to $33 billion per year, according to the report, a figure that has been rising steadily over the past 20 years. That can rise to $40 billion to $75 billion in years with severe storms such as 2008's Hurricane Ike and last year's Superstorm Sandy.

White House calls for increased grid spending - Businessweek

I agree. Let's build some nuclear power plants to go with that wind, solar and wave ;) Obama has the right idea on this...
Why are we paying these sky high electric bills if the power companies, which is why they always claim they need the increase in rates, to upkeep and improve the power grid?
White House calls for increased grid spending

NEW YORK (AP) — The cost of weather-related power outages is high and rising as storms grow more severe and the U.S. electric grid gets older, according to an Obama Administration report that calls for increased spending on the nation's electric power system.

Power outages cost the economy $18 billion to $33 billion per year, according to the report, a figure that has been rising steadily over the past 20 years. That can rise to $40 billion to $75 billion in years with severe storms such as 2008's Hurricane Ike and last year's Superstorm Sandy.
White House calls for increased grid spending - Businessweek

I agree. Let's build some nuclear power plants to go with that wind, solar and wave ;) Obama has the right idea on this...

Better idea, get the government out of the electric grid completely.
Why are we paying these sky high electric bills

You aren't.

Electricity in the US is about the cheapest in the developed world, which is part of the problem. Americans need to pay market prices for electricity, but instead everyone seems to think you should have government handouts instead.
Why are we paying these sky high electric bills

You aren't.

Electricity in the US is about the cheapest in the developed world, which is part of the problem. Americans need to pay market prices for electricity, but instead everyone seems to think you should have government handouts instead.

Screw you. We aren't a collectivist shithole yet. The longer we can avoid that the better.
Saigon reminds me of another poster from my past.

A foreign National, who claims to be an author and Journalist and really just hates Americans, especially Conservative Americans.

He has a slightly less aggrieved tone when in the company of Americans who are Radical Lefties, Socialists, and even straight out Communists.
Saigon reminds me of another poster from my past.

A foreign National, who claims to be an author and Journalist and really just hates Americans, especially Conservative Americans.

He has a slightly less aggrieved tone when in the company of Americans who are Radical Lefties, Socialists, and even straight out Communists.

Saggy is just simply a douchebag. A LYING DOUCHEBAG.
So does this mean that deficit won't be as small as progressives keep pretending it will be? Keeping the near trillion in stimulus the FED is doing off the books already of course... and giving Obama credit for money spent to make the economy look better, just not count it as money spent.
Why are we paying these sky high electric bills

You aren't.

Electricity in the US is about the cheapest in the developed world, which is part of the problem. Americans need to pay market prices for electricity, but instead everyone seems to think you should have government handouts instead.

We do pay the market rate for electric power because we haven't yet fallen for the "green energy" scam. The market keeps prices low. Government is what causes prices to increase.
BriPat -

We do pay the market rate for electric power because we haven't yet fallen for the "green energy" scam. The market keeps prices low. Government is what causes prices to increase.

Certainly fracking has allowed the US to maintain very low prices, but that can't and won't last.

One report recently suggested the US has another 2-3 years of cheap fracking gas left - after which your prices could face massive hikes, one after another.

Fracking is a double-edged sword for the US. Yes, you have cheaper energy than we do this year and next year, but 10 years from now you may well be paying more, because so many countries in Europe have built a 21st century network, and the US hasn't done much at all.

Shroom -

I have no idea what you are talking about, but then neither do you. My pointing out that US electricity is under-priced is neither communist, nor anti-American.
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Why are we paying these sky high electric bills

You aren't.

Electricity in the US is about the cheapest in the developed world, which is part of the problem. Americans need to pay market prices for electricity, but instead everyone seems to think you should have government handouts instead.

Pay double for all I care and when is your nation going to start paying the USA to protect your petro intrest in the Persian gulf? I so hate these free loading Socialist countries.
BriPat -

We do pay the market rate for electric power because we haven't yet fallen for the "green energy" scam. The market keeps prices low. Government is what causes prices to increase.

Certainly fracking has allowed the US to maintain very low prices, but that can't and won't last.

One report recently suggested the US has another 2-3 years of cheap fracking gas left - after which your prices could face massive hikes, one after another.

Fracking is a double-edged sword for the US. Yes, you have cheaper energy than we do this year and next year, but 10 years from now you may well be paying more, because so many countries in Europe have built a 21st century network, and the US hasn't done much at all.

Shroom -

I have no idea what you are talking about, but then neither do you. My pointing out that US electricity is under-priced is neither communist, nor anti-American.

2 or 3 years? Do you know how big the USA is? btw back in the 70's they said the world would run out of oil by know.
Bear -

Yes, the US is big and has a lot of gas that can be fracked - but not all of it can be fracked at the same price. Much of it is harder to access, and it still needs to be transported.

The big X factor is the potential for catastrophic disasters. There has already been a hundred minor incidents...expect a major accident to happen as soon as companies start working on more difficult extractions. That means higher extraction costs and massive clean-up and insurance costs.
BriPat -

We do pay the market rate for electric power because we haven't yet fallen for the "green energy" scam. The market keeps prices low. Government is what causes prices to increase.

Certainly fracking has allowed the US to maintain very low prices, but that can't and won't last.

One report recently suggested the US has another 2-3 years of cheap fracking gas left - after which your prices could face massive hikes, one after another.

That's only true if Obama's war against cheap coal fired power plants succeeds. The eco-nutbuger campaign against nuclear power would also have to succeed. None of this depends on economics. It depends on politics. Furthermore, all the reports I've seen report cheap natural gas from fracking for the next 100 years.

Fracking is a double-edged sword for the US. Yes, you have cheaper energy than we do this year and next year, but 10 years from now you may well be paying more, because so many countries in Europe have built a 21st century network, and the US hasn't done much at all.

there's no economic reason why the U.S. would pay more than anyone else. There's no great learning curve involved in putting up a windmill. There is absolutely nothing to be gained by subsidizing "green energy."

Shroom -

I have no idea what you are talking about, but then neither do you. My pointing out that US electricity is under-priced is neither communist, nor anti-American.

Sure it's anti-American. It's also bullshit.
Bear -

Yes, the US is big and has a lot of gas that can be fracked - but not all of it can be fracked at the same price. Much of it is harder to access, and it still needs to be transported.

The big X factor is the potential for catastrophic disasters. There has already been a hundred minor incidents...expect a major accident to happen as soon as companies start working on more difficult extractions. That means higher extraction costs and massive clean-up and insurance costs.

You're always hoping for the worst, aren't you, Siagon?
Pay double for all I care and when is your nation going to start paying the USA to protect your petro intrest in the Persian gulf? I so hate these free loading Socialist countries.

Firstly, Finland is CONSERVATIVE, genius.

Secondly, our oil comes from Russia, not via the gulf.

Thirdly, Finland beat the USSR on the battlefield - why didn't the US do their bit?
Pay double for all I care and when is your nation going to start paying the USA to protect your petro intrest in the Persian gulf? I so hate these free loading Socialist countries.

Firstly, Finland is CONSERVATIVE, genius.

Secondly, our oil comes from Russia, not via the gulf.

Thirdly, Finland beat the USSR on the battlefield - why didn't the US do their bit?

I don't where you got that idea, while the Finnish did REMARKABLY well during the early stages of the Winter War against vastly numerically superior Soviet Forces they lost that war (ceding territory to the Soviets), and while they did make territorial gains during The Continuation they ended up losing their too and not only giving up their territorial gains but also having to pay reparations to the Soviets at the conclusion of WW II.

No doubt the Finnish Army was exceptionally valiant against a Soviet Army that was in disarray following the purge of much of it's professional officer corps but let's not engage in historical revisionism.
White House calls for increased grid spending

NEW YORK (AP) — The cost of weather-related power outages is high and rising as storms grow more severe and the U.S. electric grid gets older, according to an Obama Administration report that calls for increased spending on the nation's electric power system.

Power outages cost the economy $18 billion to $33 billion per year, according to the report, a figure that has been rising steadily over the past 20 years. That can rise to $40 billion to $75 billion in years with severe storms such as 2008's Hurricane Ike and last year's Superstorm Sandy.

White House calls for increased grid spending - Businessweek

I agree. Let's build some nuclear power plants to go with that wind, solar and wave ;) Obama has the right idea on this...

We don't need to build any nuke plants.

The new mini nukes can be installed in existing power plants.

First "Small Modular" Nuclear Reactors Planned for Tennessee

I saw an article in National Geographic about these a couple years ago

The Big Idea - Small Town Nukes - National Geographic Magazine

Couple the modular safe nature of these small nukes with the fact that over 98% of waste can be recycled and nuclear power looks better every minute

There Is No Such Thing as Nuclear Waste - WSJ.com
Night Fox -

Finland actually fought two wars against the Soviet Union - the Winter War and the Continuation War.

At the end of the Winter War Finland had pushed the Soviets back almost to Leningrad. Much of those gains were then lost in the Continuation War.

But the major loss of land for Finland occured after WWII, when the western world rewarded Stalin by allowing him to seize and keep a massive chunk of Finnish land, known as the "ladies right arm" for its shape.

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